View Full Version : Indy 5 - Jumping a whole shoal of sharks?

23-Aug-2010, 10:57 AM

23-Aug-2010, 12:00 PM
This does provide an excellent opportunity to go the whole "KHAN!" route :) *fingers crossed

23-Aug-2010, 12:01 PM
Labeouf was good and Indy 4 is worthy of the original three. People just like to nitpick. Things could have been a lot worse. Bring on Indy 5!:cool:

23-Aug-2010, 12:26 PM
Indy 4 was totally in-keeping with the original three. I re-watched all the original three movies, then re-watched Indy 4 a few months back, and they all fit together perfectly - Indy 4 is no different from Indy 1 through 3.

LaBeouf was good in Indy 4 as well. I don't understand the hatred some people level at his roles...and yes, while Lucas really needs to pay attention to his fans (e.g. Star Wars ORIGINAL EDITIONS!!!), I really enjoyed Indy 4.

The monkies bit was too much, but apart from that I really dug it. I think a lot of people have totally forgot what the original three were like - plus the fact that those three were from back then, when most people were kids when they first saw them, so the nostalgia factor looms large whether they admit it or not ... kind of happened with Land in some respect too, you could argue.

23-Aug-2010, 12:36 PM
Indy 4 was totally in-keeping with the original three. I re-watched all the original three movies, then re-watched Indy 4 a few months back, and they all fit together perfectly - Indy 4 is no different from Indy 1 through 3.

Whew. I was beginning to think I was the only one. I did the same and watched them all in order.....it fits perfectly! Sure, 4 has it's problems(as do the others), but it's not enough to take it out of the series and make it the worst movie ever as some have made it out to be. This jump the shark/nuke the fridge thing has just gotten out of hand. People tend to focus on the few negative parts rather than the experience as a whole.

And it's funny you bring up the star wars series. Would people prefer Indy 4 or the SW prequels? I think the answer is obvious....

23-Aug-2010, 01:26 PM
There's only one truly great Indy film and that's the first one.

...and even that had a stupid ending. :p

23-Aug-2010, 01:58 PM
Labeouf was good and Indy 4 is worthy of the original three. People just like to nitpick.

No, I rather think it's been gone over before that some people feel they have valid reasons to dislike the film, while others think it's either passable or good.

I think the last Indy was a piece of shit and have enumerated my reasons enough times not to feel it's necessary go into it again.

---------- Post added at 09:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 AM ----------

Would people prefer Indy 4 or the SW prequels? I think the answer is obvious....

A sequel to the Star Trek reboot!


23-Aug-2010, 02:03 PM
Indy 4 was totally in-keeping with the original three. I re-watched all the original three movies, then re-watched Indy 4 a few months back, and they all fit together perfectly - Indy 4 is no different from Indy 1 through 3.

LaBeouf was good in Indy 4 as well. I don't understand the hatred some people level at his roles...and yes, while Lucas really needs to pay attention to his fans (e.g. Star Wars ORIGINAL EDITIONS!!!), I really enjoyed Indy 4.

The monkies bit was too much, but apart from that I really dug it. I think a lot of people have totally forgot what the original three were like - plus the fact that those three were from back then, when most people were kids when they first saw them, so the nostalgia factor looms large whether they admit it or not ... kind of happened with Land in some respect too, you could argue.
Did you not see the bit with a nuclear bomb and a fridge? :moon:

Careful now, or I'll start about the tree driving grinning Marion... You know I will! Don't test me! :)

That said, I've not watched it recently. So maybe I would have calmed down a bit on it. I will try and watch it again... And I suspect I'll go easier on it :o

Rancid Carcass
23-Aug-2010, 02:09 PM
I did the same and watched them all in order.....it fits perfectly!

Actually I think you can say the same about the SW prequels, individually they're not a patch on the originals but watch them collectively as part of the wider saga and they make much more sense.
I'm starting to think that Lucas is no longer thinking about his films as stand alone stories. He doesn't have to rely on a films profits to the fund the next one so he can widen the scope of his storytelling - rather than cram it all in and tie it up just incase there isn't a next one. It's a luxury not many filmmakers have.
If Romero knew he had the funding to make six Dead films when he was starting on NIGHT, would he have told the story differently? It's an interesting thought.

23-Aug-2010, 02:14 PM
So maybe I would have calmed down a bit on it. I will try and watch it again... And I suspect I'll go easier on it :o

Like a poison, you may have built up an immunity to it, Neil...or had a traumatic stroke in the interim, thus allowing for more enjoyment of this offal.

23-Aug-2010, 02:33 PM
I think the last Indy was a piece of shit and have enumerated my reasons enough times not to feel it's necessary go into it again.

So you're posting your opinion that you don't want to post your opinion again? :p

23-Aug-2010, 02:36 PM
So you're posting your opinion that you don't want to post your opinion again? :p

Yes! :lol:

That is my opinion on opinion-giving in this thread :D

darth los
23-Aug-2010, 02:42 PM
There's only one truly great Indy film and that's the first one.

...and even that had a stupid ending. :p

The first one is a classic, the sencond enjoyable, and the rest well...

My mama taught me I you don't have anything nice to say then it's best to say nothing.

I think it's more than a nostalgia factor. They just made movies differently back then. Even the comedies.


23-Aug-2010, 02:44 PM
The first one is a classic, the sencond enjoyable, and the rest well...

I've never understood the hate for Last Crusade. It brought back the adventure and humor that were missing from Temple. It also happens to be my favorite of the series.:o

23-Aug-2010, 02:48 PM
I've never understood the hate for Last Crusade. It brought back the adventure and humor that were missing from Temple. It also happens to be my favorite of the series.:o

I agree. I always thought Temple was kind of empty, decent, but...empty, and Crusade really brought things back around. I also think the on-screen chemistry between Ford & Connery was incredibly fun.



darth los
23-Aug-2010, 02:59 PM
I've never understood the hate for Last Crusade. It brought back the adventure and humor that were missing from Temple. It also happens to be my favorite of the series.:o

The saying to each his own was never more apropriate than for this exchange.

I thought temple was the funniest in the series.

I also thought there was no shortage of adventure and action as well.


23-Aug-2010, 05:57 PM
Did you not see the bit with a nuclear bomb and a fridge? :moon:

Careful now, or I'll start about the tree driving grinning Marion... You know I will! Don't test me! :)

lol, we've already both been through that particular engagement more than once. One time I went through the sequence shot-by-shot with some screenshots I think, to prove she wasn't this grinning buffoon you'd made her out to be. :sneaky:

I agree. I always thought Temple was kind of empty, decent, but...empty, and Crusade really brought things back around. I also think the on-screen chemistry between Ford & Connery was incredibly fun.

Yeah. When I went through all four in-order, Temple stuck out like a sore thumb. It was really hard to enjoy compared to 1 and 3 and also 4. Last Crusade is probably my favourite of them all too, just nudging ahead of Raiders, and it is a really, really enjoyable movie - which is exactly what Indy is supposed to be. Rip-roaring Saturday morning serials fun.

Whew. I was beginning to think I was the only one. I did the same and watched them all in order.....it fits perfectly! Sure, 4 has it's problems(as do the others), but it's not enough to take it out of the series and make it the worst movie ever as some have made it out to be. This jump the shark/nuke the fridge thing has just gotten out of hand. People tend to focus on the few negative parts rather than the experience as a whole.

Yeah, the fridge thing has gone waaaaaaaaaaay overboard in terms of bitching about it. It's become a cliche to complain about that now, even. The sequence is daft, but the other films have their fair share of daft moments (Raider's Nazi monkey, Temple's plane escape, and Crusade's taking out a plane with a brolly and a flock of birds :p) ... and it was a sequence I enjoyed.

I really loved the quintessentially 1950s flavour of Indy 4. It hit all the beats of classic 50s nostalgia and iconography and it was a good, fun time. It makes even more sense with the spiffing feature length making of on the double discer.

23-Aug-2010, 07:24 PM
Fuck it, I say bring it on. I'm not a huge fan of SB, but as someone said earlier, Indy 4 could've been a LOT worse.

I actually like all of the Indy flicks, although Temple is my least favorite. I honestly don't get the hate for Indy 4 - it was no more of a stretch than the other films (yes, I saw the refrigerator thing - no worse than some voodoo dude pulling the still beating heart out of your chest while you're still alive! :rolleyes: :lol:)

Regardless, I'll check it out - under the condition that Harrison Ford is in the flick. If they try and let SB take over as "Indy Jr" or some other bullshit in this series, I will wig out like Charles Manson on a bad day. :lol:

23-Aug-2010, 07:27 PM
Indy 4 could've been a LOT worse.

And so could have the Black Plague, and yet...

23-Aug-2010, 07:40 PM
And so could have the Black Plague, and yet...

...the black plague killed a lot of people and Indy didn't. :lol: :p

23-Aug-2010, 07:43 PM
Even if Spielberg came back and made the greatest film since Ben Hur, people would still complain that it wasn't like Raiders. That's the kind of thing you get into when resurrecting franchises and their fans with rose glasses. The originals are flawless and nothing should ever attempt to expand on that...

23-Aug-2010, 07:43 PM
...the black plague killed a lot of people and Indy didn't. :lol: :p

What about all of those Thuggee cultists?

And the Nazis?


23-Aug-2010, 07:48 PM
Even if Spielberg came back and made the greatest film since Ben Hur, people would still complain that it wasn't like Raiders. That's the kind of thing you get into when resurrecting franchises and their fans with rose glasses. The originals are flawless and nothing should ever attempt to expand on that...

Especially when done so many years apart from each other. It's like your favorite band breaking up, then getting back together 10 years later and putting an album out - most of the "original" fans won't like it because they want it to be like their "old" material, but the artists have grown quite a bit between that time, you just didn't get to hear that growth as it happened. You just hear a huge leap from their last album to their "reunion" album.

Not always 100% the case, but often enough to make the analogy appropriate. ;)

What about all of those Thuggee cultists?

And the Nazis?


I thought about them, for sure.. and all that popped into my mind is Cate Blanchett saying "We will do this, how you say, 'old fashioned way'" *drool* :lol: :D

23-Aug-2010, 07:48 PM
...the black plague killed a lot of people and Indy didn't. :lol: :p

Indy has killed more nazis than the Black Plague...I think..but prove me wrong if you can >,>

Now I'm off to google nazi, "black plague", fatalities.

23-Aug-2010, 07:51 PM
Indy has killed more nazis than the Black Plague...I think..but prove me wrong >,>

Hey, i didn't claim the black plague killed more nazi's than Indy, I said it killed more PEOPLE than Indy. ;) :D

23-Aug-2010, 07:52 PM
Even if Spielberg came back and made the greatest film since Ben Hur, people would still complain that it wasn't like Raiders. That's the kind of thing you get into when resurrecting franchises and their fans with rose glasses. The originals are flawless and nothing should ever attempt to expand on that...

Nah, really...all he had to do was make a decent movie.

23-Aug-2010, 08:04 PM
Nah, really...all he had to do was make a decent movie.

What, like Land, Survival, or Diary?

Hey, someone had to go there, might as well be me! :lol: :D


23-Aug-2010, 08:06 PM
I suppose, technically, it was the Wrath of God offing most of those Nazis.

But the same could be said of the Black Plague - at least from the point of view of superstitious peasantry...

23-Aug-2010, 08:08 PM
What, like Land, Survival, or Diary?

Hey, someone had to go there, might as well be me! :lol: :D


Well, to be fair to Indy 4, I should probably watch all four movies in close succession. I have a feeling 4 might compare somewhat more favorably to Temple, from my perspective.

23-Aug-2010, 08:09 PM
Especially when done so many years apart from each other. It's like your favorite band breaking up, then getting back together 10 years later and putting an album out - most of the "original" fans won't like it because they want it to be like their "old" material, but the artists have grown quite a bit between that time, you just didn't get to hear that growth as it happened. You just hear a huge leap from their last album to their "reunion" album.

Not always 100% the case, but often enough to make the analogy appropriate. ;)

That works, but on the other hand there's really no growth between Crusade and Kingdom. The series is still the same regardless of Spielberg/Ford's age. Especially when you consider that the series is a throwback to films/shorts before their time, anyway. Nothing's really changed in the series with the exception of how it's made.

I'm curious as to what mythological/spiritual/supernatural artifact they'll throw into Indy 5. Just don't let it be aliens, because that would be just too much for some people. They need more down-to-earth things like glowing rocks, ghosts, ever lasting life, etc. None of that unbelievable alien shit! :lol:

23-Aug-2010, 08:16 PM
I'm curious as to what mythological/spiritual/supernatural artifact they'll throw into Indy 5. Just don't let it be aliens, because that would be just too much for some people. They need more down-to-earth things like glowing rocks, ghosts, ever lasting life, etc. None of that unbelievable alien shit! :lol:

I think aliens could have worked, it's just a matter of how the whole thing is handled. Light-touch would have been nice, but I didn't find there was any light-touches in Indy 4.

I also think throwing the whole defense of the film on the fact that they're based on cliff-hanger serials doesn't mean the filmmakers don't need to take the aesthetic of the modern film-goer into account. The original films were made to entertain their projected audiences and I think Indy 4 was more made to bilk us with a mailed-in effort and cash-in on the guaranteed audience of a large fanbase.

Of course, it all comes down to opinion so whatever. I already said I'm not giving an opinion in this thread :D

23-Aug-2010, 08:19 PM
The original film were made to entertain their projected audiences and I think Indy 4 was more made to bilk us with a mailed-in effort and cash-in on the guaranteed audience of a large fanbase.

Somehow I don't think George Lucas, Stephen Spielberg, or Harrison Ford needed the money or attention.....

23-Aug-2010, 08:21 PM
Somehow I don't think George Lucas, Stephen Spielberg, or Harrison Ford needed the money or attention.....

So they did it for the fans? Or the art of high filmmaking? This was the perfect script they had been waiting all those years to come along?

23-Aug-2010, 08:25 PM
So they did it for the fans? Or the art of high filmmaking? This was the perfect script they had been waiting all those years to come along?

Hey i'm not arguing whether it was good or not....just that....well- look at who those guys are! They definitely didn't do it for the money or attention.

If I had to guess, it was nostalgia. High School reunion kind of thing. Either that or maybe they thought it was time to wrap up the original idea of a 5-part series before they were too old.

23-Aug-2010, 08:29 PM
Hey i'm not arguing whether it was good or not....just that....well- look at who those guys are! They definitely didn't do it for the money or attention.

If I had to guess, it was nostalgia. High School reunion kind of thing. Either that or maybe they thought it was time to wrap up the original idea of a 5-part series.

Fair enough point, but you can't discount the possibility one of them needed an extra few million to buy their own country.

You are right, though...we shouldn't ask why they perpetrated the crime, just move onto punishing them :p

24-Aug-2010, 10:10 AM
The first one is a classic, the second enjoyable, and the rest well...

My mama taught me I you don't have anything nice to say then it's best to say nothing.

I think it's more than a nostalgia factor. They just made movies differently back then. Even the comedies.


Yep, I agree. Although, over the years I've gotten to really like 'Temple of Doom', apart from the life raft thing.

The third was complete shit though. I don't care what anyone says.

---------- Post added at 11:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:00 AM ----------

I've never understood the hate for Last Crusade. It brought back the adventure and humor that were missing from Temple. It also happens to be my favorite of the series.:o

Unfortunately, Bass, the "humour" was crap and not funny in the slightest. BTW, there wasn't an awful lot of humour in 'Raiders' either and when there was it was funny.

The "humour" in the third one is just mind numbing. It destroys the film completely.

---------- Post added at 11:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 AM ----------

I actually like all of the Indy flicks, although Temple is my least favorite. I honestly don't get the hate for Indy 4 - it was no more of a stretch than the other films (yes, I saw the refrigerator thing - no worse than some voodoo dude pulling the still beating heart out of your chest while you're still alive! :rolleyes: :lol:)

You see, the thing about this is, that maybe Mola Ram is pulling a fast one here. Perhaps he has a lambs heart stuck up his sleve or something and whips it out to fool his loyal followers? Shaman did that kind of switcharoo all the time.

That's sort of the way I've viewed that sequence.

Whereas the fridge....for fuck sake.... :rant:

24-Aug-2010, 11:08 AM
Yeah. When I went through all four in-order, Temple stuck out like a sore thumb. It was really hard to enjoy compared to 1 and 3 and also 4. Last Crusade is probably my favourite of them all too, just nudging ahead of Raiders, and it is a really, really enjoyable movie - which is exactly what Indy is supposed to be. Rip-roaring Saturday morning serials fun.

I agree. I think Last Crusade is also my favorite by a hair over the original. The chemistry between Ford and Connery is great (as noted by others), I loved the reappearance of Brody and Sallah, and it's chock full of quotable lines.

Yeah, the fridge thing has gone waaaaaaaaaaay overboard in terms of bitching about it. It's become a cliche to complain about that now, even. The sequence is daft, but the other films have their fair share of daft moments (Raider's Nazi monkey, Temple's plane escape, and Crusade's taking out a plane with a brolly and a flock of birds :p) ... and it was a sequence I enjoyed.

I dunno, the monkey wasn't CGI, and I didn't see it doing anything outside of the realm of what one might realistically expect a trained monkey to be able to do. And I think there's a fair bit more precedent for low-flying planes being taken down by bird strikes than people surviving nuclear blasts in kitchen appliances. Not even remotely close, I'm wagering.

24-Aug-2010, 11:22 AM
Yeah, the fridge thing has gone waaaaaaaaaaay overboard in terms of bitching about it. It's become a cliche to complain about that now, even. The sequence is daft, but the other films have their fair share of daft moments (Raider's Nazi monkey, Temple's plane escape, and Crusade's taking out a plane with a brolly and a flock of birds :p) ... and it was a sequence I enjoyed.

Nope... Don't know if you noticed, but he SURVIVED a NUCLEAR BLAST in a FRIDGE? He also flew X miles through the air in said kitchen appliance too...

Temple's plane escape, seems infinitately more possible to me than SURVIVING a NUCLEAR BLAST in a FRIDGE... :)

It just pushed it too far for me...

Anyway, we've been over this before... I need to watch it again... :)

24-Aug-2010, 11:59 AM
Unfortunately, Bass, the "humour" was crap and not funny in the slightest. BTW, there wasn't an awful lot of humour in 'Raiders' either and when there was it was funny.

The "humour" in the third one is just mind numbing. It destroys the film completely

Different strokes, I guess. I personally find it to be a funny father/son movie and think the adventure is above Raiders. Grail is just lighter hearted than the original, yet can take itself seriously when it comes down to the meat and bones of the dysfunctional family and grail story. I see i'm not the only one that thinks so at least...Crusade is the only other one besides Raiders listed in Imdb's 250.

And no humor in Raiders? I hate to say it, but I think you may need to sit down and give it another go. There is tons of humor in Raiders.:confused:

24-Aug-2010, 12:06 PM
Then ruddy watch it again already, better yet, watch all four in sequence. :sneaky:

24-Aug-2010, 12:31 PM
Then ruddy watch it again already, better yet, watch all four in sequence. :sneaky:

If you're a real nerd, watch them in chronological order.:p

Doom, Raiders, Crusade, Kingdom.

And if you're a hopeless geek, you can watch the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles before the films. :cool:

24-Aug-2010, 12:35 PM
You see, the thing about this is, that maybe Mola Ram is pulling a fast one here. Perhaps he has a lambs heart stuck up his sleve or something and whips it out to fool his loyal followers? Shaman did that kind of switcharoo all the time.

That's sort of the way I've viewed that sequence.

Whereas the fridge....for fuck sake.... :rant:

Oh come on, you can't excuse one and not the other. There was no trickery involved - you see it very plainly - he reaches in, pulls a beating heart out of the dude, and the dude was still alive (did I just use "dude" too many times? "I KNOW WHO I AM! I'm the dude, playing a dude, disgused as another dude!") - that is just as ludicrous as the damn fridge! :p :lol:

24-Aug-2010, 01:53 PM
he reaches in, pulls a beating heart out of the dude...that is just as ludicrous as the damn fridge! :p :lol:


Tell that to an innocent thirty-something who had his heart ripped out by Spielberg & co. :(

Where are your fancy words now, Lou?


24-Aug-2010, 02:00 PM
Nope... Don't know if you noticed, but he SURVIVED a NUCLEAR BLAST in a FRIDGE? He also flew X miles through the air in said kitchen appliance too...

Temple's plane escape, seems infinitately more possible to me than SURVIVING a NUCLEAR BLAST in a FRIDGE... :)

It just pushed it too far for me...

I've said it before: Surviving the WRATH OF GOD by keeping their eyes closed.

Arguing about reality in the Indiana Jones movies? C'MAAAAAAHHHHNNN!!

24-Aug-2010, 02:19 PM

Tell that to an innocent thirty-something who had his heart ripped out by Spielberg & co. :(

Where are your fancy words now, Lou?


No idea what you're getting at with that, but if you want fancy words, how about: hagiography, antediluvian and peripatetic :lol:

Arguing about reality in the Indiana Jones movies? C'MAAAAAAHHHHNNN!!

That's what I've been trying to say! It's pointless.. one is no more unrealistic than the other. :D

24-Aug-2010, 02:22 PM
That's what I've been trying to say! It's pointless.. one is no more unrealistic than the other. :D

"but, but, but....nuke the fridge! Nuke the fridge!"

The haters only line of defense.:p

24-Aug-2010, 02:25 PM
"but, but, but....nuke the fridge! Nuke the fridge!"

The haters only line of defense.:p

That and SB... which I will admit, is not my favorite actor, but was far from distracting in Indy 4.

24-Aug-2010, 02:29 PM
"but, but, but....nuke the fridge! Nuke the fridge!"

The haters only line of defense.:p

I have gone on at length before why the film sucked...seriously, the film was well below par and they had a generation of 'waiting for just the right script' and that is what they came up with.

---------- Post added at 10:29 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:28 AM ----------

That and SB... which I will admit, is not my favorite actor, but was far from distracting in Indy 4.

I don't mind him, but he was pretty flat and ill-used in Indy 4...just sort of tacked on. Didn't SB even admit the movie sucked after the fact? Or was that internet hype? I can't even remember, to be honest.

24-Aug-2010, 02:33 PM
Didn't SB even admit the movie sucked after the fact? Or was that internet hype? I can't even remember, to be honest.

Yeah, he said that Spielberg and Lucas dropped the ball. But I think he's done that with every film he's made. I remember him bitching about Transformers and Eagle Eye, too. It's surprising the guy keeps getting work with a big mouth like that...

24-Aug-2010, 02:37 PM
Yeah, he said that Spielberg and Lucas dropped the ball. But I think he's done that with every film he's made. I remember him bitching about Transformers and Eagle Eye, too. It's surprising the guy keeps getting work with a big mouth like that...

I know he supposedly bitched about Transformers 2...but Transformers and Eagle Eye hit both their marks as far as I was concerned. I mean, if you had to make a live action Transformer film...absolutely had to...I don't know how much better it could have been done.

Transformers 2 (wish I could use T2 as a short-hand, but that feels just wrong), however was pretty bad.

24-Aug-2010, 03:31 PM
Oh come on, you can't excuse one and not the other. There was no trickery involved - you see it very plainly - he reaches in, pulls a beating heart out of the dude, and the dude was still alive (did I just use "dude" too many times? "I KNOW WHO I AM! I'm the dude, playing a dude, disgused as another dude!") - that is just as ludicrous as the damn fridge! :p :lol:

Mmmm...not necessarilly. I never saw Ram's hand enter the victim. Didn't see a hole in his chest. Sure I saw a heart in Mola Rams' hand. But, that was it. There's LOADS of gray area here :D

That fucking fridge on the other hand... :rant:

24-Aug-2010, 03:43 PM
I never saw Ram's hand enter the victim. Didn't see a hole in his chest. Sure I saw a heart in Mola Rams' hand. But, that was it.

Once again, you may want to give all of the films another viewing....

Go to :34


24-Aug-2010, 03:57 PM
Once again, you may want to give all of the films another viewing....

Go to :34


I don't get the point? The realism of a man's hand pulling out a heart? Compared to THE FRIDGE?

One is a small leap of faith - ie: Maybe it was the POV of the audience, and infact something else happened in reality. eg: He slipped a knife in there, and/or pulled out a false heart. Yadda yadda yadda...

But the other is THE FRIDGE surviving a nuclear blast and soaring through the air. If only the public in Hiroshima had such kitchen appliances! Indeed why wasn't Indy accompanied by a whole squadron of more of these nuke repellent kitched appliances as he flew through the air?

24-Aug-2010, 03:58 PM
Once again, you may want to give all of the films another viewing....

Go to :34


Hey! That's not in my copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


24-Aug-2010, 04:17 PM
I don't get the point? The realism of a man's hand pulling out a heart? Compared to THE FRIDGE?

One is a small leap of faith - ie: Maybe it was the POV of the audience, and infact something else happened in reality. eg: He slipped a knife in there, and/or pulled out a false heart. Yadda yadda yadda...

But the other is THE FRIDGE surviving a nuclear blast and soaring through the air. If only the public in Hiroshima had such kitchen appliances! Indeed why wasn't Indy accompanied by a whole squadron of more of these nuke repellent kitchen appliances as he flew through the air?

I could not agree more. I just wish the fridge was an outlier; one negative amidst a great film, but it's indicative of a lot of tacked on or outright poorly handled aspects of the film.



24-Aug-2010, 04:35 PM
I don't get the point? The realism of a man's hand pulling out a heart? Compared to THE FRIDGE ?

So let me get this straight. Someone can calmly pull a heart of of another's chest while that person is still living.....but surviving a nuclear blast(something that has happened in the past ) is totally inexcusable?

I give up....

24-Aug-2010, 04:38 PM
So let me get this straight. Someone can calmly pull a heart of of another's chest while that person is still living.....but surviving a nuclear blast(something that has happened in the past ) is totally inexcusable?

I give up....

Come on, Bassman. You didn't read the points Neil made, did you?

Also, I thought this was funny/cool/sad depending on the POV...


24-Aug-2010, 04:43 PM
Hey! That's not in my copy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No doubt cut by the BBFC from back in the day. Not sure if it's uncut these days (probably), but yeah Temple of Doom was one of those entries that got fiddled around with by the BBFC. I've never seen that 'gore' footage either.

24-Aug-2010, 04:46 PM
Come on, Bassman. You didn't read the points Neil made, did you?

I did actually. And I would encourage him to watch the clip I posted. He clearly sticks his hand into the chest, pulls out a beating heart, and the hole heals up. How is that the POV of the audience or slight of hand? The movie is clearly set in a fantastical environment, just like ALL of the Indy films.

There are tremendous leaps of faith in all of them. I would understand if you were complaining about the monkey swinging scene because it's just silly, but the way people bitch about the fridge is ridiculous considering the equally ridiculous things that have happened in the previous films.

Imo, you guys are just hating on the new kid on the block because of your rose colored glasses of the originals. Complain about the cgi, monkeys, whatever is involved in the making of the film....but complaining about Indy surviving seemingly un-survivable situations is like complaining that Superman wears tights. It's part of the character....

24-Aug-2010, 04:55 PM
Imo, you guys are just hating on the new kid on the block because of your rose colored glasses of the originals. Complain about the cgi, monkeys, whatever is involved in the making of the film....but complaining about Indy surviving seemingly un-survivable situations is like complaining that Superman wears tights. It's part of the character....

I've complained about several things that had to do with the film in the past, nuking the fridge is just one glaring aspect. It was tacked on, unnecessary and certainly seemed to cause enough of an issue with enough viewers to become a notorious sticking point. Fitting with the motif or not, it was a poor choice in a film project full of poor choices.

And let's be clear, using rose-tinted glasses as an argument is something that cuts both ways and is a pretty empty argument, you don't see me claiming that it's rampant fanboy hysterics leading people to champion the film. I understand it was a passable entry for some folks and...somehow...some folks even enjoyed it.

---------- Post added at 12:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

No doubt cut by the BBFC from back in the day. Not sure if it's uncut these days (probably), but yeah Temple of Doom was one of those entries that got fiddled around with by the BBFC. I've never seen that 'gore' footage either.

Yup, I remember the film as being hailed (rightly or wrongly so) as part of the impetus for introducing the PG-13 rating in the US.

24-Aug-2010, 05:05 PM
And let's be clear, using rose-tinted glasses as an argument is something that cuts both ways and is a pretty empty argument, you don't see me claiming that it's rampant fanboy hysterics leading people to champion the film.

I don't think anyone has championed the film as being as good as the originals....just that it's not the worst disaster of all time that the haters make it out to be. They're so concerned with the five minute clip of the fridge that they fail to realize that most of the film fits nicely within the world set up in Raiders, Doom, and Crusade.

I'll be the first to say that Kingdom has it's troubles. Obvious CGI, swinging Labeouf, etc, etc. No rose glasses here. It's just that all of these things don't make it any less of an Indiana Jones film. At least not in this fan's opinion. Looking at the bigger picture and all.

24-Aug-2010, 05:10 PM
complaining about Indy surviving seemingly un-survivable situations is like complaining that Superman wears tights. It's part of the character....

I know the world is fantastical in Indiana Jones films and we let things slide, but--for me and several others--unless that fridge is some sort of unknown holy relic we're all unaware of, it's no dice. It's, to me, what track star zombies are to MZ--a bridge too far.

---------- Post added at 01:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:09 PM ----------

I'll be the first to say that Kingdom has it's troubles. Obvious CGI, swinging Labeouf, etc, etc. No rose glasses here. It's just that all of these things don't make it any less of an Indiana Jones film. At least not in this fan's opinion. Looking at the bigger picture and all.

Fair enough--as I've said before--and I think I need to compare KoCS to the others in a marathon.

24-Aug-2010, 05:40 PM
I know the world is fantastical in Indiana Jones films and we let things slide, but--for me and several others--unless that fridge is some sort of unknown holy relic we're all unaware of, it's no dice. It's, to me, what track star zombies are to MZ--a bridge too far.

Well, don't speak too soon Aces, for all we know Indy 5 will be "Indiana Jones and the Search for the Holy Refrigerator" :lol:

24-Aug-2010, 06:17 PM
I know the world is fantastical in Indiana Jones films and we let things slide, but--for me and several others--unless that fridge is some sort of unknown holy relic we're all unaware of, it's no dice. It's, to me, what track star zombies are to MZ--a bridge too far.

As far as runners, there are exceptions for me.

Return of the Living Dead, Deadlands 1 & 2, Zombieland, and Dead Set to name a handful. Although those titles bring something that washes over the running zombie thing for me ... I still don't dig runners, but those titles (28 Days/Weeks Later aren't zombies - they're infected living people ... same thing with The Crazies 2010) are good by me.

So what I'm saying is, don't let a lead-lined fridge in a clearly fantastical adventure action movie spoil the whole broth. :sneaky:

24-Aug-2010, 06:24 PM
No doubt cut by the BBFC from back in the day. Not sure if it's uncut these days (probably), but yeah Temple of Doom was one of those entries that got fiddled around with by the BBFC. I've never seen that 'gore' footage either.

Cheers Min. I'm not the only one so.

Well, feck that anyway.

24-Aug-2010, 06:25 PM
As far as runners, there are exceptions for me.

And I don't automatically hate on all refrigerators. In fact, I get on a little too well with the one in my own home :D

24-Aug-2010, 06:28 PM
I know the world is fantastical in Indiana Jones films and we let things slide, but--for me and several others--unless that fridge is some sort of unknown holy relic we're all unaware of, it's no dice. It's, to me, what track star zombies are to MZ--a bridge too far.

Ahem.....A Fridge too Far!

Ta da!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm here all week!

24-Aug-2010, 06:29 PM
Ahem.....A Fridge too Far!

Ta da!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm here all week!

:lol: Can't believe I didn't think of that one. Well played, Shootem!

25-Aug-2010, 10:46 AM
Imo, you guys are just hating on the new kid on the block because of your rose colored glasses of the originals. Complain about the cgi, monkeys, whatever is involved in the making of the film....but complaining about Indy surviving seemingly un-survivable situations is like complaining that Superman wears tights. It's part of the character....

Wait, no. Indiana Jones is not a superhero. He's an uncommonly physical archaeologist who gets out of deadly situations with brains, pluck, and a lot of luck. But he doesn't have super powers.

The movies each center around a magical, mystical, or supernatural artifact (regarding Crystal Skull, like Arthur C. Clarke said, any sufficiently-advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic), and obviously one must expect and accept "unrealistic" things that are based on those key plot points. Like the effects of the Ark in movie 1, the stones in movie 2, the Grail in movie 3, and the aliens in movie 4. But like AcesandEights said, there's no indication that the nuclear weapon in movie 4 was some kind of mystical item with special powers unlike any other nuclear weapon (a Holy Atomic Bomb of Alamogordo like the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch). The scene was just absurd. Like shootemindehead said, a Fridge Too Far (classic!).

Let's say in the next movie Indy searches for the Fountain of Youth. Upon finding it, he drinks from it and becomes young. That's "unrealistic," yeah, but it's plot-driven and understandable. If during his quest, though, he gets into a fight with some bad guys and jumps over a house to get away from them, or punches his way through a thick stone wall, that's unrealistic in a way that does not flow from the premise of the plot and therefore unforgivable.

25-Aug-2010, 11:26 AM
So let me get this straight. Someone can calmly pull a heart of of another's chest while that person is still living.....but surviving a nuclear blast(something that has happened in the past ) is totally inexcusable?

I give up....

The thing is is that in Temple the writer and director gave of a reason to suspend disbelief... Magic and there was a logic and mythos built in... In Crystal its just... Ahhh... um... He is indy and he will survive... And literally... "Thats a cool part from on of the many scripts...So lets stick that in here."

I think im with aces on the idea there are too many reasons to list on what is wrong with this film... It's really a film that deserves the red letter media treatment.

While I cannot say the movie is objectively awful I will say there are some serious technical aspect that are sub par... And generally speaking when a films script is literally Frankenstein'd together by several distinct different stories(not different drafts) you don't usually get a story that is cohesive or worth telling.

25-Aug-2010, 12:10 PM
Wait, no. Indiana Jones is not a superhero.

Never said he was.:confused: Just that he's always a guy in over his head and extremely lucky to make it out of extraordinary situations. It's a staple of the character.

But like AcesandEights said, there's no indication that the nuclear weapon in movie 4 was some kind of mystical item with special powers unlike any other nuclear weapon (a Holy Atomic Bomb of Alamogordo like the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch). The scene was just absurd. Like shootemindehead said, a Fridge Too Far (classic!).

Did the sky diving water raft have mythical powers? That's equally absurd. Just like most of the Jones series...

25-Aug-2010, 12:44 PM
Hey, say what you will about "Crystal Skull" not being as great as the other "Indiana Jones" flicks, but this debate about the fridge is just STUPID.

Pick the most realistic one below:

A.) Oh yeah, the Ark of the Covenant killing Nazi's through the power of God. Oh yeah, that's an every day thing. :rockbrow:

B.) The Holy Grail granting eternal life to anyone who partakes of it. Right... :rockbrow:

C.) Or, wait for it... someone surviving a nuclear blast by securing themselves in a lead-lined fridge?

Okay folks... which of these three are more realistic than the others? C'mon... it's really not that difficult to choose.


25-Aug-2010, 12:53 PM
Finally....someone else that's seen the first three and knows what the series is about!:lol:

25-Aug-2010, 01:01 PM
Hey, say what you will about "Crystal Skull" not being as great as the other "Indiana Jones" flicks, but this debate about the fridge is just STUPID.

Pick the most realistic one below:

A.) Oh yeah, the Ark of the Covenant killing Nazi's through the power of God. Oh yeah, that's an every day thing. :rockbrow:

B.) The Holy Grail granting eternal life to anyone who partakes of it. Right... :rockbrow:

C.) Or, wait for it... someone surviving a nuclear blast by securing themselves in a lead-lined fridge?

Okay folks... which of these three are more realistic than the others? C'mon... it's really not that difficult to choose.


Someone pass JP the spliff, 'cause he gets it too. :D

25-Aug-2010, 01:31 PM
I am not interested in Indy 5. Indy 4 was a slap in the face, much like LAND of the DEAD.

It is time for Spielberg and Ford to hang it up and move the hell on.

Indy 3 was the last decent film, and I will leave it at that... 'nuff said

25-Aug-2010, 02:01 PM
No spliff for you, Dj. :lol:

So what was the problem for you w/Indy 4?

25-Aug-2010, 02:08 PM
Finally....someone else that's seen the first three and knows what the series is about!:lol:

Yes, yes I have. :D

25-Aug-2010, 03:03 PM
No spliff for you, Dj. :lol:

So what was the problem for you w/Indy 4?

Harrison Ford is 66 years old and some of the stuff he was doing in the movie stunt wise was total BS... Unbelieveable a 66yr old would do that.

The whole Alien sort thingy... WTF?

I didn't mind Shia LeBouf that much, but the whole package just looked and felt Mediocre... much like LAND of the DEAD

Indy 4 is Lucas, Spielberg and Fords, LAND of the DEAD... Shia was just the Jar Jar Binks/Big Daddy that everyone truly hates but puts on a facade saying it was the best thing since sliced bread. Only thing is SHIA was just not quite as annoying as BD and JJB

25-Aug-2010, 03:55 PM
Pick the most realistic one below:

A.) Oh yeah, the Ark of the Covenant killing Nazi's through the power of God. Oh yeah, that's an every day thing. :rockbrow:

B.) The Holy Grail granting eternal life to anyone who partakes of it. Right... :rockbrow:

C.) Or, wait for it... someone surviving a nuclear blast by securing themselves in a lead-lined fridge?

Okay folks... which of these three are more realistic than the others? C'mon... it's really not that difficult to choose.


Don't you mean which one of these does not fit thematically within the context of an Indiana Jones film?

This isn't the Adventures of Baron Munchhausen! If Indiana cannily dove into a refrigerator to survive a soviet bomb and somehow made it through an explosion that would have flattened most of a building, I'd have bought that. Surviving by the skin of one's teeth through crazy circumstances is one thing (and a grand tradition in both Indiana Jones films and the cliff-hangers the film is an homage to), but this set piece with the atom bomb test was unnecessary and lame.

I guess you guys would think it was perfectly fine for Ben to have pulled out a light saber and started whacking zombies in Night...I mean shit, zombies don't exist, light sabers don't exist, what the hell? Right? Makes about as much sense to me.

None of this really changes that the film mis-stepped in so many areas that a lot of people just couldn't look past the nuked fridge. If the film had been alright otherwise, I think a lot of people would have just rolled their eyes at the one part and enjoyed the rest of it.

Rancid Carcass
25-Aug-2010, 04:22 PM
I guess you guys would think it was perfectly fine for Ben to have pulled out a light saber and started whacking zombies in Night...

Well, with a name like Ben it wouldn't be too much of a stretch of the imagination. - maybe his surname was Kenobi...

"If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."


"There's another one for the fire..."



25-Aug-2010, 04:37 PM
Well, with a name like Ben it wouldn't be too much of a stretch of the imagination. - maybe his surname was Kenobi...

"If you strike me down, I will become more powerful than you could possibly imagine."


"There's another one for the fire..."



:lol: Fair enough!

25-Aug-2010, 05:02 PM
Now that would be a hell of a weapon for the zombie crisis. You would have no problems with a lightsaber.:D

25-Aug-2010, 06:16 PM
Now that would be a hell of a weapon for the zombie crisis. You would have no problems with a lightsaber.:D

I could see the Energizer bunny commercial now...

Ordinary Guy # 1 is lined up against a wall surrounded by zombies and then pulls his lightsaber out as they are about to attack him and the saber goes suddenly flickering dead. He opens the bottom of the lightsaber to discover Duracel batteries there instead of Energizer.

The camera flashes to the Energizer bunny with a voice-over saying: "Even when everything else dies, the Energizer keeps going, and going, and..." as you hear Ordinary Guy # 1's screams in the background.

Classic commercial. :)


25-Aug-2010, 07:43 PM
Harrison Ford is 66 years old and some of the stuff he was doing in the movie stunt wise was total BS... Unbelieveable a 66yr old would do that.

First, do you honestly think Harrison Ford looked 66 years old in this flick? If so, I'm worried. I only PRAY I'm able to look as good and move as well as Harrison at that age! :lol:

Bruce Willis was 52 when he did Live Free or Die Hard - do you think someone his age would be able to pull off the shit he did in that movie? Stallone, 56 and just did the Expendables... I can't buy into the age thing unless he really looked almost 70, and I don't think he did.

I'll give you the alien aspect - that was quite wonky (at least the last 10-15 minutes of the flick - I have no complaints about the crystal skull & its origins, but you're right about the ending/alien thing, that took it a bit too far..)

None of this really changes that the film mis-stepped in so many areas that a lot of people just couldn't look past the nuked fridge. If the film had been alright otherwise, I think a lot of people would have just rolled their eyes at the one part and enjoyed the rest of it.

So you're saying that because of all the other flaws in the film, that's why people can't let the fridge scene go? Do you think the same could be said about Land & Big Daddy? :lol: :D

j/k, but seriously dude, I never hear any other complaints about the film aside from the "fridge" and SB. That's pretty much it. I don't hear about the other mis-steps in the film, it's usually just these two things brought up.

Y'know, Temple of Doom mis-stepped in a lot of ways too, and I don't see that getting anywhere near the hate that Crystal Skull gets. Interesting.

Either way, to each his own. This was a love it or hate it situation, there was no inbetween. It's a bummer the return of Indy wasn't what everyone was expecting... but then again, what were people expecting is my rehotical question. ;)

*shurgs shoulders* I'm just in the minority I guess. :D

25-Aug-2010, 07:54 PM
Y'know, Temple of Doom mis-stepped in a lot of ways too, and I don't see that getting anywhere near the hate that Crystal Skull gets. Interesting.

The seperation of time. Same with Day. Both got shit when they were first released, but once people lightened up and realized that those sequels were NEVER going to be the same as the originals, they're now considered a welcomed part of the family.

Kingdom may never be a part of the immidiate family, but as time passes it will definitely be accepted as the loving and funny step brother with acne and B.O.....

25-Aug-2010, 07:57 PM
Kingdom may never be a part of the immidiate family, but as time passes it will definitely be accepted as the loving and funny step brother with acne and B.O.....


"It's funny 'cause it's true!" :D

25-Aug-2010, 08:46 PM
You are still arguing the do's and dont's and logic of a family adventure movie series involving pulling out hearts, voodoo, nazis melting, aliens and immortal grail knights.:|

PRO-TIP: The time spent arguing over a fridge, again, is time wasted doing anything better. just enjoy them for what they are, jesus, i mean you have ME of all people critiquing complaints about a franchise. ME!:lol:

25-Aug-2010, 09:46 PM
Would people prefer Indy 4 or the SW prequels? I think the answer is obvious....

It is obvious: the SW prequels.
Indy 4 was/is/ and always will be a piece of garbage in my eyes and this coming from a long time Indiana Jones fan/collector besides being a huge fan of Lucas/Spielberg. It ranks up as one of the worst films I have ever seen - plain and simple for me. And it is the only Spielberg and/or Lucas film that I don't own (and will never own) on DVD or Bluray.

Very good Cannes review that says it like it is

Indy 4 was not like the first three films - It was a poorly made adventure film masquearading as a Indiana Jones film. You never thought at any time in the film that Indiana Jones was ever in peril. Indy 4 was not a Indiana Jones film and it makes my head go

when someone thinks it is.

Indy 5 - You got to be kidding...


---------- Post added at 04:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:42 PM ----------

Hey, say what you will about "Crystal Skull" not being as great as the other "Indiana Jones" flicks, but this debate about the fridge is just STUPID.

Pick the most realistic one below:

A.) Oh yeah, the Ark of the Covenant killing Nazi's through the power of God. Oh yeah, that's an every day thing. :rockbrow:

B.) The Holy Grail granting eternal life to anyone who partakes of it. Right... :rockbrow:

C.) Or, wait for it... someone surviving a nuclear blast by securing themselves in a lead-lined fridge?

Okay folks... which of these three are more realistic than the others? C'mon... it's really not that difficult to choose.


A and B are interesting to watch. C is just stupid.


25-Aug-2010, 11:18 PM
I could see the Energizer bunny commercial now...

Ordinary Guy # 1 is lined up against a wall surrounded by zombies and then pulls his lightsaber out as they are about to attack him and the saber goes suddenly flickering dead. He opens the bottom of the lightsaber to discover Duracel batteries there instead of Energizer.

The camera flashes to the Energizer bunny with a voice-over saying: "Even when everything else dies, the Energizer keeps going, and going, and..." as you hear Ordinary Guy # 1's screams in the background.

Classic commercial. :)


Genius... GENius... GENIUS

25-Aug-2010, 11:33 PM
I found this response post to the original article perfectly sums up my feelings about Crystal Skull.

I seriously don't understand people's bitching about Crystal Skull. Unrealistic? Ridiculous plots? You mean - as opposed to the stark, gritty historical realism of the first three Indiana Jones movies? Are you kidding me?

I'd say that people who make these complaints need to grow up, but the problem is precisely that they did. The thirtysomethings that make these complaints saw the first three Indy movies when they were tensomething - an age where they couldn't tell that they were unrealistic, and somehow it still hasn't registered with them just how much they were. Then they watch the new movie without a nostalgic haze around it, and suddenly are shocked to discover that Indiana Jones is unrealistic, escapist adventure. In other words, they're mad at Indiana Jones for being Indiana Jones.

If you want historical realism, watch Das Boot. Indiana Jones isn't, never was, and never will be, that.

26-Aug-2010, 12:02 AM
I found this response post to the original article perfectly sums up my feelings about Crystal Skull.

Okay, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull lovers, since this film was such fine (or even passable) cinematic fare, please share what made the film--in your eyes--good or enjoyable. I mean most movies that are decent will have something that you think of fondly afterward, that was well done or maybe even something so cool or well done you'll never forget it...so what are these things for KotCS?

Just wondering.

26-Aug-2010, 12:09 AM
If you're a real nerd, watch them in chronological order.:p

Doom, Raiders, Crusade, Kingdom.

And if you're a hopeless geek, you can watch the Young Indiana Jones Chronicles before the films. :cool:

theres a timeline? tell us more, inside man.

26-Aug-2010, 12:44 AM
theres a timeline? tell us more, inside man.

Yes... Doom is a prequel.

26-Aug-2010, 12:46 AM
theres a timeline? tell us more, inside man.

:lol: Inside man? (I had to say that to myself in the tone of "Chocolate man")

I could be wrong, but I believe the years are stated at the beginning of the films. Pretty much common knowledge.

I assume this is because I asked what footage you knew was cut from Terminator Salvation and you never could scrounge up an answer?

26-Aug-2010, 01:15 AM
Okay, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull lovers, since this film was such fine (or even passable) cinematic fare, please share what made the film--in your eyes--good or enjoyable. I mean most movies that are decent will have something that you think of fondly afterward, that was well done or maybe even something so cool or well done you'll never forget it...so what are these things for KotCS?

Just wondering.

Well you see. . I am already a bit of an outcast in the Indy community because my favorite Indy film is the least favorite of most (Temple of Doom) But I found Crystal Skull to be a fun ride. . . .and I have never really expected more from an Indy movie than a fun ride. . .so. . .there. . . .Now I will admit that it didn't quite have the ease that the previous 3 had. . .it seemed a bit forced. . . .but with age of the actors. . and hell, the characters. . .that was a bit forgivable as well.

26-Aug-2010, 02:26 AM
I found this response post to the original article perfectly sums up my feelings about Crystal Skull.

It has nothing to do with being realistic. My Parents, in their late 70's, enjoy the first three Indy films and even when they saw Indy 4, they thought it was absolutely horrible. Has nothing to do with an audience going from being a child (original 3 films) to an adult (with Indy 4). Bad is bad.

It has to do with being a fun adventure film. Indy 4 wasn't a fun adventure film like the first three (even TOD was darker than the other two but it was still fun and exciting to watch).

Indy 4 was boring. And boring is a kiss of death when it comes to a Indiana Jones film especially one directed by Spielberg. Not even the great John Williams whose scores are always memorable couldn't save this one as I thought the KOTCS score was even lackluster. I can remember the music from the first three and not one piece of music from Indy 4 stayed with me. They dropped the ball on Indy 4 in all areas.


26-Aug-2010, 03:13 AM
It has nothing to do with being realistic. My Parents, in their late 70's, enjoy the first three Indy films and even when they saw Indy 4, they thought it was absolutely horrible. Has nothing to do with an audience going from being a child (original 3 films) to an adult (with Indy 4). Bad is bad.


Ah but you see . . . your parents have grown up during this time as well. Not from childhood of course. But they have watched the change of Cinema over the past few decades as well. We have been innundated with so much!!! So many movies. . so much advancement in technology, so many changes. So their expectations have changed as well. . . .their view on the "cinema" has matured as well. No matter your age. . .you can be jaded. . . .and that is the problem.

26-Aug-2010, 07:59 AM
__________________________________________________ _______________
Originally Posted by JDFP
Hey, say what you will about "Crystal Skull" not being as great as the other "Indiana Jones" flicks, but this debate about the fridge is just STUPID.

Pick the most realistic one below:

A.) Oh yeah, the Ark of the Covenant killing Nazi's through the power of God. Oh yeah, that's an every day thing.

B.) The Holy Grail granting eternal life to anyone who partakes of it. Right...

C.) Or, wait for it... someone surviving a nuclear blast by securing themselves in a lead-lined fridge?

Okay folks... which of these three are more realistic than the others? C'mon... it's really not that difficult to choose.

__________________________________________________ _______________

A and B are interesting to watch. C is just stupid.

Not only that, we accept A and B, because they are the film's MacGuffin. They are the supernatural crux of the movie. Sure, I roll my eyes now at the end of 'Raiders of the Lost Ark', but I can accept its fiction, because the film is hanging on it. I can even accept the utterly ridiculous ending of 'Last Crusade', because again it's the grand finale. The end of the journey, if you will. Even though I think it's an appalling ending to a generally appalling film.

But the atomic proof fridge thing is simply a lazy, over the top, CGI induced way of getting a character out of a tight situation...and yes, it's stupid.

People are lashing out at it, because it is simply impossible to suspend the disbelief enough to accept it. When watching films, people have to buy into a basic concept. So, we buy into the Ark. We buy into Mola Ram's voodoo. We can even buy into a 700 year old knight guarding the cup of Christ etc, as they are central to the movie and without doing so, we may as well not bother watching the film at all.

However, when writing or filming scenes that require a character to "get out of jail" as it were. It's usually best to keep them within the realms of possibility. So, the truck scene in 'Raiders' is believable, fantastic though it is. The rope scene in 'Temple of Doom' is believable too, even though the odds of survival are extremely slim. Even bringing down a BF108 with a flock of seagulls is within the realms of possibility. Although 'Last Crusade is repleat with idiocy.

That fridge scene, however, is utterly impossible. So, it takes the viewer right out of the film. It's completely unacceptable as a device.

But, Indiana Jones isn't the only movie that's been affected by cheap "get out of jail" scenes. The Star Wars prequels are littered with them too, and I blame the advent of CGI for this to a large degree. With CGI, the limits of the physical are no longer a restraint. So producers can literally have their characters do ANYTHING they want and quite often, it's completely beyond the realms of physical possibility.

That's why there are 1000's of people who just cannot accept Indy 4's atomic fridge.


26-Aug-2010, 12:02 PM
Okay, Kingdom of the Crystal Skull lovers, since this film was such fine (or even passable) cinematic fare, please share what made the film--in your eyes--good or enjoyable. I mean most movies that are decent will have something that you think of fondly afterward, that was well done or maybe even something so cool or well done you'll never forget it...so what are these things for KotCS?

Just wondering.

These are the things that keep it firmly within the realm of the Jones' IMO:

The entire opening race leading up to area 51 is a great Jones-styled opening.

Indiana's hat/shadow introduction - GREAT.

The chase around Marshall College. You could splice that into one of the early films and not notice a difference.

Indy and "Brody"(Can't remember Broadbent's name now, but he was a great replacement) in Indy's home.

The cave where the skull is first discovered feels like a Jones movie.

Although the fridge thing is a big deal to everyone, I still thought the scene leading up to it was hilarious. A great "Oh shit" Jones moment.

Cate Blanchett was a great villian. Nice to see a lady instead of a graying old man.

John Hurt. "Henry Jones Junioooor" :lol: Great crazy man.

Labeouf. Like him, love him, or hate him....I thought he was fitting as Henry III. He felt like a younger Indy to me...

Ray Winstone as well. Great as the "who is he?!?" guy. Like Hurt, he makes everything better.

The Ants. How could it be an indy movie without a creepy crawly of some kind? And those things got my skin crawling...

"I've got a bad feeling about this". Any fan of Indy or SW should know why. The entire theater cracked up for that one.

The UFO looking like a 50's saucer - nice touch fitting in with the 50's timeframe.

I wasn't a big fan of the cgi alien, but the collapsing temple scene was exciting.

The Wedding. I'm sure a lot of fans were thinking "Indy can't get married!!blah blah blah", but I thought it was a nice touch to see him settling down and following in his father's footsteps in his old age.

Now probably my favorite moment in the film - When Mutt picks up the hat and the Indiana Jones theme starts to kick in. You could hear the theater gasp like "NOOO it's too soon!", but just before the familar theme goes into high gear, Indy grabs the hat, puts it on and gives Mutt a wink. AWESOME. Indy is back for a while, baby!

That's just a few things off the top of my head. Like I've said from the start, there are a few negative aspects of the movie(most of which have been mentioned), but as a whole they DO NOT make it any less of an Indiana Jones adventure, imo. I went in expecting to be as entertained as the previous three, and Kingdom did just that.

26-Aug-2010, 12:46 PM
I sat here and counter-pointed everything said above, then I realized, why bother. People like it or they don't. The fact that people are trying to reason things in the first three movies as being more believeable than the fridge or anything else in Indy 4 is astonishing.

It was pointed out some of the "realistic possibilities" of the first three movies, but, the ark wasn't mentioned, pulling live beating hearts out of chests wasn't mentioned, and neither was the "everlasting life given by drinking water out of a chalace/cup" - so it's comparing apples to oranges. If you want to compare those "realistic" scenes to "realistic" scenes in Indy 4, then perhaps comparing those to the motorcycle chase in part 4 would be more appropriate. You can't compare the fridge scene vs. the "more realistic" parts of the first three.

These are the things that keep it firmly within the realm of the Jones' IMO:

All of the things bassman wrote I agree with. Not only that, after the long absence of Indy, don't you think that entire opening sequence in the warehouse was worth the price of admission alone? The re-intro of Indy, the villain (which I must say was well played by Blanchett), all of it - it was just a triumphant re-introduction to a character we hadn't seen in a decade.

It's interesting.. Romero puts out 3 shit sequels to the original trilogy, and people have an easier time giving that garbage a free pass, but because of a stupid fridge scene in Indy 4 (mostly), it's cruicifed.

C'mon guys, you're scaring me here.. :lol: :p

26-Aug-2010, 01:01 PM
after the long absence of Indy, don't you think that entire opening sequence in the warehouse was worth the price of admission alone?

HELL NO! It was friggin pandering to the audience. I never rolled my eyes as much as I did at that sequence.

It's interesting.. Romero puts out 3 shit sequels to the original trilogy, and people have an easier time giving that garbage a free pass

What do you mean you people? I know you didn't say that but I wanted to try and work that in somewhere.

I Do not give Romero a free pass on the newer films... well Diary I do because I do enjoy it... It has more of a horror vibe than Land or Survival. Had romero shot that 3rd person as opposed to 1st, I think Diary would have been a much better flick. :rant:

C'mon guys, you're scaring me here.. :lol: :p

Wooga Booga :skull:

26-Aug-2010, 01:04 PM
HELL NO! It was friggin pandering to the audience. I never rolled my eyes as much as I did at that sequence.

If the awesome re-introduction of Indy in Kingdom is pandering to the audience....ALL of the films are pandering to the audience. He has a great introduction in all four of the films, starting with the original Raiders!:confused:

How is his slow, trunk/hat/shadow introduction any different from the over-the-shoulder forrest and whip shots in Raiders? Or the young indy shot that fades into Older Indy getting his ass kicked on the boat in Crusade?

26-Aug-2010, 01:14 PM
HELL NO! It was friggin pandering to the audience. I never rolled my eyes as much as I did at that sequence.

I can't help it you're jaded.. That's your problem, not Indy's.. :p

...and "pandering to the audience"? For the love of shit, like Romero has been doing since LAND?! http://enderzero.net/smilies/fuckyou.gif

What do you mean you people? I know you didn't say that but I wanted to try and work that in somewhere.

You're right, i didn't say you people.. I said some people.. so on that, note, here's your smiley again:



I Do not give Romero a free pass on the newer films... well Diary I do because I do enjoy it... It has more of a horror vibe than Land or Survival. Had romero shot that 3rd person as opposed to 1st, I think Diary would have been a much better flick. :rant:

"more of a horror vibe" doesn't make it good. It still sucked, just like the other two. If Indy 4 doesn't get a pass, Diary does not either, because as far as sequels go, Indy 4 was a way better sequel to the originals than Diary ever was, so :p

Indy's opening sequence in part 4 was an excellent "Indy vibe" yet, for some reason, Diary gets the pass, Indy does not? Dude, stop smoking whatever it is you're smoking, or for the love of all that's holy, SHARE IT, will ya?! :lol:

If the awesome re-introduction of Indy in Kingdom is pandering to the audience....ALL of the films are pandering to the audience. He has a great introduction in all four of the films, starting with the original Raiders!:confused:

How is his slow, trunk/hat/shadow introduction any different from the over-the-shoulder forrest and whip shots in Raiders? Or the young indy shot that fades into Older Indy getting his ass kicked on the boat in Crusade?

This times 100.

26-Aug-2010, 01:39 PM
Let us agree to disagree. :D

26-Aug-2010, 01:40 PM
These are the things that keep it firmly within the realm of the Jones' IMO:

The entire opening race leading up to area 51 is a great Jones-styled opening.

Indiana's hat/shadow introduction - GREAT.

The chase around Marshall College. You could splice that into one of the early films and not notice a difference.

Indy and "Brody"(Can't remember Broadbent's name now, but he was a great replacement) in Indy's home.

The cave where the skull is first discovered feels like a Jones movie.

Although the fridge thing is a big deal to everyone, I still thought the scene leading up to it was hilarious. A great "Oh shit" Jones moment.

Cate Blanchett was a great villian. Nice to see a lady instead of a graying old man.

John Hurt. "Henry Jones Junioooor" :lol: Great crazy man.

Labeouf. Like him, love him, or hate him....I thought he was fitting as Henry III. He felt like a younger Indy to me...

Ray Winstone as well. Great as the "who is he?!?" guy. Like Hurt, he makes everything better.

The Ants. How could it be an indy movie without a creepy crawly of some kind? And those things got my skin crawling...

"I've got a bad feeling about this". Any fan of Indy or SW should know why. The entire theater cracked up for that one.

The UFO looking like a 50's saucer - nice touch fitting in with the 50's timeframe.

I wasn't a big fan of the cgi alien, but the collapsing temple scene was exciting.

The Wedding. I'm sure a lot of fans were thinking "Indy can't get married!!blah blah blah", but I thought it was a nice touch to see him settling down and following in his father's footsteps in his old age.

Now probably my favorite moment in the film - When Mutt picks up the hat and the Indiana Jones theme starts to kick in. You could hear the theater gasp like "NOOO it's too soon!", but just before the familar theme goes into high gear, Indy grabs the hat, puts it on and gives Mutt a wink. AWESOME. Indy is back for a while, baby!

That's just a few things off the top of my head. Like I've said from the start, there are a few negative aspects of the movie(most of which have been mentioned), but as a whole they DO NOT make it any less of an Indiana Jones adventure, imo. I went in expecting to be as entertained as the previous three, and Kingdom did just that.

Well, I disagree with many, many of your points, but I appreciate that you at least gave some concrete examples of things you liked or appreciated about the film. I'm not sure I believe you, but if you say you liked those things about the film I can't prove otherwise.

26-Aug-2010, 02:04 PM
I'm not sure I believe you, but if you say you liked those things about the film I can't prove otherwise.

"Lois....I never lie."

Seriously...why would I lie, anyway? I genuinely like Kingdom. It gets a play just as much as the original three. I actually go through phases every 6-12 months where i'll watch the whole series over the course of four days. It will be nice when they release them all on BR.

I'm still trying to figure out why you think I would lie about liking a film.:confused:

26-Aug-2010, 02:08 PM
Let us agree to disagree. :D

Fine, but I still want you to share whatever it is you're smoking, 'cause it must be gooooooooooooood. :lol:

26-Aug-2010, 06:59 PM
Ah but you see . . . your parents have grown up during this time as well. Not from childhood of course. But they have watched the change of Cinema over the past few decades as well. We have been innundated with so much!!! So many movies. . so much advancement in technology, so many changes. So their expectations have changed as well. . . .their view on the "cinema" has matured as well. No matter your age. . .you can be jaded. . . .and that is the problem.


26-Aug-2010, 09:10 PM

Ah, great response.

Seriously this argument is like the Why we hate Land of the Dead thread. Either you like the movie or you didn't and people in either camp are amazed that the other camp disagrees with them. It's silly. I hear great arguments on why the movie is great and why it sucks. . . and the same arguments could be made for any movie. . . . .any movie ever. What it boils down to is whether you liked it or not. And never the twain shall meet.

26-Aug-2010, 09:29 PM
Ah, great response.

Seriously this argument is like the Why we hate Land of the Dead thread. Either you like the movie or you didn't and people in either camp are amazed that the other camp disagrees with them. It's silly. I hear great arguments on why the movie is great and why it sucks. . . and the same arguments could be made for any movie. . . . .any movie ever. What it boils down to is whether you liked it or not. And never the twain shall meet.

Very true. But what else are message boards for? It would be extremely boring around here if we never had any debate and just said "that's your opinion...."

26-Aug-2010, 09:39 PM
The first one is a classic, the sencond enjoyable, and the rest well...

This! Three and four were shite. Four moreso than three, obviously.

26-Aug-2010, 09:44 PM
Very true. But what else are message boards for? It would be extremely boring around here if we never had any debate and just said "that's your opinion...."

Meh. . .that's your opinion.

26-Aug-2010, 10:32 PM
These are the things that keep it firmly within the realm of the Jones' IMO...

Cut & paste all of Bassman's list & you've pretty much got all of mine as well.

Ah, great response.

Seriously this argument is like the Why we hate Land of the Dead thread. Either you like the movie or you didn't and people in either camp are amazed that the other camp disagrees with them. It's silly. I hear great arguments on why the movie is great and why it sucks. . . and the same arguments could be made for any movie. . . . .any movie ever. What it boils down to is whether you liked it or not. And never the twain shall meet.

This. I'll go on record again as saying I liked KotCS. Great fun, didn't find it to be silly or unbelievable or whatever other reasons people have for hating it, & thought it was a good companion piece to the rest of the series. The reason I've held off as long as I have about (re)entering the debate is just because I really don't enjoy these type of threads much any more, but...there it is.

27-Aug-2010, 09:17 AM
It was pointed out some of the "realistic possibilities" of the first three movies, but, the ark wasn't mentioned, pulling live beating hearts out of chests wasn't mentioned, and neither was the "everlasting life given by drinking water out of a chalace/cup" - so it's comparing apples to oranges. If you want to compare those "realistic" scenes to "realistic" scenes in Indy 4, then perhaps comparing those to the motorcycle chase in part 4 would be more appropriate. You can't compare the fridge scene vs. the "more realistic" parts of the first three.

You absolutely can compare the fridge scene to the "more realistic" parts of the first three. Here's why. Every Indiana Jones movie has:

A. Wild chases and lucky escapes ("more realistic" parts)
B. Miraculous effects of a magical/mystical/sacred relic ("less realistic" parts)

In the first three movies, category B includes the ark, pulling live beating hearts out of chests, and everlasting life given by drinking water out of a chalice. In movie 4, category B includes crystal skulls and alien bodies. That is apples-to-apples: category B elements versus category B elements. It's a proper comparison because one expects magical (which for our purposes includes alien technology) things to have magical effects. The Fridge Too Far is not a category B element, it's a category A element. It's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, not Indiana Jones and the Flight in the Lead-Lined Fridge. No magical/mystical/super-alien-technology explanation is given for the scene, unlike all the ones you mention. Therefore, comparing the fridge to other chase/fight/escape scenes from the other movies is not apples-to-oranges, it's apples-to-apples. You're the one making an apples-to-oranges comparison.

27-Aug-2010, 10:50 AM
You absolutely can compare the fridge scene to the "more realistic" parts of the first three. Here's why. Every Indiana Jones movie has:

A. Wild chases and lucky escapes ("more realistic" parts)
B. Miraculous effects of a magical/mystical/sacred relic ("less realistic" parts)

In the first three movies, category B includes the ark, pulling live beating hearts out of chests, and everlasting life given by drinking water out of a chalice. In movie 4, category B includes crystal skulls and alien bodies. That is apples-to-apples: category B elements versus category B elements. It's a proper comparison because one expects magical (which for our purposes includes alien technology) things to have magical effects. The Fridge Too Far is not a category B element, it's a category A element. It's Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, not Indiana Jones and the Flight in the Lead-Lined Fridge. No magical/mystical/super-alien-technology explanation is given for the scene, unlike all the ones you mention. Therefore, comparing the fridge to other chase/fight/escape scenes from the other movies is not apples-to-oranges, it's apples-to-apples. You're the one making an apples-to-oranges comparison.

If you need a good comparison for the fridge. . look at the raft from the crashing plane, onto a mountainside, then into a river in TOD. Neither are ever gonna fucking happen. . . but they did in an Indy movie. . .so. . .there.

27-Aug-2010, 11:42 AM
Well, there is sort of precedent there.

There are remarkable stories of guys jumiping from aircraft during WWII and landing in trees etc breaking their fall. Mind you they ended up with broken bones.
True that scene is silly and I've no doubt that if the internet was around in 1984, there would have been people on it moaning about that too.

But, it's still a million miles away from the Atomic fridge.

27-Aug-2010, 11:52 AM
Well, there is sort of precedent there.

There are remarkable stories of guys jumiping from aircraft during WWII and landing in trees etc breaking their fall. Mind you they ended up with broken bones.

People have also survived atomic explosions. Without the aid of lead lined fridges. Both are extremely lucky - just like Indiana Jones.

27-Aug-2010, 12:30 PM
You absolutely can compare the fridge scene to the "more realistic" parts of the first three. Here's why. Every Indiana Jones movie has:

A. Wild chases and lucky escapes ("more realistic" parts)
B. Miraculous effects of a magical/mystical/sacred relic ("less realistic" parts)

When you catagorize them in that context using that particular A/B comparison, sure. But, what most are clamouring about is the "realism" of the scene ruining the movie - you CANNOT say "the firdge scene was unrealistic" when half of the content in any indy movie is unrealistc. That's what I was trying to express, perhaps it did not come out that way.

Lets face facts: when does anyone watch Indy for "realism"? Seriously? If you do, you're watching the wrong flick(s).

People have also survived atomic explosions. Without the aid of lead lined fridges. Both are extremely lucky - just like Indiana Jones.

'nuff said.

27-Aug-2010, 12:39 PM
People have also survived atomic explosions. Without the aid of lead lined fridges. Both are extremely lucky - just like Indiana Jones.

Yep and they look like this


Don't see how they are lucky after going through that and looking like that.

So Bullshit ont he fridge scene

27-Aug-2010, 12:42 PM
Yep and they look like this


Don't see how they are lucky after going through that and looking like that.

So Bullshit ont he fridge scene

That's only one example you dingbat, so bullshit on your picture being the only possible outcome.

Double Atomic Bomb Survivor - 93 years old (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/5044798/Double-atomic-bomb-survivor-found-in-Japan.html)

Eat me, Dj. :lol: :lol:

27-Aug-2010, 01:09 PM
That's only one example you dingbat, so bullshit on your picture being the only possible outcome.

Double Atomic Bomb Survivor - 93 years old (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/japan/5044798/Double-atomic-bomb-survivor-found-in-Japan.html)

Eat me, Dj. :lol: :lol:

I see no pictures in your article other than a picture of the mushroom cloud. I need other evidence. :p

27-Aug-2010, 01:14 PM
What, you want me to travel to japan to take pictures of the dude? Actual proof of a 93 year old survivor is not good enough for you?

"Tsutomu Yamaguchi had already been a certified hibakusha, or radiation survivor, of the Aug 9, 1945, atomic bombing in Nagasaki. "

"As far as we know, he is the first one to be officially recognised as a survivor of atomic bombings in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki," said Toshiro Miyamoto, a Nagasaki city official. "It's such an unfortunate case, but it is possible that there are more people like him."

Nice try, no cigar Dj.

People may have "side effects" from the radiation, I'm sure, but they didn't touch on that in the movie. Perhaps Indy will develop some kinda mean, uncurable cancer from the blast in the next movie and they'll just take him to some cave somewhere and have him drink from a cup - then everything will be just fine. :lol:

Oh, and here ya go, put this in your pipe and smoke it:

Nagasaki Bomb Survivor (includes picture just for Dj) (http://gregornot.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/nagasaki-atomic-bomb-survivor-calls-for-complete-elimination-of-nuclear-weapons/)

And before you say "how do we know that's him, that pic doesn't identify him" CLICK HERE. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peaceactionwest/2758527914/)

27-Aug-2010, 01:45 PM
Lou, if you think proving the plausibility of such a thing in a 1 in a billion circumstance somehow corrects the script, dialogue, lack of onscreen chemistry and lackluster impression this film has left on some of us, you are going to be butting your head against a wall for a long, long time.

But I applaud your willingness to debate the matter.

27-Aug-2010, 01:46 PM
Guys....Clearly Indy was cleaned of any radiation immediately following the blast. Janitor made sure he was okay before they accused him of treason.:p

I'm sure the guy doesn't want to be typecast, but it was strange seeing him in an Indy film....

27-Aug-2010, 01:54 PM
I like Janitor...whatever the actor's name who plays him might be. :)

27-Aug-2010, 01:56 PM
Lou, if you think proving the plausibility of such a thing in a 1 in a billion circumstance somehow corrects the script, dialogue, lack of onscreen chemistry and lackluster impression this film has left on some of us, you are going to be butting your head against a wall for a long, long time.

But I applaud your willingness to debate the matter.

Well, my examples aren't the only ones out there - there are quite a few more radiation survivors out there than what I've provided. Not sure what the odds are (we all know they're extremely slim), but, fact remains, people do survive these blasts (without the aid of a lead-lined fridge no less! :lol:), albeit it not that many.

The main reason I posted that stuff is because Dj just LOVES fucking with me so I fuck with him right back. :lol: It's that "cat 'n mouse" thing, know what I mean? We do it just because it's fun to propagate our formula, which is this:


And by no means am I saying this corrects the script, but it does add validity to the 'surviving a nuclear bomb/blast.' It can happen, no matter how small the chances. ;)

Besides, who doesn't like messing with Dj anyway? :lol: :D

27-Aug-2010, 02:12 PM
I don't get all the trouble...it was a LEAD-LINED refrigerator!

Keeps you safe from Atomic blasts and Superman's x-ray vision!


27-Aug-2010, 02:13 PM
I like Janitor...whatever the actor's name who plays him might be. :)

I like him too. Everyone is just so used to seeing him on Scrubs at this point. When he came into the flick there was like a little chuckle and whisper through the crowd. Not that he was bad at the part(he actually made a good stuck up Fed), but he's just SO recognized from the show. I think he's also on some new show with Ray Ramano's hot wife. :p

27-Aug-2010, 02:22 PM
I don't get all the trouble...it was a LEAD-LINED refrigerator!

Keeps you safe from Atomic blasts and Superman's x-ray vision!

Well thank god it's an apple in the picture and not the Annoying Orange (http://www.youtube.com/user/realannoyingorange#p/u/1/QTiFml51wWI)... :lol:

27-Aug-2010, 02:34 PM
I think he's also on some new show with Ray Ramano's hot wife.

Who's that?

I only remember a shrill, castrating harpy.

And her character was kind of a pill, too...

27-Aug-2010, 03:01 PM
To each his own. I always had a thing for her on that show. *shrugs shoulders*

27-Aug-2010, 03:06 PM
Who's that?

I only remember a shrill, castrating harpy.

Yeah, dude. One of the more unattractive women in tv history. I understand she looks good for her age...but looks are so completely overshadowed by bitchiness. I also seem to recall she seemed a bit annoying in her public life, as well.

---------- Post added at 11:06 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:05 AM ----------

To each his own. I always had a thing for her on that show. *shrugs shoulders*

Just out of curiosity, was it physical attraction or a thing for her character's persona?

27-Aug-2010, 04:37 PM
People have also survived atomic explosions. Without the aid of lead lined fridges. Both are extremely lucky - just like Indiana Jones.

NOT at ground zero, they didn't.

---------- Post added at 05:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:34 PM ----------

Yep and they look like this


Don't see how they are lucky after going through that and looking like that.

So Bullshit on the fridge scene

Fuckin ell DJ.

I don't know whether to laugh or be horrifed!!!!

No....no....laughing at your response...horrified at the poor lad in the pic.


27-Aug-2010, 04:51 PM
Fuckin ell DJ.

I don't know whether to laugh or be horrifed!!!!

I was horrified at first, however, after getting over that, the only thing that popped into my head was...


I'm so going to hell for that... :o

darth los
27-Aug-2010, 05:05 PM
What, you want me to travel to japan to take pictures of the dude? Actual proof of a 93 year old survivor is not good enough for you?

"Tsutomu Yamaguchi had already been a certified hibakusha, or radiation survivor, of the Aug 9, 1945, atomic bombing in Nagasaki. "

"As far as we know, he is the first one to be officially recognised as a survivor of atomic bombings in both Hiroshima and Nagasaki," said Toshiro Miyamoto, a Nagasaki city official. "It's such an unfortunate case, but it is possible that there are more people like him."

Nice try, no cigar Dj.

People may have "side effects" from the radiation, I'm sure, but they didn't touch on that in the movie. Perhaps Indy will develop some kinda mean, uncurable cancer from the blast in the next movie and they'll just take him to some cave somewhere and have him drink from a cup - then everything will be just fine. :lol:

Oh, and here ya go, put this in your pipe and smoke it:

Nagasaki Bomb Survivor (includes picture just for Dj) (http://gregornot.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/nagasaki-atomic-bomb-survivor-calls-for-complete-elimination-of-nuclear-weapons/)

And before you say "how do we know that's him, that pic doesn't identify him" CLICK HERE. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peaceactionwest/2758527914/)

That dude is gangsta. That's all I'm saying.


27-Aug-2010, 05:09 PM
Oh, and here ya go, put this in your pipe and smoke it:

Nagasaki Bomb Survivor (includes picture just for Dj) (http://gregornot.wordpress.com/2008/08/18/nagasaki-atomic-bomb-survivor-calls-for-complete-elimination-of-nuclear-weapons/)

And before you say "how do we know that's him, that pic doesn't identify him" CLICK HERE. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/peaceactionwest/2758527914/)

All lies and propaganda. That dude doesn't look 93... maybe 73, but not 93. I call BULLSHIT! :p

Wrong Number
27-Aug-2010, 05:14 PM
I've never understood the hate for Last Crusade. It brought back the adventure and humor that were missing from Temple. It also happens to be my favorite of the series.:o

I always thought Most people ranked the original three as Raiders, Last Crusade and Temple. At least that's how my group of friends have always ranked them.

Temple, besides being overly serious in too many places suffered from "throw you out of the movie" type of scenes. For me, it went downhill when they jumped from a plane in a raft, hit a mountain, skied down the mountain in said raft then the rapids followed by a crazy waterfall. Sure, Indy pushes the envelope of what's humanly possible, but these sort of scenes went well beyond that by miles.


27-Aug-2010, 06:18 PM
All lies and propaganda. That dude doesn't look 93... maybe 73, but not 93. I call BULLSHIT! :p

http://enderzero.net/smilies/poke.gif :lol:

That's not the 93 year old you dingbat! READ! :lol:

27-Aug-2010, 06:27 PM
Aside from my grandmother, you're the only other person I've heard use the term "dingbat".:lol:

I'm gonna have to remember that one for future use....

27-Aug-2010, 06:30 PM
Aside from my grandmother, you're the only other person I've heard use the term "dingbat".:lol:

Wakka wakka, I'm here all week. :D

Waaaaait a sec, are you calling me old? :lol:

27-Aug-2010, 06:32 PM
Wakka wakka, I'm here all week. :D

Waaaaait a sec, are you calling me old? :lol:

Negative. Just thought it was a funny word that never gets used. Gonna have to add it to ma lingo.:cool:

27-Aug-2010, 06:35 PM
Dingbat is classic Archy Bunker-speak!


27-Aug-2010, 06:37 PM
Negative. Just thought it was a funny word that never gets used. Gonna have to add it to ma lingo.:cool:


Ok, I feel better now. :lol:

27-Aug-2010, 10:22 PM
NOT at ground zero, they didn't.

I thought they did a cut away shot of the bomb actually being some distance away, thus not at ground zero. Which is why I can buy it (in an over-the-top, Indiana Jones way.)

27-Aug-2010, 10:47 PM
I thought they did a cut away shot of the bomb actually being some distance away, thus not at ground zero. Which is why I can buy it (in an over-the-top, Indiana Jones way.)

Yeah, they dropped the bomb near the hills. The town was a fair distance away in the bottom of a dry lake bed, if im not mistaken.

28-Aug-2010, 07:23 PM
I thought they did a cut away shot of the bomb actually being some distance away, thus not at ground zero. Which is why I can buy it (in an over-the-top, Indiana Jones way.)

They showed the bomb a very short distance from the town, which was clearly visible.

That's ground zero.


Ain't nobody surviving that. Fridge or no fridge.

30-Aug-2010, 12:26 PM
Ain't nobody surviving that. Fridge or no fridge.

Unless you're Indiana Jones. :lol:

30-Aug-2010, 12:47 PM
I love that the blast radius image is of London. Did I miss something or has Shootem got a plan? :lol:

30-Aug-2010, 02:27 PM
Forget nukin' the fridge, Shootem is reducing Parliament to ash and sooty waste, and while I can't fault you for aiming big, I question your telling us. The only villain who shares his plan ahead of time is a defeated one and you're better than that, Shootem.

31-Aug-2010, 09:59 AM
Atlanta and New York are next.


31-Aug-2010, 11:51 AM
Atlanta and New York are next.


Being a resident of Atlanta, I've often wondered what would happen to the CDC if hit with a big enough explosion. Hopefully they've got all those vials in a very stable bomb shelter. :stunned:

31-Aug-2010, 12:38 PM
Being a resident of Atlanta, I've often wondered what would happen to the CDC if hit with a big enough explosion. Hopefully they've got all those vials in a very stable bomb shelter. :stunned:

Oh, you know they do - our government ALWAYS has our best interest at heart... uhhh, yeah. :lol: :D

31-Aug-2010, 05:10 PM
Oh, you know they do - our government ALWAYS has out best interest at heart... uhhh, yeah. :lol: :D

LMAO... Lou and I think alike and we know how it all works. MUHAHAHAHAHA

31-Aug-2010, 06:40 PM
LMAO... Lou and I think alike and we know how it all works. MUHAHAHAHAHA

Brothers from another mother. :lol: :D