View Full Version : Happy New Year (Rosh Hashanah)

08-Sep-2010, 08:07 PM
From one Jew to another and to everyone else. Happy 5771! May it be full of Honey and good news.

I'm gonna hit up temple, then get drunk till friday night when the Holiday ends. Yeah it's a two dayish new year.

At ease liver, at ease boy.

Well here's some Jewish/Polish Traditional/Metal to celebrate with.

Have a good one.

09-Sep-2010, 03:16 PM
Shanah Tovah.

09-Sep-2010, 03:20 PM
If it's acceptable to say Mazel tov at this point and juncture, then put me down for one, and Happy New Year!

darth los
09-Sep-2010, 03:34 PM
It's weird because although it's not official my firm has for all intents and purposes shut down being that about 80% of our attorneys are jewish. :hyper:


09-Sep-2010, 05:05 PM
happy new year! I used to have a Jewish friend in school. He was a really nice guy. Very cool religion you got there. More power to you.

darth los
09-Sep-2010, 05:29 PM
happy new year! I used to have a Jewish friend in school. He was a really nice guy. Very cool religion you got there. More power to you.

All religions are very cool.

It's the extremists and idiots that pervert them in a way they were never intended to be, that's the problem.

Like the old saying goes, "God is perfect, it's religion that has been perverted by man."


09-Sep-2010, 06:46 PM
Like the old saying goes, "God is perfect, it's religion that has been perverted by man."

Kinda like that chump that's going to have a massive book of Quran burning on the 11th? Or Kuran....however it's spelled.

What an idiot....

darth los
09-Sep-2010, 07:54 PM
Kinda like that chump that's going to have a massive book of Quran burning on the 11th? Or Kuran....however it's spelled.

What an idiot....

That guy actually has prominent politicians and Generals pleading with him to not do this.

It's a disgusting thing he's doing but a brilliant power grab, imo.


09-Sep-2010, 07:55 PM
The friggin president asked him not to do it. It's been built up so much now....I wouldn't be surprised it he or someone at the burning gets killed...

09-Sep-2010, 08:00 PM
That guy actually has prominent politicians and Generals pleading with him to not do this.

It's a disgusting thing he's doing but a brilliant power grab, imo.


It is brilliant in its own way. Cross your enemy in such a way to draw an equal or larger reaction to further insight and push a conflict. This is similar to what terrorists do to draw a response from their enemies that will bring even more sympathy to their cause.

Should be interesting, and quite possibly deadly, to see how this plays out. :(

darth los
09-Sep-2010, 08:21 PM
It is brilliant in its own way. Cross your enemy in such a way to draw an equal or larger reaction to further insight and push a conflict. This is similar to what terrorists do to draw a response from their enemies that will bring even more sympathy to their cause.

Should be interesting, and quite possibly deadly, to see how this plays out. :(

I don't agree with many things he says but the rep. minority leader said, "just because you have a right to do something doesn't mean you should."


09-Sep-2010, 08:26 PM
What I don't get is, all this attention to this book-burning moron, and he only has what, 50 followers? :rolleyes:

I don't agree with many things he says but the rep. minority leader said, "just because you have a right to do something doesn't mean you should."

This is true, however, if we took away his freedom of expression to do this, we'd have to restrict our own freedoms. As they say, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"

I had to pound that into my wife's head last night. I said "look, we may not like what he's doing, and it may be uncomfortable for everyone, however, he does indeed have a right to do this - right or wrong"

I just wish people would stop giving the dick attention. ;)

darth los
09-Sep-2010, 08:33 PM
This is true, however, if we took away his freedom of expression to do this, we'd have to restrict our own freedoms. As they say, "what's good for the goose is good for the gander"

You mean like say, building a religious center wherever you like?


09-Sep-2010, 08:40 PM
You mean like say, building a religious center wherever you like?



Now th eopponents are trying to get somebody (Non-Muslim) to buy the building:

http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/09/09/2010-09-09_ground_zero_mosque_opponents_hope_wealthy_ally_ will_stop_the_project_donald_trum.html


darth los
09-Sep-2010, 08:52 PM

Now th eopponents are trying to get somebody (Non-Muslim) to buy the building:

http://www.nydailynews.com/ny_local/2010/09/09/2010-09-09_ground_zero_mosque_opponents_hope_wealthy_ally_ will_stop_the_project_donald_trum.html


It's funny because when Tim Mcveigh did what he did people didn't discriminate against christians did they?

Also, one of the investrs says they would back out completely, if the price is right. :rolleyes:

Where's drew carey and wayne Brady when you need them?


09-Sep-2010, 08:55 PM
Well, as a non-Christian, I will say that many of them feel and felt as though they were or had been persecuted...people are touchy about that shit.

My general feeling applies to both the Koran burning and the Mosque--illegal/not illegal, it doesn't fucking matter, both are bad ideas and disrespectful moves.

darth los
09-Sep-2010, 08:58 PM
Well, as a non-Christian, I will say that many of them feel and felt as though they were or had been persecuted...people are touchy about that shit.

My general feeling applies to both the Koran burning and the Mosque--illegal/not illegal, it doesn't fucking matter, both are bad ideas and disrespectful moves.

Newt gingrich made a point about that a couple of weeks back.

To paraphrase, he doesn't want to be lectured by countries in which not one synagougue or church can be found and the penalty for converting to those religions is death. :dead:


10-Sep-2010, 01:47 AM
You mean like say, building a religious center wherever you like?

Hammer, meet head of nail. :D

My general feeling applies to both the Koran burning and the Mosque--illegal/not illegal, it doesn't fucking matter, both are bad ideas and disrespectful moves.

Definitely a dick move on both of their parts, agreed.

darth los
10-Sep-2010, 02:33 AM
Not wanting to derail this thread any further I've started a new thread on this topic. It's in Gen. Dis.


10-Sep-2010, 09:42 AM
It's funny because when Tim Mcveigh did what he did people didn't discriminate against christians did they?

Why would they have? McVeigh didn't do what he did in the name of Christianity -- he wasn't even a Christian.