View Full Version : Star Wars on bluray, but which version?

15-Aug-2010, 11:10 AM

So are these version going to the watchable version or the Lucas gone mad truly f***ed up versions? ie: If I watch "Return of the Jedi", is it going to have the mad ending or not?

15-Aug-2010, 11:54 AM
It's Star Wars, GL is always willing double dip us. We'll get both. :)

Either way, I'm buying 'em, I've been georges bitch since 1977, that's not going to change any time soon. :D

16-Aug-2010, 06:49 AM

What will be disappointing to many fans is that the Blu-ray discs will be of the updated, 1997 special editions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, not the original theatrical releases of the films."

16-Aug-2010, 08:21 AM
What a cop out..."It's expensive to do".... Were are talking start wars... There is more then an audience for such a product to justify digital restoration... They do it for all sorts of marginal dvd release of films all the time...What an asshole.

16-Aug-2010, 08:26 AM
We had all this with the DVD's, GL swore by the Force that he would only release the special editions because he favoured them over the originals, so everybody bought them and then he released the originals later on and we all double dipped like he knew we would.

I bet the original trilogy will be available within a year of the special editions being released.

16-Aug-2010, 09:16 AM

What will be disappointing to many fans is that the Blu-ray discs will be of the updated, 1997 special editions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, not the original theatrical releases of the films."

The special editions being the ones with Return utterly f***ed up? ie: With the new band in Jabba's palace? And the new Ewok party at the end? I can't watch that version of the film :rockbrow:

16-Aug-2010, 10:04 AM
The original editions - in original aspect ratio, and remastered - would be something I'd buy, and I'm not really a Star Wars guy. I mean, I like the movies, but I haven't seen them in years and I refuse to pay for (or watch) the shitty new versions with GL's nonsense spoodged all over them.

I briefly considered getting the original versions on DVD - but not only were they not cleaned up, they were in PAN AND SCAN! :stunned: So, basically, VHS-rips! :rant: Sod that.

The man's an idiot for not releasing what the fans want. The money excuse is bullshit, it's LucasFilm for one thing - they're riiiiiich, bitch - and fans the world over want the originals cleaned up and in widescreen. It'd make a packet of money - GL is a moron for refusing to do it. We don't care if it's his preferred version, we prefer the originals!

And I'm not even all that big on Star Wars - so just imagine what die-hards think about it all! :eek:

16-Aug-2010, 10:47 AM
If I could get them remastered. with just some of the CGI improvements (eg: to the XWings in New Hope), I'd love it... But the remastered versions with butchered story and music, blah!!

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

The man's an idiot for not releasing what the fans want. The money excuse is bullshit, it's LucasFilm for one thing - they're riiiiiich, bitch - and fans the world over want the originals cleaned up and in widescreen. It'd make a packet of money - GL is a moron for refusing to do it. We don't care if it's his preferred version, we prefer the originals!

And I'm not even all that big on Star Wars - so just imagine what die-hards think about it all! :eek:
When he dies, the studios will do it!

16-Aug-2010, 02:47 PM
The original editions - in original aspect ratio, and remastered - would be something I'd buy, and I'm not really a Star Wars guy. I mean, I like the movies, but I haven't seen them in years and I refuse to pay for (or watch) the shitty new versions with GL's nonsense spoodged all over them.

I briefly considered getting the original versions on DVD - but not only were they not cleaned up, they were in PAN AND SCAN! :stunned: So, basically, VHS-rips! :rant: Sod that.

The man's an idiot for not releasing what the fans want. The money excuse is bullshit, it's LucasFilm for one thing - they're riiiiiich, bitch - and fans the world over want the originals cleaned up and in widescreen. It'd make a packet of money - GL is a moron for refusing to do it. We don't care if it's his preferred version, we prefer the originals!

And I'm not even all that big on Star Wars - so just imagine what die-hards think about it all! :eek:

Weird, my DVD set of the Original films is in WS letterbox 2.35:1. When i want to watch Star Wars that is what i watch, but I haven't opened the DVD's in a long time. I would say at least 3-4 years since I watched them or even looked at the Tin Box that houses the 3 respective films including their special edition counterparts.

I was a huge fan until the abomination known as Attack of the Clones. I didn't hate Phantom menaces as much as people have, but the last two films of the newer entries are just horrible and a super pain in the ass to sit through.

16-Aug-2010, 03:08 PM
If I could get them remastered. with just some of the CGI improvements (eg: to the XWings in New Hope), I'd love it... But the remastered versions with butchered story and music, blah!!

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

When he dies, the studios will do it!

Dream on...sucka!!!



16-Aug-2010, 04:53 PM
Hmmm ... perhaps I'm getting confused then, maybe it was just that they weren't Anamorphic then ... not sure. What's the picture quality like on those?

16-Aug-2010, 06:26 PM
Dream on...sucka!!!



:lol: Skimmed a bit into that before I realized what was going on, though--in my defense--I put little past ol' GL!

16-Aug-2010, 10:56 PM
Whoa. I just now caught the update in the article. That deleted skywalker intro got the nerd blood flowing. That should've never been taken out...

17-Aug-2010, 04:33 AM
"Cost too much to redo the originals"...yeah...like they haven't been remastered a couple of time already... (In best fog horn voice) "BullLLLLLL SHIIIiiiit....":mad:

This plus the fact EVERYBODY knows he'll release 'em later & double dip...:mad:

Captain Picard hates George Lucas' greed...


17-Aug-2010, 08:08 AM
Dream on...sucka!!!



The scary thing is, you can imagine Lucas thinking this sort of thing through :stunned:

06-Jan-2011, 11:05 PM
Release is this September. Three different sets. Original trilogy, prequel trilogy, or the whole series in a nine disc set.


07-Jan-2011, 04:19 AM

EPISODES 1 - 3 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PMG16U?ie=UTF8&tag=pwdt-20) - Normally $69.99

EPISODES 4-6 (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000PMLFRA?ie=UTF8&tag=pwdt-20) - Normally $69.99

COMPLETE SAGA BOXSET $89.99 (ON SALE - Normally $140.00) (http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003ZSJ212?ie=UTF8&tag=pwdt-20)

I grabbed the BOXSET... 30+ Hours of bonus material you WILL NOT get if you order separately.

07-Jan-2011, 09:33 AM
Dream on...sucka!!!



Wow, great site. I love their Star Wars v. Star Trek (http://www.bbspot.com/News/2003/07/star_wars.html) article and the Star Wars Character or Hip Hop Artist (http://www.bbspot.com/News/2005/06/rapper_quiz.php) quiz (I got less than 50%).

07-Jan-2011, 09:35 AM
Just pre-ordered the full 9 disc box set with extra goodies from Amazon UK - £70. :cool:

That bastard Lucas is going to be taking money off me forever, he'll probably leave instructions to release stuff after he's dead as well, I just know it! :D

If it has this legend on it, I'll buy it. :o

07-Jan-2011, 10:11 AM
Is it the original movies, or the shit CGI'd versions? If it's the latter I'm NOT interested. Fuck that noise. :mad:

07-Jan-2011, 12:06 PM
I could be wrong, but from my understanding the original trilogy will be the "special edition" versions from the late nineties.

I'm sure the original originals will be released eventually.

07-Jan-2011, 12:49 PM
Is it the original movies, or the shit CGI'd versions? If it's the latter I'm NOT interested. Fuck that noise. :mad:

I watched the ending of Return of the Jedi, in original, and Lucas-gone-mad versions the other night.

The original edit is much more to the point and the score compliments it perfectly, ending on a real high. The Lucas-gone-mad version drags on and on with a score that feels someone lost and thus the film ends a bit off!

The ending ruins the film so much for me , along with the dreadful new band in Jabba's palace, I cannot watch ROTJ in the new format.

As regards New Hope, the various edits there again annoy me too much to allow me to watch it. I love the new XWing CGI scenes, but the countless new CGI aliens falling over, along with the daft Han Solo cuts are too much again!

07-Jan-2011, 01:43 PM
"What will be disappointing to many fans is that the Blu-ray discs will be of the updated, 1997 special editions of Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, not the original theatrical releases of the films."

This is why I'll never buy any of the SW movies on BR or any other format. Fuck Lucas and his constant tinkering of a classic - release the original theatrical versions or piss the hell off. :mad:

The man's an idiot for not releasing what the fans want. The money excuse is bullshit, it's LucasFilm for one thing - they're riiiiiich, bitch - and fans the world over want the originals cleaned up and in widescreen. It'd make a packet of money - GL is a moron for refusing to do it. We don't care if it's his preferred version, we prefer the originals!


I'm sure the original originals will be released eventually.

I wouldn't count on it. I thought the original prints of the first three films was overwritten when he "enchanced" (ie: FUCKED UP) the CGI and some of the effects the first go-around with this bullshit.

Regardless, even if that isn't the case, if he hasn't done it now, this dumb son of a bitch never will.

07-Jan-2011, 02:01 PM
I wouldn't count on it. I thought the original prints of the first three films was overwritten when he "enchanced" (ie: FUCKED UP) the CGI and some of the effects the first go-around with this bullshit.

Regardless, even if that isn't the case, if he hasn't done it now, this dumb son of a bitch never will.

I'm no expert on it like some and I don't really mind the changes on the DVD "special edition" release, but they DID release the original edits on DVD. Lucas claimed he never would, but eventually did after fans asked for it. Not to mention....you know he can't pass up a chance for the double dip buck. This WILL NOT be the only SW Blu Ray release. You can count on that.

07-Jan-2011, 02:24 PM
I'm no expert on it like some and I don't really mind the changes on the DVD "special edition" release, but they DID release the original edits on DVD. Lucas claimed he never would, but eventually did after fans asked for it. Not to mention....you know he can't pass up a chance for the double dip buck. This WILL NOT be the only SW Blu Ray release. You can count on that.

In all seriousness, would you like to make a friendly wager on that? :D There's no way on god's green earth this dingbat will release the original theatrical releases (with none of his "touchups" that have been done after the theatrical release AND in the proper aspect ratio) on BR in his lifetime. I'd be willing to lay big bucks down on that one.

The one caveat I'd make is, perhaps after Lucas dies we'll get the original theatrical print of the first three SW's (if they exist anymore), but until then? Nah, his head is waaaay too far up his ass to bother with it now. He's too busy trying to force-fit Eps. 4-6 to match and flow with Eps. 1-3. That and working on the fucking 3D versions of these films, apparently. :rolleyes:

07-Jan-2011, 02:30 PM
If he released the originals on dvd after the special editions had been out for a while, why would he not do the same for BR? Just from a business standpoint it makes perfect sense. As Legion mentioned, he knows the fans will double, triple, and quadruple dip with everything he puts out there, thus making loads of cash in the process.

The 3D versions will be another BR release, as will the original trilogy without the 1997(?) additional footage....

07-Jan-2011, 02:36 PM
If he released the originals on dvd after the special editions had been out for a while, why would he not do the same for BR? Just from a business standpoint it makes perfect sense. As Legion mentioned, he knows the fans will double, triple, and quadruple dip with everything he puts out there, thus making loads of cash in the process.

The 3D versions will be another BR release, as will the original trilogy without the 1997(?) additional footage....

I still don't remember this happening, bass - is there a link or can someone confirm that these original theatrical releases were actually put out on DVD? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just never heard of it happening. I only remember a ton of people bitching that all the releases of SW were his "messed with" versions.

The reason I think he won't do it is because he's spending more time fucking with the films to force-fit the two trilogies together (and, apparently, putting them in 3D :rolleyes:) to even bother with the originals. He apparently doesn't even like the original theatrical releases, which is why he keeps futzing with them. Why would he put them out (again) if that's the case?

The friendly wager still stands. If you're that confident, let's do this! :D

Lucas re-edits Star Wars more than Dj re-edits Deadlands 1 & 2 - that's a fucking lot of re-editing! :lol: :lol:

07-Jan-2011, 02:39 PM
I still don't remember this happening, bass - is there a link or can someone confirm that these original theatrical releases were actually put out on DVD? I'm not saying you're wrong, I just never heard of it


I've heard the original edit is of inferior quality to the picture on the Special Editions, but either way they WERE released....and he made piles of cash off of it because every SW nerd on the planet double dipped for it. THAT is my reason for thinking(IE knowing) he'll release them again on BR.

07-Jan-2011, 03:54 PM

I've heard the original edit is of inferior quality to the picture on the Special Editions, but either way they WERE released....and he made piles of cash off of it because every SW nerd on the planet double dipped for it. THAT is my reason for thinking(IE knowing) he'll release them again on BR.

Ah yes, you are correct, and I found this little quote:

"Although fan reaction to the announcement of the DVDs was largely positive, upon release many fans felt that they had once again been cheated by George Lucas. The DVDs used non-anamorphic video sourced from the 1993 LaserDisc releases, which was nowhere near the same quality as the remastered versions of the films present in the 2004 boxset. This has sparked further campaigning by fans who wish to see the original versions of the films restored with the care that they deserve. "

So, technically, while they're the theatrical cut, they're not presented the same way they were in theaters (nor decent quality, either), and Lucas once again screws his fans. They may be the closest versions yet, but they're not what they should be.

So allow me to rephrase: while he might release them on BR, he'll probably used the same fucked up source for it, and I doubt it will get a "proper" remaster on those "original theatrical releases" - he's too busy continuously fucking with the films.

My wager still stands for the BR release, my friend. *whips out a $50 and lays it on the table* :lol: :D

07-Jan-2011, 04:06 PM

Now you're just getting picky, damn it. I just said that it WOULD be released. I never said it wouldn't have the minor details that fans bitch about! But now you ARE agreeing with me that it will happen....so gimme dat 50! :lol:

Anyway....I personally don't care anymore. I'm going to stick with my regular ol' special edition DVDs until the blu ray set is dirt cheap. I just don't feel the need to jump on this set and splurge more money for the better picture. I guess the Star Wars films are starting to kinda lose their appeal to me. Maybe if my daughter one day gets into it(doubtful).

07-Jan-2011, 04:33 PM
Lucas re-edits Star Wars more than Dj re-edits Deadlands 1 & 2 - that's a fucking lot of re-editing! :lol: :lol:

But I improved on my films :fin:

07-Jan-2011, 04:35 PM

Now you're just getting picky, damn it. I just said that it WOULD be released. I never said it wouldn't have the minor details that fans bitch about! But now you ARE agreeing with me that it will happen....so gimme dat 50! :lol:

Well, I did say as it was released in theatres, so I can't give you my $50 just yet. :p

I'm a purist, what can I say? :lol:

But I improved on my films :fin:

I knew that was coming! :lol: :D

07-Jan-2011, 06:41 PM
What I'm about to say might be blasphemous, but oh well! Sorry, but I'll take CGI replacing outdated effects and vastly superior image/sound over Greedo shooting first any day!

I hate when most of my favorite films have crappy quality, and bad audio unless it's a horror which, at times adds to the film. But for some thing like, Star Wars yeah not my thing.

The effect some claim that those changes have on the story are virtually non-existant...Greedo shooting first does not change Han's character (granted it's kinda stupid), Jabba making an appearance in ANH doesn't hurt, extended scenery shots of Mos Eisly and Bespin don't hurt (unnecessary, but it doesn't ruin the whole film). And the only scene I see that really bothersome is replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen.

And admittedly, I like some of the additional scenes. Seeing the Wampa Creature was nice, and the cgi sequence of Jedi Rocks indeed sucks, but I like the actual song.

I wasn't around when the originals first hit, that may be why the changes don't bother me at all. :|

Granted, I would also like to see the original unaltered versions as well with high quality picture/audio. Til then I'll just stick to my SE dvds, and fast-forward the parts I don't like.

07-Jan-2011, 06:57 PM
I agree, Doc. I've never seen the huge problem with most of the additions. Sure, some may not be necessary and some of them are a bit silly, but as you said....it doesn't take away from the total effect of the films. It's still essentially the same trilogy.

How much is really changed in each film, anyway? Maybe ten or so minutes? Out of two hour films? C'mon.....that doesn't ruin the entire experience. I may not agree with it all and flat out hate some of it, but it's not total blashemy as the SW fans have made it out to be....

07-Jan-2011, 07:25 PM
Yeah, I was mostly taking about the SW fans who go "Lucas raped my childhood!" or "The franchise is ruined!". What do these people not have fast-forward buttons? Just skip that stuff!

Though all of that would go away if Lucas just release better editions of the unaltered versions.

But yeah, some fanboys just like hating.

darth los
07-Jan-2011, 07:33 PM
How would we feel if if 10-20 Minutes were added to one of our beloved...oh wait.


Never mind.


07-Jan-2011, 07:54 PM
I understand what you guys are getting at, but I'm one of those people who believe once a movie is out there, leave it alone. It's a representation of what you could accomplish and the story you could tell with the resources available to you at that time. So what if it looks outdated 30 years later? Almost every film looks outdated 30 years later. Not all, but most.

I just want a true representation of what I saw back when I originally saw it. If you want to clean up the picture and sound, great. Don't, however, start adding stuff, taking out stuff, changing the order of sequences, etc. I don't take that as far as to say "Lucas is raping my childhood!" :lol: however, it doesn't keep me from saying "stop fucking with something that doesn't need to be fucked with!" ;) :D

I can relate this to music that I create - some of the tunes I've written and recorded over the past 25+ years, I listen back and think "oh, man, I didn't get across what I wanted to in this song" - but, I do not go back and re-record tracks to make it what I want it to be present day. I just chalk it up to "well, that's where I was at the time, and it was my best effort when it was recorded." I might go back and do some noise reduction or EQ'ing of the song, but nothing is changed from the original tracks other than that. I think that's the attitude filmmakers should take as well. Clean up the picture? Fine. Clean up the audio? Also fine. Alter the movie's sequence or make over-egregious edits or add in shit that was never there? Unacceptable.

As Dennis Miller used to say... "That's just my opinion, I could be wrong"

Remember what I said in another thread last week? "I love being the odd man out." :lol: :D

04-May-2011, 05:56 PM
Full details on the blu ray set:

- Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, John Knoll, Dennis Muren and Scott Squires
- Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew

- Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Ben Burtt, Rob Coleman, Pablo Helman, John Knoll and Ben Snow
- Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew

- Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Rick McCallum, Rob Coleman, John Knoll and Roger Guyett
- Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew

- Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren
- Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew

- Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren
- Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew

- Audio Commentary with George Lucas, Carrie Fisher, Ben Burtt and Dennis Muren
- Audio Commentary from Archival Interviews with Cast and Crew

- Including: deleted, extended and alternate scenes; prop, maquette and costume turnarounds; matte paintings and concept art; supplementary interviews with cast and crew; a flythrough of the Lucasfilm Archives and more

- Including: deleted, extended and alternate scenes; prop, maquette and costume turnarounds; matte paintings and concept art; supplementary interviews with cast and crew; and more

- NEW! Star Warriors (2007, Color, Apx. 84 Minutes) – Some Star Wars fans want to collect action figures...these fans want to be action figures! A tribute to the 501st Legion, a global organization of Star Wars costume enthusiasts, this insightful documentary shows how the super-fan club promotes interest in the films through charity and volunteer work at fundraisers and high-profile special events around the world.
- NEW! A Conversation with the Masters: The Empire Strikes Back 30 Years Later (2010, Color, Apx. 25 Minutes) – George Lucas, Irvin Kershner, Lawrence Kasdan and John Williams look back on the making of The Empire Strikes Back in this in-depth retrospective from Lucasfilm created to help commemorate the 30th anniversary of the movie. The masters discuss and reminisce about one of the most beloved films of all time.
- NEW! Star Wars Spoofs (2011, Color, Apx. 91 Minutes) – The farce is strong with this one! Enjoy a hilarious collection of Star Wars spoofs and parodies that have been created over the years, including outrageous clips from Family Guy, The Simpsons, How I Met Your Mother and more — and don’t miss “Weird Al” Yankovic’s one-of-a-kind music video tribute to The Phantom Menace!
- The Making of Star Wars (1977, Color, Apx. 49 Minutes) – Learn the incredible behind-the-scenes story of how the original Star Wars movie was brought to the big screen in this fascinating documentary hosted by C-3PO and R2-D2. Includes interviews with George Lucas and appearances by Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher.
- The Empire Strikes Back: SPFX (1980, Color, Apx. 48 Minutes) – Learn the secrets of making movies in a galaxy far, far away. Hosted by Mark Hamill, this revealing documentary offers behind-the-scenes glimpses into the amazing special effects that transformed George Lucas’ vision for Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back into reality!
- Classic Creatures: Return of the Jedi (1983, Color, Apx. 48 Minutes) – Go behind the scenes — and into the costumes — as production footage from Return of the Jedi is interspersed with vintage monster movie clips in this in-depth exploration of the painstaking techniques utilized by George Lucas to create the classic creatures and characters seen in the film. Hosted and narrated by Carrie Fisher and Billie Dee Williams.
- Anatomy of a Dewback (1997, Color, Apx. 26 Minutes) – See how some of the special effects in Star Wars became even more special two decades later! George Lucas explains and demonstrates how his team transformed the original dewback creatures from immovable rubber puppets (in the original 1977 release) to seemingly living, breathing creatures for the Star Wars 1997 Special Edition update.
- Star Wars Tech (2007, Color, Apx. 46 Minutes) – Exploring the technical aspects of Star Wars vehicles, weapons and gadgetry, Star Wars Tech consults leading scientists in the fields of physics, prosthetics, lasers, engineering and astronomy to examine the plausibility of Star Wars technology based on science as we know it today.

04-May-2011, 06:31 PM
Star Wars Tech (2007, Color, Apx. 46 Minutes) – Exploring the technical aspects of Star Wars vehicles, weapons and gadgetry, Star Wars Tech consults leading scientists in the fields of physics, prosthetics, lasers, engineering and astronomy to examine the plausibility of Star Wars technology based on science as we know it today.

Oh, good, I always did want to know about the plausibility of building my own functioning lightsaber.

04-May-2011, 10:30 PM
Oh, good, I always did want to know about the plausibility of building my own functioning lightsaber.

The illusion:


The reality:




24-Aug-2011, 06:55 PM
Lucas is at it again (http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/george-lucas-replacing-puppet-yoda-with-cgi-for-phantom-menace-blu-ray)


I'm actually glad they replaced that sh*t puppet from Phantom Menace, but they better not touch the puppet in Empire and Jedi....

24-Aug-2011, 07:32 PM
you guys are still giving george lucas your money again?

24-Aug-2011, 07:44 PM
Lucas is at it again (http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/george-lucas-replacing-puppet-yoda-with-cgi-for-phantom-menace-blu-ray)


I'm actually glad they replaced that sh*t puppet from Phantom Menace, but they better not touch the puppet in Empire and Jedi....

I don't want to ever watch any of the shi**y last three films. They're a mess, and lack any real soul or +ves.

As for the original trilogy. Lucas has f***ed up the first one a bit too much in places with inane and unecessary CGI clowns for no reason. So it's painful to watch. The second one, thankfully has remained watchable. Which brings us to the third, which Lucas has crucified! The new music in Jabba's palace it terrible, and the final minute of the film is utterly ruined from both an editing and scoring point of view. The film now ends with a total flop, instead of the nicely edited and scored original ending...

In short, I'm not interested in his new edits of the original films. There's too many annoyances... Now, if the originals were available, or even the special edition which had just a small number of CGI enhancements, those on bluray would be epic!

25-Aug-2011, 06:32 AM
Agree with you Neil 100%.

I miss the nub nub song at the end of 'Return of the Jedi'. The only redeeming factor about those teddy bears.

31-Aug-2011, 08:40 AM
Agree with you Neil 100%.

I miss the nub nub song at the end of 'Return of the Jedi'. The only redeeming factor about those teddy bears.Yep, the edit+score ended on a nice high.... The new mess ends with a CGI interupted flop...

-- -------- Post added 31-Aug-2011 at 09:40 AM ---------- Previous post was 25-Aug-2011 at 10:12 AM ----------

More changes - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/51019

31-Aug-2011, 08:55 AM
I agree, Doc. I've never seen the huge problem with most of the additions. Sure, some may not be necessary and some of them are a bit silly, but as you said....it doesn't take away from the total effect of the films. It's still essentially the same trilogy.

How much is really changed in each film, anyway? Maybe ten or so minutes? Out of two hour films? C'mon.....that doesn't ruin the entire experience. I may not agree with it all and flat out hate some of it, but it's not total blashemy as the SW fans have made it out to be....

you know i would be very interested to watch on two screens next to each other an original untouched print and the latest version to really see how much has changed. because we are talking decades of incremental changes that, alone my seem no big deal, but when comparing the vanilla original to the very latest? who knows how much of a stark difference it could be.

31-Aug-2011, 10:18 AM
I'll never buy Star Wars on disc until they put out the restored original prints (in widescreen) - no CGI tweaking, no audio changes, no recuts and re-edits, just the original films shown theatrically when they were first released. I wish the people who keep buying these damned new versions would put their foot down and say "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" (;)) en mass and demand the original-originals.

31-Aug-2011, 01:49 PM
More changes - http://www.aintitcool.com/node/51019
Another article on the same thing - http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Star-Wars-Blu-Ray-Adds-Darth-Vader-Screaming-Nooo-As-He-Kills-The-Emperor-26504.html

01-Sep-2011, 03:33 PM
Now comes word that CGI is being used to make the Ewoks blink (http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/remember-that-time-george-lucas-spoke-out-about-altering-movies). Why? What's the friggin purpose? :confused:

Here's a quote from Lucas himself in 1988:

"People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an exercise of power are barbarians, and if the laws of the United States continue to condone this behavior, history will surely classify us as a barbaric society. The preservation of our cultural heritage may not seem to be as politically sensitive an issue as 'when life begins' or 'when it should be appropriately terminated,' but it is important because it goes to the heart of what sets mankind apart. Creative expression is at the core of our humanness. Art is a distinctly human endeavor. We must have respect for it if we are to have any respect for the human race.

These current defacements are just the beginning. Today, engineers with their computers can add color to black-and-white movies, change the soundtrack, speed up the pace, and add or subtract material to the philosophical tastes of the copyright holder. Tomorrow, more advanced technology will be able to replace actors with “fresher faces,” or alter dialogue and change the movement of the actor’s lips to match. It will soon be possible to create a new “original” negative with whatever changes or alterations the copyright holder of the moment desires...In the future it will become even easier for old negatives to become lost and be 'replaced' by new altered negatives. This would be a great loss to our society. Our cultural history must not be allowed to be rewritten."

Now that is funny....

01-Sep-2011, 03:55 PM
Now comes word that CGI is being used to make the Ewoks blink (http://www.joblo.com/movie-news/remember-that-time-george-lucas-spoke-out-about-altering-movies). Why? What's the friggin purpose? :confused:

Here's a quote from Lucas himself in 1988:

Now that is funny....
....yet, for all shitty changes Lucas has made, all the unecessary who-shoots-first changes, redo'ing of of music, changing of actors, adding of CGI Keystone Cop aliens.... I bet he still hasn't replaced the 1/2 second glaringly poor scene of the animated missiles going into the Death Star's vent.

He's spent all this time and effort doing questionable changes, and left that horrible 1/2 second of footage?

01-Sep-2011, 04:00 PM
Stuff like this shouldn't matter to me, but...damn Lucas...I want to wish bad things upon him :(


01-Sep-2011, 06:20 PM
Bassman - well, for me personally, Return of the Jedi was a cinematic travesty ... and all because those fucking Ewoks didn't blink! It ruined the whole bloody movie! All of it! Ruined!

*explodes in a mushroom cloud of sarcasm*

What a moronic idea ... Lucas needs a dose of reality, methinks. At the very least he needs to take a good long hard look at Ridley Scott and the 2007 Final Cut of Blade Runner to see how you really do tweaks (e.g. the blending of live action plates with matte paintings in the 2007 cut was beautiful ... simple, restrained, very effective, and didn't change anything ... it just made the join seamless and the colours match).

01-Sep-2011, 06:29 PM
Funny you mention the Blade Runner final cut. I just recently picked it up and was shocked at how in-depth the documentary was. It's 3.5 hours long, ffs! :stunned:

02-Sep-2011, 08:06 AM
Stuff like this shouldn't matter to me, but...damn Lucas...I want to wish bad things upon him :(

http://www.asitecalledfred.com/mailshoot/images/2004/oct4/han1.jpgLOL! Reminds me of...


02-Sep-2011, 10:06 AM
Funny you mention the Blade Runner final cut. I just recently picked it up and was shocked at how in-depth the documentary was. It's 3.5 hours long, ffs! :stunned:

I know! It's excellent. I've watched it a couple of times. No stone is left unturned. :cool:

02-Sep-2011, 02:18 PM
you know i would be very interested to watch on two screens next to each other an original untouched print and the latest version to really see how much has changed. because we are talking decades of incremental changes that, alone my seem no big deal, but when comparing the vanilla original to the very latest? who knows how much of a stark difference it could be.

There's a set of fantastic "comparison" discs out there already (although not for the 'current' set that's coming out). They show both the "original" and "special edition" side-by-side (episodes 4-6) and you can see what's been added audio and video-wise. During some parts, the original blanks out where the "speical edition" has added a scene.

It's very interesting to watch and see how GL as pretty much fucked up what was consider good enough by just about everyone on the damn planet (except for himself).

Take a look around on the net, they're out there, 'cause I have 'em. ;)

02-Sep-2011, 03:04 PM
Take a look around on the net, they're out there, 'cause I have 'em. ;)

aint gonna lie, kind of cant give a single fuck. star wars has been something i have utter indifference to for maybe a decade.

13-Sep-2011, 03:39 PM
Bluray.com (http://www.blu-ray.com/movies/Star-Wars-Blu-ray/14903/#Review) has given the complete Blu Ray set a perfect score. :stunned:

No, the "untouched" original trilogy is not included. Yes, there are some goofy new additions, like Darth Vader yelling "NOOOOO" as he throws Emperor Palpatine over the railing. I don't think anyone expected this release of The Complete Saga to be free of controversy. But come on. It's Star Wars. On Blu-ray. This is a once-in-a-technological-generation event, and if your hatred of George Lucas' revisionist tinkerings keeps you from enjoying some of your favorite films in high definition, you're missing out. Believe me, I share your pain. Whenever I hear that stupid funk song inside Jabba's palace, I cringe like a man being forced to bite down on tin foil or chew sand. It's almost physically painful. But I'm done being bitter. I'm playing the long game. One of these days, Lucas will wise up and realize that the original trilogy—in its original form—is a culturally and historically important piece of pop art that belongs to its fans. But until that day, I'm going to enjoy this Blu-ray box set. The films have never looked or sounded better— Episodes III-VI are particularly impressive—and they come with a fantastic collection of special features. Highly Recommended!

They didn't even give the Alien Anthology set a perfect score. And that set, imo, IS the best blu ray available. I might have to get this SW set after all...

13-Sep-2011, 06:10 PM
I might have to get this SW set after all...


13-Sep-2011, 07:22 PM
it would be nice to have the untouched originals BUT since this version is the only game in town, we are stuck with it. un-fucking-fortunate as that is. sad faces all around.

13-Sep-2011, 08:12 PM
it would be nice to have the untouched originals BUT since this version is the only game in town, we are stuck with it. un-fucking-fortunate as that is. sad faces all around.

wait till they release them separately as a limited edition. they did it on vhs, they did it on dvd, they'll do it now.

do you really think lucas WON'T sell another version for more money if theres the market for it? albeit the same market, again?

13-Sep-2011, 09:01 PM
I'm waiting for Lucas to replace lightsabers with corndogs. That kind of fight would be well worth checking out...

18-Aug-2013, 03:07 AM
My kids just got me the 9 disc set on blu-ray for my birthday tomorrow, nestled in a baggie full of mini Paydays.
I will never have to rent or borrow these ever again, in any form. I've probably seen alot of these documentaries already, but I can't wait to dive balls deep into this badboy.
They were originally going to buy me one the special edition TWD box sets, but I steered them towards this instead. He was going to order season 3 online with the fishtank thangie, but it was so much easier and cheaper to just get me this instead at Wal Mart, plus his discount for working there. I soooooooooooooooooooooooo wanted this for a very long time. The only other blu-ray box set I really have is Get a Life, which I've almost nearly gleaned every last tidbit from. Now I just need to add the Indiana Jones one, and Back to the Future, and I'll be set for as long as it takes me to remember something else I would really like to have.
Northern Exposure, hmmmmmm...

18-Aug-2013, 12:22 PM
^^ But these are the pi$$ed around versions? eg: With the God aweful scene/score changes at the beginning/end of Return?

18-Aug-2013, 03:48 PM
^^ But these are the pi$$ed around versions? eg: With the God aweful scene/score changes at the beginning/end of Return?

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!!
Just kidding, I'm cool with this box set. I went through the changes and tweaks on wikipedia, and it's not really all that bad. I'm definitely happy to be seeing it in crystal clear, uhhh... clarity. No?
I can forgive, but I also haven't even begun to put a dent in this yet. Let me see how I feel after the bauble has been fully fondled, and everything that is to be gleaned from it has. I'm not really going to notice much from the prequels, so no big deal there. I'm going to spend the day toking out and annoying everybody here by watching all the boring, to them, stuffs.
Tough titty.