View Full Version : Is there an end?

14-Jun-2006, 07:16 PM
Just a question that always bugged me.

I thought Land would have been GAR's answer to how the zombie plague was giong to end. Even though I dream of a 5th, I wonder.

Is there an end to the zombies? Do they decompose eventually? Or do the dead get back into hell? Or do we nuke the planet to get rid of the whole thing?

14-Jun-2006, 07:20 PM
Just a question that always bugged me.

I thought Land would have been GAR's answer to how the zombie plague was giong to end. Even though I dream of a 5th, I wonder.

Is there an end to the zombies? Do they decompose eventually? Or do the dead get back into hell? Or do we nuke the planet to get rid of the whole thing?
Don't feed them....they will go away. Nature.

14-Jun-2006, 07:35 PM
I'm not so sure that Romero would want to cover that subject. Merely speaking my opinion, but....he seems like the kind of guy to say "Haha...don't you see?....We're all f*cked!"

So that's why I don't think he would make a film covering the end of the dead. Also, we would kind of need to know what made the dead rise in the first place in order for them to be stopped and Romero won't do that...

general tbag
14-Jun-2006, 08:18 PM
not like 28 days later that for sure. i doubt you would ever see a end, major cities would be the worst. i think the best you could hope for a is clearing out a zone large enough for people to exist. maybe over time they all rot, but i think humans would be in such a small number at that point.

14-Jun-2006, 09:07 PM
everyone would have to have a MASSIVE orgy. if we **** enough and make enough more little humans, we could survive and wait for them all to rot.

14-Jun-2006, 09:27 PM
There is an end of the beginning, and a beginning of the end ... how many ends do you need for christ's sake?

14-Jun-2006, 10:36 PM
Well, the original script of Day kind of gives the impression that the plague was over, even though there were still plenty of zombies around. Of course, the original script of Day was not made into a movie, therefore that can not be considered part of the Romero universe.
Bassman says
So that's why I don't think he would make a film covering the end of the dead. Also, we would kind of need to know what made the dead rise in the first place in order for them to be stopped and Romero won't do that...I agree with this. Part of Romero's genius in my opinion is not following the "Hollywood norm", meaning nice tidy ending to a story. The overall story of the zombie problem would seem to be more effective if there never is an "end", keeping the apocalyptic nature of the series alive forever.
Andrenochrome says
Don't feed them....they will go away. Nature.I dont agree with that statement. Logan tells us in Day that they dont need food, but only eat out of instinct, instinct that comes from the "primordial ooze" of our brains. Therefore if they dont get food, its not like they would starve to death, they are already dead. I would think that eventually as decay continues, their bodies would lose cohension and would not be able to move about, but would a pile of puss on the ground still be able to affect the living? Hard to say. Would it seep into the water table and affect that? Dont know. I say it would be possible that once the decay really sets in, if there was proper organization the living could kill off the rest of the Zed's and keep the problem under control. Although, like Logan says, "the time to do that would have been the beginning. You've let them overrun us". I still stand by my belief that Day takes place after Land, and in Day, we get the impression that hardly any humans are left alive on the planet, no enough to repopulate or organize a "get rid of the zombies" effort.

14-Jun-2006, 11:22 PM
Logan tells us in Day that they dont need food, but only eat out of instinct, instinct that comes from the "primordial ooze" of our brains.
My God!!! I forgot about that conversation! You're right!

We're doomed!!!!!!!!:D

15-Jun-2006, 12:24 AM
There is an end of the beginning, and a beginning of the end ... how many ends do you need for christ's sake?

I didn't specify a happy ending. I actually thought it would be pretty cool if they returned to an ending like in "I am Legend". No happy conclusion. Humanity is more effed than they were to start. More about the last man standing going down.

15-Jun-2006, 01:00 AM
I like to sit back and imagine......

Guru ofthe Dead
15-Jun-2006, 05:09 AM
The Dead will stop rising when GAR goes to that great rescue station in the sky. That will be the ending, oh yes their will be others trying to take over, but they will only be poor carbon copies of the man himself. Lets all enjoy his movies however many he makes. If Land is the end remember they all went their separate ways to find a place to live, the Dead and the Living. Could that also be the end that GAR wanted for everyone??????

30-May-2007, 04:18 AM
It felt like in Land of the Dead everything was as under control as it could be. And then what happens? Safety is put into jeopardy and people flee to less populated areas. Its almost like living in the city in real life... its unsafe ...people move to the burbs... but hey trouble much like zombies lurks everywhere and you can't escape it... you just have to learn with it as functionally as possible

30-May-2007, 04:29 AM
The Dead will stop rising when GAR goes to that great rescue station in the sky.

At that point the world may as well be obliterated.
That will be the time.

My God I can't even think such dreadful things... my keyboard is moist with tears...