View Full Version : The Nanny State strikes again!

13-Jun-2006, 03:05 PM
How is this reasonable? (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/wear/5074690.stm)

13-Jun-2006, 03:26 PM

you might want to print this and hand out a few copies.


13-Jun-2006, 05:46 PM
So if they are not afflicted with sunburn they will die of heat stroke. cute.

13-Jun-2006, 10:06 PM
Yep, that's Britannia for you, right down in the squalid depths of the sh*t water of that toilet from Trainspotting. This sort of moron-jerking action is completely useless and uncalled for, it's senseless tinkering ... nay meddling, MEDDLING I say, and there's too much of it.

How about the teacher - who'll have to be female so a bloke isn't accused of being a kiddy raper, it's how it works these days - applies sun cream to the children's arms, faces and necks? Not exactly a tough job - teach children early about the sun and their skin. Cooking them like jacket potatoes isn't going to help, it'll just make them lazy and tired in class and certainly won't do them any good health wise, they're liable to pass out and hit their heads on something very sharp, which could kill them or hurt them - causing a lawsuit - because that's what people do these days it would seem.

Now doesn't a bit of sun cream sound like a good idea?

It's hardly surprising though, this is Britain afterall, a country where the government tells us we should be patriotic - meanwhile I've never seen so many English flags a-flying, and not because the government told us to, but because our national team is playing in the World Cup.

Britain ... the retarded choice of destination for all asylum seekers.

14-Jun-2006, 07:55 PM
Passing my old primary school I saw the playground is now a car park! Where the hell can the kids play? not only that when I went by again during play time I saw their fun spontaneous activities are now organised, either this is a experiment or the corperations have stepped up their endevour to create a generation of cheap factory robots.

14-Jun-2006, 07:58 PM
That's freaky, my old primary school's playground is now a carpark! They have a new playground area though, they've really spruced the place up since I was there, but then again the last time I was there was over a decade ago. Schools today are retarded.

14-Jun-2006, 08:10 PM
Ever seen the episode of thwe Twilight Zone called Examination Day where they give kids a test and if they prove brighter then their social betters they are killed? Give it a generation...

15-Jun-2006, 07:40 AM
My old school is now a patch of wasteground and my old high school is still a crap place to be...