View Full Version : Seasonal Affective Disorder - or S.A.D. WTF!!!???

12-Jun-2006, 06:32 PM
Are humans getting weirder? Or are they just more and more dependant on these rediculous head meds?

taken from the AP wire

WASHINGTON (AP) - An antidepressant won federal approval Monday as the first drug to treat seasonal affective disorder, the wintertime blues that can strike when the days grow short.

Wellbutrin XL can be used in the prevention of major depressive episodes in patients with a history of seasonal affective disorder, often called SAD, the Food and Drug Administration said. SAD is characterized by recurrent major depressive episodes during the fall and winter.

The FDA approved Wellbutrin XL - the extended release version of bupropion HCL in tablet form - in 2003. The original version of the drug won approval in 1985.

Wellbutrin XL is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline.

12-Jun-2006, 06:42 PM
in some waus I can see how that makes sense and in someways I can't

12-Jun-2006, 06:46 PM
It makes sense to me, because even Behavior psychologists use a similar treatment when treating their patients/clients. It's pretty much a well known fact that alot of people react negatively to dark colors and positively to bright colors, so they use that in their treatment.

But this is, I guess, taking it to far. And sounds pretty silly.

12-Jun-2006, 07:30 PM
I personally think people should stop all the whining and buck up a little bit. Not EVERYTHING that gets you down is a disorder. It's human Nature in most cases.
Hmmm, Gosh, it's winter outside, I think I'll snuggle with another warm body! There! There's the cure. (or one, at least)...too many people get in a "normal funk" and all of a sudden they feel they need some sort of head med to "fix it". No, the head meds are NOT the fix all solution. It's a temporary distraction from reality that's making someone's wallet fatter. These damned medications are turning too many people into REAL ZOMBIES. I know there's a time and place for some of these meds, but.....Winter????? Come the funk on!! These people need to sort their funking lives out. mates!!

12-Jun-2006, 07:35 PM
Yeah....it's sad how everyone resorts to medication for EVERYTHING these days.

Patient: "I'm not in the best of moods today"
Doctor: "Happy pills for you! After all, why would you have to deal with normal human emotions?"

Patient 2: "My kid is wired and gets excited very easily"
Doctor: "Pills for your kid! After all, why would you want you kid to be NORMAL?"

14-Jun-2006, 03:16 PM
Seasonal Affective Disorder is definately real. Here in South Dakota, there is usually snow and cold weather here from late October until March. In the dead of winter due to daylight savings time it might be dark when you leave for work, and nearly dusk by the time your ready to head home.

Back in the old days this was part of 'cabin fever', distress caused by being cooped up inside for too long.

If you have SAD one treatment is to get a sun lamp with a bulb that simulates the same light spectrum as natural light. Another is to take up an outdoor winter sport.

Mayo clinic SAD treatment page

14-Jun-2006, 07:55 PM
'winter time blues' - feck off, how about some "summer time blues" for people like me. I prefer the winter. Summer is crap. I get hayfever, I've got fair skin so the sun is my enemy, my eyes are usually fairly sensitive to sunlight (yes I could very well be a vampire, ha!), spiders and all sorts of bugs are out and about and crawling inside the damn house where they don't belong. Everyone is running around saying "oh the summer is so great!", it's too hot and sweaty and you just feel miserable. I do anyway.

It's easier to stay warm than stay cool ... easier to sleep in the winter too, and Xmas is in the winter and that's a great day! :D

But yeah, some people really do get majorly affected by the weather. I don't like they are in the winter, I just f*cking hate the summer with a passion, even though my birthday is at the beginning of it all - i.e. that's the only good thing about the summer. And another about summer, it gets light at like 4am so the bloody birds and out singing bastarding loud and it doesn't get dark till about 10pm so there's almost bugger all night time, bastard summer! Roll on winter!

Ya-boo-sucks! :evil:

14-Jun-2006, 09:10 PM
Dude i have Seasonal Affective Disorder. I get really ****y in the spring, which sucks because my birthday is around that time so I always have a shetty birthday.

14-Jun-2006, 09:23 PM
'winter time blues' - feck off, how about some "summer time blues" for people like me. I prefer the winter. Summer is crap. I get hayfever, I've got fair skin so the sun is my enemy, my eyes are usually fairly sensitive to sunlight (yes I could very well be a vampire, ha!), spiders and all sorts of bugs are out and about and crawling inside the damn house where they don't belong. Everyone is running around saying "oh the summer is so great!", it's too hot and sweaty and you just feel miserable. I do anyway.

It's easier to stay warm than stay cool ... easier to sleep in the winter too, and Xmas is in the winter and that's a great day! :D

But yeah, some people really do get majorly affected by the weather. I don't like they are in the winter, I just f*cking hate the summer with a passion, even though my birthday is at the beginning of it all - i.e. that's the only good thing about the summer. And another about summer, it gets light at like 4am so the bloody birds and out singing bastarding loud and it doesn't get dark till about 10pm so there's almost bugger all night time, bastard summer! Roll on winter!

Ya-boo-sucks! :evil:

i'm with minion on this one all the way. october/early nov is my favorite time of year because it the one of the few times the weather in this part of the country is tolerable. i'm fair haired, fair skinned and the sun fraks with my eyes big time. summer can friggin blow me. 95% humidity, temps in the 90s. goddamn road work going on like every 5 friggin feet. inside of your car is like an oven when you get in. "oh but summer's great" yeah let me know how that skin cancer thing works out for you when your 50.

14-Jun-2006, 11:36 PM
I understand that the seasons affect humans, but,......do humans NEED head meds to deal with it?
I think not.

15-Jun-2006, 09:59 AM
"summer can friggin blow me" - dude, that's just made my day. It's another sunny day here, no doubt going to heat up, and I've got my new flatpack office desk to put up ... that's a recipe for one sweaty-ass MZ. :(

But yeah, summer can blow me too. :cool: