View Full Version : Star Wars films in 3D at the cinema, starting 2012

29-Sep-2010, 08:01 AM
But don't worry, you don't have to bother go until 2015!


ps: And considering these will be the 'butchered' versions, maybe don't bother at all! I really can't watch the (new) end of "Return of the Jedi" any more! It's absolutely horid!

29-Sep-2010, 08:33 AM
But don't worry, you don't have to bother go until 2015!


ps: And considering these will be the 'butchered' versions, maybe don't bother at all! I really can't watch the (new) end of "Return of the Jedi" any more! It's absolutely horid!

Never been a huge fan of Star Wars really, but I can understand wanting to see them in 3D, I quite look forward to seeing Dawn in 3D just for the fun of it.

Personally I'd rather shit a brick than watch any of the prequels again. Each and every moment in those movies basically sucks. The new old versions with Lucas's "must have CGI at all costs" approach ticks me off completely as well. I saw the original trilogy when they re-released them with the new scenes in the cinema, wasn't impressed then and certainly won't be impressed now.

The thing about Lucas and this series is, and normally this really doesn't apply to most films or books or whatever, but with Lucas, he seems to be the only person in the world able to make his old films look increasingly shit to audiences. Normally a director or writer will make something new and get shown up by the original versions (Romero for instance) but with Lucas, he manages to take his older material and make it look worse as time progresses. Normally a director will say (of a remake or rehash of a classic) "The old films are still there for you to enjoy" - but with Lucas, I enjoy them less and less - regardless of the new scenes and CGI.

The prequels are so evil and horrid that to be perfectly frank, it turns me off the whole franchise. The originals never had much magic to them for me, but with the new films it makes me feel sick thinking about any of them, it bores me so much.

I actually feel Uwe Boll is just a rung below this guy - Lucas, in my eyes, is a talentless hack who needs real lessons in film making. he has proven, like Boll and Guy Ritchie and so many others, that if they work on their own or get too powerful to collaborate, they essentially make a film that's a sad and pathetic reflection of their own egos.

29-Sep-2010, 09:48 AM
Wow! What did Guy Ritchie do to you? Sherlock Holmes was OK!? Wasn't it!?

29-Sep-2010, 09:55 AM
I've not seen Sherlock Holmes and won't bother cos I heard it's an abortion....

RockaRolla was fucking awful and I completely gave up on him during that awfully contrived and pointless speech about the packaging of cigarettes. Not to mention the randomly added "oh you've betrayed us" plot point at the end. Pathetic.

29-Sep-2010, 10:15 AM
I liked Sherlock Holmes... wasn't A+ but a solid B+. I definitely wouldn't lump Guy Ritchie in with Lucas and Boll... and lets not forget Boll sort of redeemed himself with RAMPAGE. :lol:

29-Sep-2010, 02:11 PM
Meh. I'll just get the Blu Rays.

29-Sep-2010, 02:15 PM
what is it about Guy Ritchie that people find acceptable? Did anyone see Revolver? RocknRolla? The guy's a one trick pony - oh look another intertwining mockney gangster flick where everyone says gentle things in response to harsh situations. Its the same thing over and over - Snatch was good but it was really just a more fleshed out, bigger version of Lock Stock..... and all his other films have felt like that. Holmes is the most different thing he's done but I darnt see it from fear of being offended at that chumps handling of the people from my area of london!!!

All you have to do to see through him is watch RocknRolla - adding completely arbitrary plot points randomly in at the end to round off the story, and giving us a protagonist we don't care about, is a nasty, horrible character with NO redeeming qualities and all based upon him losing some Russian mafia dude's "lucky painting"...I mean really.

darth los
29-Sep-2010, 02:20 PM
The reason people like lucas and Jobs are billionaires is becase they have perfected the art of repackaging, thus selling us the same product over and over.



29-Sep-2010, 04:59 PM
The reason people like lucas and Jobs are billionaires is becase they have perfected the art of repackaging, thus selling us the same product over and over.


:cool:Well, that and they have produced some good $hit!