View Full Version : "Last Living Souls"

12-Oct-2010, 04:51 PM
As you may know, yesterday I went to the Patriot Center to see Gorillaz in concert.
Here's the relevant bit; the projected video for the song "Last Living Souls" had zombies in it. Yes indeed.
See, it starts with these two guys walking together through this desert landscape, the sun beating down. They climb a hill and then a few rock formations until near the end of the song when they're standing on the top, looking out at the world below. At first they appear to be perfectly normal humans, but once they reach the top, we can see them start to act more undead and infected. They look rabid, very much akin to 28 Days, but the behind shot has them in glorious silhouette, and they move almost like standard Romero fare. I think this was done to balance out the two factions, trying to give just a general zombie look instead of pandering to one specific type. Very well done.
Please discuss.
Oh, and on one of their shoes you can see the logo for the Sub Division, so maybe it's a fan-made video... hmm...

12-Oct-2010, 04:56 PM
Well, the first track on Demon Days (Last Living Souls is #2) is their version of the "dock music" from Dawn, so I can believe it. Sounds cool. Is there a version online?

Love that song, use those 2 tracks together regularly as pre-show music for the puppet show.

12-Oct-2010, 05:30 PM
Thanks for the heads up, Blind! Glad you got to see your favs in concert!

Well, the first track on Demon Days (Last Living Souls is #2) is their version of the "dock music" from Dawn, so I can believe it. Sounds cool. Is there a version online?

This looks to be it...


That the one, Blind, or is it a shortened version?

12-Oct-2010, 05:30 PM
Wow, really? You do?! That is so cool, billyray!
Waaah! That's it!! Whoo!

12-Oct-2010, 06:15 PM
Wow, really? You do?! That is so cool, billyray!
Waaah! That's it!! Whoo!

Well, that and most of the Shaun of the Dead soundtrack (thx, Deej)

13-Oct-2010, 01:26 AM
Now about the video... thoughts? Theories?

20-Dec-2010, 03:03 PM
Too cool.
Saw them in Antwerp a couple of weeks ago. Man, one of the best live acts i've ever seen and that includes both Bowie and Prince.
There are many links between Romero and Gorillaz' music. My guess is Albarn is a huge ... of the dead fan. One of their first videos, for the song 'Clint Eastwood' started with a quote from dawn underneath their logo ('every dead body that is not exterminated gets up and kills, the people it kills get up and kill'). On their debut album the song M1A1 was built around the opening credits from day ('hello? Is anyone there?'). Then came Demon days with it's usage of the dawn 'dock music'.
Now this...
Fantastic band with fantastic visuals.
Did De La Soul rock the house as much in their support act before the gorillaz show as much as they did over here?