View Full Version : I've found out the truth about the ending of day

15-Aug-2010, 01:22 AM
As Sarah goes to open the helicopter doors, several zombie hands reach out from the interior and grab her. She suddenly awakens, finding herself lying on a beach next to the helicopter, with John and Bill fishing in the surf nearby. Realizing it was just another bad dream, she pulls out a homemade calendar and marks off another day.

according to wikipedia :stunned::stunned:

15-Aug-2010, 01:30 AM
And this only took you 25 years?




15-Aug-2010, 01:31 AM
And this only took you 25 years?




some of us arent 45.........im only 28 and saw day for the first time about 6 years ago

15-Aug-2010, 02:12 AM
Welcome to Day of the Dead, I guess?:confused:

If you're having to learn this through wikipedia, you're not rreally paying attention to the film...

15-Aug-2010, 02:16 AM
Welcome to Day of the Dead, I guess?:confused:

If you're learning this through wikipedia, you're way behind...

sorry dude, im a fan but it doesnt run my life. i got bills to pay. movies and all the info i learn can be had later.

15-Aug-2010, 02:20 AM
i got bills to pay .

What what what?!?!?

You pay bills?!? Tell me how that shit works. I mean...you gotta be the only person that does that...

Then when you're done, pay attention to the movies you watch.

15-Aug-2010, 02:29 AM
What what what?!?!?

You pay bills?!? Tell me how that shit works. I mean...you gotta be the only person that does that...

Then when you're done, pay attention to the movies you watch.

well u act like im supposed to know every little thing about movies. i dont.

15-Aug-2010, 02:40 AM
some of us arent 45.........im only 28 and saw day for the first time about 6 years ago

sorry dude, im a fan but it doesnt run my life. i got bills to pay. movies and all the info i learn can be had later.

well u act like im supposed to know every little thing about movies. i dont.

:lol::lol::lol:WTF?!?!?! Dude, it's IN the fucking movie!

15-Aug-2010, 02:44 AM
well u act like im supposed to know every little thing about movies. i dont.

No, no...that's where you're wrong. It's not about knowing every detial, but paying attention.

I'm sorry if I came off rude. It's jsut that this is usually regarded as fact..

15-Aug-2010, 03:04 AM
No, no...that's where you're wrong. It's not about knowing every detial, but paying attention.

I'm sorry if I came off rude. It's jsut that this is usually regarded as fact..

no ur good,man. its just since i joined here all i've heard is "it wasnt a dream" period. so without romero officially saying anything,its hard to know

15-Aug-2010, 03:08 AM
no ur good,man. its just since i joined here all i've heard is "it wasnt a dream" period. so without romero officially saying anything,its hard to know

You know I'm surprised the ending of 'Day' hasn't been talked about more here. I'm sure you can interperate the endings in several ways.

15-Aug-2010, 03:15 AM
You know I'm surprised the ending of 'Day' hasn't been talked about more here. I'm sure you can interperate the endings in several ways.

This topic has been covered.

Almost as much as dawn04 vs Land. :lol:

15-Aug-2010, 06:46 AM
isn't this in the movie? i've never looked it up on line and its been a while since i watched day but i remember this ,sort of, was it actually shot or have i just picked it up on here?

15-Aug-2010, 12:51 PM
isn't this in the movie? i've never looked it up on line and its been a while since i watched day but i remember this ,sort of, was it actually shot or have i just picked it up on here?

I believe this WAS actually, the shot ending that is on all versions. I too didn't know it was up for a lot of discussion, I took it as is.

15-Aug-2010, 05:05 PM
So what's the debate? Has it been questioned whether the whole damned movie was just a dream?

15-Aug-2010, 05:16 PM
So what's the debate? Has it been questioned whether the whole damned movie was just a dream?

oh god, please dont get people started dude.

15-Aug-2010, 05:25 PM
Oh, I'll get them started. I will SO get them started.

Apparently I wasn't around for that debate. Was the dream before or after Land? lol

15-Aug-2010, 05:40 PM
I can't believe nobody remembers the endless debates on this dream thing....

15-Aug-2010, 05:41 PM
Glad to see I wasn't the only one that somehow missed this debate. Here we go, Hells. :elol:

I don't think the whole movie was a dream. Sarah was having a nightmare about what they went through. A "what if" anxiety dream, I suppose, since it ended with zombies in the helicopter.

You know it wasn't all a dream because, why else would she be on the beach with John and Bill AND the helicopter AND machine guns?

15-Aug-2010, 05:48 PM
Here is my take:

The helicopter takes off safely and ends up on a non-descript island off the coast of Florida. Sarah is plagued by nightmares, naturally. On this occasion, her nightmare involves them actually not making it and getting overtaken at the last second. I think the final sequence happens as shown, except for the zombies overtaking the helicopter part.

15-Aug-2010, 06:13 PM
Don't get the confusion...

Either the final scene where they're attacked DID happen, but they survived and got to the island. Or (most likely) just that final attack was a nightmare - ie: They got to the helicopter and got away, but she had a nightmare that they failed...

Two choice, neither a biggy...

15-Aug-2010, 06:45 PM
Should put the 'Sarah wakes up from nightmare' beach scene at end of LotD, and maybe the other two new ones.

15-Aug-2010, 06:51 PM
I personally feel that it was all a dream and here are my arguments.

1) In the movie, Sarah is shown to be a scientist, and is conducting research on the undead. At the VERY END of the film, when she is laying down on the beach, there are no test tubs, or any science around her at all. This proves that she wasn't really a scientist, and just dreamed that she was. She was more than likely dreaming of doing science because she has issues accepting her life outside of the dream. She more than likely works a dead end job, and sells her body out to anyone in order to pay for her addiction to Russian dolls.

2) Never, ever EVER once do we EVER EVER see John give any inclination that he enjoys fishing. Surely, the subject would have come up at some point in all the time that they spent in the silo. Where did they get the fishing rod anyways???? It isn't like they would keep FISHING FREAKIN RODS in an underground military silo! To me, this says that John was never a helicopter pilot, but was dreamed as such by Sarah. It is more than likely that John is simply a fisherman, with a penchant for turtleneck sweaters, and really, really, really wishes that he could pilot a helicopter. He may have mentioned this to Sarah several times (while he was calling in his debts with her), and thus, she dreamed that he was a brave, heroic helicopter pilot, instead of a weedy, sex starved fisherman.

3)Why would they fly to an Island? Last time I checked, Florida wasn't ANYWHERE close to the oceans at all, and I am fairly sure that there are no such thing as "Islands" in a "lake". The entire idea is preposterous, so here is my explanation. John and McDermont had been "helping" Sarah with her "Russian doll addiction", via simultaneous injections of "money" into her "bank account", when they all decided to go to the beach, and conduct the "transactions" there. After many hours and many transactions later, Sarah passes out, and has the dream that is Day of the Dead. In it, her own fears of the future are extrapolated, and given a different form. The world crumbles around her, underneath a tide of living dead, that voraciously hunt down and murder the living. The Living Dead, in this case, offer a solution to her worries and fears. If there is no future, then what is their to be afraid of, other than the zombies? Since she only has 2 real companions, she dreams that they are both heroic, if flawed individuals, instead of the nasty, sex crazed monsters that they really are. While there may be no future, traveling and surviving with people like that is just as bleak and depressing as having to worry about an undecided future.

In conclusion, I believe that Day of the Dead was simply a dream that Sarah had conceived in her mind, as a way to escape her troubles. She turns the only two people that she knows (John and McD) into heroic figures, she dreams that she is a scientist, and could play an important part in the possible cure, and destruction of the zombie epidemic, thus securing a "future" for herself, that is far better than the one she may be forced to live in real life.

15-Aug-2010, 07:11 PM

Rancid Carcass
15-Aug-2010, 07:12 PM
Actually, Sarah was dreaming about the events in DAWN, likewise when Fran wakes up at the start of DAWN she's just been dreaming about the events in DAY. And when Peter wakes Steven up (when he's flying the helecopter on the way to the mall), he was dreaming about being Miguel dreaming about Sarah having a dream about Miguel being a Zombie but in reality it was all just a dream and when he woke up he was actually Dorothy and he was back in Kansas and Munchkin Land wasn't even real... :shifty:

There's no place like the monkey farm...

There's no place like the monkey farm...

There's no place like the monkey farm...


15-Aug-2010, 07:13 PM
3)Why would they fly to an Island? Last time I checked, Florida wasn't ANYWHERE close to the oceans at all, and I am fairly sure that there are no such thing as "Islands" in a "lake".

wait what? :lol:

florida is off the gulf coast and the atlantic ocean.

islands by it include the keys

and im in ohio,theres about 40 island between toledo's shore and monroe, michigan

15-Aug-2010, 07:36 PM
wait what? :lol:

florida is off the gulf coast and the atlantic ocean.

islands by it include the keys

Dude....You didn't pick up on the sarcasm? A blind man could see it in mo's post.....

15-Aug-2010, 07:50 PM
Dude....You didn't pick up on the sarcasm? A blind man could see it in mo's post.....

but he's canadian :lol::lol:

just fuckin with ya,mo. :p

15-Aug-2010, 08:10 PM
I personally feel that it was all a dream and here are my arguments.

1) In the movie, Sarah is shown to be a scientist, and is conducting research on the undead. At the VERY END of the film, when she is laying down on the beach, there are no test tubs, or any science around her at all. This proves that she wasn't really a scientist, and just dreamed that she was. She was more than likely dreaming of doing science because she has issues accepting her life outside of the dream. She more than likely works a dead end job, and sells her body out to anyone in order to pay for her addiction to Russian dolls.

2) Never, ever EVER once do we EVER EVER see John give any inclination that he enjoys fishing. Surely, the subject would have come up at some point in all the time that they spent in the silo. Where did they get the fishing rod anyways???? It isn't like they would keep FISHING FREAKIN RODS in an underground military silo! To me, this says that John was never a helicopter pilot, but was dreamed as such by Sarah. It is more than likely that John is simply a fisherman, with a penchant for turtleneck sweaters, and really, really, really wishes that he could pilot a helicopter. He may have mentioned this to Sarah several times (while he was calling in his debts with her), and thus, she dreamed that he was a brave, heroic helicopter pilot, instead of a weedy, sex starved fisherman.

3)Why would they fly to an Island? Last time I checked, Florida wasn't ANYWHERE close to the oceans at all, and I am fairly sure that there are no such thing as "Islands" in a "lake". The entire idea is preposterous, so here is my explanation. John and McDermont had been "helping" Sarah with her "Russian doll addiction", via simultaneous injections of "money" into her "bank account", when they all decided to go to the beach, and conduct the "transactions" there. After many hours and many transactions later, Sarah passes out, and has the dream that is Day of the Dead. In it, her own fears of the future are extrapolated, and given a different form. The world crumbles around her, underneath a tide of living dead, that voraciously hunt down and murder the living. The Living Dead, in this case, offer a solution to her worries and fears. If there is no future, then what is their to be afraid of, other than the zombies? Since she only has 2 real companions, she dreams that they are both heroic, if flawed individuals, instead of the nasty, sex crazed monsters that they really are. While there may be no future, traveling and surviving with people like that is just as bleak and depressing as having to worry about an undecided future.

In conclusion, I believe that Day of the Dead was simply a dream that Sarah had conceived in her mind, as a way to escape her troubles. She turns the only two people that she knows (John and McD) into heroic figures, she dreams that she is a scientist, and could play an important part in the possible cure, and destruction of the zombie epidemic, thus securing a "future" for herself, that is far better than the one she may be forced to live in real life.

I agree! And don't forget the scene with Patrick Duffy in the background in a shower!

15-Aug-2010, 08:16 PM
Mo actually makes a really good point about the fishing rod.

Did John have a random fishing rod just sitting there in the helicopter?

As far as the island they went to...

I wonder if people on islands off the coast of Florida all have Irish accents like people off the coast of Connecticut.



15-Aug-2010, 08:36 PM
There are a few different possible interpretations:

1) All the events of the film took place in Sarah's dream and didn't actually take place in reality (at least, not exactly as seen). This is unlikely as there are numerous scenes in the film that take place without Sarah being present and it doesn't explain why they are on an island with a helicopter.

2) All the events of the film take place as seen, with the narrative moving into Sarah's dream/flashback after the Rhodes's death and the zombie feast. There were never any zombies inside the helicopter, this was something that her traumatized brain threw in as she mulled over the preceding events in her dream state. This is my favoured explanation as it covers all bases, really.

3) The helicopter really was full of zombies, Sarah was bitten and fatally wounded, Billy and John were not able to get inside to safety and were swarmed and consumed by the approaching horde. Thus the "dream" Sarah awoke from was, in fact, reality, and the island is her personal afterlife; her own projection of a safe sanctuary, which she has been imagining since John promised to fly her there at the start of the film.

15-Aug-2010, 08:43 PM
Dude....You didn't pick up on the sarcasm? A blind man could see it in mo's post.....

I resemble that remark!
Not literally... but yeah, funny stuff in that post.
Also good point about the fishing rod... should've been mentioned in the bungalow scene, or something.
"No science stuff around her"? Really? And would someone really do science on a beach in such beautiful weather?
And it's not like she did science stuff 24/7 at the base, either.

15-Aug-2010, 08:51 PM
Don't get the confusion...

Either the final scene where they're attacked DID happen, but they survived and got to the island. Or (most likely) just that final attack was a nightmare - ie: They got to the helicopter and got away, but she had a nightmare that they failed...

Two choices, neither a biggy...

Considering that Romero used a "dream" framing device throughout the film (one of the weak points about Day if I dare to say it!), then this is a no-brainer. It's obviously the final dream sequence in a film with three dream sequences.

Where's the debate?

16-Aug-2010, 12:12 AM
I resemble that remark!
Not literally... but yeah, funny stuff in that post.
Also good point about the fishing rod... should've been mentioned in the bungalow scene, or something.
"No science stuff around her"? Really? And would someone really do science on a beach in such beautiful weather?
And it's not like she did science stuff 24/7 at the base, either.

I've seen plenty of science men (and the occasional science women) playing with test tubes and beakers and science in general on the beach. And how would you know that she didn't do science all the time on the base? She even DREAMED of science in her dreams! Remember when miguels guts flew out of his bidy in that dream? Yea, science. Remember when she cranked down a handful of drugs, then washed those down with a large amount of brandy? Yea, science. Really, I have just poked holes in all of your arguments.

16-Aug-2010, 02:46 AM
Oh, yeah, well if it was all a dream sequence than why did it take GAR so much money to make it? Answer that smart people!

16-Aug-2010, 12:03 PM
I personally feel that it was all a dream and here are my arguments.

1) In the movie, Sarah is shown to be a scientist, and is conducting research on the undead. At the VERY END of the film, when she is laying down on the beach, there are no test tubs, or any science around her at all. This proves that she wasn't really a scientist, and just dreamed that she was. She was more than likely dreaming of doing science because she has issues accepting her life outside of the dream. She more than likely works a dead end job, and sells her body out to anyone in order to pay for her addiction to Russian dolls.

This made me laugh. It's the zombie apocolypse but I need to remember to bring my bunson burner and test tubes to verify my true calling in life!

Assuming everything was real until the end, do you think she would go back in to the ZOMBIE FILLED bunker once escaping to the outside and collect her work items?

16-Aug-2010, 02:01 PM
The things you miss being offsite on the weekend...

Man I love this site!


16-Aug-2010, 02:16 PM
but he's canadian :lol::lol::p

Well I guess we need to kick his ass out of the club house.... Damn kanooks... :D

all kidding aside, we love ya Mo :elol:

darth los
16-Aug-2010, 02:33 PM
:lol::lol::lol:WTF?!?!?! Dude, it's IN the fucking movie!

No, no...that's where you're wrong. It's not about knowing every detial, but paying attention.

I'm sorry if I came off rude. It's jsut that this is usually regarded as fact..

Agreed, it's the ending of the movie, nothing special to do. It's in the normal flow of the movie.


16-Aug-2010, 03:36 PM
As Sarah goes to open the helicopter doors, several zombie hands reach out from the interior and grab her. She suddenly awakens, finding herself lying on a beach next to the helicopter, with John and Bill fishing in the surf nearby. Realizing it was just another bad dream, she pulls out a homemade calendar and marks off another day.

according to wikipedia :stunned::stunned:

not to talk smack...but couldn't you have just watched the movie to figure that one out?:confused:

But here's something you won't find on Wikipedia....when Sara wakes up and see's John & Mc Dermott hanging by the beach one thing is going on in their minds....."3 some!" lol :D:clown:

darth los
16-Aug-2010, 04:40 PM
not to talk smack...but couldn't you have just watched the movie to figure that one out?:confused:

But here's something you won't find on Wikipedia....when Sara wakes up and see's John & Mc Dermott hanging by the beach one thing is going on in their minds....."3 some!" lol :D:clown:

Oh no doubt.

John includes that in his pontification in the trailer scene.

Make some babies indeed! :elol:


16-Aug-2010, 05:47 PM
Oh no doubt.

John includes that in his pontification in the trailer scene.

Make some babies indeed! :elol:


yup! im sure John would b the giver...Mc Dermott looks like he couldn't get it up anyway and im sure John would put a bullet in him before he gets his sloppy seconds thats if Mc Dermott doesn't croak from sclerosis of the liver first!:stunned::eek::dead:

plus i think Sara would prefer John's strapping member before Mc Dermott's limp noodle....:(

16-Aug-2010, 06:03 PM
Bub was the name of the sled!!

Rancid Carcass
16-Aug-2010, 06:51 PM
Bub was the name of the sled!!

Damn that Mr Wells... I guess that's another one for the fire! :D


darth los
16-Aug-2010, 07:09 PM
yup! im sure John would b the giver...Mc Dermott looks like he couldn't get it up anyway and im sure John would put a bullet in him before he gets his sloppy seconds thats if Mc Dermott doesn't croak from sclerosis of the liver first!:stunned::eek::dead:

plus i think Sara would prefer John's strapping member before Mc Dermott's limp noodle....:(

Since you're the resident expert on such matters I will defer to your expertise on the subject. :lol:


16-Aug-2010, 08:48 PM
Since you're the resident expert on such matters I will defer to your expertise on the subject. :lol:


lol well its not that difficult to assess since during the movie it appears that MC Dermott perfered to make love to his brandy flask than makin' passes @ Sara like John was, speaking of which as many times as John made a pass @ Sara was kinda creepy to me...i mean he was 1 porno away from raping her in my opinion!:stunned::eek::cool:

darth los
16-Aug-2010, 08:58 PM
lol well its not that difficult to assess since during the movie it appears that MC Dermott perfered to make love to his brandy flask than makin' passes @ Sara like John was, speaking of which as many times as John made a pass @ Sara was kinda creepy to me...i mean he was 1 porno away from raping her in my opinion!:stunned::eek::cool:

And You just know there had to be some stiff winds blowing in that cave as well!

LMAO! :lol:

16-Aug-2010, 09:08 PM
Bub was the name of the sled!!

Dang, brother, you could have hipped us that we were about to read a spoiler! :lol:

16-Aug-2010, 09:21 PM
And You just know there had to be some stiff winds blowing in that cave as well!

LMAO! :lol:

No wonder Rhodes and the men were always pissed off! lol:annoyed:

I can picture Rhodes running around the cave jackin' off yelling "Steele kill somebody, Rickles blow something up!":sneaky::hyper:

16-Aug-2010, 09:59 PM
not to talk smack...but couldn't you have just watched the movie to figure that one out?:confused:

But here's something you won't find on Wikipedia....when Sara wakes up and see's John & Mc Dermott hanging by the beach one thing is going on in their minds....."3 some!" lol :D:clown:

you're late but ok........

and uh i did just get finished saying that it could have been a dream or maybe not. where the hell u been?

16-Aug-2010, 10:16 PM
you're late but ok........

and uh i did just get finished saying that it could have been a dream or maybe not. where the hell u been?

probably smokin' a blunt yo!:cool:

17-Aug-2010, 12:48 AM
This made me laugh. It's the zombie apocolypse but I need to remember to bring my bunson burner and test tubes to verify my true calling in life!

Assuming everything was real until the end, do you think she would go back in to the ZOMBIE FILLED bunker once escaping to the outside and collect her work items?

What, are you saying that if you were in her shoes ( a SCIENTIST!!!!!) That would not go through hell to get the test tubes and spinny rinky dinks that you need in order to make anti zombie science? Wow, thank God that there aren't science professors that share your views working in the White House, or we'd all be polio bait right now.

Well I guess we need to kick his ass out of the club house.... Damn kanooks...
all kidding aside, we love ya Mo

I was not aware that I was involved in any club house other than the one that I am currently in Right now. Please, I am unaware as to what clubhouse you are referring too. You Jelly? In what way do you love me? Is it the sort of love that involves a candle lit dinner, followed by close snuggling, or the kind of love that involves sweaty flesh on sweaty flesh, and body parts smacking against each other in a rapid fire motion?

17-Aug-2010, 01:56 AM
I was not aware that I was involved in any club house other than the one that I am currently in Right now. Please, I am unaware as to what clubhouse you are referring too. You Jelly? In what way do you love me? Is it the sort of love that involves a candle lit dinner, followed by close snuggling, or the kind of love that involves sweaty flesh on sweaty flesh, and body parts smacking against each other in a rapid fire motion?

Only in your dreams mo... only in your dreams. I know got a thing for us BEARS but... No need to put your fantasy out in the open... I do love ya mo... just not like that... my love is saved for another of the female persuasion.

17-Aug-2010, 04:12 AM
A few pertinent things to add to the Day ending:

Ben gets shot by the posse.
Mrs Bates is really Norman in drag.
Rosebud is his sled.
Darth Vader is really Luke's father.
Bruce Willis is a ghost.

That's all I can think of for now...

17-Aug-2010, 09:21 AM
Mo actually makes a really good point about the fishing rod.

Did John have a random fishing rod just sitting there in the helicopter?

It's like the old proverb says: Store food in a helicopter and you have food for a few days. Store a fishing rod in a helicopter and you have food for a lifetime.

17-Aug-2010, 11:44 AM
I imagine a fishing rod is a pretty common thing to find on an island.:confused:

17-Aug-2010, 01:38 PM
What, are you saying that if you were in her shoes ( a SCIENTIST!!!!!) That would not go through hell to get the test tubes and spinny rinky dinks that you need in order to make anti zombie science? Wow, thank God that there aren't science professors that share your views working in the White House, or we'd all be polio bait right now.

You're comparing polio to a zombie? At least be creative and use the example of the flesh eating virus. :D

And yes, my ass would be out of there in a heartbeat....meaning I would make a piss poor scientist.

---------- Post added at 09:38 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 AM ----------

A few pertinent things to add to the Day ending:

Ben gets shot by the posse.
Mrs Bates is really Norman in drag.
Rosebud is his sled.
Darth Vader is really Luke's father.
Bruce Willis is a ghost.
Snape kills Dumbledore

That's all I can think of for now...

Added one for you...

17-Aug-2010, 01:57 PM
This is almost as good as the "Day happened before Dawn" spat.

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 02:59 PM
It's like the old proverb says: Store food in a helicopter and you have food for a few days. Store a fishing rod in a helicopter and you have food for a lifetime.

Well, john is from the carribean. My family is as well and let me tell you they eat what there is. They eat the fish from the sea as well as the fruits off trees. It was probably standard for him to have one handy.


17-Aug-2010, 03:23 PM
This discussion about the fishing rod seems silly, (not even mentioning that it was based on an off the cuff remark from Moseph during one of his jokes).

There's numerous ways that John could have had a rod and reel available to him, not the least of which include his having brought and stowed one early on for just such an emergency, it being included by some fore-thinking member in the original supply chain that furnished the helicopter, and--of course--raiding/looting abandoned sites & grabbing a few fishing supplies, along with sundry items, before camping out on their stretch of beach.

Also, do a quick search and you'll come up with many hits for experienced bush & seaplane pilots including fishing gear as common survival tools, just in case.

17-Aug-2010, 03:41 PM
Well, john is from the carribean. My family is as well and let me tell you they eat what there is. They eat the fish from the sea as well as the fruits off trees. It was probably standard for him to have one handy.


yeah he kept it stashed in his keister!:eek:

Plus John appeared dumb as a tack...so he'd probably eat dog shit if you told him it was a biscuit!;)

17-Aug-2010, 03:45 PM
This is almost as good as the "Day happened before Dawn" spat.

But Night is really the prequel for Dawn. (wait for it....);)

This discussion about the fishing rod seems silly

What I'd really like to know is where did they get that helicopter? A helicopter doesn't seem like a likely thing to find on a beach?!?


Plus John appeared dumb as a tack...so he'd probably eat dog shit if you told him it was a biscuit!;)

He got a bunch of white dudes to grow his weed for him (what, you think they came up with that on their own?), he managed to get a job where he could sit around & drink all day, & he ended up with the last woman on earth (his only competition ebing the scrawny irishman w/ the liver about ready to pop like a balloon)

So I'd say he was the smart one!:lol:;):p

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 03:47 PM
Talk about devil's advocate.


17-Aug-2010, 04:13 PM
But Night is really the prequel for Dawn. (wait for it....);)

What I'd really like to know is where did they get that helicopter? A helicopter doesn't seem like a likely thing to find on a beach?!?


He got a bunch of white dudes to grow his weed for him (what, you think they came up with that on their own?), he managed to get a job where he could sit around & drink all day, & he ended up with the last woman on earth (his only competition ebing the scrawny irishman w/ the liver about ready to pop like a balloon)

So I'd say he was the smart one!:lol:;):p

LMAO I guess you got me there!;):lol:

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 05:45 PM
The key to getting what you want is making other people believe they're actually getting their way.

Just ask any woman. They do it to men all the time.


17-Aug-2010, 05:58 PM
The key to getting what you want is making other people believe they're actually getting their way.

Just ask any woman. They do it to men all the time.


as they say there's nothing like a women scorn....or in some cases a women scorn with a knife!:eek::dead:

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 06:14 PM
as they say there's nothing like a women scorn....or in some cases a women scorn with a knife!:eek::dead:

No, no. You misunderstand.

No, scorn. That's just the way they go about their regular everyday business.


17-Aug-2010, 06:17 PM
No, no. You misunderstand.

No, scorn. That's just the way they go about their regular everyday business.


I hear ya....their worse than the Boogey Man himself! lol:hyper:

17-Aug-2010, 06:42 PM
I imagine a fishing rod is a pretty common thing to find on an island.:confused:

Yes, if it's an inhabited island. An island with no people on it would be less likely to have a "Fishin' Joe's Bait and Tackle" shop on it than an island with say... people there. :)


17-Aug-2010, 06:46 PM
Yes, if it's an inhabited island. An island with no people on it would be less likely to have a "Fishin' Joe's Bait and Tackle" shop on it than an island with say... people there. :)


well....you can always use a stick and your shoe lace! lol ;)

17-Aug-2010, 06:46 PM
You've got a point, JD. I've just always assumed they would go to a smaller, but still inhabited island. It would be silly to go to a vacant island with no shelter, possible food, water, etc.

Just a smaller island off the coast where you have your resources and at the same time can handle the small number of residents. It would be stupid of the Day crew to go all "Cast Away" with it....

17-Aug-2010, 06:55 PM
Just a smaller island off the coast where you have your resources and at the same time can handle the small number of residents. It would be stupid of the Day crew to go all "Cast Away" with it....

Of course they won't be safe on any island really -- because as soon as the zombies figure out they are there they will just walk across the ocean floor to get to the island. Because, as well all know from "Land", zombies are impervious to the currents of water (like humans) and can cross great distances by walking on the ocean-bottom without being carried any distance other than going straight ahead.



17-Aug-2010, 06:58 PM
Of course they won't be safe on any island really -- because as soon as the zombies figure out they are there they will just walk across the ocean floor to get to the island. Because, as well all know from "Land", zombies are impervious to the currents of water (like humans) and can cross great distances by walking on the ocean-bottom without being carried any distance other than going straight ahead.

FUCK OFF MAN! Do NOT start that debate again! :lol:

Seriously though.....in your opinion the people in Day went to an uninhabited island? That seems like suicide to me. They would have a better chance sticking to the main land.

A small, inhabited island with some shelter and possible water? That's where they were going, imo. They would just have to make a clean sweep of the island to find the few zeds/survivors.

17-Aug-2010, 06:59 PM
Just a smaller island off the coast where you have your resources and at the same time can handle the small number of residents.

The bad news is that island is Matool...

17-Aug-2010, 07:03 PM
The bad news is that island is Matool...


I had to google that one.

*shivers* Never again...

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 07:18 PM
FUCK OFF MAN! Do NOT start that debate again! :lol:

Seriously though.....in your opinion the people in Day went to an uninhabited island? That seems like suicide to me. They would have a better chance sticking to the main land.

A small, inhabited island with some shelter and possible water? That's where they were going, imo. They would just have to make a clean sweep of the island to find the few zeds/survivors.

No clean sweep needed.

Just yell, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! through a megaphone. ;)


17-Aug-2010, 07:20 PM
No clean sweep needed.

Just yell, HELLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! through a megaphone. ;)


Always thought that was like waving bacon in a dog's face. "Here zombies zombies zombies, come and get it!"

darth los
17-Aug-2010, 07:28 PM

Always thought that was like waving bacon in a dog's face. "Here zombies zombies zombies, come and get it!"

Yeah, i always thought that was done for effect and not practicality. I mean calling for people in that fashion when you damn well know the city is dead is beyond ludacris.

It brings to mind that line from ghostbusters, "No human being would stack books like this." :rolleyes:

Instead, here it would be, "no human being would search for survivors like this." :lol:


17-Aug-2010, 08:26 PM

Always thought that was like waving bacon in a dog's face. "Here zombies zombies zombies, come and get it!"

i wouldn't wave my sausage oops i mean bacon in front of a dog's face.....:eek:

17-Aug-2010, 09:01 PM
They went to an inhabited island full of Irish gun-toting western maniacs.

They ended up lying in a swampy looking pond face down being eaten by horses, which was a very satisfying twist.

17-Aug-2010, 09:31 PM
A few pertinent things to add to the Day ending:

Ben gets shot by the posse.
Mrs Bates is really Norman in drag.
Rosebud is his sled.
Darth Vader is really Luke's father.
Bruce Willis is a ghost.

That's all I can think of for now...

Added a few:
Ben gets shot by the posse.
Mrs Bates is really Norman in drag.
Rosebud is his sled.
Darth Vader is really Luke's father.
Bruce Willis is a ghost.
Crying Game chick is really a dude.
Old Rich Dude on "Some Like It Hot" swings both ways.

Sorry for the thread digression. Commence fire!

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

The key to getting what you want is making other people believe they're actually getting their way.

Just ask any woman. They do it to men all the time.

According to my wife, I am offended by your post! :)

17-Aug-2010, 10:36 PM
---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------

Added a few:
Ben gets shot by the posse.
Mrs Bates is really Norman in drag.
Rosebud is his sled.
Darth Vader is really Luke's father.
Bruce Willis is a ghost.
Crying Game chick is really a dude.
Old Rich Dude on "Some Like It Hot" swings both ways.

Sorry for the thread digression. Commence fire!

---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:28 PM ----------

According to my wife, I am offended by your post! :)

lol did she give you your balls back 4 a moment to speak up? lmao:hyper:

17-Aug-2010, 11:32 PM
Of course they won't be safe on any island really -- because as soon as the zombies figure out they are there they will just walk across the ocean floor to get to the island. Because, as well all know from "Land", zombies are impervious to the currents of water (like humans) and can cross great distances by walking on the ocean-bottom without being carried any distance other than going straight ahead.

This was proven long before Land:


The bad news is that island is Matool...


18-Aug-2010, 02:53 AM
---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------


lol did she give you your balls back 4 a moment to speak up? lmao:hyper:

Been married nearly 10 years now- that which I used to consider to be my balls have long been gathering dust in a locked box

darth los
18-Aug-2010, 03:04 AM
Been married nearly 10 years now- that which I used to consider to be my balls have long been gathering dust in a locked box

---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:34 PM ----------


lol did she give you your balls back 4 a moment to speak up? lmao:hyper:

Yeah guys, unfortunately if one is to shack up with a woman it's a nescesary evil. :(


18-Aug-2010, 05:39 AM
Yeah guys, unfortunately if one is to shack up with a woman it's a nescesary evil. :(

Note that I have been married for nearly 10 years now in a world where the average is 3 years before meltdown and divorce. I attribute my marital longevity to the fact that I relinquished my balls to my wife many years ago.

Now if I could only remember what they were for other than scratching - it's been a while so bear with me.

18-Aug-2010, 05:52 AM
Now if I could only remember what they were for other than scratching


darth los
18-Aug-2010, 02:04 PM


One of the funnier threads around. :lol:


18-Aug-2010, 03:42 PM
Note that I have been married for nearly 10 years now in a world where the average is 3 years before meltdown and divorce. I attribute my marital longevity to the fact that I relinquished my balls to my wife many years ago.

Now if I could only remember what they were for other than scratching - it's been a while so bear with me.

Don't feel bad dude i'm a content single guy but @ least you only had to hand off your sack once in 10 years....were i've handed mine off many of times to the point to were i now have a bag of raisins where my balls used to be!;):eek:

---------- Post added at 08:42 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:41 AM ----------

Yeah guys, unfortunately if one is to shack up with a woman it's a nescesary evil. :(


"I know" the coochie is like gold to us dudes....just wish women didn't know this!:(:dead:

18-Aug-2010, 03:57 PM
Don't feel bad dude i'm a content single guy but @ least you only had to hand off your sack once in 10 years....were i've handed mine off many of times to the point to were i now have a bag of raisins where my balls used to be!

Try a couple walnuts in a velvet bag as a substitute.

You'll never look back! :p

18-Aug-2010, 04:07 PM
Try a couple walnuts in a velvet bag as a substitute.

You'll never look back! :p

walnuts you say?

Ill give them a gander, as long as they don't make my dick look like a peanut! lol:stunned::clown:

18-Aug-2010, 04:11 PM
walnuts you say?

Ill give them a gander, as long as they don't make my dick look like a peanut! lol:stunned::clown:

The beauty is if you get kicked in your brand new artificial nads, they'll make quite a disturbing crunching noise and you can scream:


19-Aug-2010, 02:09 PM
There are a few different possible interpretations:

1) All the events of the film took place in Sarah's dream and didn't actually take place in reality (at least, not exactly as seen). This is unlikely as there are numerous scenes in the film that take place without Sarah being present and it doesn't explain why they are on an island with a helicopter.

The reason for this is because the events in DAY take place in Sarah's dream which is actually a dream of Fran's who is in turn a figment of Barbra's fragile mental state. Here's your proof...



19-Aug-2010, 04:32 PM
The reason for this is because the events in DAY take place in Sarah's dream which is actually a dream of Fran's who is in turn a figment of Barbra's fragile mental state. Here's your proof...



dude what are you smokin'?:confused:

More important where can i get some!;)

19-Aug-2010, 05:51 PM
dude what are you smokin'?:confused:

More important where can i get some!;)
Try homemade and you'll never go back, Jack! ;)

19-Aug-2010, 06:05 PM
Try homemade and you'll never go back, Jack! ;)

Until the feds come in and get you for "manufacturing" marijuana.:rolleyes:

Funny theory. Barbara really dreamed up the two other films....

19-Aug-2010, 08:23 PM
Until the feds come in and get you for "manufacturing" marijuana.:rolleyes:

Funny theory. Barbara really dreamed up the two other films....

So, that means the last 3 installments must have been Nightmares!

Well, someone was gonna say it eventually!:shifty:

darth los
19-Aug-2010, 08:31 PM
So, that means the last 3 installments must have been Nightmares!

Well, someone was gonna say it eventually!:shifty:

I'll sign my name on that petition.

19-Aug-2010, 08:39 PM
They couldn't have been dreamed up in that order because clearly Land comes before Day and Day comes before Dawn!:lol:

I miss philly...

19-Aug-2010, 08:56 PM
They couldn't have been dreamed up in that order because clearly Land comes before Day and Day comes before Dawn!:lol:

I miss philly...

what ever happened to phillys ass? i thought i saw him post i think last week?:rolleyes::confused:

19-Aug-2010, 09:06 PM
The reason for this is because the events in DAY take place in Sarah's dream which is actually a dream of Fran's who is in turn a figment of Barbra's fragile mental state. Here's your proof...


Woah...DUUUUUDE...That's, like HEAVY, man...:lol:

19-Aug-2010, 09:28 PM
Funny theory. Barbara really dreamed up the two other films....
Barbara dreamed it all, even NIGHT (well, except for the cemetery zombie since he's what made her go cuckoo for cocoa puffs).

19-Aug-2010, 10:06 PM

Woah...DUUUUUDE...That's, like HEAVY, man...:lol:

cool pic luv this shot....i must admit i think they jacked Dawn on this one!:rockbrow:

darth los
20-Aug-2010, 02:00 PM
what ever happened to phillys ass? i thought i saw him post i think last week?:rolleyes::confused:

He still posts sporadically.

Imo, he doesn't get into the sort of things that have been going on here lately but I'll bet if there was a deep thread concerning the interpretation of certain events in the films he'll pop up.


20-Aug-2010, 02:03 PM
Imo, he doesn't get into the sort of things that have been going on here lately but I'll bet if there was a deep thread concerning the interpretation of certain events in the films he'll pop up.

Yeah....deep discussion of the films is Philly's forte. And I love him for it. He may not get into the random jibber jabber that we regularly have here, but he'll definitely sink his teeth into subjects about the films.

Some of his posts are interesting, while some of them are hilarious(Baseball schedule, anyone?). Either way he always brings something good to the table. And without wikipedia!:p

20-Aug-2010, 03:36 PM
Oh so that where Philly b! ;)

There needs to be a little jibber jabber here.....other wise were just zombies geeks, humor and poking at things make this website cool as far as i'm concerned!:D

Plus if i don't talk to some one about these movies i've grown up with i'll be talkin' to myself! lol:rockbrow::rolleyes:

btw: speaking of things popping up....i'm pitchin' a pretty groovy tent in my trousers this morning mates!

darth los
20-Aug-2010, 03:45 PM
Yeah....deep discussion of the films is Philly's forte. And I love him for it. He may not get into the random jibber jabber that we regularly have here, but he'll definitely sink his teeth into subjects about the films.

Some of his posts are interesting, while some of them are hilarious(Baseball schedule, anyone?). Either way he always brings something good to the table. And without wikipedia!:p

And it seems that he's really thought his theories out. And not only that, he can defend his points to the end! :lol:


21-Aug-2010, 03:05 AM
The reason for this is because the events in DAY take place in Sarah's dream which is actually a dream of Fran's who is in turn a figment of Barbra's fragile mental state. Here's your proof...



See, its science manufacturers like Dubs here that commit to the cosmic explosions that power the opposing poles of this centrifugal farce. I dare anyone of you plebeians to poke holes in that arrangement of pixilated oppression and reasoning that makes up the greasy, meat encrusted portions of the post.

21-Aug-2010, 03:54 AM
I'm sure someone has told all this to the Kool-Aid Man... no? Get on the ball, people! I swear, he won't come crashing through the walls until we say the magic words!! Let's do it together on three!
Screw, regular water's the best. Everyone knows that.
Anyhow, the leading ladies of the trilogy? Their dreamings/fragile mental states? Yes, but I always pictured Fran as the "moving on" type. Not one for reflecting on the dreams of the future... wait, what the....

21-Aug-2010, 02:34 PM
if she'd dreamt that, she dreamt the music cue that plays when Logan locks the fireman zombie up in the dark, which obviously means her earlier dream was about 4 people she'd never met in a time period where she was just a teenager exploring a shopping mall full of zombies, not to mention her earlier dream that was suspiciously in black and white and in a remote countryside farmhouse, again dreaming entirely of people she'd never met nor heard of and in a complete linear fashion with almost perfect realism and such intricate details....

oh no wait...

her dad was chilly billy...he was in Night, that's where the dreams started. Shit should get her ass off the beach and into a therapists...

21-Aug-2010, 09:18 PM
I always thought that in the beginning when they're calling for survivors on the streets, the alligator watches them fly away. The movie that follows is fabricated in the gators mind, prospecting what could have possible happened to those humans in the whirly-bird.

21-Aug-2010, 11:26 PM
Are you seriously implying that Alligators can think? You ever see Jaws? You know, the movie based on that Salt Water alligator that kills a bunch of fishermen in the Australian outback? Yea, game set and match.