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View Full Version : Code Z: The Zombie Series

13-Sep-2010, 11:33 PM


14-Sep-2010, 12:24 AM


14-Sep-2010, 01:58 AM
Interesting... I wonder how Michael feels about this being dedicated to him... I also wonder why they thought "Code Z" was a good title... I mean, it sounds very similar to "Coach Z" from Homestar Runner, or people could misread it and think they were trying to spell "codes" all ghetto by replacing the s with a z... Weird, man... I'm tripping out...

14-Sep-2010, 09:21 AM
Hmm. Wow. Hot polyglot triplets are almost enough to carry the concept (or any concept, really) by themselves, but other than that I'm afraid the story sounds kind of dumb.

14-Sep-2010, 09:09 PM
I lost interest at the 'human-zombie hybrids'. Sounds like it's aimed at brain dead teenagers.

Still, the zombies are shamblers.

14-Sep-2010, 10:25 PM
I'll give it a try.

15-Sep-2010, 09:16 AM
I lost interest at the 'human-zombie hybrids'. Sounds like it's aimed at brain dead teenagers.

Same here. Zombie makeup was weak too, for 2010. Maybe marginally better than Dawn '78 on average.

16-Sep-2010, 10:10 AM
Yet another "1 minute all is well, the next minute large swarms of zombies exhibiting signs of advanced decomposition are shambling around worldwide" premise.

Also got the feel they think they can cash in on RE's Alice, except in a totally bimboish, utterly disrespectful-to-women sort of way. Are they hot? Of course. Can they act? Probably not much more than "Barely interested in you enough to get you to buy them things."

Which is of course the basic problem. They don't look like high schoolers, they look like some of Lindsay Lohann's party-girl friends.

Shouldn't be a surprise really. Law of Zombie Media Quality says "For every Zombie Book/Movie/TV series/Comic of quality, there must be 3 Z-grade versions."

I'll pass.

Rancid Carcass
16-Sep-2010, 07:18 PM
Shouldn't be a surprise really. Law of Zombie Media Quality says "For every Zombie Book/Movie/TV series/Comic of quality, there must be 3 Z-grade versions."

I guess this is the price we will pay for TWD and I suspect that this is just the tip of a very large iceberg.

I wonder just how many TV/Film executives have just ordered a hasty rewrite on their latest zombie script to make them all shamblers again? Not saying that this had runners to begin with but I get the feeling it's one of those projects that had it been made a year or two ago would have had runners. Hmmm... :rockbrow:

16-Sep-2010, 07:32 PM
that poster, the clothing of the characters (triplets?), and the font in particular remind me of some cheesy roman-themed casino. very lame.

this looks like a big can of insta-fail. was gonna watch the teaser on the site but it wouldn't load and i realized i really don't give enough of a fuck to bother. is there actually a network that's gonna air this crap?

stuff like this irritates me. people who know i like living-dead related stuff (mainly the original trilogy of romero films, dead rising, the walking dead, and the old-school RE games) always ask me about stuff like this or think i'll like it, and i just shake my head and try to explain the difference between good and bad zombie-related things. this definitely looks like it falls into the "bad" category.

16-Sep-2010, 08:44 PM
The only advantage I see is when this web series tanks, there's at least a 1 in 3 chance of full frontal on their next project....:elol:

17-Sep-2010, 02:23 AM
Are you referring to Clone 3?

17-Sep-2010, 02:14 PM
1, 2, or 3.

I'm easy...