View Full Version : Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant's new series....

29-Aug-2010, 05:27 PM
Called "An Idiot Abroad" featuring X-Fm's Karl Pilkington travelling around the world being thoroughly Northern and pissed off with everything. Having seen a big chunk of it I can safely say it's hilarious...

Good promo too ;) Before you write back with "nah it's average" remember it's one of mine and be nice! Cut this one in about 3 hours but thoroughly enjoyable to mess around with - also very nice to see something I've done get nearly 100k hits on youtube...go me....

But that aside the show looks completely hilarious especially when he's having to eat worms and shit like that - his wry analysis of everything is brilliant, he completely refuses to sugar coat things just because they're "cultural" - and without being bigotted whatsoever comes off completely brilliantly.

Here's the trailer, which I don't seem able to embed - mods??


29-Aug-2010, 06:35 PM
Urgh Gervais, probably one of the most unfunny people ever to operate under the name "comedian", sorry Symph, I cant bear the man!

29-Aug-2010, 07:44 PM
Gervais is a pretentious, arrogant man, but pilkington is a genuine village idiot of old that makes for entertaining listening and should be funny on the screen as well.

29-Aug-2010, 08:02 PM
Urgh Gervais, probably one of the most unfunny people ever to operate under the name "comedian", sorry Symph, I cant bear the man!

I guess I can bear the guy if I have to , but I agree with Tricky. Everyone praises him like he's the new George Carlin or something and I just don't see it. A few chuckles is all he's ever got out of me. He's one small step above Dane Cook.....

29-Aug-2010, 10:38 PM
Looks cool as long as they fuck with him alot.
I'll give it a shot.

29-Aug-2010, 10:47 PM
He's one small step above Dane Cook.....

Yoy mean Dane Cook isn't funny?!?!?:confused::shifty:


As for Gervais, never saw anything he was in except this:


Which is chuckle-worthy.

29-Aug-2010, 11:06 PM



30-Aug-2010, 12:19 AM
Hmmm. . .huh. . . .I like Gervais. . . I've never seen as about being laugh out loud hilarious. . . .he's more about the uncomfortable and embarassing kind of funny. I find him amusing. . . the Office was great, and Extras was petty hilarious at times. Meh, to each his own I guess.