View Full Version : "The sparrows are flying again"

13-Jun-2006, 01:48 PM
So obviously i've been a fan of Romero's "Dead" films for quite some time but have only seen a select few of his other works. Up until last night, I think the only Romero films I had seen were "Creepshow" and "Monkey Shines".

Well, a few nights ago I was surfing through my movie channels when I happened to find "The Dark Half". I immediately set it on my DVR because I knew there was no way I would want to watch it at four in the morning on a weekday.

After work last night I went home, cracked open a 12 pack, and leaped head-first into "The Dark Half". I've got to say....I was quite impressed. I mean, it's nothing extremely spectacular but it is a very damn well entertaining flick. I was drawn in from beginning to end without one blink of an eye. The first act is probably one of the best I've seen in a few years.

Of course, there were a few things here and there that I would have liked to have been a bit different, but over all.....I would say this film is much better than "Monkey Shines". I still haven't seen "Knightriders" or "Martin" so I can't include those. Plus I've heard several folks around here say that those are his best outside of our beloved "Dead" series, so they're my next goal.

I've never read Stephen King's novel so I can't compare and contrast, but I can say that Romero probably did a good job with it because the story was wonderful. Like I said, I was drawn in from start to finish. My biggest complaints with the film would probably be the "looks" of George Stark and the ending of the film. Although the ending was very well done and had great, gory special effects(Which, I know most of us around here enjoy) :D ....something just didn't seem right. It felt too rushed. Other than those two points....there were only a few minor flaws that basically every film contains.

And for you big movie fans out there....did you notices the similarities in the plot between "The Dark Half" and "Donnie Darko"? It may be a bit of a stretch, but it was something that became more obvious to me as the film went on. Give it some thought and maybe one of you guys will see what I mean.

So to wrap this all up....what did you guys think about "The Dark Half"? And if you haven't seen it, I would definitely say that it's worth a purchase. I know that if I ever come across the film on DVD, i'll have to get it.

"You are disturbing the peaceful mood I'm in. You are destroying the frame of mind I'm in. You are disturbing my peaceful frame of mind" - George Stark

13-Jun-2006, 11:40 PM
This is the only GAR film I have not seen. I definitely want to check it out. Nice review.

Off topic: I'm gonna go check out the 311 show in Cincinnati this summer..woohoo. Play a track from your record collection, it's your mix, congratulations! :D

14-Jun-2006, 12:45 PM
This is the only GAR film I have not seen. I definitely want to check it out. Nice review.

Off topic: I'm gonna go check out the 311 show in Cincinnati this summer..woohoo. Play a track from your record collection, it's your mix, congratulations! :D

It's a good flick. Check it out.

Hell yeah.....finally there's another 311 fan around here.