View Full Version : Dj might be MIA for a few days...

12-Oct-2010, 06:41 PM
Hey everyone, just wanted to drop a note here in General Discussion to let everyone know that Dj may not be around for a few days. His mom passed away early this morning, so he's dealing with all that is involved in such matters.

I talked to him today on the phone a few times - he's doing as well as can be expected. He said he would've came here and posted this himself, but he just isn't in the mood to be social, so I told him I would at least let everyone know what's going on in case people start to wonder why he's missing.

Dj - If you do read this anytime soon, I'm sorry for your loss, man. Unfortunately, I know how it is to lose a parent, and it's nothing short of a pure shit feeling. If there's anything I can do, you know how to get a hold of me.

12-Oct-2010, 06:48 PM
Sorry for your loss. I'm sure all of us internet friends here at HPotD are here if you need us.

12-Oct-2010, 06:49 PM
bummer, man. i've still got both my parents, not ready to think about what that's gonna be like...probably one of the toughest things a person's gotta go through, short of losing a spouse or child.

i remember dj talking about his mom and her health problems when i met him at con-tamination earlier this year...he said she was in a bad way, but i imagine it's still something that no amount of preparation can ease.

my sympathies and best wishes, dj....hang tough, bro. they say time heals all wounds....

12-Oct-2010, 06:50 PM
Shit, came close to experiencing this myself last year so i can imagine a little fraction of how he feels. My condolences Gary.

12-Oct-2010, 06:51 PM

I'm sorry for your loss, my friend. I'll definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


12-Oct-2010, 06:51 PM
Aw, christ. That's horrible news.

DJ, if you see this, my sympathies to you and yours for your loss.

12-Oct-2010, 06:54 PM
i remember dj talking about his mom and her health problems when i met him at con-tamination earlier this year...he said she was in a bad way, but i imagine it's still something that no amount of preparation can ease.

Yeah, she had been on a very rocky/bumpy road for quite a while now. I was always hoping she'd get better and fix some more of those kick-ass, world famous meatballs she always made while we were on set making the movies. Those fucking things were the best bar none. :(

12-Oct-2010, 07:28 PM


My heart and the hearts of the puppet crew go out to you. I'm more sorry to hear than you know.

(My Uncle/Godfather also passed away this morning)

You're in our thoughts, friend.

12-Oct-2010, 07:51 PM
Sorry Gary, that's terrible. Hang in there, man.

12-Oct-2010, 08:42 PM
Oh man. . .Gary nothing I can say really. . .I am sorry for your loss. If you need and moral support, you know we are all here for you.

And Billy Ray, the same goes to you too man. I lost my uncle/godfather/good friend last year. . . that was the roughest death I have had to deal with to this point.

My condolances to both of you.

12-Oct-2010, 08:57 PM

I'm very sorry to hear about your loss. I lost my mother not so long ago and it is one of the worst things anyone can go through.

you are in my thoughts.

12-Oct-2010, 10:24 PM
Very sad. My condolances to DJ & family. :(

bummer, man. i've still got both my parents, not ready to think about what that's gonna be like...

I've thought about it quite a bit, as morbid as that sounds, just because I think I'm trying to mentally prepare myself. My folks arn't getting any younger, and as mush as it hurts to think about, They arn't going to be around forever.

Shit, I'm getting teary just thinkin about it now. :(

12-Oct-2010, 10:42 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your nice words, thoughts and prayers. I do appreciate it, and I know my mom would appreciate the moral support you're giving me. She was a great lady and while we had our disagreements I would give up anything to have just one more day with her to make up for things I had done to upset her. As Lou mentioned she was on a Rocky and Bumpy road. I am however thankful to the hospital staff for making her last moments comfortable so she felt no pain in her passing. I know she would want me to thank all of you for your support at this time... so thank you.


13-Oct-2010, 04:14 PM
Hi Everyone,

Thanks for your nice words, thoughts and prayers. I do appreciate it, and I know my mom would appreciate the moral support you're giving me. She was a great lady and while we had our disagreements I would give up anything to have just one more day with her to make up for things I had done to upset her. As Lou mentioned she was on a Rocky and Bumpy road. I am however thankful to the hospital staff for making her last moments comfortable so she felt no pain in her passing. I know she would want me to thank all of you for your support at this time... so thank you.


hang in there, dude. i've been down this same road and it might not seem like it now, but most of the pain will drop away (not all of it by any means) leaving you with only the good memories of her.

when i think of my mom now the bad stuff never rears its head. i'm left with only the pleasant memories of her.

just allow yourself to grieve in whatever manner you need to. the grieving process is painful but very, very healthy in the long run.

again, you and yours are in my thoughts.

13-Oct-2010, 04:30 PM
Thats terrible.

Best wishes and sincere condolances to Deej and his loved ones.

13-Oct-2010, 05:58 PM
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Having a parent die is one of the terrible burdens most of us have or will have happen to us. Hang in there, man.

13-Oct-2010, 06:44 PM
Very very sad news DJ! Hope you're getting plenty of support at such a difficult time!

13-Oct-2010, 07:56 PM
Thanks again everyone. Lou and his family have been supportive, and I have received many emails from fans, HPOTD members, and others with prayers for my moms passing. It is tough... I am getting through it though. I made the arrangements today and called in the obituary. That was tough. I do remember the good stuff about her, but being with her while she was on her death bed was the worst. I was at home when the hospital called and told me she was failing fast... I was just waking up from little to no sleep and I sped down there. She hung in until i go there and i held her hand as her heart stopped which was both overwhelming but also let me know she was no longer suffering. I know she is in a better place and I only hope she had many happy years while she was alive.

13-Oct-2010, 09:43 PM
well, at least you were able to be there by her side as she passed, and it was probably a great comfort to her, too.

i'm really feeling for ya, dude. i was a real pain in the ass for my parents as a youth, but after i got back from boot camp, i realized so many things about the way i'd been growing up and what they'd put up with from me. i love both of my parents more than i ever thought possible, and would kill/die for either of them if it came down to it.

recently got a bunch of recipes from mom (like lou said, there's nothing like mom's cooking), so i've been calling her up randomly and double-checking to make sure i'm not fucking things up as i stumble through her directions trying to duplicate that magic. just this morning i was on the phone with her discussing a recipe and i thought about your predicament, dj, and while i didn't break down or anything, my eyes were watering up as i got to thinking about how it's gonna be for me when that shitty day comes knocking.

i imagine the next few days with the services and final arrangements are gonna be hell, just hang in there.

13-Oct-2010, 11:02 PM
recently got a bunch of recipes from mom (like lou said, there's nothing like mom's cooking), so i've been calling her up randomly and double-checking to make sure i'm not fucking things up as i stumble through her directions trying to duplicate that magic. just this morning i was on the phone with her discussing a recipe and i thought about your predicament, dj, and while i didn't break down or anything, my eyes were watering up as i got to thinking about how it's gonna be for me when that shitty day comes knocking.

I've been meaning to do that very thing for the same reason. I keep putting it off, 'cause it makes me sad just thinking about it, but I know I'll regret it if I don't. :(

14-Oct-2010, 09:55 AM
My sincerest condolences mate. :(

14-Oct-2010, 06:00 PM
Sorry about your loss. I have been there and know it sucks.