View Full Version : Operation Mountain Thrust ... WTF?

14-Jun-2006, 04:05 PM
Who decides on the names of American military operations in Afganistan?

Operation Mountain Thrust sounds like a pr0n video.

14-Jun-2006, 04:13 PM
Well, better Operation Mountain Thrust than Operation Brokeback.... I just had to say it. I couldn't help myself.

14-Jun-2006, 04:13 PM
it' sounds like a brokeback mountain porno parody, to be specific.

yeah, it's dumb.

general tbag
14-Jun-2006, 05:15 PM
operation desert shield always sounded like a arab condom.

14-Jun-2006, 05:20 PM
Yeah...it does soung pretty funny...

I always thought "Shock and Awe" was funny for some reason...

14-Jun-2006, 07:07 PM
Yeah...it does soung pretty funny...

I always thought "Shock and Awe" was funny for some reason...
I want to see Operation: Quagmire Diggity Diggity Diggity:D

14-Jun-2006, 07:08 PM
I want to see Operation Quagmire Diggity Diggity Diggity:D

Nah man...it's pronounced "Giggity";)

That would be a great name for an operation, though...

14-Jun-2006, 07:10 PM
Nah man...it's pronounced "Giggity";)

That would be a great name for an operation, though...
Would they teach the "neck thing" as a distraction during training?:D :D :D

14-Jun-2006, 07:13 PM
Would they teach the "neck thing" as a distraction during training?:D :D :D

Haha...then the enemy would feel sorry for us and just walk away.

"let them be....they don't even realize what's going on"

14-Jun-2006, 07:14 PM
Haha...then the enemy would feel sorry for us and just walk away.

"let them be....they don't even realize what's going on"
WMD - lol

OR.....we "Livings" or "patriots" could play, on loud speakers, the opening to Hooked on a feeling....that would make anyone commit suicide, even yodelling, suicidal towelheads and zombies...
"Ooga Ooga Ooga Chaka Ooga Ooga Ooga Chaka"

14-Jun-2006, 09:17 PM
May as well call it

Operation we're going to T-bag us some Raghead sons of bitches

14-Jun-2006, 11:10 PM
I think we should start using titles from 80s movies. Just imagine...

Operation Teen Wolf
Operation Twins
Operation Kindergarten Cop
Operation Ghostbusters
Operation Caddyshack

and the ultimate insult, who would want to die in Operation Sixteen Candles.

14-Jun-2006, 11:19 PM
I think we should start using titles from 80s movies. Just imagine...

Operation Teen Wolf
Operation Twins
Operation Kindergarten Cop
Operation Ghostbusters
Operation Caddyshack

and the ultimate insult, who would want to die in Operation Sixteen Candles.
you forgot
Operation: Killer Klowns From Outer Space
Operation: Porky's
Operation: Zapped (starring Scott baio)
Operation: Hard Bodies
and, the strategic
Operation: Splash

15-Jun-2006, 12:07 AM
Operation: Porky's

I like the sound of that one.

There could also be Operation: Near Dark(but that actually sounds good)

15-Jun-2006, 12:11 AM
There could also be Operation: Near Dark(but that actually sounds good)
Hell, that's a name that actually makes sense!

What about Operation: Enemy Mine ???