View Full Version : Dancing with the Stars

Mr. Clean
21-Sep-2010, 02:33 AM

Enough is enough right?

21-Sep-2010, 02:47 AM
i was just bitching about how much television sucks and why programming like this has made me cancel my cable subscription. shows like this make me wish for the apocolypse, ww3, or a comet to strike the earth. in this day and age, with all our technology, knowledge, and human potential, this is the sort of garbage that entertains us? give me a fuckin break.

and holy fuck, the definition of "star" has gone downhill in the last decade or so....the palin kid's on there cuz her mom is a dingbat politician and she had a baby out of wedlock? the jersey shore loser has abs and is on some shitty mtv show...and that makes him a star. don't even know who else is on there, and really couldn't care less. i just keep hearing things on the radio and seeing articles linked on websites about these 2 morons.

i've not seen the film idiocracry, but i'm going to watch it, lots of people tell me i'd enjoy based upon my views of how fucking ignorant our society is becoming.

21-Sep-2010, 02:52 AM
Oh yeah, Idiocracy rocks. Totally. I mean it. Go see it. It's sooo where the future of America could be headed some day.

Mr. Clean
21-Sep-2010, 03:24 AM
American Idol is another that pisses me off. I've been praying for this show to get cancelled for years....and yet here I am losing my T.V. every winter to this shitty show because it draws my wife's attention somehow..:stunned: