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View Full Version : Trading drugs for McDonalds Hamburgers

22-Aug-2010, 05:58 PM
Ran across this news story about this dimwit who got busted at McDonalds attempting to trade pills and pot for cheesburgers. He also happened to be in a stolen car which he was driving with a suspended license and had been wanted on several other charges.


To think that he could have purchased a whole sack of cheesburgers with a couple of bucks and instead he is now in jail facing the possiblity of hard time. Wonder what he is going to tell the other convicts about his arrest. I can only imagine:

Inmate #1: Whadda y'all in fer?

Inmate #2: Assault with a deadly weapon.

Inmate #3: Armed Robbery and battery.

Inmate #4: Kidnapping and rape.

McD Dude: Tried to trade some drugs for a McDonalds Cheeseburger.

What a douche!

22-Aug-2010, 06:01 PM

"McDonalds! So good, I'd trade CRACK for a burger!!!" ;)

22-Aug-2010, 06:58 PM
Ummmm, why didn't he just sell some of those drugs on the street before, uhh, he... uhhh...?
You know, nevermind. :rolleyes:
I've been that hungry for something, just never been unlucky enough to be that messed up to get it.
And geez, McDonald's?
I'd at least hit up some BK, or some Long John Silver's...

Ghost Of War
23-Aug-2010, 07:18 AM
Reminds me of the film, Menace II Society..."man, I gots these cheeseburgers, man!"

23-Aug-2010, 12:30 PM
The drugs are probably better for you than the McD's hamburgers. :p

23-Aug-2010, 01:15 PM
Wait a minute....so this guy is selling drugs to buy a mcdonalds hamburger? Forget the fact that he could have sold the drugs on the street, then went to mcdonalds with the money. What makes me laugh is the fact that Mcdonalds has 99 cent hamburgers!:lol:

This guy couldn't get 99 cent? I could scrounge up 99 cent walking through a parking lot and picking up pennies....

darth los
23-Aug-2010, 01:57 PM
The drugs are probably better for you than the McD's hamburgers. :p

Truest thing in the thread.

Wait a minute....so this guy is selling drugs to buy a mcdonalds hamburger? Forget the fact that he could have sold the drugs on the street, then went to mcdonalds with the money. What makes me laugh is the fact that Mcdonalds has 99 cent hamburgers!:lol:

This guy couldn't get 99 cent? I could scrounge up 99 cent walking through a parking lot and picking up pennies....

Makes you wonder where he got th drugs from then...:confused:

They don't just give that stuff away.
