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13-Sep-2010, 01:34 PM
Danny Boyle's new flick starring James Franco.


The teaser is decent enough by itself, but it wasn't until I looked up the story of what happened that I became really interested. Long story short, guy goes climbing without telling anyone where he's going, gets arm trapped under a boulder, stuck there for five days until .....(drumroll please)....he amputates his own arm.

Here's the real guy telling his story. If it seems graphic just listening to this guy tell the story, imagine how Boyle will most likely portray it on screen...:stunned:


Regardless of the graphic nature of the story, this could really be a powerful flick, imo...

13-Sep-2010, 01:44 PM
They did a couple page story on this guy in People several months ago. It was pretty amazing... and unnerving.

He did say something pretty interesting. I guess a lot of people told him they didn't think they could do the same thing in his place. And he basically said that he would've said the same before he was confronted with it. The message was that he didn't think he was special for it, and that most people in the same situation could do it. Pretty classy response.

13-Sep-2010, 01:50 PM

13-Sep-2010, 02:06 PM
Oh, that's right, I heard they were doing a film about this dude. He's gotten a ton of press from his ordeal. That happened some time ago.

13-Sep-2010, 03:21 PM
Billy - :lol:

What kind of fucked up cartoons are you watching? At least this Ralston guy had the sense to break his bones first. And amputate the correct limb! :p

07-Oct-2010, 10:40 PM
Trailer #2:


Really looking forward to this. Looks like it will be quite moving...

07-Oct-2010, 10:47 PM
Meh. Not really my cup of tea, Plus I know how the true story goes. If only there'd been someone around to lend him a hand... :nana: