View Full Version : Self-mummifying monks!

23-Sep-2010, 09:49 AM
This article is a very interesting read. These 19th century monks would go on a steady diet of nothing but nuts and seeds for 1,000 days, followed by bark, roots, and a poisonous tea for another 1,000 days, in order to rid their bodies of all fat and liquid. They would then lock themselves inside a tomb no bigger than themselves, with only an air tube for breathing and a string attached to a bell so they could ring to the outside world that they were still alive each day. Once the bell stopped ringing, the air tube was removed. Finally, the tomb was left sealed for an additional 1,000 days before checking to make sure the body properly mummified itself. Only 24 monks were successful in this practice.


23-Sep-2010, 11:58 AM
Ah, the things humans do for religion. You've got to give them credit for their dedication. Not so much their stupidity...

And what's up with the two skulls combined? I didn't see anything that explained that one...

23-Sep-2010, 12:07 PM
And what's up with the two skulls combined? I didn't see anything that explained that one...

Yeah, I was hoping for a short side story about the creepy monk with two faces.

23-Sep-2010, 12:13 PM
Religion makes people do some very stupid things. Let me go get some bark to eat, yum!

23-Sep-2010, 02:07 PM
I just realized the title of this thread could easily be a catch-phrase used by the Robin of the 60's.

"Holy self-mummifying monks, Batman!"