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View Full Version : Fun, old time radio horror...

13-Jun-2006, 10:06 AM
Doing research on my upcoming horror radio show, I stumbled across a series of chapter plays called Alive Inside, based on the idea that the dead walk and consume the living. Using music, sound effects and fairly talented voice actors, this show transports you to a world where the dead walk, and there are few commercial interruptions.

Okay, some of it is a stretch, a wee bit hokey at times and it steps outside the Romero universe, but overall a fantastic trip. The files are in mp3 format, so you can download it for a podcast.

ALiVE iNSiDE (http://www.darkerprojectsproductions.com/audio/aliveinside/DarkerProjects_StateOfGrace.mp3)

Created and written by Eric Busby and Donald O. Copp

The human race? Forget about them. Laid waste by the Great Catastrophe, the remnants of humanity fight for survival is a world scarred by a plague that causes the dead to walk again. Now, the zombie hordes add to their infernal ranks with every fresh victim.

Can a bold venture across the wastelands of the former United States of America hold the key to our salvation? Or does the future belong to the zombies?

Created by Eric Busby and Donald D. Copp, Alive Inside is just one of many e-radio projects. The website also offers many other shows, cross-overs of Star Trek, Dr. Who, Star Wars and many others. Check out Night Terrors, a whimsical cornucopia of Horror stories.

These guys are making it hard to get my own show started. :lol:

13-Jun-2006, 12:03 PM
Holy craaaap! This sounds super cool!

13-Jun-2006, 02:29 PM
awesome for my Ipod , i lvoe you , give more .. MORRE !

13-Jun-2006, 02:37 PM
VERY cool!


13-Jun-2006, 05:30 PM
Not a bad series, although some of the dialogue is straight out of a D movie script. I noted music clips from 28 Days Later and Day of the Dead, as well as Resident Evil. That was a nice surprise/homage.

I'm looking forward to "our heroes" eventually reaching Portland where the main bio lab is so that the good doctor Lyle can find a cure.

BTW... the plague takes place in PA. :)

14-Jun-2006, 01:53 AM
very nice,
and of course it would start in PA, ZOMBIE CAPITAL OF THE WORLD