View Full Version : Halo Reach thread

16-Sep-2010, 07:53 AM
Seeing as it's out now - there doesn't seem to be a thread here about it - so what do you think of it?

I haven't gotten through much of the single player but the first level so far leaves a lot to be desired - tbh its just that it's ranining, wonder why those chose such a droll and dank setting for the first level - I want EPICNESS! But there's plenty more to go :)

Loving the multiplayer though - the jetpacks are fantastic tools and the hologram rules too - its nice to have a game based on frantic action and physics rather than chess style duck and cover bullshit where if you stick your head up for longer than a second you die instantly....very refreshing.

As usual the music is epic and amazing....

but what have they done to our weapons?? The BR is rubbish now! and the AR looks skinny and weird - but some of the new weapons are pretty shit hot - but no equipment so far - no trip mines etc...which is a shame.

Overall though it seems awesome so far. However as usual IGN completely overhyped it by giving it a perfect 10/10 score, which is ridiculous and offensive. No game should ever get that score and I'm instantly suspicious of anyone who awards that kind of thing to a game.

16-Sep-2010, 08:24 AM
Pretty great I think. Just finished it on Heroic, and it was challenging and fun. Not going to spoil it, but needless to say, it is a positive breath of fresh air in the halo series, even if it is fundamentally the same as previous titles.

In regards to weapons- They are far better balanced and each has a specific role now. Really, I don't think that bungie really liked how the multiplayer "pro" (and I use that term very very loosely) latched onto the BR, eschewing the use of every other weapon (except for all the one shot kill ones) in favour of the BR. Really, the DMR is a better weapon, and is hardly rubbish. In universe, the weapons look different because the game takes place several years prior to Halo 3, and the weapons are manufactured on site, so they could very well just be cosmetic differences chocked up to the planet itself.

Equipment wise, they never really saw very much use in Halo 3, with the exception of the bubble shield. Hell, can you even recall how many times you used grenades other than frags and stickies?

All in all, It is a very tight game, and worthy of much of the praise bestowed upon it thus far.

16-Sep-2010, 08:32 AM
i've heard its painfully short in campaign, and i buy the halo games for the campaign before the multiplayer so it's putting me off a little.

Basically, my favorites are halo 2 and halo 3: ODST, i didn't like the "holier than thou second coming of media" bollocks around halo 3 and this has had more of the same forced on me with all the "believe" bollocks, if its anything like odst over halo 3 i would probably be sold.

-but then again i know the story of reach so it seems a bit moot for me to pay full price for it, y'know? ive gotten kind of tired of prequels- though i think i know why bugie chose to make this as there swansong, to return to where it all began, before the pillar of autumn jumped randomly from reach to the first halo, i just can't get excited about a game where the ending is set y'know?

16-Sep-2010, 03:11 PM
Started my Heroic campaign last night, and man is the AI brutally difficult at times. So far I'm loving it, Firefight mode is a blast online.

Haven't jumped into the competitive arena yet, but I know that's where I'll be spending most of my time.

Edit: Oh, and the music is incredible, maybe even better than ODST's.

16-Sep-2010, 03:18 PM
As I believe Darth once put it - "Reach" is a fitting title. :p

I liked the first few games, but how many times can you repackage what is virtually the same game and call it new? I've given them enough of my money at this point...

16-Sep-2010, 03:56 PM
As I believe Darth once put it - "Reach" is a fitting title. :p

I liked the first few games, but how many times can you repackage what is virtually the same game and call it new? I've given them enough of my money at this point...

...you are aware this is a first person shooter, right guy? :lol:

16-Sep-2010, 04:09 PM
...you are aware this is a first person shooter, right guy? :lol:

Exactly my point. They're over milking the cow. You could play the first three games and get the same effect. Hell...I probably shouldn't have bought all three of the originals. They're just turning out the same product with minor differences. Bungie is probably one of the world's most profitable business because they have basically no expense. "Just add a different weapon and call it a different name. We'll make MILLIONS!"

Anyway. Gald you guys enjoy it. I'll stop trolling now. :elol:

darth los
16-Sep-2010, 04:13 PM
I bought it yesterday but haven't had a chance to play it yet. I'm probably gonna save it for the weekend. This being the last entry in the series I don't want to rush it, I want to savor it's finer points.

Even if the campaign is disapointing , which I don't think will be the case, there's always multiplayer which is it's big selling point anyway.


16-Sep-2010, 04:15 PM
Exactly my point. They're over milking the cow. You could play the first three games and get the same effect. Hell...I probably shouldn't have bought all three of the originals. They're just turning out the same product with minor differences. Bungie is probably one of the world's most profitable business because they have basically no expense. "Just add a different weapon and call it a different name. We'll make MILLIONS!"

Anyway. Gald you guys enjoy it. I'll stop trolling now. :elol:

Says the guy who's put "many hours" into Wii Sports, a game with perhaps the least amount of depth this gen. Have you even played Halo online?

16-Sep-2010, 04:17 PM
Exactly my point. They're over milking the cow. You could play the first three games and get the same effect. Hell...I probably shouldn't have bought all three of the originals. They're just turning out the same product with minor differences. Bungie is probably one of the world's most profitable business because they have basically no expense. "Just add a different weapon and call it a different name. We'll make MILLIONS!"

Anyway. Gald you guys enjoy it. I'll stop trolling now. :elol:

i was being ironically flippant, and trolling is an art, requiring subtlety, nuance and self deprecating irony based on in-jokes and happenstance.

Come with me and i shall teach you the ways of troll.

16-Sep-2010, 04:19 PM
Says the guy who's put "many hours" into Wii Sports, a game with perhaps the least amount of depth this gen. Have you even played Halo online?

am i the only person who doesnt give a shit about halos online? honkey i play tf2 and starcraft 2. i play halo for the campaign, same with gears of war.

16-Sep-2010, 04:23 PM
am i the only person who doesnt give a shit about halos online? honkey i play tf2 and starcraft 2. i play halo for the campaign, same with gears of war.

I've always thoght of the Halo campaigns to be kind of like bonus content on top of the giant heap of multiplayer options. I can understand not liking competetive play, but with the inclusion of Firefight matchmaking, there's plenty of stuff do do on the co-op side of things as well.

16-Sep-2010, 04:26 PM
Says the guy who's put "many hours" into Wii Sports, a game with perhaps the least amount of depth this gen. Have you even played Halo online?

It's not so much depth that I'm talking about, but just the same thing over and over. At least Wii sports has different games and varieties rather than shoot, run, shoot, drive, shoot. Plus it's more fun with friends.

Don't get me wrong....I like Halo. I loved the first three games, but after that I kinda thought they were flogging a dead horse. I'm sure the new one is fun, I just can't be bothered to spend more money on a very similar game.

darth los
16-Sep-2010, 05:02 PM
I've always thoght of the Halo campaigns to be kind of like bonus content on top of the giant heap of multiplayer options. I can understand not liking competetive play, but with the inclusion of Firefight matchmaking, there's plenty of stuff do do on the co-op side of things as well.


This. :hyper:


16-Sep-2010, 05:15 PM
i've got a couple of friends who've picked it up, but i think i'm going to hold off till the price drops. didn't play the beta that much but i gotta say i don't remember it being much more than more halo, which isn't a bad thing, but like bass says, not 60 bucks worth of a good thing.

16-Sep-2010, 05:25 PM
I don't know when/if I'll get around to picking this up, as 3 was a bit old hat and didn't suck me in the way the preceding titles did. Hell, I haven't even bothered with ODST yet.

16-Sep-2010, 06:12 PM
^^ same. I won't bother with ODST ever because ultiametly it's the same trick bungie have pulled over and over on consumers...its a cut down version of Halo 3 with a shorter campaign and less to do...why would I want that?

Reach is another example of where Bungie actually takes away more than they give. They call it balancing but I call it cheapskating - all they've ever done is cut the game down and streamline it - mostly to its detriment.

Halo 2 was a great example - the campaign felt woefully tacked on and was nothing short of the most boring single player game I've ever experienced. The AR was gone, replaced with a three shot BR. Then Halo 3 attempted to add a few things back in quite well, but ODST and Reach have again taken away so much stuff - ODST has shitty jumping and speed issues (ie cos you're not MC you're slower and weaker) plus a pathetic 6 hour campaign, and Reach has NO dual wielding, no equipment (which I used a LOT in halo 3), and a single shot BR to name but a few.

But then Halo CE was never about what you had, but what you didn't have - only allowing 2 weapons for instance, was quite controversial, but it made the game great and simple - but I think they are going a bit too far now.

darth los
16-Sep-2010, 06:19 PM
i've got a couple of friends who've picked it up, but i think i'm going to hold off till the price drops. didn't play the beta that much but i gotta say i don't remember it being much more than more halo, which isn't a bad thing, but like bass says, not 60 bucks worth of a good thing.

I feel pretty much the same way about COD.

Each succesive game in the series is not much different than the last but when all your friends have it it's tough being left out of the multiplayer fun.


16-Sep-2010, 06:39 PM
i'll agree with ya about CoD, darth. MW and WaW were great, but the direction activision has taken the franchise as of late has turned me off from that series from here on out.

the only redeemable feature i could see about black ops is the ability to save film clips, which i feel is something that should have been included in the first MW game. other than that, looks like the same old shit.

just like MoH is the new BC, reach is the new halo, black ops is the new CoD...it's all stale as fuck with me these days. that's why i been kicking dracula's ass non-stop on all the castlevania games with the wii. something different instead of the non-stop downpour of rehashed FPS's flooding the market right now.

darth los
16-Sep-2010, 06:47 PM

Halo: Reach Generated $200M In One Day


And what the hell is this about?

Halo: Reach Online Co-op Unplayable On 4GB Xbox 360s

Is anyone having this problem?



19-Sep-2010, 12:53 AM
i've heard its painfully short in campaign, and i buy the halo games for the campaign before the multiplayer so it's putting me off a little.

Took me a little over 8 hours on heroic to finish the game, which is pretty much the average amount of time it takes to complete the single player game in most fps shooters theses days.

darth los
20-Sep-2010, 06:30 PM
ch-ch-check it out!



Mr. Clean
20-Sep-2010, 06:46 PM
I'm not a super dooper Halo fan but it's pretty decent game.

I beat H2, H3, skipped out on ODST, and a friend talked me into getting this one. First one I've accually paid for :D. H2 was givin to me by a high school friend before he left for Navy Boot camp. I borrowed H3 from a friend and returned it after I completed the storyline. I might accually try Multiplayer this time around.

20-Sep-2010, 07:42 PM
ch-ch-check it out!


Awesome, they're adding Forge maps to matchmaking, can't wait to see what people come up with. Some pretty impressive numbers so far:

* 31,000,000 Games have been played since launch

* 98,000,000 Player-games have been recorded

* 8,214,338 Daily Challenges have been completed

* 255,996 Weekly Challenges have been completed

* 78,499,560,895 Total Credits have been earned

* 953 Man-years have been spent in matchmade games

* 1365 Man-years have been spent in campaign

* 854,107 files have been uploaded

* 577,804 recommendations have been sent to friends

* 4,619,455 files have been downloaded


darth los
20-Sep-2010, 07:47 PM
Yeah, those numbers unheard of as far as I know.

Perhaps the COD franchise puts up similar stats but not much else.


Mr. Clean
22-Sep-2010, 06:47 AM
I liked the campaign but the Armor that you can purchase confuses me. Does it actually do anything or is it suppose to just look nice?

22-Sep-2010, 07:26 AM
I liked the campaign but the Armor that you can purchase confuses me. Does it actually do anything or is it suppose to just look nice?

is it avatar gear your talking about or actual armor for the game? as far as i know, there's no advantages of having one type of armor over another....aside from looks and fatten the fatcats wallets at microsoft, it's pointless.

22-Sep-2010, 02:01 PM
is it avatar gear your talking about or actual armor for the game? as far as i know, there's no advantages of having one type of armor over another....aside from looks and fatten the fatcats wallets at microsoft, it's pointless.

We call that "Digital T-shirt".

Gotta admit, it's a great way to make money, even in a recession...

22-Sep-2010, 03:58 PM
The armor is there just to make your spartan look cool, mostly for multiplayer matches so that everyone doesn't look the same.

28-Sep-2010, 08:16 PM
multiteam is dope, multi team swat

29-Sep-2010, 12:47 AM
I just beat it in one lengthy sitting and on the whole i sort of dug the campaign, however it felt like a disjointed mishmash of bits and pieces from past games and where we saw sparks of great original content it was far between.
My biggest complaint is how it started so strong and gradually just descended into the mindless meathead shootAN bollocks i dislike but it began as something so very different.
Multiplayer vs isanother complaint, it just has everyone playing the same with no new additions seeing use. but i have never liked it and found it pretty dull compared to class based affairs like tf2.
I really bought it for the co-op campaign and firefight which i have high hopes for, some levels seemed unbalanced in terms of design as a single player process.

Overall i can recommend it, but its not the engaging, atmospheric tale that the superior ODST campaign spun, but its also not just the completely retarded 'tape down the right trigger' ride of halo 3, id say it forms a balance between the two. not an even one, still a little more 3 than odst but it was fun.

and i for one hope for a multiplayer version of the space level. just that as banshees vs whateverthefrigg would be rad for months.

01-Oct-2010, 12:25 AM
am i the only person who doesnt give a shit about halos online? i play halo for the campaign, same with gears of war.

Nah, your not alone. I don't give to much of a crap for multiplayer either. I play sometimes here and there, but I play Halo mainly for Campaign.

I'm actually alittle pissed at the retcons they had to make in this game. It kinda, condradicts what happens in the novel "Fall of Reach".

darth los
01-Oct-2010, 04:59 PM
Noice! :thumbsup:



darth los
05-Oct-2010, 04:10 PM
I abolutely hate cheaters, modders and hackers.

They deserve what they get.



10-Oct-2010, 01:16 AM