View Full Version : MMORPG's on consoles?

21-Sep-2010, 12:35 PM
Does anyone thing that they will ever put the mmorpg's onto consoles? I think it would be an awesome idea and would definitely make them easier to play.

21-Sep-2010, 04:09 PM
In a way, I kind of hope not. I don't mind the idea of limited MMOs on consoles for simpler games, like if someone expanded the interactivity and depth of the world of Borderland's Pandora, that could be cool.

Then again, if someone pulled off the same experience I had with WoW, with just as much depth, frustration and fun, but on a console...I'd partake.

21-Sep-2010, 04:43 PM
Regardless of whether it would be successful or not, it does raise the question: why hasn't someone, somewhere, done this yet?

There have been games that have dabbled in the format - the Monster Hunter games are built around most of the same types of gameplay conventions and are designed to be played socially, but in most of them your party has a max of four players per quest and you can't encounter other player characters who are not in your party - you'd think with the explosion of online console gaming, at least one true MMORPG would have popped up. So why hasn't it? There must be a very good reason, but I can't think what it would be.