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24-Sep-2010, 03:29 AM
We've seen the scene in the trailer, but i love it:


24-Sep-2010, 03:32 AM
i live in the area, as you may have surmised from my set pictures. Here iis a Google Earth pic from where Rick is: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&ie=UTF8&t=f&ecpose=33.76023953,-84.37276226,321.14,-84.246,76.971,0&ll=33.760282,-84.37327&spn=0.001661,0.003484&z=19.

Doesn't really gel with the comic. In the comic the government told people to go to Atlanta. Also, Rick is from Kentucky, so we would've arrived via I75, not GA10.

In any event, awesome pic.

24-Sep-2010, 12:38 PM
They probably just went with the better looking location. Hey...does the Westin have all it's windows in this poster?:shifty:

24-Sep-2010, 08:58 PM
Awesome poster but I always hate in post-apocalyptic movies/shows when one side of a highway will be completely jam-packed and the other side will be completely barren. I understand that in such cases it's because officials told everyone to evacuate, but wouldn't there still be SOME cars on the other side of the highway? People would be driving on the other side of the highway, in the wrong way, in order to avoid the traffic. There would also be people heading INTO the city. Two different directions of traffic = accidents.

SO, these posters/shot should always have at least a couple of crashed cars on the opposite of the highways.