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View Full Version : Can i gush and recommend The Big O for a second?!?

20-Aug-2010, 04:14 PM
So i'm rewatching The Big O, a noir mystery anime from sunrise from the turn of the century and i cannot recommend this enough.
It appears to start as a generic giant robo show, with the main character a bruce wayne style negotiator piloting a giant robot called Big O. however the series quickly changes into some layer cake of noir sci fi subtext that in my opinion blows its competitors out of the water.
I know it's an anime which might put some people off but its like batman the animated series, the truman show and the matrix all got blended in some brundlefly type accident and i know people who still ten years on have no idea what the story was, and it took me a good long while to 'get' it. Like losts ending it can be read as some simple explanation but the real one is much, much deeper.
The soundtrack and english voicework is superb and its the only series i know of that bombed in japan due to it's noir mystery overtaking the robot fights but in england and the states it was so popular it was funded for a second season from overseas viewings alone.

Seriously, watch the first 4 episodes online and if you remotely find the idea of a lone town in a world where everything else is destroyed by some holocaust and 40 years ago every human and android lost its memory in paradigm, the last city on earth then this is for you.
Seriously, i can recommend nothing in the anime medium more than this show. Nothing. I assume it's free on the adult swim site, chit. this. shit. out.


20-Aug-2010, 04:17 PM
Son, I've been enjoying the 'Big O' for decades, no need for a recommendation.

Also, I will watch an episode of this anime you reference.

20-Aug-2010, 04:44 PM
Son, I've been enjoying the 'Big O' for decades, no need for a recommendation.

Also, I will watch an episode of this anime you reference.

*snicker*:D Well played my good man.


20-Aug-2010, 04:55 PM
I watched Big O during the early part of the decade. Not a bad series. The same voice actor who played Spike on Cowboy Bebop plays Roger Smith.

20-Aug-2010, 05:11 PM
Son, I've been enjoying the 'Big O' for decades, no need for a recommendation.


That was my first thought when reading the thread title. "You're just now getting around to this, Hellsing?":lol:

I believe there's also a ahem....product ring with this title. :p

20-Aug-2010, 08:48 PM
its the only series i know of that bombed in japan due to it's noir mystery overtaking the robot fights but in england and the states it was so popular it was funded for a second season from overseas viewings alone.

That explains alot. I remember them airing the first 13 episodes, and then they just stopped.....and there was a huge gap between the first and second season. I though it just ended til, a commercial came on about new episodes.

20-Aug-2010, 09:40 PM
That explains alot. I remember them airing the first 13 episodes, and then they just stopped.....and there was a huge gap between the first and second season. I though it just ended til, a commercial came on about new episodes.

yeah, it was gonna be the usual 23-25 episodes run but by 5 japan didn't like it, but then now you have all the creators from the turn of the century coming out saying "the japanese just wanted fan service and light plot at best", this was one not popular because of its heavy plot behind the nature of the world, the attempt at a media franchise failed but then it comes out in the us and the uk and its a runaway hit and a second season was commissioned just for the toonami audience market, an extreme rarity. It would be like another season of the xfiles being made but specifically for germany because it was way more popular there and no body expected it.

Dr Tongue
20-Aug-2010, 10:56 PM
Dayum. I've been a Big O fan since it first aired here is the US. I have had the DVDs(Both S1 and SII) for quite some time. I have probably watched the seasons in entirety over thirty times.) And have read the Manga(Which is a different take on things.)

Didn't Adult Swim fund the second season?(I remember watching the second season every Sunday Night.) They were interested in doing another, but for whatever reason, they decided not to.

PS: Don't get mad at the ending.

20-Aug-2010, 11:00 PM
Please never use the terms "gush" and "the big O" together in the topic header again. This is a family messageboard :lol::lol::lol:

20-Aug-2010, 11:03 PM
Dayum. I've been a Big O fan since it first aired here is the US. I have had the DVDs(Both S1 and SII) for quite some time. I have probably watched the seasons in entirety over thirty times.) And have read the Manga(Which is a different take on things.)

Didn't Adult Swim fund the second season?(I remember watching the second season every Sunday Night.) They were interested in doing another, but for whatever reason, they decided not to.

PS: Don't get mad at the ending.

If you get mad at the ending, your not getting mad at the ending, just the finale':D

21-Aug-2010, 04:07 AM
Y'know, I've heard about this one... but never checked it out. Thanks to you, now I will.
To reciprocate (ooh, what does that mean?!), Vampire Princess Miyu. Four OVAs, then a full season (26 ep.s). Um... yeah, it's pretty cool. Next to no fan service (at least in the OVAs, haven't seen all episodes yet), an interesting take on the mythology, intriguing plot lines and characters... mysterious.
Definitely better than most vampire stuff coming out these days... I mean, "Blood" was good, but this came first, and it's... different. But good!
Shiina (from the episodes) is a total bad ass, as well.