View Full Version : Being Batman must suck.

24-Sep-2010, 08:03 PM
A friend of mine were visiting someone who works at a local Wallgreeens drug store.

That was a pretty uninteresting part of the story, however it gives you the reason we were there.

After visiting we decided to cut through the local park. Where we saw one of our good friends sisters, we stopped and talked to her for a little bit. As we were talking to her we noticed that these punks were harassing this homeless man, pushing him and demanding that he give them his cooler.

I distinctly remember hearing them ask his age, and him say "48." They then proceed to call him grandpa and harass him more.

Here's him desperately trying to get a fist pump after giving the cooler away


I told my friend Lee how they took that guys cooler and he told them "That isn't right."

After saying that, they rushed at him.


I stopped filming and went to help out, since we were significantly out numbered nine to two.

Well they split into too groups, the angry white men went after Lee, The angry black men went after me.

A dozen "You don't want to fuck with this nigga" Were uttered as they came towards me. Met with
"You don't want to fuck with this Jew bitch." Uttered by me.

I pushed one of them, they pushed me but that was it. They ran off when their friends told them it was time to go.

I helped my friend up and we started walking away. One of them charged at Lee from the side. Lee turned and started fighting with one, The second one came towards me.

I box, so dodging and bobbing out of the guys terrible throws was easy, I managed to knock him flat down with a straight left. As he was down, his friend push's me down from behind and kicks me in the face before running.

Mind you this is all happening at around 6:30 PM in a very bright, populated public park.

I get up and go after the Kid I knocked down, telling him that I wasn't done and all that. Because honestly. I wasn't.

My friend was curled up a ball to my left, while I was fighting the one guy, the rest were kicking and stomping on my friend, giving him a concussion and several broken ribs.

Why didn't you call the cops you ask?
Well kind sir or Madame the cops were called but didn't do anything. Despite my video's, they didn't even take our names or a statement. They merely said that it was the 17th such fight there since April.

However, the homeless guy got his cooler back.
Mission accomplished

24-Sep-2010, 08:14 PM
Damn, dude... wow. Congrats on giving them hooligans what for!

darth los
24-Sep-2010, 08:24 PM

Good shit man. :thumbsup:

I love how the supposedly baddest people on the planet never fight alone. :rolleyes:



24-Sep-2010, 08:28 PM
Nice of you to help him out.....but at least batman has a protective suit.:p

Nice shirt, btw. Got the same one.

24-Sep-2010, 08:32 PM
My first reaction is this is fucking awesome! I'm glad you, your friend and the bum are okay.

I have to wait till I get home to really check the footage out.

24-Sep-2010, 08:44 PM
Right on, man. I always love a good good-samaritan story. Especially if it involves fighting someone that thinks they're tough and laying them out.

24-Sep-2010, 09:08 PM
Those pussies are fat pieces of shit. Too bad I was not there with a few of my friends. We would have kept them off your friend. Boxing pays off, huh?

25-Sep-2010, 07:25 AM
Well done. Though in the future i might suggest getting yourself an ASP (if legal in your area) if you intend to give a hand in such a way. The few times i've had to deploy mine i've found the fight goes right out of any aggressors.

26-Sep-2010, 12:44 AM
"You don't want to fuck with this Jew". Classic.:lol:

Too bad you didn't kill any of them. Grouping up to rob a homeless guy. Not human, so no value on their lives. Fuck them.

A shame that out of a whole park, only two people had the balls to get involved.

26-Sep-2010, 01:16 AM
Exatreides, there aren't enough people like you and your mate around...if there were, cowardly, worthless tools like that wouldn't go around thinking they can do what they want in public/broad daylight.

Huge fucking props to you and your mate. :)

26-Sep-2010, 04:09 AM
Their fat bellies, and need to enforce themselves upon things smaller only demonstrate the tip of the iceberg. Too many problems to even cite. Glad you stood up, but with cases this severe, i usually recommend electroshock therapy. So big yet so small.

26-Sep-2010, 05:09 AM
Good stuff. Good man.