View Full Version : Riddle me this...

20-Sep-2010, 01:07 AM
Okay, so it's not a riddle, but I was wondering... now, this is a really random question, probably without any sort of definite answer, but... remember when Pokemon was getting really big in the States? And random products like Poptarts and stuff were getting their pictures slapped up? (What?) Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew why Poliwhirl was featured so much. Anyone? I mean, he wasn't even in the show for more than two episodes of the first season! And he's not even Ash's Pokemon, he's Misty's, and she hardly ever uses him because she's got Psyduck and Staryu! So it's like, what the fuck? Thoughts?

20-Sep-2010, 01:35 AM
Hmmm, sorry, most of the things you reference in your OP I've never heard of. I'm getting old, so Pokemon was something that was just a mystery for .

20-Sep-2010, 02:52 AM
Qu'est-ce que "OP?"