View Full Version : Kubrick's 2001 + LSD = Panic

14-Sep-2010, 01:00 AM
Everybody knows and loves Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey. But have you experienced it in 70mm while tripping on Acid? This guy did and the experience went a bit haywire. Like.... to the point of being punched repeatedly and screaming "HELP, KUBRICK". :lol:


I went to see Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey in 70mm at the Egyptian Theater in Los Angeles Friday and during the 'beyond infinite'/star child sequence toward the end a guy in the middle of the auditorium, tripping his balls off no doubt, started yelling at the screen and the audience. Everything from "hide your drugs fat man!" to "Kubrick!".

What began as huge annoyance lead to a dozen men attempting to remove him from the theater for the better part of five minutes. When another patron started throwing punches at him (I was told later that the guy began punching him because the tripped out fellow was assaulting a friend and/or child, though from my seat I couldn't tell what he was specifically doing right before that), they stopped the projection and hauled his ass out of auditorium. He wasn't a small dude and not very gentle during his trip. Apparently it took a few tazers from the cops to subdue the poor guy.

Couldn't help but think... only during 2001. So fair warning: be cautious of the amount of drugs you take before viewing 2001 projected in 70mm at a public screening!

14-Sep-2010, 03:42 AM
That was pretty entertaining. I'm sure everyone in the crowd saying "Richard" was NOT helping this dude calm down. His brain was probably thinking something along the lines of "They know my name.... they... know... MY NAME!!! THEY FUCKING KNOW IT, MAN!!! DESTROY THEM BEFORE THEY GET MORE INFORMATION!!! STOP THE TELEKINETICS!!!!!"

14-Sep-2010, 04:34 AM
saw this video linked from another site earlier in the day....figured it was only a matter of time till it was posted here.

great stuff, but you gotta feel bad for the guy a little...however, having a headful of acid makes everything that much more intense and crazy, he surely knew he had some risk of freaking out, especially in a setting like that.

watching that poor bastard makes me glad i quit the hallucinogens years back. that stuff is fun, but the real world has gotten a bit too real for me over the past years to ever fuck around with that shit again....okay, well maybe just once more, and it'd have to be in a very controlled/comfortable setting with people i really got along with and trusted.

jesus, i could go on page-long tangent about all the crazy trips i've been on what happened, why or why not i'd ever do it again, etc....crazy stuff, those hallucinogens...:cool:

14-Sep-2010, 12:54 PM
Stupid is as stupid does.

Personally, i think the guy was a fucking idiot. You wanna trip balls and watch 2001? Do it at home where you're not going to disturb (and probably scare the wits out of) and entire theatre of people. Not to mention get arrested, possibly hurt someone or yourself, etc.

One of the many things I learned with my many years of experience with this kind of.. umm.. "thing" is that the #1 consideration when preparing to trip are "set and setting" - you don't do this kind of stuff in unfamiliar settings, it's just a bad idea, and this is proof positive of the consequences.

What a dumbass. :lol:

14-Sep-2010, 02:00 PM
Personally, i think the guy was a fucking idiot. You wanna trip balls and watch 2001?

Personally, 2001 gets kind of trippy at parts anyway...I can see the train wreck attraction for some 'risk-takers', I suppose, but it is just looking for trouble.

14-Sep-2010, 03:07 PM
Personally, 2001 gets kind of trippy at parts anyway...I can see the train wreck attraction for some 'risk-takers', I suppose, but it is just looking for trouble.

Yes, that it is. I can't understand why anyone would want to take that risk - I mean, this dude did, and look where it landed him. Now he's an embarrassment to himself and everyone who knows him, and now the video is spread all over the internet. Smooth move, bud.

I don't want anyone taking this as a "drugs are bad, mmmm-kay?" statement from me, it certainly isn't - Lord knows I have zero room to talk about something like that! :lol: But, some personal responsibility would be nice to see, and this guy certainly didn't have that. This kind of stupidity keeps prohibition on a steady course, even for things much safer than what this dude took (which I'm assuming was shrooms or acid).

14-Sep-2010, 03:22 PM
What confuses me is why did this dude continue to sit in the theater while having a mental breakdown? Unless he had some super duper mind controlling shit that I never got a hold of, why couldn't he try to hold his shit together, walk outside, and sit in the car until his friends came out? He would just have to kinda hide his pupils on the way out, but there really shouldn't be any reason he would have a breakdown and not be able to do anything about it.

Or maybe I just had some weak shit, I dunno. :lol:

14-Sep-2010, 05:28 PM
What confuses me is why did this dude continue to sit in the theater while having a mental breakdown? Unless he had some super duper mind controlling shit that I never got a hold of, why couldn't he try to hold his shit together, walk outside, and sit in the car until his friends came out? He would just have to kinda hide his pupils on the way out, but there really shouldn't be any reason he would have a breakdown and not be able to do anything about it.

I can explain it in one word: stupidity. :lol: