View Full Version : John Carpenters 'The Ward'

15-Sep-2010, 12:22 PM
This initial review from AICN makes it sound OK'ish...


15-Sep-2010, 12:42 PM
Now here is the real question: Carpenter, who is one of my favorite directors, always runs hot and cold with his flicks. They're either really good or god awful.. my question is, is he going to be "hot" on this one, or cold? I hope this is a good one. My fingers are crossed.

15-Sep-2010, 02:38 PM
Escape from LA was the last film of his I enjoyed... Vampires was OK, but showed the downward trend IMHO...

For me, he stopped making great flicks in the 80s...

At least he's done the music for "The Ward" as usual with his films :)

15-Sep-2010, 07:28 PM
I actually love Vampires. Escape From LA is okay, in a real cheesy way.

I'm hoping The Ward is a return to his creepy atmosphere he achieved many years ago.

16-Sep-2010, 06:37 AM
I think it started getting bad with Village Of The Damned - that was pretty awful.

But, I can't really say anything bad about Carpenter - he is one of my all time favs - I think he's an incredibly smart director. I've read a ton of his interviews and I could endlessly listen to the guy talk about filmmaking. And even in his movies I don't like, there are moments that are just pure Carpenter that make him so distinct and clever.

At this point, he's welded himself into film history - so, he can do no wrong in my book. I would love another GREAT film from him, but it doesn't change my opinion of him.


17-Sep-2010, 10:42 PM
Is this a "real" John Carpenter movie, or some random project that gives him "Executive Producer" credit?

17-Sep-2010, 10:59 PM
I think he 'did it!'

13-Jan-2011, 12:45 AM
You guys seen this yet?


If this trailer is any indication, it looks like 90 minutes of "cat jumps from the shadows"....

13-Jan-2011, 11:57 PM
I need to get me a job there...that place looks like it's full of "vulnerable" young hotties. :sneaky:

14-Jan-2011, 02:04 PM
If this trailer is any indication, it looks like 90 minutes of "cat jumps from the shadows"....

So he's remaking Surivial? :shifty:

Couldn't resist. :p

14-Jan-2011, 02:14 PM
Nah....if it were survival it would be "cat jumps from the shadows, human character drives a roll of toilet paper up it's nose" or some shit like that...

14-Jan-2011, 02:26 PM
Nah....if it were survival it would be "cat jumps from the shadows, human character drives a roll of toilet paper up it's nose" or some shit like that...

Touche', bassman.. :D

14-Jan-2011, 05:37 PM
Gotta be honest, I wasn't impressed in the slightest by that trailer.

But HELLO Lindsay Fonseca! ;)

14-Jan-2011, 06:36 PM
What I wanna know is, why hasn't this been released in the states yet? Seems like it was released in 4-5 countries, none of which are the us. WTF gives?!

15-Jan-2011, 01:37 AM
I need to get me a job there...that place looks like it's full of "vulnerable" young hotties. :sneaky:


Roman Polanski approves this message and is putting his jacket on to meet you there.

In all seriousness, I'll check it out. But Carpenter is a little bit like Romero right now -- he hasn't made a great film in a long, long time. Of course, the comparison really ends there because Carpenter hasn't exactly made absolute shit the last 10 years either.


22-May-2011, 03:04 PM

22-May-2011, 05:42 PM

Well seeing as it's got Amber Heard in it, I'll give it a spin sometime. ;)

It got a 3/5 in Total Film, and I've seen such scores elsewhere, so not bad - but not great either - but it sounds like it's worth at least a watch/rental.

22-May-2011, 06:19 PM
Been waiting for this one for awhile. Love, love, love Carpenter & am willing to at least give an movie he puts out a chance. :)

22-May-2011, 07:45 PM
Been waiting for this one for awhile. Love, love, love Carpenter & am willing to at least give an movie he puts out a chance. :)

The last film I enjoyed of his was "Memoirs of an Invisible Man"...

22-May-2011, 08:18 PM
The last film I enjoyed of his was "Memoirs of an Invisible Man"...

Quite liked "In The Mouth Of Madness" good HP Lovecraft by way of Stephen King end of the world fun. ;).

"Village Of The Damned" I remember as "meh", :|

I enjoyed "Escape From LA" a lot more than I should. Basically a (inferior) remake of the first, but the LA setting was used to good effect, liked a lot of the "bit" characters, I loved seeing Kurt as Snake again & LOVED the ending. :D

"Vampires" I enjoyed. :)

"Ghosts Of Mars" I was really disappointed with, but kind of want to see it again with fresh eyes. :(

So overall on the smiley scale : ;) :| :D :) :(


12-Sep-2011, 10:59 PM
Rented The Ward last night. Was very not impressed from the start. I don't want to ruin it but...
Actually made The Ring look good, and that's a feat in itself...

12-Sep-2011, 11:24 PM
I enjoyed it. . . It was however, nothing new or special.

12-Sep-2011, 11:25 PM
i'll check out anything by carpenter. i thought he kind of lost it until i saw "cigarette burns." haven't seen this one yet but plan on it.

12-Sep-2011, 11:49 PM
Oh yeah Cigarette Burns was pretty damned cool. Very dark and dreary that one. . .and a very interesting concept.

Carpenter has always been a very capable director. And this one is not less capably rendered than any of his other movies. . .metter than some actually. but the plot was . . . well. . . .as they say, nothing new under the sun.