View Full Version : New Sighting of UFO Over China

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 02:05 PM
I just love stuff like this.

I tell you what whether your a religious person or not If we ever find proof of extraterrestrial life it will be the biggest discovery of all time.



07-Oct-2010, 02:11 PM
Wrong forum!

But, damn, shit has been wild with these sightings over there lately. Something is amidst!

07-Oct-2010, 02:13 PM
"military tests"

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 02:25 PM
Damn it is in the wrong forum. My bad guys.

Yeah, it's probably military tests, but that's the beauty of this, we really don't know for sure. It might or might not be.

Also there have been sightings like this throughout recorded that have been documented and those cannot be attributed to military tests.


07-Oct-2010, 02:47 PM
Crazy, I wish they would just tell us if this shit was real or not... I am ready for a full on alien invasion...lol

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 03:13 PM
Crazy, I wish they would just tell us if this shit was real or not... I am ready for a full on alien invasion...lol

Attack of the green zombies from MArs! :hyper:


07-Oct-2010, 03:21 PM
Crazy, I wish they would just tell us if this shit was real or not... I am ready for a full on alien invasion...lol

Really? You're ready to battle a species that can make metal float silently on air as well as completely cloak itself? Also, have you seen the size of their heads?!

07-Oct-2010, 03:50 PM
Really? You're ready to battle a species that can make metal float silently on air as well as completely cloak itself? Also, have you seen the size of their heads?!

Defeating Aliens is a sinch.

1) Grab a handful of Reese's Pieces.

2) have somebody with a cold sneeze all over them.

3) Have Aliens eat said Reese's Pieces (they can't resist the peanut butter goodness)

4) Take their tech - should be compatable with a Mac laptop.

07-Oct-2010, 04:16 PM
Defeating Aliens is a sinch.

1) Grab a handful of Reese's Pieces.

2) have somebody with a cold sneeze all over them.

3) Have Aliens eat said Reese's Pieces (they can't resist the peanut butter goodness)

4) Take their tech - should be compatable with a Mac laptop.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

I haven't laughed that hard in years. :p

But, y'know, aliens are real - THIS (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/ufo/8026971/Aliens-have-deactivated-British-and-US-nuclear-missiles-say-US-military-pilots.html) article says so!

07-Oct-2010, 04:31 PM
Balderdash it's the wrong forum! Balderdash, I say! Mediashmedia...if it's a general topic for discussion I like it for the General forum.


07-Oct-2010, 04:57 PM
Crazy, I wish they would just tell us if this shit was real or not... I am ready for a full on alien invasion...lol

given that each star we see at night is similar to our sun, and plenty of those stars have planets in their orbit, the possibility of intelligent life out there is very high if you ask me. i'm much more inclined to believe in aliens than any form of religion.

these guys are all geared up for the invasion, too:

and billy, love that calvin hanging with the peanuts crew animation in your sig.

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 05:13 PM
i'm much more inclined to believe in aliens than any form of religion.

and billy, love that calvin hanging with the peanuts crew animation in your sig.

Amen ! :D

Yeah, he's doing like a zombie walk. Great stuff!


07-Oct-2010, 07:01 PM
i'm much more inclined to believe in aliens than any form of religion.

I'm with you! [waits for people to call us "whackjobs"] :shifty:

07-Oct-2010, 07:24 PM
i'm much more inclined to believe in aliens than any form of religion.

I wonder if aliens believe in God?

darth los
07-Oct-2010, 07:28 PM
I'm with you! [waits for people to call us "whackjobs"] :shifty:

Well, there's actually circumstantial evidence supporting the existence of UFO's and extraterrestrial life.

Religion has no such equivalent, so who are the whackjobs again?


07-Oct-2010, 07:30 PM
I've gone half circle with all the aliens stuff. When I was a bout 14, I was deeply into the "ancient astronauts" kind of stuff...totally believed we had been visited multiple times and that our ancestors had been influenced by these god like beings - Now, I don't believe we've ever been visited by aliens past of present.

I actually believe that the Universe is a very lonely place, not saying we are all that is here, I just don't think intelligent life is widespread at all. More an exeption than a rule.

07-Oct-2010, 07:51 PM
4) Take their tech - should be compatable with a Mac laptop.

Actually it should be compatible with an early 90's Mac laptop!! :lol:

07-Oct-2010, 07:56 PM
Actually it should be compatible with an early 90's Mac laptop!! :lol:

But my new copy of Civ V isn't even compatible with an early 90's mac laptop! :D

07-Oct-2010, 08:00 PM
I wonder if aliens believe in God?

Perhaps the Aliens ARE God! :shifty:

07-Oct-2010, 08:34 PM
Perhaps the Aliens ARE God! :shifty:

nah, they're actually space angels who came to this planet during different eras to teach mankind about galctic brotherhood universal harmony pyramid atlantis hippy dippy bullshit...

sweet jesus nutsack i am so tired

07-Oct-2010, 10:36 PM
I wonder if aliens believe in God?

This is actually a subject I've pondered me own self. IMO religion is shaped by our enviroment & evoloves through our culture(s) (ie, primitive man's religions began based on the movements of the sun & moon, the changing of the seasons, etc. & have evolved upwards & outwards ever since).

If you take that as a starting point & assume that the aliens religions would have equally began based on the enviroment of their homeworld & evolved as their civilization grew & advanced. So, assuming they haven't become so technologically advanced that they've abandoned religion all together (or still retain it in spite of), & we WERE to make peacful contact, it would be interesting to see what sort of "parallel developmant" had occurred.

07-Oct-2010, 10:46 PM
I've gone full circle with all the aliens stuff. When I was a bout 14, I was deeply into the "ancient astronauts" kind of stuff...totally believed we had been visited multiple times and that our ancestors had been influenced by these god like beings - Now, I don't believe we've ever been visited by aliens past of present.

I actually believe that the Universe is a very lonely place, not saying we are all that is here, I just don't think intelligent life is widespread at all. More an exeption than a rule.

That's not full circle, that's half a circle; 180 degrees if you will :p

As for the pics, they look at lot like... actually, they look ENTIRELY like a some sort of laser device pointing up into the sky. You see the luminous shafts pointing upwards and reflecting on the cloud cover in that one shot?

I was a paranormal nut when I was a kid (still am in a way, but I'm now open-mindedly sceptical about all such claims, as opposed to the terrified credulity of my childhood), and lived in fear of dark forests and uncurtained windows at night. So imagine my terror when one night I peek through the blinds to ACTUALLY SEE ethereal, multicoloured lights spinning and darting all across the heavens above me. It was the equivalent of closing your eyes upon hearing a noise, convincing yourself there's no such thing as ghosts, and opening your eyes to see the Librarian Phantom screaming in your face with an axe in its hand. This was it, they'd come to probe my pee hole with steel rods, or whatever they're doing to people these days! I called my mum and she was actually startled for a few minutes too. It later turned out to be a laser light show on top of a nearby entertainment venue. It looked almost exactly like what you see in some of those shots.

With regards the presence of extraterrestrial life routinely the Earth, I find it very unlikely in the cold light of day. I have not read many believable and well-documented cases that don't turn out to have some terrestrial explanation when you delve deeply enough, and the few that remain unexplained are generally the most unremarkable cases - lights or discs in the sky, that could be anything, with nothing to actively suggest an extraterrestrial origin. Photographic evidence, too, when you actually see it, is usually woefully blurry and poorly shot with no sense of scale or points of reference. Either that or its painfully obvious that it's something completely mundane that has been misidentified such as a flying insect, a balloon, a blob of camera noise, or a slightly out-of-focus low flying duck (actually a very common cause of "evening disc" shots, since on a photo, when lit from the right angle and not seen sharply, they look like white glowing blobs). Or it's an obvious hoax.

I'm not saying that aliens have definitely never been here and never will be. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. However, the people we're supposed to believe have the "answers" are usually the very same people who are prone to seeing all of the above and instantly jumping to the extraterrestrial conclusion. Jumping to conclusions is the worst thing any researcher can do, as have basically proven themselves to be an unreliable and biased source of information which means we can only disregard their conclusions.

The lack of reliable evidence, combined with the fact that most UFO researchers "WANT to believe" in one particular interpretation of that unreliable evidence, leads me to be very, very sceptical of any claims about aliens and UFOs. The earth has been here for over four billion years, so it's not impossible that it has been visited at some point, but here and now, and in the way that some people claim? I seriously doubt it.

07-Oct-2010, 11:02 PM
I was a paranormal nut when I was a kid (still am in a way, but I'm now open-mindedly sceptical about all such claims,

This is pretty much me to a "T". Big Foot, Loch Ness, The Bermuda Triangle, loved all o' that stuff as a kid. As an adult, I wish I still could believe, but I'm a bitter old cynic now, so all of that stuff seems so unlikely.

That having been said, my wife is taking photography classes as the local collage. She was out doing backlighting shots in the local cemetery w/ her Nikon digital. He showed me a shot of a green glow-y thing in deep shadow that is making me go "hmmm" :rockbrow:. Granted the sun is shining toward her, but the angle doesn't seem right for lens flare, but I'm no photography expert, so what the hell do I know? It's cool looking regardless. Screwed up an otherwise perfect shot too, so now she can't use it for class.:lol:

This was it, they'd come to probe my pee hole with steel rods, or whatever they're doing to people these days!

Everyone knows aliens are all about the ass play. When they shove that probe up yer bunghole, you'll see.:lol:

08-Oct-2010, 03:48 AM
Balderdash it's the wrong forum! Balderdash, I say! Mediashmedia...if it's a general topic for discussion I like it for the General forum.


Are you mocking me?

08-Oct-2010, 10:51 PM
Are you mocking me?

http://thumbnails.hulu.com/8/254/21384_512x288_manicured__TDeN1zZMn0a8IlfU1nbmrw.jp g

"You mock me."


The Great Gazoo
09-Oct-2010, 01:54 AM
maybe the aliens are in dire need of cheaply produced clothing and cell phones?:D

09-Oct-2010, 05:32 AM
And really, who isn't?

11-Oct-2010, 02:34 PM

11-Oct-2010, 02:51 PM
:lol: I loved kids in the hall. They've actually got a new show on IFC now...