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Sir James Forbes
12-Jun-2006, 11:36 AM
...Which brings me onto another similar matter. I would really like to see a bit more deacying meat on the bones with regards to these films. I'd settle for many sequels (if done right), or even a TV series if necessary. The thing I like about Night 90 the most is the claustraphobic feeling of containment and wondering how on earth to survive. What's happening? What do we do? Where do we go for safe haven? Are those places still operable anymore? I'd really like to see a film that expands more on society breaking down, the consequent chaos, and the struggle for survivial. I guess that's why I like Dawn04 so much, and the first 10 minutes were fantastic! I know the original Dawn and Day follow on in a logical timeframe, but there's just not the continuity there for me. Did Fran and Peter have enough fuel to reach a safe haven? What about Barb with her new redneck associates? And we can only hope that the island didn't spell the end for our new friends.

I guess ideally, I would have liked to see some of the sequels at least in real time. If you do manage to escape the horde of zombies outside your house, do you manage to get to that safe school advertised as a haven only a few minutes ago on the TV. And once you get there, then what?...

Anybody else interesed?

12-Jun-2006, 02:15 PM
nope, part of the great thing about romeros films is it doesnt have a ****ty thing like the military dropping a vial into the water supply or something like that. so i dont wanna know that'd ruin it for me.

Guru ofthe Dead
12-Jun-2006, 05:15 PM
nope, part of the great thing about romeros films is it doesnt have a ****ty thing like the military dropping a vial into the water supply or something like that. so i dont wanna know that'd ruin it for me.
I agree with hellsing GAR's genius is giving hope and dispare at the same time. Also if you look at John Russo's anniversary addition of Night he adds a new beginning and ending which really screws with the original. To me these movies should'nt have an actual ending we should be left with the question of did they make it and how did this thing start. This leaves room for more of GAR's genius.

12-Jun-2006, 05:38 PM
i agree with the idea that romero didnt leave us with a "real" ending. i like the ideas and oppinions that come up on this board about who survived and what would have happened, as well as the fiction section that also deals with peoples ideas of what could have happened if a sequal had been made to the first three movies, but once romero or somebody else starts makeing sequals then that is it, its done, no more wondering what could have or should have happened, were being told once and for all that what we are now seeing is what happened, the be all and end all of that story.

i like that romero left the endings open, his stories were meant to show different people in different situations are dealing with this nightmare, and we may all think that there happy endings to some of these characters but there reallys isnt.

NOTLD: everybody dies, nobody gets out alive, the only hope we have for a happy ending is we are told that this situation could come to an end in a few days with the armed posse running around cleaning up the zombies, but as we see in the later installments they are wrong, but for the ending of this movie we have the idea that this could come to end very quickly.

DAWN OF THE DEAD: roger dies, steve goes off on a nut and gets himself killed and zombified, fran and peter escape but thats not really a happy ending. the helicopter is low on fuel, they have no idea where they are going or what the situation will be like when they are forced to land, fran is close to giving birth ( one maybe two months away? i cant remember, and anybody here who is a parent like myself already knows that she can go into labor very easily even in the 7th or 8th month, fran is in trouble), there are no clean decent places around for the birth, very low on supplies (im betting they did have some baby supplies added to the helicopters cargo, just in case, but any parent can tell you that they go fast, very very fast) low on ammo, low on food, they are basically jumping from the frying pan and into the fire.

DAY OF THE DEAD: ok, that was just one nightmare after another, johnny, sarah and billy landing on that island may seem like a good thing, and to be honest out of all three movies they probably have a better chance of a happy ending than any of the others but life will be hard on the three of them, just how long can they live on fish, can they filter clean water? what about tropical island diseases? parasites? starnge little things like malaria, the islands natural predators, housing? the idea of them living like the castaways from giligans island isnt very real, some stuff might work, but not all, i guess the only happiness they have is that there are no damned zombies, as far as we know. they could have landed on that damned zombie island matool.

DAY OF THE DEAD 2 CONTAGIUM: no such thing as a happy ending the moment this movie was made, hell opened up, satan sat up from his firey throne and crapped out demons all over humanity the moment this movie was unleashed upon the earth, now that this movie exists, the idea of anything being "happy" has now died. i have still have the smell of **** in my house since watching this turd.

12-Jun-2006, 05:45 PM
DAY OF THE DEAD 2 CONTAGIUM: no such thing as a happy ending the moment this movie was made, hell opened up, satan sat up from his firey throne and crapped out demons all over humanity the moment this movie was unleashed upon the earth, now that this movie exists, the idea of anything being "happy" has now died. i have still have the smell of **** in my house since watching this turd.

Why are you even considering this as part of Romero's films?....

12-Jun-2006, 05:48 PM
aye ditto surely land and the dawn remake are much more worthy to be included than contagium?

Guru ofthe Dead
12-Jun-2006, 06:20 PM
I brought up the subject because the fools who made this mentioned that this is a possible sequel, prequel, or even a possible side story to the others. My bad.

12-Jun-2006, 06:35 PM
i added day2 only to rip it apart, just to be a smartass. i do know that it has nothing to do with the romero series, you notice i didnt add any of the rotld movies (and the first movie was actually promoted as a "unofficial sequal" to notld) nor did i add that turd cotld either, and there is just as much to rip apart in that movie as well.