View Full Version : "V" TV series - Any good?

18-Oct-2010, 12:37 PM
I didn't bother catching it, thinking the reviews were -ve... But it seems I might have been wrong?

Any of you lot watched it?

18-Oct-2010, 01:02 PM
Depends on what you would classify as good. As a big fan of the original series, I started watching this new one with a bit of scepticisim. But, I was actually really suprised by how well it was done. This new series takes a bigger focus on the psycological angle rather than real fighting. The resistance consists of only a handful of people, while the visitors' leader Anna (who I might add does a great performance of an extremely manipulative and ruthless leader that pretends to be extremely heartful and benevolant) paints them as lunatic bigots who are trying to kill the visitors just because they're different.

There's a lot of tension always present throughout the series, as the resistance learns that the visitors have been infiltrating all areas of human life for years, so they can never really be sure who's a human and who's a visitor. Futher more, the series really plays out on an emotional level at quite a few points.

For example, the resistance captures a human operative that had just killed one of their own. When they question him on how he could ever side with the visitors over his own kind, the guy promptly informs them that his daughter had terminal cancer, and that the visitors saved her life. Thus, he can't understand why they would hate the visitors so much.

There's lots of other crazy twists in the overall plot, it's definately worth a look at. I really hope that they keep this series going.

18-Oct-2010, 02:06 PM
Tried to get into it. But lost interest.

18-Oct-2010, 02:35 PM
I watched the fiirst part last week and am very much looking forward to part 2 tonight, i watched the old ones as a kid and loved them, and I'm loving this remake too.

Plus anna is very nice and shapely, alien or not, I'd pound her proper XD

18-Oct-2010, 09:17 PM
I watched the fiirst part last week and am very much looking forward to part 2 tonight, i watched the old ones as a kid and loved them, and I'm loving this remake too.

Plus anna is very nice and shapely, alien or not, I'd pound her proper XD

Morena Baccarin - Hell yes! She steals every secne in "Firefly" with her stunning beauty!

I've not seen any of the new re-imaged "V" yet, I will probably watch it, and if it's worth watching again, I'll splash out on the Blu-Ray.

19-Oct-2010, 04:06 PM

Watched part 2 last night, was great.. i like how its more psychological than the original like rightwing was saying.

20-Oct-2010, 02:36 PM
One of the best scenes with Anna throughout the whole first series. I was wondering in the beginning why the dude was looking so freaked. I love how, even in this moment, she still shows not the slightest hint of emotion.


23-Oct-2010, 05:33 PM
Season two cut from thirteen to ten episodes.


25-Oct-2010, 02:29 PM
The season finale from season 1 really didnt sit well with me. So I am not sure if I am going to like season 2. But I will give it a shot to see what they do with the whole thing.