View Full Version : Government wants back door into your email....?! This is disturbing.

29-Sep-2010, 02:41 PM
So, I just got an email from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (http://www.eff.org)regarding 2 proposals in front of congress. One would give the government the power to shut down web sites accused of aiding in piracy. The second is an Obama Administration proposal that all email providers would be required to provide a back door to allow the government to tap email traffic.

Am I the only one that finds this very disturbing?

Both proposals are extremely dangerous IMO. The first allows shutdown for merely being accused of something even if it isn’t so. The second is not only shocking on its face, but if there is a government back door to all this information, I guarantee it will leak and every hacker is going to get hold of it. That's just what we need - 13 year old script kiddies in control of the internet. :duh:

Here's a link on their site to what they sent out to everyone: http://action.eff.org/site/MessageViewer?em_id=13241.0&dlv_id=26862

I have WTF moments almost daily, but this one takes the cake this week.

29-Sep-2010, 02:46 PM
France does something like this I believe. If you get accused of piracy you lose your Internet access for a year. If you're caught again... LIFE.

The other issue here it the blatant invasion of privacy. That bothers me the most.

29-Sep-2010, 02:52 PM
I don't really agree with it but if you're doing nothing wrong, you've got nothing to worry about.

29-Sep-2010, 02:54 PM
France does something like this I believe. If you get accused of piracy you lose your Internet access for a year. If you're caught again... LIFE.

The other issue here it the blatant invasion of privacy. That bothers me the most.

I think it's a "three strikes" rule over there, but you're right, the third time, you supposedly lose internet access for life. While the other issue is even more disturbing, I don't like this one either. I could easily just call whoever and say "Dj is pirating software" and the next thing you know, playingwithdeadthings.com is history, even if it's not true. :mad:

29-Sep-2010, 03:04 PM
I don't really agree with it but if you're doing nothing wrong, you've got nothing to worry about.

Sweet Baby Dobbs, I hate that saying.

Sure, we Law-Abiding Clean-Cut Good Amurricans have nothing to fear by Government Oversight, but it's a slippery slope from agreed-upon "Wrong" (Theft, Sedition, Assault) to what the current regime decides is the new "Wrong" (Political Incorrectness, Speaking One's Mind, etc.)

I don't want to wait until they're dragging me away for criticizing the Guv'mint before I protect my right to privacy.

darth los
29-Sep-2010, 03:06 PM
I don't really agree with it but if you're doing nothing wrong, you've got nothing to worry about.


But the whole thing with privacy is that they do not have the right to know if you're doing wrong or not.

Thus the word privacy. Unless the law changes and nothing is private ever agian there's alot wrong with this.

Alot of people have your view on things like that like detaining people without charge and due process, most widely known by how they do things in Guantanamo.

It's all good until it happens to you or someone you love.

By then it's too late. But then again, most people don't care about things or atleast carry a cavalier attitude towards them unless it affects them or their family directly.

Being guilty of something simply because the gov't says so is a very slippery slope.


29-Sep-2010, 03:07 PM
Sure, I see what your saying. But it's the internet, dude. If you're looking for privacy here, you've come to the wroooong place. :lol:

29-Sep-2010, 03:14 PM
Certainly what we say in here is public; but this is about what's on your email server.

I don't want Men In Black thumbing through my notebooks and sketches and ideas - and I don't want them sifting through ANY of my private correspondance.

29-Sep-2010, 03:19 PM
The one thing that bothers me the most is, you can be accused of aiding piracy - but note that it does not say "PROVEN to be aiding piracy" - all that has to be done is someone accuses you and, as Hicks says, it's "Game over, man! GAME OVER!" :mad:

darth los
29-Sep-2010, 03:20 PM
Certainly what we say in here is public; but this is about what's on your email server.

I don't want Men In Black thumbing through my notebooks and sketches and ideas - and I don't want them sifting through ANY of my private correspondance.


E mail is supposedly no different than your regular mail, only it's virtual.

Just as it's illegal to tamper with someone's mail so is the case here.

There is an expectation of privacy you have with your emails.


29-Sep-2010, 03:23 PM
I don't really agree with it but if you're doing nothing wrong, you've got nothing to worry about.

Yeah but with levels of control like that, what they define as "wrong" will change and change and change and suddenly those back door emails will be a live feed of your living room into CIA headquarters....

29-Sep-2010, 03:24 PM
The one thing that bothers me the most is, you can be accused of aiding piracy - but note that it does not say "PROVEN to be aiding piracy" - all that has to be done is someone accuses you and, as Hicks says, it's "Game over, man! GAME OVER!" :mad:

Hudson said that :) :p

29-Sep-2010, 03:28 PM
Hudson said that :) :p

Take it easy on the guy. He doesn't even know the correct name of the movie. :lol:

29-Sep-2010, 03:33 PM
Take it easy on the guy. He doesn't even know the correct name of the movie. :lol:


I was just making sure bassman was paying attention, that's all. :shifty:

29-Sep-2010, 03:45 PM

I was just making sure bassman was paying attention, that's all. :shifty:

You ever see the assembly cut of Aliens Cubed? :p

29-Sep-2010, 03:51 PM
You ever see the assembly cut of Aliens Cubed? :p


Actually, I have it, it's been sitting on top of my DVD player for quite a while, I just cannot seem to block out the time to watch it. Of course, I say that and here on Saturday night I wasted 2 hours watching Sharktopus... I should've put in Aliens Cubed! :D

29-Sep-2010, 05:27 PM
E mail is supposedly no different than your regular mail, only it's virtual.


I've got a bridge for sale...

You're on a worldwide network, connected to every single person on the planet that has a computer and phone line (and not even that much anymore). The internet is the most public thing in existence. Anything stored on it, e-mail or otherwise, is like parking your valuables in the middle of the street.

29-Sep-2010, 05:29 PM
Dead Beat didn't make a back door/dick joke in this thread yet?