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View Full Version : Mass effect has a mass defect from exclusivity

17-Aug-2010, 09:34 PM
At Gamescon EA announced Mass Effect 2 would be coming to ps3 with bonus content.

Too bad... This to me was the crown jewel in the Microsoft library of exclusives.
Im sure many would argue that honer belongs to Alan Wake,Gears of war,or Halo.

On the bright side I see a whole sea of ps3 fans changing there tune about Shepard commander.

17-Aug-2010, 10:17 PM
I read about this earlier. So, no ME part 1? Too bad for people who just own a P$3. The cool thing about ME is your actions and create a character will carry over to ME2 & 3 *when it comes out one day*. It reminds me of the original Suikoden trilogy.

17-Aug-2010, 11:58 PM
This will bomb as badly as Bioshock PS3. Most people who wanted to play ME2 probably have by now.

They should have released a 2-pack with both games included.

18-Aug-2010, 01:50 AM
i assume it will be something to get around the lack of me1 to effect the universe or something.

18-Aug-2010, 02:06 AM
They should have released a 2-pack with both games included.
Well the original game was a Microsoft studio game so that cant happen...

i assume it will be something to get around the lack of me1 to effect the universe or something.

Yes... If you didnt have a game save they would just you a few more questions and certain choices were made for you.

darth los
18-Aug-2010, 02:43 AM
Check this out. Funny shit.

They sound like a jilted lover! :lol:



19-Aug-2010, 02:12 AM
There is a chance that Bioware will marginalize the impact of choice made in Mass Effect 1 simply to make ps3 owners feel less shafted... Which would water down the series and Bioware in my opinion.

23-Aug-2010, 08:02 PM
And who says being bought out by EA is such a bad thing?

23-Aug-2010, 08:47 PM
And who says being bought out by EA is such a bad thing?

theres a problem with more people being able to play a game thats been out already for a long time?

It boggles my mind when people complain about MORE platforms getting the same game. its the most asinine thing to complain about. If it was the other way round like alan wake being no longer for pc then by all means i understand but this is more people getting a great game which completely unalters the current release.
This isn't even supported by the usual fanboy rhetoric of "but it slows down development for everything else". It's been on everything else since january.:rolleyes: