View Full Version : Watch the First Five Minutes of DEAD GENESIS - Online Now!

17-Sep-2010, 04:24 PM
Hey guys, I've posted the first five minutes of Dead Genesis online, check it out (it's also available in glorious HIGH DEFINITION, which is the best way to watch it)


17-Sep-2010, 04:33 PM
Holy shit, dude! Why a kid, Reese, WHY?!? :lol:

Looks friggin great, man!

17-Sep-2010, 07:08 PM
Schweet, I'll watch this later on and get back to you about it. :)


Okay I've watched the clip now - first of all, bravo to you and all involved - I'm properly impressed dude. It looks fucking awesome!

Also it's quite shocking at the same time, so kudos on that and gaining a strong response from me ("noiiice!" at the headshot, "Jesus Christ!" at, well, several moments, and a big old grimace from my Dad who was passing by after I told him (without showing) about the content of the clip). :D

When and how is it being released, do you know yet?

18-Sep-2010, 06:36 AM
Hey hey hey! Good stuff!

18-Sep-2010, 10:13 PM
We're just in the process of being picked up by a sales agency, so probably not looking to be on DVD until 2011 early 2012... but we shall see what happens! The response has been great so far so I cannot wait for more eyes to check it out!

I was told our original opening was didn't have enough punch... so we figured that taking out a kid in the first five minutes should do it.

18-Sep-2010, 10:21 PM
You provide the link and I'll purchase a copy. Looks like Grade-A stuff. :thumbsup:

19-Sep-2010, 05:56 AM
Yeah, Wow!! looks really good man!!

20-Sep-2010, 01:37 PM
Top Notch Reese. You shoudl enter this in the 2011 Fright Night Film Fest in Louisville, KY I have no doubt it would win Best Zombie film.

Kudo's on the look, the gore, and the overall disturbing nature.

20-Sep-2010, 02:17 PM

You definitely didn't do anything by half measures in that opening! The protag(?), who has a familiar look about him--maybe a young Harvey Keitel--did a great job and the head shot was outstanding!

20-Sep-2010, 02:55 PM
This is magnificent. I can't wait to buy a copy!

21-Sep-2010, 03:37 PM
Thanks guys! Well here's to hoping this gets a DVD release in the coming year! We seem to be on our way in that direction, I should have some official news regarding that in the coming weeks!

21-Sep-2010, 04:44 PM
Thanks guys! Well here's to hoping this gets a DVD release in the coming year! We seem to be on our way in that direction, I should have some official news regarding that in the coming weeks!

*crosses fingers* :)

22-Sep-2010, 09:57 PM
Totally disturbing... I like it! :D

(Though I'm hoping more of the dead will resemble those great promo shots.)