View Full Version : "the event" anyone actually watch this?

21-Sep-2010, 04:19 PM
I just caught the pilot for the latest attempt to fill the sci-fi hourly mystery drama void left by the likes of lost and its competitors and honestly that was kind of wank. every single thing in the episode has been done before and better. from what i gather they are trying to put some sort of district 9 spin on the formula but honestly this was pretty shitty compared to cancelled shows like invasion, threshold and the 4400.

21-Sep-2010, 04:24 PM
Wait...this aired already? I saw an ad for it this weekend at the movie theater. I didn't think it was starting for a little while yet. It looked a bit tired, though.

21-Sep-2010, 04:44 PM
Like most soap operas masquerading as serious TV "dramas"....I'll pass. I was hoping this fad would fade away after all that Lost crap...

21-Sep-2010, 04:51 PM
Wait...this aired already? I saw an ad for it this weekend at the movie theater. I didn't think it was starting for a little while yet. It looked a bit tired, though.

Theres been like 7 ad's in a single fucking DC comic for this for like 3 months now.

21-Sep-2010, 05:19 PM
Like most soap operas masquerading as serious TV "dramas"....I'll pass. I was hoping this fad would fade away after all that Lost crap...

Dude, "Lost" was freaking brilliant. I've been sad without it coming back this year (sniffle).

So far, the only show this year that has seemed really impressive to me that I checked out the other night is called "Lone Star" -- it has David Keith and Jon Voight in it. It's about a guy who is a con man living two different lives. It was actually excellent -- I'm looking forward to watching more of it.

Oh, and that little known "The Walking Dead" thing...


21-Sep-2010, 05:32 PM
Lost was a boondoggle that I'm glad I pulled the ejection lever on early.

That is all :)

19-Oct-2010, 09:39 PM
Lost was a boondoggle that I'm glad I pulled the ejection lever on early.

That is all :)

I bailed a couple of episodes into season 3...sick of mystery upon mystery with no real direction and writers making it up as they went along.

As for "The Event" I will be watching Episodes 1 & 2 tonight.

19-Oct-2010, 09:51 PM
Lost was a boondoggle that I'm glad I pulled the ejection lever on early.

That is all :)

me too. "lost" was a boogerbear for sure. i watched the first season and a bit of the second but rapidly lost interest.

20-Oct-2010, 02:13 AM
Same, Mike.
As for The Event... Did they just rip-off the title of The Happening, to make it more grammatically correct? I wonder... Looks like weak-sauce, at any rate...

20-Oct-2010, 09:28 AM
Same, Mike.
As for The Event... Did they just rip-off the title of The Happening, to make it more grammatically correct? I wonder... Looks like weak-sauce, at any rate...

I predict the creation of a sci-fi movie or TV show called The Occurrence within the next 5 years. If this does not come to pass, I shall flagellate myself with a piece of cooked spaghetti. Of course, I may do that anyways, yeah baby.

20-Oct-2010, 11:47 AM
Publius... your post... literally made me lol... literally! We're buds, starting here and now.