View Full Version : Another campus shooting?

28-Sep-2010, 02:51 PM
Just seen on the news another nutjob has gone on the rampage at a Texas uni, hope none of our American posters have been hurt! Seems to be a common thing out there! :eek:

28-Sep-2010, 03:04 PM
University spokeswoman Rhonda Weldon stated, “The first report I got was that there was an armed suspect in the Perry-Casteneda library. Now I’m told by campus security that the individual has shot himself on the sixth but I’m not there yet so I can’t confirm that.”

Why can't these cunts just stay at home and shoot themselves there?!?

At least it's reportedly over. Hopefully he didn't take out too many innocent people. Or none, for that matter.

28-Sep-2010, 03:12 PM
Why do they not do a psychiatric evaluation with gun license applications? im not saying take away the guns, calm down right wing members this isnt that usual topic :lol:, just sit people down and just make sure they aren't crazy, is that so out there a concept?

applicant has silver fangs instead of teeth, 'kill the jews' across his forehead and rocks back and forth impressing upon himself that he is in fact a very pretty girl. Recommend light arms only

28-Sep-2010, 03:14 PM
Why do they not do a psychiatric evaluation with gun license applications?

I'm no expert on guns, but I believe the AK47 is straight up illegal in the states. NOBODY can own one. So this guy purchased it illegally.

EDIT: Looks like it depends on your state. And Texas being....well...Texas, it's probably legal.

28-Sep-2010, 03:17 PM
I owned an AK47 legally for 8 years. Full auto is even available in some circumstances. Who knows how this guy got it.

28-Sep-2010, 03:17 PM
I'm no expert on guns, but I believe the AK47 is straight up illegal in the states. NOBODY can own one. So this guy purchased it illegally.

Nope, not true. I can go to the local gunstore and buy an AK-47. When the assault weapons ban ended they gun was available for sale in a Chinese Model for $800.00

28-Sep-2010, 03:18 PM
Hmmm, so what causes these kinds of nutters to surface?

I've always thought it was big city mentality, ie people are cold and uncaring - so people get disconnected from reality, essentially shunned, and they turn into nutters...

but then you have peaceful towns with small communities like Columbus and that still sees a slaughter every now and then....

I really do think its down to how we see each other, the tribal aspects of our nature coupled with massive financial and societal pressures which over boil to create monsters...

28-Sep-2010, 03:19 PM
Nope, not true. I can go to the local gunstore and buy an AK-47. When the assault weapons ban ended they gun was available for sale in a Chinese Model for $800.00

Yeah, after searching I just saw that. Ended in 2004. WTF? That just seems silly.

Handguns, rifles, shotguns....sure. There just should be no reason for a citizen to have this gun....

28-Sep-2010, 03:25 PM
Hmmm, so what causes these kinds of nutters to surface?

I've always thought it was big city mentality, ie people are cold and uncaring - so people get disconnected from reality, essentially shunned, and they turn into nutters...

but then you have peaceful towns with small communities like Columbus and that still sees a slaughter every now and then....

'Big city mentality' is not seeing the forest for the trees in my opinion or scraping the surface of causality in these cases.

28-Sep-2010, 06:33 PM
Unless we're talking about two completely different incidents at universities in Texas, this was no "rampage" at all. In fact, nobody was even injured; the guy fired a few bullets into the air, then killed himself. I love how the media will put horrific twists on things to get ratings. Rampage, my ass!

28-Sep-2010, 06:35 PM
Unless we're talking about two completely different incidents at universities in Texas, this was no "rampage" at all. In fact, nobody was even injured; the guy fired a few bullets into the air, then killed himself. I love how the media will put horrific twists on things to get ratings. Rampage, my ass!

At the time this thread was started, nobody really knew what was going on. Just that shots were fired. It wasn't until later that they confirmed the gunman was the only one injured.

28-Sep-2010, 07:14 PM
At the time this thread was started, nobody really knew what was going on. Just that shots were fired. It wasn't until later that they confirmed the gunman was the only one injured.

What he said! the very sketchy report on sky news earlier this afternoon just said shots had been fired in a texas university & that was the only info available, I just assumed it was another attempt at a mass shooting hence the "rampage" bit, obviously & thankfully as more info has come out, that doesnt seem to be the case

28-Sep-2010, 07:31 PM
he got denied entry to a party he knew no one at.......... what a tool