View Full Version : Video game moments that scared you

21-Sep-2010, 12:20 PM
Talk about what game moments just freaked you out.

I think the worst for me ever was in Resident Evil 2 when the licker jumps out from behind the mirror... I almost broke my window throwing the controller out of shock.

21-Sep-2010, 12:23 PM
i still fondly recall the first resident evil game when the dogs jumped through the window at me. pretty freaky stuff.

i just recently picked up a used copy of RE2 for the gamecube, gonna beat the REmake then start up that one.

can't think of many games outside of the RE series that really ever got to me like those first couple of games did.

21-Sep-2010, 12:34 PM
I remember that one too, it got me the first round throught as well. But that licker in RE2 still gets me to this day lol.

21-Sep-2010, 12:43 PM
As mentioned before, Resident Evil 2. It was the last RE game I played and it had some genuinely scary parts. There's also a certian level of Ghostbusters with kid's voices and handprints on the walls. Something about kids as ghosts gives me the heebie jeebies.

21-Sep-2010, 01:22 PM
Alien vs Predator 2 going into an alien hive to rescue a fellow marine taken by Aliens. Everyone else in the squad takes off in the APC, so you have to enter the underground lair alone. One guy with a shotgun versus a whole hive of aliens?

21-Sep-2010, 01:41 PM
not much scares me in games nowadays but this reminds me of the glorious "nope" threads on 4chans/v/ board. just pages of greentext storys like:

>playing stalker.
>in abandoned building.
>need something from across large dark room.
>hear rasping heavy breathing.
>snap disc in half and never play it again.

shame those things only last a short while some are pure fried gold.

21-Sep-2010, 01:47 PM
Some parts of Fear I found gave me the heebie-jeebies...

21-Sep-2010, 01:55 PM
not much scares me in games nowadays but this reminds me of the glorious "nope" threads on 4chans/v/ board. just pages of greentext storys like:

>playing stalker.
>in abandoned building.
>need something from across large dark room.
>hear rasping heavy breathing.
>snap disc in half and never play it again.

shame those things only last a short while some are pure fried gold.

wait, i got one.

>Playing fatal frame.
>piss my pants through 1st night.
>2nd night starts.
>ghosts can follow you through doors now.
>never finish it. but have a great time with its sequel.

21-Sep-2010, 02:23 PM
I found the "valkyr" dream sequences in the first Max Payne game quite scary! And a few parts of the first silent hill game were pretty creepy too. Other than that, I've had a couple of jumpy moments in FPS games where an enemy has appeared when I least expected it!
The spec-ops missions in ARMA 2 are quite scary too, they give you that real life bowel clenching feeling that very few games can ever reproduce when your sneaking around evading patrols etc

21-Sep-2010, 04:50 PM
As bassman said, the vocal children ghosts in Ghostbusters is pretty damn creepy - it wigs me out every time - and further to that in Doom 3 when the demon cherub things come out I flipped my shit. It was fucked up in general, but the goddamn audio was too much.

Doom 3 was a scary-ass game in general. I also remember playing the first Half-Life at a mate's house in the middle of the night with the sound off - and I'd never played it before - and I remember leaping out of my chair constantly at it, not entirely sure why, but it kinda freaked me out - must have been the atmosphere.

Also - hell yes - STALKER is bat-shit scary, especially when in those underground labs ... FREAKED ME OUT BIG TIME. Too goddamn scary those bits ... and it's why they're awesome I suppose. Some parts of BioShock were scary - or rather, intimidating - there are numerous games like that where there's this pervasive sense of dread rather than out-right fear.

Alan Wake had such an affect on me. I was never really terrified, but I had a frequent sense of looming dread throughout most of the game, and that was far creepier.

21-Sep-2010, 05:32 PM
not much scares me in games nowadays but this reminds me of the glorious "nope" threads on 4chans/v/ board. just pages of greentext storys like:

>playing stalker.
>in abandoned building.
>need something from across large dark room.
>hear rasping heavy breathing.
>snap disc in half and never play it again.

shame those things only last a short while some are pure fried gold.

I have no idea what the above means.

Mr. Clean
21-Sep-2010, 05:35 PM
Very Beginning of Silent Hill when your walking around with your zippo using it for light. Then little children with knives come out and you realize 2 things.

1. Shit, I don't have a f-ing weapon...

2. Shit, no place to run....

Some of the creature of the Silent Hill games are pretty screwed up. One I recall is a bed frame with a mass of something in the middle moving around like something under a bed sheet. Turns out, one of the women you meet in the game was molested by her father and it symbolizes her father's sin.

21-Sep-2010, 06:35 PM
Resident Evil had plenty of moments that scared me shitless. Even got me when I was recently playing it on the DS.

Silent Hill 2 had a few moments.

Fatal Frame was almost entirely spent with my blood-pressure going through the roof.

Clock Tower had its moments when the maniac would bust out of nowhere with those god damn shears.

Oh, and, in FPS' such as Bad Company 2, if I'm playing online and it's really quite for a while, then I turn around and an enemy shoots me in the face point blank, I usually jump and scream (I have the volume way up).

21-Sep-2010, 06:37 PM
Aye that part in Doom 3 with the baby things was creepy! despite the criticisms the game gets, it had plenty of atmosphere & some of it was properly scary! Agreed on STALKER as well, it definitely had its moments, especially when wandering around in one of those underground places & you see some nasty looking creature skulking about in your torchlight.
I remember the first time you come across "pyramid head" in Silent Hill 2 being a bit scary too

21-Sep-2010, 06:58 PM

He's being chased and eaten by g-g-g-GHOSTS!!!

darth los
21-Sep-2010, 07:55 PM
In RE 4 when you were Locked in a room with "it" for a couple of minutes. That got my heart racing.


22-Sep-2010, 08:35 AM
>playing stalker.
>in abandoned building.
>need something from across large dark room.
>hear rasping heavy breathing.
>snap disc in half and never play it again.


It's funny cos it's true ... sometimes when playing STALKER you just think "NOPE!" cos shit's just gotten super-real in an underground lab.

22-Sep-2010, 12:22 PM
I remember Shadowman being fairly scary, hunting down the worlds worst serial killers in their personal part of hell. I bought the game again to go through it but it's sadly dated, bloody improved graphics is killing gameplay. :shifty:

Bioshock 2 made me jump recently, mostly because I turned around and a splicer was right behind me.

Condemned 2 is worth a shout too, some good scares in there.

Mr. Clean
23-Sep-2010, 06:34 PM
I remember Shadowman being fairly scary, hunting down the worlds worst serial killers in their personal part of hell. I bought the game again to go through it but it's sadly dated, bloody improved graphics is killing gameplay. :shifty:.

Shadowman was a good game. Those damn creatures moved so freaking fast though.

23-Sep-2010, 06:45 PM
Silent Hill 2 the prison toilets, I had James tap on a few doors and then something hurled itself at one and made a hooting sound.

Resident Evil 4 - Regenerators.

23-Sep-2010, 07:02 PM
I remember playing some of RE2 (possibly the demo?) - or maybe it was RE1, I don't know, I never really played those games ... but there's a bit where something comes smashing through a window 'near the camera' as you proceed down a corridor. It's one or two zombie dogs I think. At the time I shat myself. :D