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View Full Version : The Expendables leads the friday box office

15-Aug-2010, 12:38 AM
It seems The Expendables is going to take the weekend box-office crown, but by how much and with how much? On Friday the Sylvester Stallone actioner tallied an estimated $13.5 million at the box-office, but I have to assume it will be sliding on Saturday and Sunday. Yet, this means it will still be making over $30 million and I'd say likely in the $33 million range. As for its competition? Well, it blew it away...

15-Aug-2010, 01:07 AM
Wait for Sunday. Saturday is still too early to call it. I imagine Scott Pilgrim won't be too far behind..

15-Aug-2010, 01:34 AM
I imagine Scott Pilgrim won't be too far behind..

4th place and only 4.5 million.......

15-Aug-2010, 02:09 AM
4th place and only 4.5 million.......

Once again....Sa-tur-day.

Im interested in both films, but rating them this way is silly...

15-Aug-2010, 02:15 AM
Once again....Sa-tur-day.

Im interested in both films, but rating them this way is silly...

by my estimate, scott pilgrim is gonna have to have a 1,000% gain to beat the expendables.

15-Aug-2010, 02:45 AM
Once again....Sa-tur-day.

Im interested in both films, but rating them this way is silly...

I thought you weren't a Cera fan?

15-Aug-2010, 02:47 AM
Regardless of your estimate......wtf is the point???

Money means jack shit when it comes to the quality of a film. Twilight makes billions and it hardly has a plot...

15-Aug-2010, 03:38 AM
I don't give a shit about the money; I still want to see this movie. Even if it didn't draw a dime.

15-Aug-2010, 06:42 AM
I don't give a shit about the money; I still want to see this movie. Even if it didn't draw a dime.


15-Aug-2010, 09:21 AM
Regardless of your estimate......wtf is the point???

Money means jack shit when it comes to the quality of a film. Twilight makes billions and it hardly has a plot...

Avatar is the perfect embodiment of your statement.

15-Aug-2010, 01:53 PM
I predict a noticeable drop-off in returns for The Expendables in the next week or so. Many of the reviews suggest that it's run-of-the-mill.

I'm surprised Scott Pilgrim didn't do better. They ran the trailers for it every 47 seconds on TV. I didn't realize how hot Mary Winstead's eyes are.


15-Aug-2010, 04:02 PM
LOS ANGELES - Sylvester Stallone has proven that he's not quite expendable yet at the box office.

Stallone and his pumped-up pals lifted the 1980s-style action romp "The Expendables" to a No. 1 debut with $35 million. The movie features such action stars as Jet Li and Jason Statham — along with cameos from Bruce Willis and Arnold Schwarzenegger — in a tale of mercenaries aiming to overthrow a dictator.

While the macho "Expendables" lured male audiences, Julia Roberts delivered a crowd-pleaser for women with "Eat Pray Love," which opened at No. 2 with $23.7 million. Adapted from Elizabeth Gilbert's best-selling memoir, the movie stars Roberts as a woman traveling the world in search of enlightenment after her divorce.

15-Aug-2010, 04:20 PM
I predict a noticeable drop-off in returns for The Expendables in the next week or so. Many of the reviews suggest that it's run-of-the-mill.

I'm surprised Scott Pilgrim didn't do better. They ran the trailers for it every 47 seconds on TV. I didn't realize how hot Mary Winstead's eyes are.


almost every major city in the us did a free early showing and the worldwide marketing was over-saturation bordering on a farce.
Hell, ive been a fan from book one six years ago and im an admin on the official forum, even im sick of hearing about it and i've yet to see it.

15-Aug-2010, 05:24 PM


Almost unbelievable how badly Scott Pilgrim bombed.

15-Aug-2010, 05:52 PM


Almost unbelievable how badly Scott Pilgrim bombed.

its proof people put too much stock in cera against a big movie like the expendables. one weekend later and he'd be at #1

15-Aug-2010, 10:23 PM
I've never even heard of this pilgrim movie you guys are talking about.

It can't have been that hyped, or I'd at least have seen an ad on tv or something.

16-Aug-2010, 12:45 AM
I've never even heard of this pilgrim movie you guys are talking about.

It can't have been that hyped, or I'd at least have seen an ad on tv or something.

Based off a comic book or some other BS... the premise is completely fucking retarded and I smelled bomb when I heard about a few months ago.

Universal wasted $60,000,000 and Edgar Wright, who directed it wasted his time when he could have been doing a sequel to Shaun of the Dead which would have laughed all the way to the bank.

It doesn't matter if Cera or the pope played the lead... The market is a niche audience, and they just spent way too much making it.

16-Aug-2010, 01:16 AM
I don't fucking care how much the Expendables made at the box office, anybody have a chance to see it? Any good word? I assume it will likely be fun, as long as you don't expect much.

16-Aug-2010, 01:36 AM
I assume it will likely be fun, as long as you don't expect much.

That one phrase has gotten Aces more ass than Captain Kirk.

16-Aug-2010, 02:52 AM
That one phrase has gotten Aces more ass than Captain Kirk.

It was a great time, my twenties.

22-Aug-2010, 07:27 AM
Dear dear dear... Saw this yesterday! Embarrassingly bad at times! Mediocre generally... Good rarely...

Really not very impressed! 6/10...

22-Aug-2010, 06:40 PM
Dear dear dear... Saw this yesterday! Embarrassingly bad at times! Mediocre generally... Good rarely...

Really not very impressed! 6/10...
I'm confused as to why The Expendables has been getting so many duff reviews ... although some reviews have loved it ... it was the same thing with Rambo (which I really enjoyed).

Just saw The Expendables today, and I absolutely loved it. Proper old school 80s action - big muscly dudes trading barbs and bullets with a straight forward plot that's there to service the real reason for the movie - - - the action. The action was bad ass and the climax of the movie is a non-stop blast-em-up with all sorts of crazy action moments and cool-as-all-get-out moments (e.g. Sly reloading that pistol with looking in a split second three times in a row).

I think some reviewers that have dumped on this movie have totally forgotten that it's supposed to be a throw back to the 1980s style of action movie - albeit with modern techniques and modern amounts of actions.

Look back to flicks like Cobra and Red Heat and Commando - they're bad ass movies, and that's the kind of flick The Expendables is supposed to be ... and more than that, it's also a sort of hall-of-fame parade for action cinema legends. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Hopefully there'll be an unrated/18 rated version on disc (here in the UK it was a 15, and it felt like it was toned down a smidge for a 15 rating ... even though it was properly brutal at times).

22-Aug-2010, 09:34 PM
I'm confused as to why The Expendables has been getting so many duff reviews ... although some reviews have loved it ... it was the same thing with Rambo (which I really enjoyed).

Just saw The Expendables today, and I absolutely loved it. Proper old school 80s action - big muscly dudes trading barbs and bullets with a straight forward plot that's there to service the real reason for the movie - - - the action. The action was bad ass and the climax of the movie is a non-stop blast-em-up with all sorts of crazy action moments and cool-as-all-get-out moments (e.g. Sly reloading that pistol with looking in a split second three times in a row).

I think some reviewers that have dumped on this movie have totally forgotten that it's supposed to be a throw back to the 1980s style of action movie - albeit with modern techniques and modern amounts of actions.

Look back to flicks like Cobra and Red Heat and Commando - they're bad ass movies, and that's the kind of flick The Expendables is supposed to be ... and more than that, it's also a sort of hall-of-fame parade for action cinema legends. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Hopefully there'll be an unrated/18 rated version on disc (here in the UK it was a 15, and it felt like it was toned down a smidge for a 15 rating ... even though it was properly brutal at times).


im glad im not the only one that loved this film.

23-Aug-2010, 07:23 AM
Caught The Expendables last night and thought it was pretty bad, save for the final battle, a couple of fight scenes, Charisma Carpenter and the Spanish chick, mmmmm.

I love, love, love my 80's action films as much as anyone here, but The Expenables doesn't hold a candle to them. The Losers from a while back satiated my appetite for action a lot better.


23-Aug-2010, 08:38 AM
I'm confused as to why The Expendables has been getting so many duff reviews ... although some reviews have loved it ... it was the same thing with Rambo (which I really enjoyed).

Just saw The Expendables today, and I absolutely loved it. Proper old school 80s action - big muscly dudes trading barbs and bullets with a straight forward plot that's there to service the real reason for the movie - - - the action. The action was bad ass and the climax of the movie is a non-stop blast-em-up with all sorts of crazy action moments and cool-as-all-get-out moments (e.g. Sly reloading that pistol with looking in a split second three times in a row).

I think some reviewers that have dumped on this movie have totally forgotten that it's supposed to be a throw back to the 1980s style of action movie - albeit with modern techniques and modern amounts of actions.

Look back to flicks like Cobra and Red Heat and Commando - they're bad ass movies, and that's the kind of flick The Expendables is supposed to be ... and more than that, it's also a sort of hall-of-fame parade for action cinema legends. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Hopefully there'll be an unrated/18 rated version on disc (here in the UK it was a 15, and it felt like it was toned down a smidge for a 15 rating ... even though it was properly brutal at times).

Don't get me wrong... I can see where it was going... I just felt it never really got there :)

The plot worked at times, but IMHO, just failed too often.

I'd like to see a sequel, where more effort is put into the story/script...

23-Aug-2010, 09:59 AM

im glad im not the only one that loved this film.
Glad I've got some company on here then. :)

It was like with Rambo. That was an amazing action flick, and yet it got myriad duff reviews ... and well, some of the duff reviews for The Expendables noted that the reviewer though Rambo was also duff, so it's not surprising that they ended up not liking this flick.

I thought it was properly kick arse 80s action. Bad ass dudes riding bad ass bikes holding bad ass guns (that shotgun was immense - the stand out moment of the film for me, just like with the .50 cal massacre in Rambo) and doing bad ass stuff. Awesome sauce.

Interesting that Terry Crews was a late replacement, they had a lot of trouble filling the role. Snipes couldn't leave the country, Forrest Whitaker (!!!) couldn't do it because of scheduling conflicts, same for someone else I think, and then they got Terry Crews - who I think was ideal for the role. I had no idea he used to be in American Football, I've only known him on TV or in films.

23-Aug-2010, 01:04 PM
It was like with Rambo. That was an amazing action flick, and yet it got myriad duff reviews ...

Rambo may have been a decent action flick, but as a sequel to First Blood it IS duff. Rambo is more in tune with the two sequels that came before(the first of which was already called Rambo:confused:). All the sequels have ruined the character established in the vastly superior First Blood. John Rambo has turned into some larger than life invincible war hero rather than the down on his luck, tortured, and forgotten soldier.

Any of the films with "Rambo" in the title can fuck off. Whats with the title ideas, anyway? How do you go from Rambo:First Blood part 2(most people just call it Rambo), to Rambo III, and back to Rambo again? Now THAT is "duff".

23-Aug-2010, 02:50 PM
I thought the newest Rambo was known as John Rambo? Anyway, the newest Rambo is a great action movie, thoroughly enjoyed it. But you are right about how they pretty much raped his characterisation; he's not the same person in First Blood as he became in the sequels.

23-Aug-2010, 02:56 PM
you are right about how they pretty much raped his characterisation; he's not the same person in First Blood as he became in the sequels.

But is that raping of the characterization or progression? I've never really cared enough about the sequels to pay attention to the characterization so is it uneven progression that makes no sense or just the character growing and ending up in a different place emotionally than where he started (which one would hope might happen after a few decades and a couple movies)?

A question for people who know the sequels better than I.

23-Aug-2010, 03:07 PM
The sequels basically drop the complex character from First Blood. Within the first few minutes of "Rambo:First Blood Part 2" I was rolling my eyes at the fact that the government got him out of jail to go on a bullshit rescue mission. The only thing left of the character is that he doesn't agree with the guy in charge. Other than that, over night he was turned into an over-the-top invincible super soldier. Totally pissing on First Blood. They tried to give him a love interest(who was smoking hot, btw) to progress his character, but instead it ended up being hoaky and forced. It's hard to believe that James Cameron had a hand in the second film.:dead:

31-Aug-2010, 01:07 AM
Well I saw it yesterday afternoon and thought it was pretty good. It was a brief, action packed film, full of okay action and hints of decent characterization. I really liked the scripting, screen time and action choreography Statham got.

I would have actually liked a tad--tiny, tiny bit--of well done character building script pieces to round out the more minor memberw of the team, some drama and loss (maybe kill off or really lead the viewer to believe multiple members were dead for a part of the finale) and...one of my biggest gripes, a little more medum and distant shots were needed in the fight and kill scenes.

All in all, not bad, but missed the mark on being really good fun for me by lacking in a few areas.

31-Aug-2010, 03:56 AM
they did make u think it had a bad ending first. they made u think one of em died. and then...........ok no more. dont wanan ruin it

01-Sep-2010, 12:23 AM
Um... you feelin' all right, ace? You're typing like a ten-year-old...

01-Sep-2010, 02:16 AM
Um... you feelin' all right, ace? You're typing like a ten-year-old...

sorry,man. it was a late night. u get what i was saying right

01-Sep-2010, 11:13 PM
Okay, yeah I get you. I'll give this one a look. It's got Jet Li in it, so naturally I have to see it.
Man, Black Mask was off the wall. Fearless rocked as well. And there's the time-travel one...

06-Sep-2010, 01:43 AM
updated gross.......



06-Sep-2010, 10:10 AM
Man, caught this yesterday at the cinema. 80's over the top cheesy action has returned big time. Sly, 60+ and still rocking it out. Him and Statham make a good team they should do more work together.

So many great scenes... one big melted pot of premium Velveeta on the big screen.... I think Stathams Basketball court brawl and the introduction to Terry Crew's 12 gauge were just totally awesome.

---------- Post added at 06:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 AM ----------

updated gross.......



That is World Wide, but still a great haul... however, it hasn't made a profit yet. thing cost $150 million to produce with Marketing.

06-Sep-2010, 11:52 AM
Man, caught this yesterday at the cinema. 80's over the top cheesy action has returned big time. Sly, 60+ and still rocking it out. Him and Statham make a good team they should do more work together.

So many great scenes... one big melted pot of premium Velveeta on the big screen.... I think Stathams Basketball court brawl and the introduction to Terry Crew's 12 gauge were just totally awesome.

---------- Post added at 06:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:10 AM ----------

That is World Wide, but still a great haul... however, it hasn't made a profit yet. thing cost $150 million to produce with Marketing.

$182,159,000-150,000,000=profit surely?

06-Sep-2010, 12:44 PM
My thoughts on The Expendables here:


06-Sep-2010, 04:10 PM
$182,159,000-150,000,000=profit surely?
