View Full Version : apparently we all make "too much"

07-Oct-2010, 10:47 PM
a friend of mine made the argument that i was eligible for food stamps when i posted a story about more people applying for public aid recently.

i told him flat out i make too much to be considered "poor", yet i scrap by like alot of us.

so i did this survey online, they ask how much you make (gross) and how much you pay a month in utilities, if u have dependents, if you're the only one living there, etc etc.

survey says.............. "you are not eligible at this time"

a shadow above minimum wage and i make too much for assistance.....but i pay into it every week when i get my check :rolleyes::rolleyes:

07-Oct-2010, 10:54 PM
Wait...so you knew you earned to much to be accepted, yet you're disappointed that you were turned down?

If you're single, without children, and make enough to take care of yourself...you can forget government assistance. If you were to have a kid or two it would probably be different. I hear they freely toss it out around here if you've popped out a few kids and make under 50 a year....

07-Oct-2010, 11:07 PM
i know its different state by state and theres other stuff figured in. i figured something had to be changed by now. but my assumption is still right. unless you pop out a shit load of kids and dont take care of em, u wont get help in ohio

edit **

damn i didnt even read ur post all the way before i responded and saw your kid comment great minds really do think alike :lol::lol:

08-Oct-2010, 10:39 AM
but i pay into it every week when i get my check :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Well, yeah, you pay into it when you have income so the benefits will be there if you lose that income. If everyone expected to get back what they paid in, there would be nothing for those too poor to pay in, and what would be the point of the program? Geez, why is it the extreme right-winger who has to explain this? ;-)

darth los
08-Oct-2010, 01:50 PM
It's interesting how people who these programs benefit know next to nothing about what they are entitled to and elgibility requirements and those who are against it know every nook and cranny.


08-Oct-2010, 01:54 PM
Whats even more interesting/irritating is how those people eligible for the service usually take advantage of it. Not all of them. There are some that genuinely need the help, but around here....nine times out of ten they're just lazy ass rednecks that want something for nothing. Usually lying about their income(paid under the table), dependents, living situation, etc.

It really is a shame for those that need it. So many people out their taking advantage of it and making the taxpayers think it's a waste of money for them all. Which....sadly, for the most part it is. Lazy f*cking bastards....

I mean....I used to know this guy that made much more money than I did, only it was mostly under the table so he ended up getting food stamps. The f*cker had a nice sports car, big screen tvs, expensive clothes, etc. But oh...he "needed" those food stamps. F*cking trash, man. Pure and simple.

08-Oct-2010, 02:08 PM
All I can say is this: If what I make salary-wise is "too much" then something is seriously fucking wrong. :lol: :p

darth los
08-Oct-2010, 03:29 PM
One in 7 Americans is on food stamps, this includes children.

Infer what you will about the State of the union.



09-Oct-2010, 01:08 PM
Welcome to the wonderful world of modern era serfdom.

09-Oct-2010, 01:24 PM
I think for all benefits except disability and retirement, there needs to be cap or number of years used. If you continue to pump out kids without the ability to care for them you should not be rewarded with money or foodstamps. I understand it will hurt the kid, but the welfare state needs to stop.

09-Oct-2010, 03:29 PM
I think for all benefits except disability and retirement, there needs to be cap or number of years used. If you continue to pump out kids without the ability to care for them you should not be rewarded with money or foodstamps. I understand it will hurt the kid, but the welfare state needs to stop.

they should put a cap on welfare and wic. it doesnt make sense that i have to clip coupons so those other people dont have to. $2,500 a month for food?!??!?!?