View Full Version : Back to the Future :)

13-Oct-2010, 05:53 PM
Watch... http://www.movieweb.com/movie/back-to-the-future/trailer
and then... http://www.movieweb.com/tv/TEDh1S9Z1SBcGL/set-your-flux-capacitor-to-scream-2010

13-Oct-2010, 06:12 PM
Saw this earlier. Great stuff. :thumbsup:

Man, they're really going all out with this 25th anniversary thing. Back in theaters, new blu rays, video games, and this....THIS (http://www.weregoingback.com/Were_Going_Back_-_25th_Anniversary/Schedule.html) would be incredible. If only I lived in California...

13-Oct-2010, 06:26 PM
Shame you can see him suffering from parkinson's :( Even after no doubt a number of takes :(

13-Oct-2010, 06:59 PM
Shame you can see him suffering from parkinson's :( Even after no doubt a number of takes :(

Nah, they were just using Shakeycam...

(Somebody had to say it)

13-Oct-2010, 09:49 PM
Saw a different SCREAM ad for it on TV last night and got real excited.

Also, forgot to come on here last week and brag that I got my ticket to see the movie on Oct 23 at 12:30pm!

14-Oct-2010, 01:54 AM
It's being re released in theaters? If so, cooool. Just it, or all three? And are they, or just it, redone or spruced up in any way?

14-Oct-2010, 02:04 AM
It's being re released in theaters? If so, cooool. Just it, or all three? And are they, or just it, redone or spruced up in any way?

The original film is being released in theaters for it's 25th anniversary. It's remastered for this release, just as all three flms are remastered for the upcoming Blu Ray set. Bascially you're seeing the most crystal clear version of the film yet...in theater. And I can't wait! :hyper:

14-Oct-2010, 09:58 AM
That's pretty nifty. :)

14-Oct-2010, 10:04 AM
That's pretty nifty. :)

It is, isn't it. But there's a slight bitter taste left in one mouth due to Fox so clearly suffering from Parkinsons. ie: In the space of 1 minute you see young healthy Fox, and then middle age degenerative-disease Fox :(

14-Oct-2010, 04:25 PM
The good news is that he's using his fame to generate money for his parkinsons foundation. That foundation is actually getting a percentage out of most of this 25th anniversary stuff that's happening this year.

I'll have to look it up, but I heard somewhere that some people are accusing Fox of not taking his medicine on purpose, so his parkinsons is actually advancing faster than it should.:( I don't know any details about it, but I did hear that at one point. Going to look it up...


In his memoir, Lucky Man, Fox wrote that he did not take his medication prior to his testimony before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee in 1998; "I had made a deliberate choice to appear before the subcommittee without medication. It seemed to me that this occasion demanded that my testimony about the effects of the disease, and the urgency we as a community were feeling, be seen as well as heard. For people who had never observed me in this kind of shape, the transformation must have been startling".[37]

In an April 2002 NPR interview,[35] Fox explained what he does when he becomes symptomatic during an interview: "Well, actually, I've been erring on the side of caution — I think 'erring' is actually the right word — in that I've been medicating perhaps too much, in the sense times the symptoms that people see in some of these interviews that have been on are actually dyskinesia, which is a reaction to the medication. Because if I were purely symptomatic with Parkinson's symptoms, a lot of times speaking is difficult. There's a kind of a cluttering of speech and it's very difficult to sit still, to sit in one place. You know, the symptoms are different, so I'd rather kind of suffer the symptoms of dyskinesia... this kind of weaving and this kind of continuous thing is much preferable, actually, than pure Parkinson's symptoms. So that's what I generally do...I haven't had any, you know, problems with pure Parkinson's symptoms in any of these interviews, because I'll tend to just make sure that I have enough Sinemet in my system and, in some cases, too much. But to me, it's preferable. It's not representative of what I'm like in my everyday life. I get a lot of people with Parkinson's coming up to me saying, 'You take too much medication.' I say, Well, you sit across from Larry King and see if you want to tempt it."

So he doesn't take medication to show the effects to the committee, but takes too much whenever he's acting or doing interviews? Must be tough for the little guy...

---------- Post added at 12:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 AM ----------


Marty's mom is still hot.:o

I look forward to reading this article....

14-Oct-2010, 05:23 PM
Marty's mom is still hot.:o

Mmmm...Lea Thompson...I'd hit 85 on that. :lol:

Hadn't seen MJF in a while. He actually looks like he's doing well, all things considered. Hope they find a treatment or cure of some kind in the poor guys lifetime, before it's too late. :(

14-Oct-2010, 05:57 PM
Hope they find a treatment or cure of some kind in the poor guys lifetime, before it's too late. :(

B-B-But they harvest stem cells from unborn babies! Jackbooted Socialists in their black vans drive around, accosting pregnant white Christian women, force abortions and cut the babies up into stem cells!

Don't you people watch Fox News?!?

14-Oct-2010, 06:11 PM
Speaking of....I saw the other day that they've just tried the first human injection of embrionic stem cells in the US. I thought that was a pretty cool landmark to note. They say they're going to try on a new subject within a month. Their going to take a newly-injured person to test it on. It's kinda sad when you think about it, becase the guy doesn't even know he's paralyzed yet. They're going to find someone within two weeks of their accident....

14-Oct-2010, 06:15 PM
Yeah, it is sad to see MJF suffering from this terrible disease, it really is. On the other hand he's really continued to grasp his life with both hands and plough through with a real strength of will and character, so at the same time as feeling sad for the guy, you really admire him too.

I remember there was a fuss made by some idiots (Limbaugh was one, if memory serves) a few years ago when MJF turned up at a committee having not taken his medication and the effects were very profound - the idiots said he was 'putting it on' - how utterly disgusting of them to say that. Parkinson's is a horrid disease, and that's what it does to people ... I cannot fathom, personally, the objection to Stem Cell research. It could make all manner of diseases like Parkinsons, and other things like Dementia (which I saw, as a child, in full effect - the memory has stuck with me ever since) vanish forever - the suffering that it could end!

But I don't want to get into some back-and-forth ... let's just leave it at that, that I can't personally fathom the objection to Stem Cell research.


On a lighter note ... hell yeah Marty's mom is hot. :D

14-Oct-2010, 06:23 PM
Here's one thing I don't get... and I'm really seriously interested in others thoughts on this...

I don't know if M.J. Fox is really interested in acting again or not, but if he is wanting to do it professionally -- isn't it possible just to CGI out the "shakes" due to the Parkinson's that he has if he was going to act in a film? I guess this would still be expensive to do this -- but films cost $90 plus million bucks to make anyway so what's another few million in the pot?

Honestly, I've wondered about that for awhile. You think they could just do some computer stuff to clean that up (Hell, remember the commercial where Christopher Reeve walked again? And that was over a decade ago. I don't doubt they could hide the effects of Parkinson's with Fox).

My guess is that he wouldn't want to do this because it would be considered in "bad taste" by others with Parkinson's out there by attempting to hide his illness (as if an admission to others of shame by having it). I could see how people could see this as tasteless -- but it's still a possibility isn't it for a regular film if he's wanting to really work in a role of a character without the illness isn't it?


14-Oct-2010, 06:44 PM
He's actually been doing plenty of acting. Mostly TV, though. Scrubs, some law show, and several others. I think he's just trying to keep it to a minimum so he doesn't overwhelm himself.

As for CGI to take out the shakes.....that sounds a bit extreme. The Chris Reeves thing was considerably easier because they can plop his head onto another body, but to take out constant movement would probably be a big hassle...

14-Oct-2010, 06:47 PM
Not only may it be in bad taste, but it would also look like utter crap. I don't think he'd need the CGI, anyway. From watching that interview with him, he seems to be doing better than I recall; I think he could get down shots without showing his Parkinson's, even if it took a few takes.

14-Oct-2010, 06:51 PM
True, but I recall he was on record as having more issues with it effecting not only his acting, but his overall sense of well being when he was worn down from the grind of a regular filming schedule, plus all the other stuff that goes along with celebrity appearances (ie. helping keep the show he's on and the people it employs afloat) plus his charity work.

14-Oct-2010, 07:48 PM
True, but I recall he was on record as having more issues with it effecting not only his acting, but his overall sense of well being when he was worn down from the grind of a regular filming schedule, plus all the other stuff that goes along with celebrity appearances (ie. helping keep the show he's on and the people it employs afloat) plus his charity work.

:( *5char*

14-Oct-2010, 08:01 PM
Props to the guy who aint letting parkinsons keep him down. He's suffering form a debilitating illness but is still willing to just get in a dalarean and be marty mcfly, thats totally rad.

01-Nov-2010, 01:37 PM


01-Nov-2010, 02:24 PM
:lol: Those are great. All except Bill Cosby. I can't stand that grinning moron. He's worse than Jimmy Fallon. I can't believe he ever got on SNL...

Bill Hader is the king of voices....

01-Nov-2010, 02:38 PM
:lol: Those are great. All except Bill Cosby. I can't stand that grinning moron. He's worse than Jimmy Fallon.
Hard to do, but you're right. That guy isn't funny in the least. I haven't see a decent SNL in a decade or so. A few of the people on there are funny elsewhere, or in movies doing cameos. I saw MacGruber though, and that was definitely cringeworthy.

Wish BTTF would've played around here. Sadly, nada.