View Full Version : This guy is an idiot...

11-Jun-2006, 11:56 AM

I'd like to see Muslim countries adopt a more "Western" lifestyle ... but oh yeh, that won't happen, so why the fudge should Britain adopt Muslim values on a national level? Seriously, this guy is an idiot. We can welcome these people to practice their religion here - that's part of freedom - but why should we change our lifestyle for them - like getting rid of piggy banks or Piglet from Burger King adverts?!

Quite frankly, if you don't like our lifestyle, either put up & shut up or just f*ck off home. Yeh, I can see Muslim traditions sitting well with a country which is traditionally-speaking Christian, geez.

There's too much of this multi-culturism stuff, it's like the human rights act, it's good but is used to such daft lengths that it seeks to destroy what we hold dear.

I'm far from racist, but come on, this guy is a total idiot.

11-Jun-2006, 01:02 PM

Quite frankly, if you don't like our lifestyle, either put up & shut up or just f*ck off home. Yeh, I can see Muslim traditions sitting well with a country which is traditionally-speaking Christian, geez.

There's too much of this multi-culturism stuff, it's like the human rights act, it's good but is used to such daft lengths that it seeks to destroy what we hold dear.

I'm far from racist, but come on, this guy is a total idiot.

You don't come off as racist. Considering the pandering many groups do for various cultural, ethnic and even religious groups, it seems the rights of regular folks are getting trampled.

I'm a moderate democrat; I think people should have rights, but not at the expense of others. I'm not going to give praise to Allah or any other god just because they feel I'm not recognizing their idols. Hey, it's a free country.

Isn't it?

I don't think Bush should be impeached. What good would that do? The Vice would step in and not really anything would change.

At this point, I'd be happy with anyone who could return America to Friendly Nation status, repub or dem. Lord Acton said, "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Is there a leader who has only the interests of his country at heart out there waiting to be elected?

11-Jun-2006, 03:26 PM
i am a very left leaning democrat as such i value and respect the diversity of ideas that people from other cultural backgrounds bring to america. however, i draw the line at taking up said practices.

i think that in this modern age we live in arranged marriage has about as much of a place in daily life as the inquisition nor do i buy for one second the idea that having women cover themselves up from head to toe in public is an expression of modesty. it counts as repression in my book. i think the muslim world has more to learn from western culture than we do from the them. the status of women in many muslim countries is deplorable and is something akin to how they were treated in the west in bygone centuries. in some muslim countries not only are women restricted from what they can do in public, their access to education, healthcare, and voting are severely restricted. holding public office? forget about it.

minion you have never sounded like a racist. just someone who is a bit outraged that a "leader" of a minority religious group has the cheek to try and tell you how to live.

the whole thing about alcohol is especially nuts. we tried banning alcohol over here once and it worked out so wonderfully that the prison population skyrocketed, the murder rate went up like 500% in the bigger cities and scumbag thugs started being able to, in essence, take over cities like chicago and detroit.

12-Jun-2006, 04:07 AM
It'll happen someday unless something is done to change the idea in the heads of Muslims that the West is weak. Either by the sword or by the bowing and scraping of your politicians, all of Europe will fall under the crescent, because that's easier than actually offending the Jihadists, now isn't it?