View Full Version : New York man plunges 40 stories - lands on car and lives!

02-Sep-2010, 04:08 PM

NEW YORK (AP) - A New York City man who plunged 40 stories from the rooftop of an apartment building has survived after crashing onto a parked car.

Witnesses and police say 22-year-old Thomas Magill jumped from the high-rise at West 63rd Street on Tuesday. He landed in the backseat area of a Dodge Charger after crashing through the windshield.

He suffered broken legs. Police say he's in critical condition.

The car's owner, Guy McCormack, of Old Bridge, N.J., told the Daily News he's convinced that rosary beads he kept inside the Dodge saved Magill's life.

Police are investigating why Magill jumped from the building.

Magill isn't the only New Yorker to survive a high-rise fall. Window washer Alcides Moreno fell 47 stories from the roof of a skyscraper in December 2007, and doctors expected him to walk again.

Note to self: make sure when you jump off the top of the building, there are no cars below. :stunned:

02-Sep-2010, 04:11 PM
If you're depressed enough to jump off a building....imagine how depressed you would be to find out that you couldn't even kill yourself. You've failed at everything in life, pal. :p

02-Sep-2010, 04:13 PM
That's pretty crazy.

I think I'd be dead, though; I'd probably have a heart attack on the way down.

02-Sep-2010, 04:35 PM
Surviving the impossible? It's all in the accessorizing.


02-Sep-2010, 04:38 PM
Surviving the impossible? It's all in the accessorizing.



+1 for Aces!

darth los
02-Sep-2010, 05:00 PM
If you're depressed enough to jump off a building....imagine how depressed you would be to find out that you couldn't even kill yourself. You've failed at everything in life, pal. :p

If he thought his quality of life sucked before...


02-Sep-2010, 05:02 PM
If he thought his quality of life sucked before...


Now not only are you depressed, but you're depressed with multiple breaks in your legs, possible spinal injuries, and may never walk again. Way to go there, soaring eagle....

02-Sep-2010, 05:46 PM
Another person with a horseshoe up his ass... If he gets out of the hospital that mutherfucker needs to play the lottery and give me the ticket

darth los
02-Sep-2010, 06:23 PM
I think he might have cashed in all his chips in order to survive this one buddy...


02-Sep-2010, 07:08 PM
I think he might have cashed in all his chips in order to survive this one buddy...


I think I have to agree with darth on this one. :lol:

His 4 leaf clover, horseshoe and rabbit's foot were probably all lost in the fall.. :elol:

Rancid Carcass
02-Sep-2010, 07:14 PM
So what this story really proves is that the beginning of Lethal Weapon was a load of old bollocks... I'll never trust Hollywood again... :(

02-Sep-2010, 07:22 PM
So what this story really proves is that the beginning of Lethal Weapon was a load of old bollocks... I'll never trust Hollywood again... :(

Hey....she could have survived the fall. They later say that she had a beyond lethal dose of heroin in her system and if the fall didn't kill her, the drugs would have. So Hollywood is correct!:p

02-Sep-2010, 08:28 PM
For some reason, this story remids me of a t-shirt I saw online:



02-Sep-2010, 09:42 PM
If you're depressed enough to jump off a building....imagine how depressed you would be to find out that you couldn't even kill yourself. You've failed at everything in life, pal. :p

Not everything. He's gonna have killer parking for the rest of his life now...
Lucky bastard.:elol:

03-Sep-2010, 01:59 AM
We really are a cruel bunch sitting here laughing and joking at this blokes poor misfortune at life. :elol:

I mean don't know what could be going on in his life and i am sure it aint good, but I hope whatever it is, or was, is now out of his system.

03-Sep-2010, 02:03 AM
I have no sympathy for people that commit or attempt suicide. Things get bad, but they're never that bad. All it does is hurt the people that care about you. It's the most selfish answer, imo.

So fuck him, I say...

03-Sep-2010, 10:29 AM
Any word on whether he was in a lead-lined refrigerator? That would explain it!

03-Sep-2010, 12:34 PM
Any word on whether he was in a lead-lined refrigerator? That would explain it!

Well NY is filled with older buildings that at one time or another used Asbestos or lead based paint... so that might explain it. :lol:

03-Sep-2010, 12:43 PM
Any word on whether he was in a lead-lined refrigerator? That would explain it!

Wouldn't the inflatable raft/parachute/ski from Doom be more appropriate in this scenario?:p

04-Sep-2010, 03:01 AM
ahh....people already beat me to the obvious Indy jibe...

05-Sep-2010, 04:21 AM
The car's owner, Guy McCormack, of Old Bridge, N.J., told the Daily News he's convinced that rosary beads he kept inside the Dodge saved Magill's life.
Oh for crying out loud!

05-Sep-2010, 04:30 AM
I have no sympathy for people that commit or attempt suicide. Things get bad, but they're never that bad. All it does is hurt the people that care about you. It's the most selfish answer, imo.

So fuck him, I say...


05-Sep-2010, 12:29 PM

05-Sep-2010, 11:51 PM
S.T.F.U about something that, in all likelihood, you know very little about.
Yes, suicide isn't ever the answer, but there ARE causes/pains/losses so horrific that for the sufferer, they don't need to be irrational, because from their perspective death is an escape, thus rational in the extreme.

Edit: Apologies, you touched a nerve...

06-Sep-2010, 02:06 AM
Edit: Apologies, you touched a nerve...

Nothing like touching a nerve.....

You act like i've never known anyone that has taken their own life. Fair enough. You don't know me.

So take a step back for a minute and consider whether or not I've lost friends and family through suicide. Because if you were to guess no, you would be wrong.

I've lost loved ones through suicide(as most people have), and I have absolutely no sympathy for their "cause". They did nothing but hurt the people that cared about them. FUCK THEM.

You wanna kill youself? Kill off your family first, because they're going to be the ones that suffer the most.

Now please go ahead and tell me the pro's that can come out of such a situation. Obviously you know more than everyone else here...

06-Sep-2010, 10:40 AM
Suicide is a bitch move; a selfish and cowardly way to deal with your issues. Lifes problems are NEVER that bad that killing yourself is the only way out. Too many people in this world don't get a chance to live a full and happy life, yet some fuck-wit gets all emo decides to throw their life away?

Fuck them.

It's the people who are left behind that feel the most pain.

07-Sep-2010, 07:03 PM
Nothing like touching a nerve.....

You act like i've never known anyone that has taken their own life. Fair enough. You don't know me.
So take a step back for a minute and consider whether or not I've lost friends and family through suicide. Because if you were to guess no, you would be wrong.

I've lost loved ones through suicide(as most people have), and I have absolutely no sympathy for their "cause". They did nothing but hurt the people that cared about them. FUCK THEM.
You wanna kill youself? Kill off your family first, because they're going to be the ones that suffer the most.

Now please go ahead and tell me the pro's that can come out of such a situation. Obviously you know more than everyone else here...

What you're saying makes my point Bass,
When someone dies, the people close to them use the phrase "I lost my (insert identifying word, Mother/Father etc)", and people sympathizing with the grieving say "I'm sorry for your loss."

ALL the focus is on what the still-living have lost. The pain the death causes those who are still alive.

People do NOT grieve because the person they love(d) is gone, they grieve out of the pain that the death caused THEM.

I won't challenge anyone's feelings concerning losing a loved one to suicide, and my first post clearly stated my belief that suicide is never the answer. However, I WILL point out that holding an individual who was suffering so badly, in so much pain physically, emotionally or mentally that DEATH seemed like their ONLY escape in contempt for losing the battle with despair IS ALSO a "bitch move", and not only selfish but bordering on egomania.

Yes, a suicide devastates those who loved them, but as bad as their pain is and I would never presume to try and estimate the depth of that pain for another, I would like to point out that BY DEFINITION the individual driven to kill themselves was in EVEN MORE pain!

As someone who's holding onto the will to live by the thinnest of margins. Basically 1) My faith telling me Suicide = Eternally rotting in Hell, and the SECOND WORST part of Hell at that, and 2) Not wanting to hurt my loved ones worse than watching and knowing I'm in hideous pain and endlessly wrestling despair and apathy already has hurt them and made them live every day with a sense of hopeless, helpless frustration.

Bottom line, people eventually grow tired of interacting with someone who can't even fake a happy/positive demeanor anymore. I don't blame them, and believe it's a self-defense mechanism meant to protect/desensitize them from the constant assault of negative emotions bombarding them due to seeing a loved one suffer constantly. Unfortunately, this desensitization means that as time goes by, the sufferer (whose life is already utter hell) loses what support, compassion and sympathy he/she once received from family and friends. INSTEAD, they receive irritability (due to their "whining"), being ignored (because they aren't enjoyable to be around, hmm, wonder why? Oh, and my favorite, contempt, for not being able to simply shrug off their misery and "tough it out", or some equally idiotic phrase.)

Rock-bottom-line: Individuals suffering to this extent, if the suffering either stays at a constant level or grows worse over a long period of time, will eventually find themselves effectively cut out or marginalized by the very people they should be able to look to for support.

The very people who will be feeling sorry for themselves and receiving sympathy/condolences "for their loss" due to the pain THEY are experiencing because the person in pain could no longer cope, and in desperation did something stupid and totally final, because it seemed like the only escape they had left.

NOW, Tell ME what I don't know about what Suicides go through BEFORE committing suicide.

Oh, that's right, I wasn't called out about that. I was called on the carpet for marginalizing the completely selfish grieving/pain of those left behind by the sufferer. Hmm, wherever did I find the gall to marginalize such pain.

Perhaps it was the knowledge that NEARLY EVERY SUICIDE reached out to SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE along the way, and many who go through with it were rebuffed and not considered worth making time for.


07-Sep-2010, 07:13 PM
We'll have to agree to disagree, I guess. I do my best to enjoy each and every moment I have in this existence. To end it prematurely is just not something I agree with.

Of course there could be a few exceptions(quality of life), but I would guess that most suicides are just people that expect more than what is actually there. They want life to be some sugar coated sundae and when they can't accept that it's far from that, they take their life out of self pity. To those people I say...fuck you. If you can't enjoy it while you have it and look on the bright side of things.....see you in hell.

07-Sep-2010, 08:24 PM
We'll have to agree to disagree, I guess. I do my best to enjoy each and every moment I have in this existence. To end it prematurely is just not something I agree with.

Fair enough, I say, but I do also say it's a personal decision and one in which I can sympathize with those facing fundamental issues of painful declining health or degenerative neurological conditions.