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View Full Version : Woman throws cat into bin...

24-Aug-2010, 08:19 AM
http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Woman-Caught-On-Security-Camera-Dumping-Kitten-In-Wheelie-Bin-For-No-Apparent-Reason/Article/201008415703029?lpos=UK_News_News_Your_Way_Region_ 8&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_15703029_Woman_Caught_On_S ecurity_Camera_Dumping_Kitten_In_Wheelie_Bin_For_N o_Apparent_Reason

24-Aug-2010, 08:24 AM
Yeah i saw this and it's maddeningly fucked up. It wasn't even the typical scumbag dumping an unwanted pet. This stupid c*nt saw a kitten on the street, called it over and dumped it in a wheelie bin on the front for the garbage men.

That is a special ted bundy kind of sick.

24-Aug-2010, 08:45 AM
Yeah i saw this and it's maddeningly fucked up. It wasn't even the typical scumbag dumping an unwanted pet. This stupid c*nt saw a kitten on the street, called it over and dumped it in a wheelie bin on the front for the garbage men.

That is a special ted bundy kind of sick.

Yep! That's the odd thing here isn't it. The actions seem completely out of place given a middle-aged woman... I hope they track her down! She's certainly going to be local!

24-Aug-2010, 09:33 AM
Yep! That's the odd thing here isn't it. The actions seem completely out of place given a middle-aged woman... I hope they track her down! She's certainly going to be local!

It's fucking abominable, mostly because of what it represents. This stupid woman does this because she thinks noone is around and she can get away with it. like the goddam medieval opinion of "the moment the judging eyes are gone i have no need for morality or ethics".
It's the same twisted thinking that has people smothering a kid because they can and there is no witness. Just some sick idea that some sentient thing that is more likely than not a beloved member of a family and because you think no one could catch you, why not have a go and set up its death. that is supremely fucked up.

24-Aug-2010, 09:47 AM
That is awful. . . this is worse. . . .same news site. . . http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/The-Bodies-Of-100-Animals-Are-Found-Dumped-In-A-Somerset-River-Police-Are-Investigating/Article/201008415703200?lpos=UK_News_News_Your_Way_Region_ 4&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_15703200_The_Bodies_Of_100 _Animals_Are_Found_Dumped_In_A_Somerset_River%3A_P olice_Are_Investigating

24-Aug-2010, 10:03 AM
That is awful. . . this is worse. . . .same news site. . . http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/The-Bodies-Of-100-Animals-Are-Found-Dumped-In-A-Somerset-River-Police-Are-Investigating/Article/201008415703200?lpos=UK_News_News_Your_Way_Region_ 4&lid=NewsYourWay_ARTICLE_15703200_The_Bodies_Of_100 _Animals_Are_Found_Dumped_In_A_Somerset_River%3A_P olice_Are_Investigating

I would bet good money that's illegal stock from some chippie or take away that's been hastily dumped before a health inspection.

theres been worse: http://newslite.tv/2008/10/15/kebab-shop-made-food-next-to-d.html

24-Aug-2010, 10:20 AM
Yep! That's the odd thing here isn't it. The actions seem completely out of place given a middle-aged woman... I hope they track her down! She's certainly going to be local!


24-Aug-2010, 10:38 AM
She's been identified and offered police protection - http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/Woman-Who-Put-Cat-In-Bin-In-Coventry-Is-Identified-By-RSPCA-And-Given-Police-Protection/Article/201008415704447?f=rss

24-Aug-2010, 12:19 PM
Some people just aren't right in the head, I guess.

This reminds me of an episode of cops where this old woman is living in filth. You couldn't see the floor of her home because of the garbage and bugs filling it. The cops come in and have to wear ventilator masks the smell is so bad. They then find dead cats in garbage bags hanging in a closet, frozen in her ice box, and thrown into the dumpster outside. They asked her why they all died or why she treated them that way and she says that she couldn't take care of them, so she put them out.:eek:

Some people...

24-Aug-2010, 12:42 PM

Coventry Police have not arrested the woman because she has not committed a criminal offence."

The force said the woman was not being given police protection, despite speculation, and Community Support Officers were outside her address monitoring a large group of people for "public order purposes as per routine police procedure".

Large group = mob with pitch forks and wheely bins!


24-Aug-2010, 02:05 PM
I really wonder if this isn't some sign of mental illness in the woman. I'd hate to jump to any conclusions.

Dumping a cat in a garbage can is just shitty behavior. The cat had no idea. Came up to the woman, tail in the air, being freindly & social, then WHAM!


24-Aug-2010, 02:12 PM
Makes you wonder just how much of this goes on that isnt caught on camera, a hell of a lot I would say :mad: One of my friends darent let her cat out anymore because some scumbags tried to set their vicious dog on it "for a laugh"
I go barmy if I catch anyone mistreating animals, even more so when its their own pet that they're supposed to take care of & provide a good home for

24-Aug-2010, 02:24 PM
Wow, she was damned smooth about it too (aside from lack of consideration of the camera), she gave a few furtive glances, lured the animal close, another glance around and then scoot-pushed the cat in and took off at a nonchalant, but quick pace.


I'll be honest, I don't like irresponsible owners who let their animals impact the lives of their neighbors (yes--to a degree--that includes letting your cat out and about on the street). I have a number of people on my street who either let their dogs off their leashes or don't properly house and contain them and I fear I'll one day end up hurting one pretty badly (or getting hurt by one, myself), as they have a tendency to go after my girlfriend and her dog. And no, the police don't do anything.

Also, how ubiquitous are street-aimed home security cameras in British society now?

darth los
24-Aug-2010, 02:29 PM
I really wonder if this isn't some sign of mental illness in the woman. I'd hate to jump to any conclusions.

Dumping a cat in a garbage can is just shitty behavior. The cat had no idea. Came up to the woman, tail in the air, being freindly & social, then WHAM!


Shitty behavior!?!

That's psychopath type shit.

If i caught someone abusing/torturing an animal like that i'd kick their fucking ass up and down the street till they begged for mercy and then kick it some more to within an inch of their worthless life.

What kind of person does that to something that can't defend itself?


24-Aug-2010, 02:51 PM
Also, how ubiquitous are street-aimed home security cameras in British society now?

I read in the paper today that the cats owners had installed the camera because they park their car on the street & it kept getting damaged, so they were trying to catch whoever was doing it. The UK is apparently the CCTV capital of the world, but living in the country as I do, its not as commonplace out here

24-Aug-2010, 02:54 PM
What kind of person does that to something that can't defend itself?

Serial Killer.

As for me, I'm-a gonna give my own kitty an extra squeeze tonight.

Cold, cruel world of ours...

darth los
24-Aug-2010, 03:03 PM
Serial Killer.

As for me, I'm-a gonna give my own kitty an extra squeeze tonight.

Cold, cruel world of ours...

Exactly what i was thinking.

They say torturing animals is the first sign.


24-Aug-2010, 05:23 PM
Pretty fucked up and immoral, but to be fair we eat stuff every day that has been struck by a metal bolt between the eyes and hung up to die. Is there a huge difference in ethics between her twisted enjoyment in throwing a cat in a bin and my enjoyment at eating a steak?

I'm not saying it's the same thing at all, just posing the moral quandry that I always feel in these kinds of situations.

24-Aug-2010, 05:40 PM
Well if it was my cat I would have went to her home and beat her over the head with the Wheelie Bin.

I have both a cat & a dog and love them both... although my cat is pure evil sometimes.. she is also the most awesome pet I have ever owned.

There are some cats who live outdoors by my townhome that I feed daily. Nothing fancy I buy the $10 20lb bag of cat food and put two big bowls out a day and the 8 of them climb up the hill and eat at night. One of the cats looks like mine and is becoming very friendly towards me so I may get him and bring him in.

The local SPCA came out this summer and rounded them up and fixed them, gave them their shots then re-released them... the local kids try and throw rocks at them... I caught one of the little fuckers and had him arrested...

They may be outdoor cats and alone, but that is no reason to do shit like that to them, what have they done to you?

I love animals... cats esoecially, they provide hours of entertainment when you have a laser pointer. :D

24-Aug-2010, 05:44 PM
Pretty fucked up and immoral, but to be fair we eat stuff every day that has been struck by a metal bolt between the eyes and hung up to die. Is there a huge difference in ethics between her twisted enjoyment in throwing a cat in a bin and my enjoyment at eating a steak?

I'm not saying it's the same thing at all, just posing the moral quandry that I always feel in these kinds of situations.

I dig where you're coming from, but there's a big difference between livestock being killed for food, and dumping a friendly kitty into the garbage...

24-Aug-2010, 05:47 PM
Well if it was my cat I would have went to her home and beat her over the head with the Wheelie Bin.

This. People who mistreat animals should be mistreated themselves.

lol @ "wheelie bin" - Never heard that term before. :D

I love animals... cats esoecially, they provide hours of entertainment when you have a laser pointer. :D

First, that reminds me of Sean William Scott in Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back in the van... "No, because I loooove animals, stupid!" :lol:

Second, this thread isn't about dogs nor laser pointers, but Dj, remind me to tell you about Cletus the Lovesponge (my dog, don't ask, that nickname is Dj's fault!) and laser pointers - I think it freaks him out even more than cats! It's a hell of a sight to behold when he runs at full speed around the sofa chasing a red light. What a dumbass. :lol: :D

24-Aug-2010, 05:47 PM
I dig where you're coming from, but there's a big difference between livestock being killed for food, and dumping a friendly kitty into the garbage...

Agreed, I wrote up a whole response explaining the same thing and then binned it when I realized it wasn't worth debating over.

darth los
24-Aug-2010, 05:56 PM
Pretty fucked up and immoral, but to be fair we eat stuff every day that has been struck by a metal bolt between the eyes and hung up to die. Is there a huge difference in ethics between her twisted enjoyment in throwing a cat in a bin and my enjoyment at eating a steak?

I'm not saying it's the same thing at all, just posing the moral quandry that I always feel in these kinds of situations.

Well, there's an ancient hunter's code that dictates you only kill it if you're going to put the spoils to use such as food, shelter or clothing, basically for survival.

If she was a starving bag lady I would have no problem with it. She is higher in the food chain after all. However, This was just for her sick enjoyment apparently.


24-Aug-2010, 06:05 PM
Well, there's an ancient hunter's code that dictates you only kill it if you're going to put the spoils to use such as food, shelter or clothing, basically for survival.

If she was a starving bag lady I would have no problem with it. She is higher in the food chain after all. However, This was just for her sick enjoyment apparently.


Right, but ancient hunters had to kill to eat and survive, we don't. We do it, personally or by proxy, because we like it. Just like she likes throwing cats into bins. I'm not defending her at all, I'm questioning myself more than anything. It's just that I try to live my life with as consistent values as possible, and stuff like animal cruelty poses a bit of a quandry in that department.

darth los
24-Aug-2010, 06:16 PM
Right, but ancient hunters had to kill to eat and survive, we don't. We do it, personally or by proxy, because we like it. Just like she likes throwing cats into bins. I'm not defending her at all, I'm questioning myself more than anything. It's just that I try to live my life with as consistent values as possible, and stuff like animal cruelty poses a bit of a quandry in that department.

I'm confused, are you saying that we don't have to kill to eat? Are you suggesting we all become herbivores?


24-Aug-2010, 06:35 PM
I'm confused, are you saying that we don't have to kill to eat? Are you suggesting we all become herbivores?


No, I'm just saying we don't have to kill to eat. Because we don't. I'm not saying we should or shouldn't do anything, in fact I'm not suggesting anyone should perform any kind of action whatsoever. I'm simply stating a fact as part of my little philosophical musing-out-loud.

26-Aug-2010, 06:00 PM
Here's another update on the lady-cat-trashbin story:
