View Full Version : Your dperessing news story of the day.

13-Jun-2006, 06:23 PM

hopefully this will work. CNN video always links like ass.

But yeah, this is reason #2,368 what the UN in all of is glory is utterly ****ing useless.

13-Jun-2006, 09:56 PM
A couple of tidbits from the UK...

A paedophile - who reoffended after being three weeks out of jail for a previous sentence for kiddy fiddling - sexually assaulted a 3 year old girl. He was sentenced to only 5 years in prison ... this is all over the news and papers at the moment, apparently the sentence will be increased, but even if it is it won't be life or anything meaty. Clearly the prison system is doing wonders...:rockbrow:

Oh yes, the Home Secretary (a balshy Scot, yet another in ENGLISH government that brings shame upon my clan), told the country to stop complaining about crime on the streets and to clean it up ourselves ... honestly, he actually did. So what are all those policemen and high paid do-nothing civil servants for?! This government ... they're unbelievable, if they don't go down in history as the worst government to 'govern' the UK I'll sh*t.

Gordon 'Darth' Brown, the king of backdoor taxes, is p*ssed off at Premium Bonds (essentially a tax-free lottery of sorts, the more money you put in to a saver's account the more of 'your numbers' go into the draw and the better your chance of being selected - something like 24,000 to 1). Your winnings are tax free (that's a rarity in Britain at the moment thanks to LABOUR and especially that evil son of a bitch waste of skin Darth Brown). Anyway, because he's p*ssed off at that he's now poking his nose in where it's not needed or wanted by reducing the number of mid-range prizes (say £25,000) and (apparently) increasing the number of smallest prizes (£50) - which therefore means he stands to lose less tax money. Greedy, wasteful, horrid excuse for a human beind so he is.

Also, it would appear that "Digital Switch Over" (i.e. goodbye Terrestrial TV, hello digital signals for everyone) is actually only about money. The government stands to make a huge amount of cash by selling the terrestrial channel airwaves ... and no doubt even more by forcing everyone in Britain to buy some sort of box to plug into our existing (and often new and/or expensive) TV sets to enable us to continue watching TV ... which you have to pay for in spades already (the thievery that is the TV license for example).


Rant over...the news is just as sh*t here as it is there...and what's worse, Grace is up for eviction in the Big Brother house here, and judging by the reception she got last week she's out ... which is a damn shame as Nikki is a spoilt bitch maddam who should go first. Grace is f*ckin' fit as and needs to stay, I'm not done perving! :D