View Full Version : Dead Rising 2 appreciation thread...

24-Sep-2010, 11:06 AM
Figured I'd start up a new thread now that Dead Rising 2 is out for everyone to discuss it as they play it.

Do please use the SPOILER TAGS though if you're going to drop any spoilers into your posts.


IGN Review - 8/10:

"Devil in a Sundress" gameplay:

"Sunday, Bloody Sunday" gameplay:

Rancid Carcass
24-Sep-2010, 01:06 PM

Just had my first hour or so in game and first impressions are very, very good indeed - it's retained everything that made the first game so awesome and added a whole new dollop of wonderment in for good measure. Well worth the wait.

Only minor issue I'm having is that sometimes find myself on the wrong side of the doors when I shut them, that could just be me being rubbish though.

Loving Fortune City so far, it looks great from what I've seen of it. The gameplay feels familiar yet fresh and new at the same time, it's going to be a lot of fun exploring and finding things out.

It is kind of weird not knowing where to go and having a weedy low level character again - keep trying to jump kick but I can't, lol.

I also picked up the Outbreak Edition from Game in the UK - got a sweet 12" zombie figure (with servbot head and traffic cone for extra zombie humiliation fun!), along with a ton of other stuff, so all in all I'm very happy.

Good times will be had by all - though you hardly need me to tell you that!


24-Sep-2010, 02:11 PM
Not fair... I have to wait till Tuesday for my copy to ship... :-(

I will be reading all of these posts so I can live vicariously through all of your lives!!!

24-Sep-2010, 02:54 PM
I'm hoping to get my copy tomorrow so I can have it for the weekend.

Thinking of starting up Dead Rising 1 just to get into the control scheme and see what it looks like now that I've got my Xbox360 plugged in via HD cable.

I'm totally up for some zombie shredding fun ... would have been awesome if you could port your experience from DR1 over though, but then again I can understand why they didn't do that. At least those who got Case Zero can port that progress over anyway.

darth los
24-Sep-2010, 03:28 PM
We don't get it til' the 28th so stop rubbing it in. :(

But if it's anything like case zero I'm scooping it up the same day. You know a game is awesome when MZ purchases it day one. :p

Although I'm sure it being about zombies has alot to do with it.

Think andy will go for the world record this time around?


24-Sep-2010, 04:33 PM
Well I don't have it in my hands on day one, but I have had it pre-ordered for something like 18 months. :p

I'm actually beginning to get really excited to just go yomping around slaying zombies again, it's been quite a while since my last bash about on DR1 and this one has kind of been off my radar for a while now - like in the background but not paid attention to because of other games, but then you see some video clips and you like what you see, but now that it's finally come/coming out I've gotten all hot-to-trot for it.

Ideal really, I've not been waiting impatiently, and my excitement will be appropriately high at the same time when I get it in my hands.

That said, if it doesn't turn up tomorrow I'll be reet annoyed. :shifty:

darth los
24-Sep-2010, 04:49 PM
All I know is that those combo wepons are bad ass and what we've seen in case zero is only a taste of what's to come.

I'd trade it all for a broadsword though. That was the most kick ass weapon in case zero, imo.


24-Sep-2010, 04:57 PM
"What Would Chuck Do?" video - some combo weapon examples and other gameplay footage. :)


24-Sep-2010, 04:59 PM
I'm waiting to see what people think of it after a few hours of play. That was my problem with the first. It just got boring after a few hours. Lost all of it's spark. And the save system sucked too, but I hear they've fixed that.

24-Sep-2010, 05:09 PM
Thanks for the impressions, Rancid. Sounds great!

I'm surprised that my Gamestop is doing a midnight launch for this game, as it doesn't strike me as a huge blockbuster type of game. No matter, I'll be there.

Also, I've heard that the load times border on ridiculous, but installing the game on the 360 before you play cuts a few seconds off each one.

24-Sep-2010, 05:17 PM
Anyone know if there is a way to get the 360 version's settings set up so that the camera angle isn't completely useless while moving 75% of the time? It's very much a pain in the ass to adjust on the fly for me, maybe I should fiddle around with the sensitivity and see if it's easier to pan about while moving. The default in Case 0 has been just pretty much unacceptable for me.

Any suggestions?

darth los
24-Sep-2010, 05:22 PM
Also, I've heard that the load times border on ridiculous.

If it's anything like case zero then that would be correct.

It reminds me of the resident evil outbreaks. :dead:

Loading screens kill the momentum of a game. If they're going to do that atleast give me some cool mini-games to play while I'm waiting.


24-Sep-2010, 05:55 PM
The load times on DR1 were ... I can't remember actually ... but there were plenty of them anyway!

Hopefully it won't get in the way of having fun though.

Bassman - by the sounds of it, it's Dead Rising +1 basically. More of the same stuff (that you liked and disliked, even), but with more zombies, a new setting, some different things, better shooting and vehicle mechanics and such like. But evidently some annoying things have been, at best, fiddled with a bit but otherwise left alone.

Regardless, you can just yomp around for 72 hours like before, and I did that like five times on DR1, so I'll at least get that out of the game, which is about what I was expecting really - so with the additions and tweaks, I'll no doubt be quite pleased in the end.

darth los
24-Sep-2010, 07:03 PM
Perhaps it's been discussed but is there a multiplayer element ?


darth los
24-Sep-2010, 07:32 PM
It got an 8 which is a decent enoug score but it's the opening line of the review that has me cracking up.


" When there's no room left in hell, the dead will shop in Fortune City." :lol:

That has to be burning Rubenstein up!

Did that lawsuit go anywhere by the way?


Rancid Carcass
24-Sep-2010, 08:09 PM
As with my first post – no spoilers, just some observations.

With regards to the load times, yes they're pretty long – haven't played case zero so I can't compare, but bear in mind the amount of zombies it's loading is just mental.

The survivor AI is dramatically improved, they're pretty handy in fight now and a lot more talkative too.

The save system is similar to the first game in that you have to use rest-rooms etc, but you get three save slots now which gives you a bit of a safety net so you don't blow your case files if you screw your timings up. As with before you can just ignore them and go on the rampage and do your own thing.

The game structure so far seems pretty similar to the first game, which is no bad thing in my book. Obviously, if you found DR1 repetitive then you may have the same issue this time round. It is a much bigger and varied environment so it may take a while get to know it inside out which will keep you on your toes. Personally I never got bored of the first game, it has always been part of my regular game rotation so I may not be the best person to judge how repetitive it is. It is, however, a much better game than the first, if you loved that one and had a blast with it, I'm sure you'll have even more of a blast with this one.

And for anyone still on the fence about it, I will say this:

Anyone who dreams of a Rhodes style low speed getaway in an under powered electric buggy – your prayers have been answered!


24-Sep-2010, 08:24 PM
Anyone who dreams of a Rhodes style low speed getaway in an under powered electric buggy – your prayers have been answered!

Ooh! Ooh!

24-Sep-2010, 10:55 PM
Anyone who dreams of a Rhodes style low speed getaway in an under powered electric buggy – your prayers have been answered!



25-Sep-2010, 09:51 AM
Anyone who dreams of a Rhodes style low speed getaway in an under powered electric buggy – your prayers have been answered!

*cums everywhere* :elol:


Incidentally, my copy turned up today. :cool:

25-Sep-2010, 05:42 PM
Just had the bit (after a mission) where I escaped through the underground on an electric buggy ... which was totally silent, not even an electric motor whir, which was odd.

I've had about four hours on it now ... had to re-do part of the game as I ran out of time doing one of the missions (yeah, I'm actually bothering this time with the missions) ... (early spoiler)not keen on this Zombrex thing every 24 hours, even though it's a videogame and the girl isn't real, it'd be weird to let the kid cark it and then go running around in a sundress slaying zeds however you please

Anyone know how to beat the green-suited guy on the bike? I came across him when I was running out of time to get back to the safehouse to continue the story.

Also - motherfucking enemies in this game are hard as shit. For example, me shooting one bad guy (wearing jeans and t-shirt) with a FUCKING SHOTGUN and it takes off merely a sliver of damage. Plus hie damage to me is much bigger and it's hard to avoid the fucker.

There are still annoying things like in the original game, so not an awful lot has changed over-the-piece, but it's really more of the same but a bit better than the first generally speaking.

I still think it's retarded that when you aim a gun you face the way Chuck is facing, not the way your camera is facing ... that shit pisses me off.

Rancid Carcass
26-Sep-2010, 02:39 PM
I still think it's retarded that when you aim a gun you face the way Chuck is facing, not the way your camera is facing ... that shit pisses me off.

That can be changed in the options menu, if you haven't already figured it out.

I'm finding the psychopaths in this game a lot harder than the first, bumped into quite a few and all but two of them have handed my ass to me on a plate - those that didn't almost did. Could be that after years of running round DR1 with the megabuster I've gotten a little slack, lol.

I've also spotted a fantastic nod to Uncle George too, a real punch the air yahoo moment, very subtle, very cool and it does add something to the gameplay too - hope others have/will spot it too. Sweet.

After giving it some welly this weekend, overall I must say that I'm very impressed with it. Love the combo cards, and just the amount of 'stuff', feels like there's more things to just potter about with. And what's not love about beating a zombie about the head with a ladies pleasure device...


26-Sep-2010, 05:59 PM
I could have sworn I saw dildos in the "what would Chuck do?" video! lol

I think I did see the setting, but didn't read it correctly and thought it was something else ... so I think I must have gone and changed it to exactly what I didn't want, doi! :o

Will change it around next time I play.

I'm about to start Case 3-2 and have recently given Katy her 2nd Zombrex. Next play through though she can do-one, cos next time I go through this game it's gonna all be about zombie killin' alone. :elol:

Rancid Carcass
26-Sep-2010, 07:23 PM
Just got through my first 72 hours, got a 'D' ending - things didn't quite go according to plan. Messed up on the Zombrex... :skull: :lol:

Have a new plan for this run through, maybe this one will work - not holding my breath, lol.

27-Sep-2010, 09:47 AM
I'm hoping to find a list of Zombrex locations online sometime soon. :)

27-Sep-2010, 12:58 PM
I see the PC version of the game is "floating around out there" so-to-speak. It's about FUCKING TIME! I still can't believe they didn't release DR1 on the PC...

I also noticed there is a +14 trainer for the PC version too.. *snicker* One of the best reasons to have games on the PC. Trainers, free online play, better graphics, better controls.... :elol:

Can't wait. Tomorrow needs to get here, like, tomorrow. :lol:

Rancid Carcass
27-Sep-2010, 01:59 PM
Can't wait. Tomorrow needs to get here, like, tomorrow. :lol:

Welcome to the longest day of your life... where every minute seems like an hour and every hour seems like a week! :bored:


27-Sep-2010, 04:09 PM
Guess what Gamefly is shipping to me, turdsters?

27-Sep-2010, 04:11 PM
Picking up my copy tonight! :D

27-Sep-2010, 04:57 PM
Lou - I'd be interested in getting it for the PC at some stage, just to enjoy it with cheats on motherfuckers. :cool:

And surely there will be mods put out there ... and you know what I'm talkin' about - a hardcore Monroeville Mall mod, just to rub more salt into Rubenstein's wounds. :elol: Plus it'd be bad ass anyway ... mod the zombies so they didn't have red eyes, nor that "queen" business, and so that only headshots killed them (be they melee or a bullet).

I'm currently on "Day 2" in the game.

27-Sep-2010, 06:44 PM
I made a lightsaber! Go to the movie theatre, examine a poster then go to a maintainance shed and combine a flashlight and gems.

27-Sep-2010, 06:49 PM
Welcome to the longest day of your life... where every minute seems like an hour and every hour seems like a week!

Tell me about it! Sheesh.. tomorrow can't get here quick enough.

Lou - I'd be interested in getting it for the PC at some stage, just to enjoy it with cheats on motherfuckers. :cool:


And surely there will be mods put out there ... and you know what I'm talkin' about - a hardcore Monroeville Mall mod, just to rub more salt into Rubenstein's wounds. :elol: Plus it'd be bad ass anyway ... mod the zombies so they didn't have red eyes, nor that "queen" business, and so that only headshots killed them (be they melee or a bullet).

Yeah, now that it's coming out on PC, all the normal goodies (cheats, trainers, free online play, mods, etc) will be coming. It's just a matter of time.

I'm betting there's going to be some kickass mods coming out for this game. :hyper:

27-Sep-2010, 07:31 PM
I read somewhere that you can make Freddy Krueger claws with a glove and some knives.

27-Sep-2010, 07:54 PM
I read somewhere that you can make Freddy Krueger claws with a glove and some knives.

Boxing gloves and the bowie knife. ;)

Looks more like wolverine w/the three blades, but fun none the less! :D

28-Sep-2010, 05:47 AM
just got back in from picking my copy up. when i went to install the game on my HDD (still rocking to 20gig model), i didn't have enough space....and then i dorked out and erased DR2 case:0, so i just threw all that progress out the window.

oh well, fuck it. i can't wait to fire this up for a few. got a test at 8am, but i studied most of the evening so it's time to kick back, relax, and mutilate some undead fucks. 94% installed, gotta run!:cool:

28-Sep-2010, 10:14 AM
Was too busy yesterday catching up on shows and podcasts galore from the SModcast network, so didn't get around to playing any.

I must find this Playboy store that's somewhere in the game - you can pick up a dildo and whack zombies upside the gob as you look at half-naked chicks. :p

Rancid Carcass
28-Sep-2010, 11:45 AM
you can pick up a dildo and whack zombies upside the gob as you look at half-naked chicks.

See, dreams really can come true. :D

Anyone built a blitzkrieg yet? It's the most hysterically funny weapon in the history of gaming - you'll never look at Stephen Hawking in quite the same way again...

28-Sep-2010, 01:21 PM
Well, I got my copy, but I picked it up for the PC. I have a few bitches about that I need to get out of the way.

First off, PC version = $39.99 Xbox360 version? $59.99

My question is, WHY?! Ok, first off, the 360 version you get the game. That's it. Well, that and the ability to play on Xbox live. Whoop-de-fucking-do. With the PC version, what do you get? Let's see... the game, the ability to play online FOR FREE, trainers, and pretty soon after that, mods. Lots and LOTS of mods.

So, why the hell is the 360 so much more expensive? For the exclusivity of using a controller and playing on their pay-for networks? puh-lease.

PC - 1, Consoles - 0

This is my major bitch about consoles in general. I have a lot more I can complain about, but this is top on the list.

...and they say PC gaming is dead. hah! :elol:

darth los
28-Sep-2010, 01:55 PM
What's worse is that the Zombrex edition is 80 bucks! :eek:

I actually reserved it and I'm gonna pick it up after work. Still debating on whether it's worth the extra 20 bucks though.


28-Sep-2010, 02:03 PM
darth - at least with spending $80 on the special edition you get something "extra" for your cash. This $60 per game shit for consoles is getting out of hand. Especially when you consider the PC version is $20 less and you get WAY more bang for your buck. ;)

darth los
28-Sep-2010, 02:39 PM
darth - at least with spending $80 on the special edition you get something "extra" for your cash. This $60 per game shit for consoles is getting out of hand. Especially when you consider the PC version is $20 less and you get WAY more bang for your buck. ;)

Well, there is a whole lotta stuff in there for the extra 20 bucks including a 48 page artwork book and a 83 minute HD feature film.

You've sold me lou!

The Dead Rising 2 Collector's Edition comes with:
Exclusive Two-Disc Steelbook case includes:
Dead Rising 2 game disc
High-Definition game disc with 83 Minute “Zombrex Dead Rising Sun” motion picture and 24 minute “Making of” featurette

Complete box contents include:
Steelbook case (described above)
Zombrex “Syringe” pen
Zombrex “Prescription” notepad (25 pages)
Zombrex “Safety” card
Zombrex “Prospectus” Sales Brochure (16 pages).
Dead Rising 2 Hardback Artbook (48 pages)


28-Sep-2010, 03:15 PM
Let's not forget the High Stakes edition for $90.


darth los
28-Sep-2010, 03:39 PM
Funny, but it seems that the 80 dollar version is the better score. Depends on what you're into i guess.


28-Sep-2010, 04:32 PM
I got a ninja outfit for pre-ordering at GameStop; wearing it makes all the cutscenes unintentionally hilarious. The attention to detail is great in this game; how there are random different colors for the lightsaber, or if Chuck is wearing a mask, you can see his mouth moving under it, etc. The small touches are what's making this game so fantastic.

Also, apparently you need the full game to download Case West, it won't be standalone like Case Zero. The PC version runs better, but I went with the 360 version because of exclusive content like this.

28-Sep-2010, 04:36 PM
Well, there is a whole lotta stuff in there for the extra 20 bucks including a 48 page artwork book and a 83 minute HD feature film.

Yeah, I mean, if you're going to pay all that money for a console game, might as well get something out of it than "here's your game, have fun" ;)

Most people hate the idea of these "Special Editions" but I have to be honest, it's a better buy - even though you're spending more - than buying JUST the game itself for $60..

28-Sep-2010, 04:45 PM
The only way I would buy the High Stakes if I knew for a fact the one I was purchasing had the golden ticket. I wonder how much Burt the Zombie would sell for on ebay? Or the golden ticket, itself?

darth los
28-Sep-2010, 04:46 PM
I got a ninja outfit for pre-ordering at GameStop; wearing it makes all the cutscenes unintentionally hilarious. The attention to detail is great in this game; how there are random different colors for the lightsaber, or if Chuck is wearing a mask, you can see his mouth moving under it, etc. The small touches are what's making this game so fantastic.

Also, apparently you need the full game to download Case West, it won't be standalone like Case Zero. The PC version runs better, but I went with the 360 version because of exclusive content like this.

What do you mean by unintentionally? I know that the ninja suit allows him to have diffent moves and stuff but funny? How so?


28-Sep-2010, 05:30 PM
See, dreams really can come true. :D

Anyone built a blitzkrieg yet? It's the most hysterically funny weapon in the history of gaming - you'll never look at Stephen Hawking in quite the same way again...

I popped into the Playboy store earlier, but was doing something else - i.e. will have to head back so I can try out whacking zombies down with dildos ... or *ahem* "massagers" as they're discretely named in the game. :rolleyes:

I haven't built the Blitzkreig, but I did combine a lead pipe and fireworks today - you get a firework canon - and it's hella fun. The aim is a bit all over the place as fireworks have a mind of their own, but it's so awesome to blow a zombie in half with a firework, and then rinse a whole crowd with rapid fire. :elol:


In terms of the story mode however, I packed that in at Case 4-1 ... the battle with the twins ... I tried several times to do that one but failed each time so I said "fuck it, let's have fun instead" and let the truth vanish ... just like I always did with DR1. The game is a lot more fun for me now, and I'm glad to say I've got my Zombrex situation sorted for the rest of the game too - which was the only bit I really cared about completing, which is a bit odd considering it's just a bunch of code and graphics, but like with Red Dead Redemption you begin to empathise a bit and well, it feels kind of wrong to let a child succumb to the virus on purpose ... ... at least for the first play through. The next time(s) I play DR2 it'll purely be about zombie slaying and exploring.

28-Sep-2010, 06:44 PM
What do you mean by unintentionally? I know that the ninja suit allows him to have diffent moves and stuff but funny? How so?


Simply because he's dressed as damn ninja.

darth los
28-Sep-2010, 06:47 PM
Simply because he's dressed as damn ninja.

That'll do it. :lol:


28-Sep-2010, 07:30 PM
well i just erased my case:0 game itself last night, not the save file, so i got to take my level 5 chuck with me when i started.

didn't play long, had class early today...but from what i saw, i'm very happy with DR2 so far.

28-Sep-2010, 08:03 PM
I popped into the Playboy store earlier, but was doing something else - i.e. will have to head back so I can try out whacking zombies down with dildos ... or *ahem* "massagers" as they're discretely named in the game. :rolleyes:

MZ wants to play with dildos in DR2.. should I be worried? :lol:

it feels kind of wrong to let a child succumb to the virus on purpose ... ... at least for the first play through.

Speak for yourself, pal. Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out! :lol: :D

28-Sep-2010, 08:07 PM
i got case zero for 360, prob pick this up or 360 so throphies transfer

29-Sep-2010, 12:13 AM
Well, after a few hours in the game, I will officially say that I think DR2 kicks ass all over the place. :D Quite a few steps up from the original, but still retains the same feel.

The only major issue I had with the PC version is the mouse controls were WAY too sensitive at first - and I couldn't get them slow enough in the game so I had to adjust my mouse speed in windows. Other than that, the game rocks - and the +14 trainer I snagged on line makes for even tons of more fun. no more time limits - lock the clock at whatever time you want (or, crank it back an hour at a time) and just go kill zombies for a week. Yeah, I play around with the cheats sometimes, so what, wanna fight about it? :lol: :p :D

I did have some minor camera issues, but that's almost expected in every game it seems. I also had some issues with certain 'pushable' items, like lawnmowers, wheel chairs, etc. It seems as soon as you hit a wall, you have to fight off a bunch of zombies, pick up the item, move to another spot then drop it, then begin to push it. Umm, why can't I just back up with the item then go forward in a different direction?

These are just minor things though, still enjoying it.

MZ - I just made the lead pipe/fireworks weapon :stunned: That was a lot of fun! :D

29-Sep-2010, 04:26 PM
Just been playing case zero until tomorrow (payday) and then i get my reserved special edition :D

darth los
29-Sep-2010, 04:35 PM
Just been playing case zero until tomorrow (payday) and then i get my reserved special edition :D

Gonna try and set any records this time out?


29-Sep-2010, 04:43 PM
Going for all achievements and everything first, i still have 1 achievement to get on case zero, then ill look at any survival modes, i just cant wait to get my hands on it :D

Is the co-op mode ive heard about online only or can 2 people play it from the same xbox?

darth los
29-Sep-2010, 04:51 PM
I didn't see an option for spit screen co-op so I'm assuming it's online only.

I'll have to double check though as i wasn't really looking for it.


29-Sep-2010, 05:36 PM
Anyone know what you have to do at the end of the 72 hours - do you just hang out in the safe house, or do you go up to the helipad via the elevator?

29-Sep-2010, 05:38 PM
I have it in hand.

29-Sep-2010, 05:41 PM
I have it in hand.

Well, if you shake it more than twice it counts as masturbation...:D

29-Sep-2010, 06:06 PM
Well, if you shake it more than twice it counts as masturbation...:D

:lol: Post of the day!

darth los
29-Sep-2010, 07:40 PM
Yeah, he definitely set himself up for that one. :lol:

You have to be very careful what you say around here.


29-Sep-2010, 10:40 PM
I have it in your hand right now.

30-Sep-2010, 05:33 AM
just got done beating it for the first time. 41 survivors saved, 1200 zombies killed, all psychopaths killed, level 34, and 12 achievements for 240pts. gonna take a few days off, then look into getting some more achievements and getting all 50 survivors.

kinda late, so shut my xbox off as soon as i was done, but i don't recall seeing anything about unlocking "infinity mode"...did they leave that outta this one?:(

Rancid Carcass
30-Sep-2010, 09:05 AM
"infinity mode"...did they leave that outta this one?(

You had to complete Overtime Mode in DR1 to get it, maybe the same here? I'm up to the final boss battle so I've no idea what happens/unlocks in this one.

30-Sep-2010, 10:22 AM
Prof - what do you have to do at the end? Do you just hang out at the safehouse and wait for the time to click over, or do you head up to the roof? Or is it different if you've bothered to do the story - I gave up on the story in favour of zombie killin'.

30-Sep-2010, 03:11 PM
just got done beating it for the first time. 41 survivors saved, 1200 zombies killed, all psychopaths killed, level 34, and 12 achievements for 240pts. gonna take a few days off, then look into getting some more achievements and getting all 50 survivors.

kinda late, so shut my xbox off as soon as i was done, but i don't recall seeing anything about unlocking "infinity mode"...did they leave that outta this one?:(

Wait a minute. You have already beat DR 2? The game came out a day or 2 ago. I have played it since yesterday and I am only at level 14.

30-Sep-2010, 04:36 PM
well, not having a job and only having a handful of college classes that are done by noon each day, i've got a lot of spare time on my hands these days.

as for the ending (MZ)

so i completed the story, found out TK was involved, prevented his escape, captured him, gave him zombrex....then the safe house is over-ran, so i had to defend that, at which time TK kidnaps that girl from CURE and the daughter, so i had to go and get a bunch of meaningless items scattered all over the place then fight him...and when you fight him, you lose all items and it's a bit of a bitch.

sullivan and TK were both pretty frustrating bosses to fight, not cuz they were all that difficult (they were, sorta), but mainly cuz they're fucking cheap and difficult to damage unless you know what exactly to do...

all in all, i think DR2 is a fun game and there's a shit load of stuff i'm looking forward to doing in fortune city yet.

darth los
30-Sep-2010, 04:52 PM
When i Picked up my pre-order they gave me the ninja skills pack code, only it was for the ps 3 while mine was supposed to be for the 360.

So i went back and got the propper one. Now i Have an extra ps 3 code so if any of my peeps need it just pm me.


30-Sep-2010, 05:01 PM
So... who wants to give me their copy of DR2? :( being broke sucks.

darth los
30-Sep-2010, 05:04 PM
Maybe in 6 months buddy.

I keep telling you guys, Gamefly rules.


30-Sep-2010, 05:17 PM
yeah, sorry mike, this one's a keeper for now at least. loads of difficult achievements left to get, plus tons of shit i didn't do yet. i feel like even though i got the best ending and saved 80% of the survivors, i barely scratched the surface of the game. (uh, 2 weeks later and i'm changing my tune...stale as fuck)

my next run through is gonna be all about killing zombies and exploring as much as i can of the area, fuck the story.

oh and darth, that ninja suit is the shit. seriously. increased damage from throwing power, some nifty extra attack animations, and the stealth factor. you can just run right into zombies and they barely notice you. once i had to take it off for a mission and the zombies were fucking swarming all over my ass everywhere i went. that suit is almost like an invisibility cloak, perfect for sneaking around and trying on clothes, mixing drinks, eating, checking out the city.

darth los
30-Sep-2010, 05:34 PM
yeah, sorry mike, this one's a keeper. loads of difficult achievements left to get, plus tons of shit i didn't do yet. i feel like even though i got the best ending and saved 80% of the survivors, i barely scratched the surface of the game.

my next run through is gonna be all about killing zombies and exploring as much as i can of the area, fuck the story.

oh and darth, that ninja suit is the shit. seriously. increased damage from throwing power, some nifty extra attack animations, and the stealth factor. you can just run right into zombies and they barely notice you. once i had to take it off for a mission and the zombies were fucking swarming all over my ass everywhere i went. that suit is almost like an invisibility cloak, perfect for sneaking around and trying on clothes, mixing drinks, eating, checking out the city.

I'm glad you you told me that because those swarms of zombies don't really let you do shit. I've just been running from point a to point B. I wanna spraypaint every zombrex poster in the game but of course you have to look for them!

Normally what i do is on every playthrough i concentrate on a different achievement maybe 2. so that's atleast 20-25 playthorughs right? :lol:


30-Sep-2010, 06:01 PM
So i got my hands on DR2 today, check this out for a boxset :D


30-Sep-2010, 06:04 PM
Dude, I am out of college and unemployed. And I still do not have that kind of free time. *L* I see, you used that ninja suit and cheated.

Did anyone make a rocket launcher, yet? Lead pipe + fireworks It shoots a rocket into a zombie and it explodes. Any zombie or person near by will by damaged or put down. Massive PP if fired into a huge crowd. The noise also attracts a crowd.

Pizz, use Gamefly. It has saved me almost a grand in games I would have purchased, if I had not rented. And this includes my monthly rental fee. I have rented 17 games in almost 10 months.

darth los
30-Sep-2010, 06:22 PM
Gamefly is a godsend. I rent 4 a month myself and it's saved me from paying 60 bucks for more than a few games that I would have regretted.

DR 2 isn't one of them though. That was a day one purchase.

It's a good way to try a game, much more than a demo offers, and see if you want to keep it. If you do ,you get a brand new game discounted at around 40 bucks.


Rancid Carcass
30-Sep-2010, 07:15 PM
So i got my hands on DR2 today, check this out for a boxset

Woohoo! That's the one I got too - it's like having your very own zombie apocalypse right there in your bedroom... :D

30-Sep-2010, 07:51 PM
The zombie figure is awesome.. it now stands with my walking dead figure, freddy krueger and flyboy next to my Tv :D

30-Sep-2010, 08:01 PM
Anyone try the guitar/amp combo weapon? I tried it last night and found it to be fairly useless. :lol: Cool looking, funny to watch, but pretty much useless. It knocks down any zombies close to you, but doesn't kill most of them. :(

Dammit, where's the lawnmower when I need it. :D

30-Sep-2010, 10:45 PM
Anyone try the guitar/amp combo weapon? I tried it last night and found it to be fairly useless. :lol: Cool looking, funny to watch, but pretty much useless. It knocks down any zombies close to you, but doesn't kill most of them. :(

I got the scratch card for that, does the power increase or is there a strong attack once you get the combo card?

Also, if you combine the flashlight and a PC tower, you get what seems to be a useless taser. Use it on an ATM machine and it will spit out $10,000.

01-Oct-2010, 04:36 AM
anyone bothered finding out the secret achievement yet? i cheated and looked it up, and it's pretty funny...

also just got the achievement for getting 8 survivors together at once. it's much easier this time around with the drastically improved AI of the survivors. a tip for those trying it: you can order survivors to stay in the maintenance room or the room across from it in the hallway on the way to the security room. just have food items to give them cuz they'll lose health while you're away from them. then pick them up once you leave the security room and head out and get more to join. much easier than it was in DR1, that's for sure....

Wrong Number
01-Oct-2010, 09:46 AM
I'm having some trouble getting past the two bimbos in the dance club. Anyone have any good strategies for that fight?


01-Oct-2010, 11:21 AM
every time i leave the security room, i stop and make a spiked bat in the maintenance room, then grab an orange juice at the magazine stand just as you enter the royal flush plaza. the oj (along with the health magazine) and spiked bats are about all i carry. oj heals you big time and the spiked bats are easy to handle and very devastating.

as for the twins, just focus on taking down one of them, the other will quit once her sister is dead...and then she gets upset about it....and i'll let you find out the rest. there's also plenty of cocktails laying around the club, so drink those to keep your health up.

01-Oct-2010, 12:46 PM
heh, last night was a night of fun. Made all kinds of fun stuff:

Lawnmower & 2x4 = interesting, but not very practical.
Lawnmower & Wheelchair = Now THAT is a fun weapon! Fast, mangles zombies quick - highly recommended!
Cement Saw & Saw Blade = devastating to zombies, creates this weird 4-bladed cement saw and WOW!
Chansaw & Boat Paddle = by far my favorite weapon, it just maims anything that comes near you

I also noticed there was a tiny pink bicycle laying around near one of the casinos. When I got close, I realized I could "ride" it - WTF?! :lol: Talk about a weird, screwy thing to put in a game. Chuck looks like a complete dingbat on that think, but it's good for a laugh. It will help you just drive through a boatload of zombies without having to worry about being bit, but still, what a weird thing to put in the game. :D

Rancid Carcass
01-Oct-2010, 01:38 PM
The zombie figure is awesome.. it now stands with my walking dead figure, freddy krueger and flyboy next to my Tv

Mine's settling that age old debate. I call it Dalek Vs. Zombie: DvZ Requiem... or something. :shifty:


darth los
01-Oct-2010, 01:50 PM
heh, last night was a night of fun. Made all kinds of fun stuff:

Lawnmower & 2x4 = interesting, but not very practical.
Lawnmower & Wheelchair = Now THAT is a fun weapon! Fast, mangles zombies quick - highly recommended!
Cement Saw & Saw Blade = devastating to zombies, creates this weird 4-bladed cement saw and WOW!
Chansaw & Boat Paddle = by far my favorite weapon, it just maims anything that comes near you

I also noticed there was a tiny pink bicycle laying around near one of the casinos. When I got close, I realized I could "ride" it - WTF?! :lol: Talk about a weird, screwy thing to put in a game. Chuck looks like a complete dingbat on that think, but it's good for a laugh. It will help you just drive through a boatload of zombies without having to worry about being bit, but still, what a weird thing to put in the game. :D

Well, considering that it's a Japanese game weird is like a pre requisite.

Are you talking about the tricycle? Because everytime i see him on that thing peddling and his les are moving realy fast it cracks me up.


01-Oct-2010, 05:52 PM
Mine's settling that age old debate. I call it Dalek Vs. Zombie: DvZ Requiem... or something. :shifty:


There's my little collection, see how many you recognise ;)

And guys, you do know there's an official dead rising 2 help topic stuck at the top of the forum dont you?

01-Oct-2010, 06:52 PM
Well, considering that it's a Japanese game weird is like a pre requisite.

Are you talking about the tricycle? Because everytime i see him on that thing peddling and his les are moving realy fast it cracks me up.


It looked more like a tiny pink bike with training wheels, was that really a tricycle? Wow, my eyes are going bad.. lol But yeah, he starts pedaling really fast and it's hard not to break out in a fit of giggles. :lol:

And guys, you do know there's an official dead rising 2 help topic stuck at the top of the forum dont you?

Yes. :shifty:


darth los
01-Oct-2010, 07:17 PM
It does seem to be a bike with training wheels! :lol:



01-Oct-2010, 07:30 PM
It does seem to be a bike with training wheels! :lol:



Thank god! I thought I was going nuts.. :lol:

01-Oct-2010, 07:55 PM
Has anybody else seen the case west dead rising 2 trailer on xbl? what is this? it shows frank west and chuck together.. is a new add on or mini game thats comign out?

01-Oct-2010, 08:49 PM
Has anybody else seen the case west dead rising 2 trailer on xbl? what is this? it shows frank west and chuck together.. is a new add on or mini game thats comign out?

It's a 360-exclusive DLC epilogue. Not sure about price, but I'd guess 400 like Case Zero.

Unless of course it's bigger than I think; the facility in the background seemed to take up more space than Still Creek.

04-Oct-2010, 11:06 PM
Any news on a release date or anything?

05-Oct-2010, 12:42 AM
jesus, that "zombie genocide master" achievement is absolute bullshit....spent a handful of hours on it the other night, then realized i was gonna fall about 2k short and shut the fucking thing off.

been reading lots of threads on other sites, this one is giving a lot of people a very hard time....you gotta average like 930+ kills per hour for the entire duration of the story, damn near impossible, even with letting all cases slip by and letting the kid die.

and what's even more bullshit is that there's no unlockable reward (such as the mega buster from DR1), so basically it's just a marathon grind for 6 real-life hours, running over zombies in the SUV and hoping your numbers keep pace to bust 72...fucking bullshit achievement of the game, for sure.

while i'm on the subject of things i don't like about DR (1 or 2), does anybody else hate the fact you gotta stop and pick up a new firearm every single time you run out of ammo? ever thought about a reloading option, capcom?:confused:

05-Oct-2010, 12:23 PM
Zombie Genocide Master is probably obtained the same way it was in Dead Rising and in Case Zero: with a vehicle. They don't expect you to be getting it using hand-to-hand combat.

05-Oct-2010, 09:06 PM
Does the game have any acheivement related unlockable weapons/clothes?

05-Oct-2010, 09:12 PM
so far, i've unlocked a prisoner suit and a knight suit (can't recall what i did to get either of those) and a champion jacket by placing 1st overall in the mulitplayer mode.

looks like we got shafted on the unlockables though, nothing like all the cool shit you could get playing DR1....no megabuster or nearly-indestructible lightsaber, no hockey mask....

still got about 20 achievements to get, though, so i'll post it on here if i come across anything worthwhile.

05-Oct-2010, 09:53 PM
so far, i've unlocked a prisoner suit and a knight suit (can't recall what i did to get either of those) and a champion jacket by placing 1st overall in the mulitplayer mode.

looks like we got shafted on the unlockables though, nothing like all the cool shit you could get playing DR1....no megabuster or nearly-indestructible lightsaber, no hockey mask....

still got about 20 achievements to get, though, so i'll post it on here if i come across anything worthwhile.

You get the prison suit by beating the mall cop. I do not know about the knight suit, but I do know that the helmet is obtainable through the poker mission, Ante Up.

06-Oct-2010, 06:36 PM
Beat the game. I am in Overtime. I was not expecting this to happen.

06-Oct-2010, 07:33 PM
didn't you beat the first one, slick?

06-Oct-2010, 09:09 PM
didn't you beat the first one, slick?

No, I lost interest after the military showed up.

*update* Completed Overtime.

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 01:47 PM
You get the prison suit by beating the mall cop. I do not know about the knight suit, but I do know that the helmet is obtainable through the poker mission, Ante Up.

I got the helmet. Does it provide any special benfits or does it just look dumb?


07-Oct-2010, 03:09 PM
I got the helmet. Does it provide any special benfits or does it just look dumb?


For now, just look dumb. You need the entire suit. When completed it doubles your health and breaks off like armor on Ghouls & Ghost leaving you in your underwear . I will post the requirements for the armor in DR2 tips. Btw, I made a mistake. The convict suit is obtainable after killing 10 psychopaths.

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 03:19 PM
It's funny because on the first playthrough i have no idea when i undertake a mission if it's going to be a psycho or a survivor. You can always tell by the cutscene and when they start talking crazy giberish.

It sucks when i have like 5 suvivors in tow and one of these guys pop up. I high tail it out of there.

Last time i tried to take out a psycho with survivors with me they died between the psycho and the damage they took from me getting in my way while i was hacking the bastard. :lol:


07-Oct-2010, 03:32 PM
Last time i tried to take out a psycho with survivors with me they died between the psycho and the damage they took from me getting in my way while i was hacking the bastard. :lol:


Just send them away and they should leave you alone :)

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 03:44 PM
Just send them away and they should leave you alone :)

When I press Y all it says is "hey you". how would i command them to stay and roll over?


07-Oct-2010, 03:45 PM
When I press Y all it says is "hey you". how would i command them to stay and roll over?


It is one of the top buttons*RB/RT,LB/LT* plus Y.

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 04:19 PM
It is one of the top buttons*RB/RT,LB/LT* plus Y.

Sweet, but this is sweeter !

Dead Rising 2 DLC theme packs lurch out October 12


08-Oct-2010, 11:15 PM
Has anyone had problems with glitches such as items & people disappearing and reappearing? I was trying to get the 8 escort achievement and it is glitching bad. I had 5 escorts and was going for a sixth. It is still loading for the next area. May have to restart it.

08-Oct-2010, 11:19 PM
never had a problem with items and survivors disappearing, but when cruising the strip with the SUV and bike i noticed several moments of slow-down and graphics popping-in...even with the game installed on my HDD.

i also got stuck and had to restart when the game got stuck between loading screens a couple of times.

08-Oct-2010, 11:56 PM
Still messing up. Now Chad stands there instead of following for the Lost mission.

09-Oct-2010, 02:14 AM
you first have to kill all the zombies around chad then talk to him to get him to follow you. and the mission titled lost isn't referring to him, but his wife dorris, who can be found on top of a souvenir stand out by the front of the arena...hope that helps.

09-Oct-2010, 02:48 AM
you first have to kill all the zombies around chad then talk to him to get him to follow you. and the mission titled lost isn't referring to him, but his wife dorris, who can be found on top of a souvenir stand out by the front of the arena...hope that helps.

It's a glitch. He followed, but the psycho biker is there and Chad freezes after the cut scene. The only option I have is go to the biker, first, then locate Chad and the chick. Chad will stand on the podium with the bike and will not move.

12-Oct-2010, 09:09 PM
The Psycho Pack came out today, some cool perks along with it:

Wearing this special costume gives Chuck all the shockingly disturbing abilites of a deranged homicidal psychopath! Actually, that's quite handy if you're surrounded by a horde of zombies. Some of the special abilites Chuck's costume-enhanced psyche affords him include better resistance to damage due to his deranged state, stronger attacks with some classic killing implements such as the chef knife and chainsaw, as well as truly sick new attacks for weapons loved by murderous maniacs everywhere, including the machete, mining pick and meat cleaver!

Download link:

For 160MSP ($2), it seems like a nice addition. Ninja, Sports Fan and Soldier packs will be coming in the next weeks.

18-Oct-2010, 04:48 PM
In theory, if i have a code to download the sports fan pack for free (which i do) and you have a code to download the ninja, soldier or psycho pack for free.. whats to stop us from exhcanging codes? :shifty:

Also, super zombies? i havnt had as much time to play this as i got to put into dead rising 1 so ive only just made it to overtime mode (second playthrough) and seriously, what the fudge is going on with the green gas super zombies?

18-Oct-2010, 05:01 PM
once a code is used, it's no longer good. i believe you should still be able to use that code you have regardless of your status as a silver/gold XBL member.

as for the gas zombies, they had to mix it up somehow, ya know? still seems pretty same-y to me, though. think i'll probably pass on the likely DR3.

down to only 2 achievements left, the "TK's fave" (win all 9 TIR events, frustrating due to connection issues, people quitting in the last 5 seconds which kicks everybody, irregular rotation of events) and "better with a friend" (due to conflicting schedules with people on my friends list).

18-Oct-2010, 09:18 PM
Hey i just finished dead rising 2 and got ending 'A' but i didnt get the achievement for finding all the facts or for overtime mode even tho i did 4 days in total.

What gives?

18-Oct-2010, 09:28 PM
not sure...got the "S" ending on my first playthrough....did you give TK zombrex? that's the first thing that springs to mind....

18-Oct-2010, 10:06 PM
You probably did not give TK a Zombrex. It is a requirement for O.T, since he is the final boss.

18-Oct-2010, 10:18 PM
Oh FFS! i overwrote my save file too... the son of a bitch.

i got the ending where the fucker pulls chuck into a elavator full of zombies

19-Oct-2010, 08:01 AM
these last 2 achievements are such a pain in the ass. thinking i'm gonna spend a bit more time fucking with these and then i'm gonna trade it in towards MS points for the RDR undead nightmare.

a buddy and i were doing co-op, then we lost connection, so who knows if it saved our progress or not. being the person who joins the other's co-op session is confusing, cuz it tells you that you can't save progress...and there's no screen telling you how far along in the story your co-op progress is, similar to the screens in between levels of other games w co-op, like halo or CoD.

and the online is buggy as fuck for the stupid TIR events. players are always lagging and getting dropped, which kicks everyone back to the main menu. and the rotation of events (for ranked, which is how you gotta do the achievements) is inconsistent as hell. you'll get the same shitty events every time and the ones you need to get for the achievement never pop up....and then you gotta listen to that annoying idiot TK every time you're waiting to join a match. and goddamn, those announcers are even more annoying to listen to while you're playing the shitty events. and some games i join with no problem, but my character is outside of the stupid ramsterball during the first even and won't budge, and this carries over even in the next event. lame as hell.

another example of the online gameplay fucking up the replay value of a game....i'd have all of the achievements if it weren't for these last two, and i'm tired of fucking around with this buggy online crap to get them. funny that the only game i've been looking forward to for months is on the chopping block to get traded in after having it for less than a few weeks.

the online co-op is okay when you're just fooling around, but the lack of an infinite mode is a big drawback and takes away most of the replay value, as the story is pretty lame and not worth playing through more than a couple of times. i'd gladly trade the TIR mode for an infinite mode to have fun in, instead of being forced to play the silly story or having a time limit placed on me.

guess i'm just getting jaded and cynical as fuck about gaming these days. but the luster of this game wore off rather quickly. guess it's back to the old-school RE series, then on to the thing for the original xbox. i need to get RDR back from my brother, that's the only game that's came out in almost a year that's held any sort of lasting value.

19-Oct-2010, 09:54 AM
I just did my second batch of 72 hours and got ending F. :p

I'm not good enough at DR to do the story stuff, and was fed up of giving Katey zombrex from the first play through, so I immediately let her die and then just ran around dressed as a SWAT guy splattering my way through 5500 zombies over the course of the 72 hours levelling my ass up (now on lvl 24).

19-Oct-2010, 01:21 PM
It really isn't hard to find zombrex. I finished the game with ending s and i had 1 left over. Shit man, you can buy it at pawn shops. There is some in the Yucatan casino, the slot ranch casino, and you can get..3 or 4 rescuing survivors/killing psychopaths.

19-Oct-2010, 03:44 PM
It really isn't hard to find zombrex. I finished the game with ending s and i had 1 left over. Shit man, you can buy it at pawn shops. There is some in the Yucatan casino, the slot ranch casino, and you can get..3 or 4 rescuing survivors/killing psychopaths.

I know, cos I found plenty in my first play through, but it was annoying to be like "ah shit, it's 7am again, better go give her the shot ... again" ... I did it the once so I'm not bothering again. I just wanna slay tons o' zombies. :elol:

19-Oct-2010, 03:52 PM
Oh I know...I really wish they had put in a mode without a time limit, just so you could do whatever you want, you know, put those difficult to use combo cards to use, yea? Shit man, I think I only used the servo slicer ONCE and it was my favourite combo card.

Rancid Carcass
28-Oct-2010, 01:17 PM
DR2 hits the 2 million mark, bodes well for a 3rd one! :D


28-Oct-2010, 03:16 PM
just traded my copy in, the online achievments were a total pain in the ass, the online set-up itself fucking sucked...co-op was okay at times, but the MP was complete shit and should have been left out all together.

the story was lame, TK is the most annoying idiot to appear in a videogame, and the lack of infinite mode was a real kick to the dick. fuck DR2, and i'm seriously doubting i'll play a DR3.

and fuck case west and MS exclusives, while i'm on a roll. i hate the way MS has been with this generation of games/consoles...all their "ONLY ON XBOX LIVE!!!!!!!111" bullshit can fuck right off.

08-Jan-2011, 04:29 PM
So has everyone given up on deadrising 2 then?

08-Jan-2011, 05:45 PM
So has everyone given up on deadrising 2 then?

I've bashed through it three times, so I'm giving it a rest for a while. Will no doubt return to it at least once more, probably twice more - like I did with DR1. When I get a need to slaughter some zeds, I'll know where to head. :)

Re-playing CoD: Black Ops right now and I think after that I'll replay Mafia 2.

08-Jan-2011, 06:35 PM
Yeah i left it alone for a while but i played i started showing my girlfriends brother a few things on it after he picked up and got my taste for DR back :)

Am just mopping up acheivements now.

10-Jan-2011, 04:24 PM
Yeah i left it alone for a while but i played i started showing my girlfriends brother a few things on it after he picked up and got my taste for DR back :)

Am just mopping up acheivements now.

Same here. Really like the game. One of the (past) year's best for sure.
Anyone played RDR Undead nightmare? Any good in SP?