View Full Version : Fallout: New Vegas

18-Oct-2010, 03:56 PM
I am picking up a copy around midnight. Now where is that loser who betted me $1,000 that this game does not exist?

18-Oct-2010, 04:01 PM
Great timing! I was just reading goggled reviews between working and trolling the forum to try and make sure it'll be at least in a ball park with it's predecessor.

Regardless, I'll be grabbing a copy on my home from work tomorrow.

18-Oct-2010, 04:06 PM
this game is on my radar, as i dig the whole post-apocalyptic vibe and really enjoyed the first (third) fallout game, but i'm holding off to save $ on the inevitable DLC.

looks good from what i've seen so far, interested in some impressions from you guys.

18-Oct-2010, 04:15 PM
Well, really, all I have to say is: here I come hardcore mode! A decision I'm sure I'll regret at various points over the next few months as I slog my way through the (hopefully) monumental pile of content.

18-Oct-2010, 04:31 PM
With Obsidian developing this time around, I'm going to wait for reviews to hit tomorrow before making a purchase. Every game of theirs lately have been buggy messes, but with the groundwork already laid, it shouldn't be too hard for them to make a nice companion piece to Fallout 3.

360 exclusive DLC has just been announced, usually they tell people these things ahead of time:


Bethesda announces 360-exclusive New Vegas DLC
October 18th, 2010 @ 16:07
By Johnny Cullen

Bethesda’s just announced details on 360-exclusive DLC for Fallout: New Vegas.

No details on the DLC itself were given, but the press release said the “first downloadable content” would be exclusive to Xbox Live, which seems to imply more would be coming to other consoles as well.

Info on the content will be “released in the coming weeks.”

“We’re excited to continue the partnership between Bethesda and Microsoft, and build on the success of the game add-ons released for Fallout 3 on Xbox LIVE,” said Bethesda’s US PR boss Pete Hines.

“We have no doubt that gamers will be thrilled with seeing a new add-on pack extend their adventures with Fallout: New Vegas on Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE,” added Microsoft GM product manager for IEB, Matt Barlow.

18-Oct-2010, 04:47 PM
360-exclusive DLC? announced the day before the game even hits store shelves? who didn't see that coming?

*officially waiting till next year on this one*

hell, i may even get a ps3 for a blu-ray player and get the GOTY edition on that console as a big fuck-you to MS and their antics.

18-Oct-2010, 04:56 PM
I want to play New Vegas, but as has been said I'm waiting on reviews and reports back about the stability etc - I might wait a while to make sure it's all patched up, you know? I'd be looking to get it for the PC as well. I've got no interest in playing this on the 360 as I played Fallout 3 (and Brotherhood of Steel, and Point Lookout) on the PC.

18-Oct-2010, 05:04 PM
they're also saying the PC will be mod-able from day one, so the free mods from fans will likely trump most TIMED DLC EXCLUSIVE ONLY ON XBOX LIVE!!!!!! bullshit you pay for.

19-Oct-2010, 12:10 PM
I wonder if the PC version will be free of that DRM bullshit. Fallout 3 didn't have that wank, so hopefully NV won't either. Just a simple CD-Key as printed on the instruction manual with no internet connect required please.

Seriously, that "internet connection required" bullshit has literally stopped me buying a game for the PC. *slow claps* Well done games industry. :rolleyes:

Hopefully, again, NV will be free of such idiocy.

---------- Post added 19-Oct-2010 at 01:10 PM ---------- Previous post was 18-Oct-2010 at 06:29 PM ----------

Well I found out that New Vegas will be using that Steam bullshit as DRM - so for to install it you need fucking Steam and you need to be on-fucking-line to install it. After that you can be offline, but I shouldn't have to be online ever to install the fucking thing on my PC - I just want to play the single player on my PC, which isn't connected to the internet, let alone even in the same room (or floor) of the house as the internet connection.

Seriously, this online activation stuff is horse shit. :mad:

Fallout 3 didn't need Steam, so why does New Vegas? How about they fuck off instead?

Fucking DRM...:rant:

19-Oct-2010, 12:26 PM
To be honest the further fallout whent on the more disenfranchised i got, same with dead rising. i enjoyed point lookout but the other dlc's were kind of lame. i loved what little of the retro 50's pleasantville gone nuclear stuff was in there, but they took wasteland to literally and it felt more cut and pastey than morrowind.

So far vegas looks like a lengthy expansion and nothing more, though if its different i will be very pleasantly surprised.

19-Oct-2010, 01:26 PM
Fallout 3 was one of the buggiest games ever made...but some of the glitches were goddamn hilarious. I remember one time i had VATS shot a super mutant up close in the face with a shotgun, and his entire body just distorted and lengthened, and then flew about 500 feet in the air, before hitting the ground in a huge pile of too long limbs and broken textures. Or characters just fucking disappearing, or walking through walls, or losing their faces when talking so they were just a set of eyes and lips speaking to you. What a buggy glitchy mess, but it was all too funny for me to really hold against it.

19-Oct-2010, 01:58 PM
Anyone actually play the game yet? Looking for reactions.

19-Oct-2010, 03:04 PM
Anyone actually play the game yet? Looking for reactions.

I was going to pick it up last night, but was not feeling well, so I went to bed. I will purchase a copy within the next 2 to 4 hours. Gamestop has a trade special for Fallout, Fable, and Star Wars for this month.

19-Oct-2010, 03:48 PM
Two observations.

1) Hellsing's moaning about it ... I'm shocked. *sarcasm mode off* :elol::p:D

2) Fallout 3 being buggy - I experienced the odd bug here and there, but when I was playing it they'd released all the patches for it, so it was stable and didn't really have too much that was wrong with it. Some things but not a lot. Perhaps it was a mess when first launched, but the updates provided me with a solid gaming experience.

I really enjoyed Fallout 3, and was looking forward to getting NV on PC ... but that bullshit Steam crap can fuck right off, and has therefore forced me to not buy it. *slow claps* Well done gaming industry. Well done indeed. :rolleyes::rant::rolleyes:

19-Oct-2010, 03:55 PM
Two observations.

1) Hellsing's moaning about it ... I'm shocked. *sarcasm mode off* :elol::p:D

Hey i'm a big longtime fan of bethesda games and they followed up oblivion with fallout 3. which was honestly a step down.

darth los
19-Oct-2010, 04:06 PM
Anyone actually play the game yet? Looking for reactions.

Nah buddy. That's the only downside to gamefly. It normally ships the day before release, in this case monday.

I shouldhave it by wed. or thur. So hit me up on live and I'll fill you in on the juicy details.

But like hells said Oblivion is the standard so imma take it with a grain of salt.


19-Oct-2010, 07:08 PM
Hey i'm a big longtime fan of bethesda games and they followed up oblivion with fallout 3. which was honestly a step down.

I got bored with Oblivion less than halfway through it, Fallout 3 kept me enthralled for it's entirety. Not to say Oblivion is a bad game, but I think Bethesda really nailed that sense of wonder and exploration in that post-apocalyptic DC we all know and love. Not to mention VATS is just about the greatest thing ever.

Anyway, early reviews are confirming my fears; New Vegas is just as, if not more buggy than F3:

Giant Bomb - 4 out of 5 (http://www.giantbomb.com/fallout-new-vegas/61-25933/reviews/)

Fallout: New Vegas somehow manages to have even more technical problems than Fallout 3 did, but its great characters and setting still shine through.

gamershell.com - 7 (http://www.gamershell.com/xbox360/fallout_new_vegas/review.html)

New Vegas is a proclaimed non-sequel, and it shows. By bringing little else new to the experience and with it being as buggy as ever, New Vegas could have been adequate as a smaller-sized expansion disc. Instead, it's a game where the play clock is measured in time spent plodding through loading screens and not actually doing much.

GamePro - 9 (http://www.gamepro.com/article/reviews/216971/fallout-new-vegas)

This laundry list of complaints might seem like a game breaker, but that I could suffer through them repeatedly during my marathon New Vegas weekend and still walk away feeling not only satisfied but hungry for more says something about the power of the formula that Bethesda has crafted.

IGN UK - 9.0 (http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/112/1128811p1.html)

It's a game we've been wanting to play for more than a decade, a real modern re-imagining of the Fallout series, complete with that deliciously black humour. But it's also more of the same, aesthetically and technically identical to Fallout 3, wonky facial animation and all.

Eurogamer - 9 (http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2010-10-19-fallout-new-vegas-review)

Obsidian has created a totally compelling world and its frustrations pale into insignificance compared to the immersive, obsessive experience on offer. Just like the scorched scenery that provides its epic backdrop, New Vegas is huge and sprawling, sometimes gaudy, even downright ugly at times – but always effortlessly, shamelessly entertaining.

Still, it looks like a solid purchase if you can look past the technical problems. Hopefully a patch will be out soon to address these issues.

19-Oct-2010, 07:51 PM
I have it in hand.

19-Oct-2010, 08:01 PM
I have it in hand.

But enough about that...how's the game?

(If you folks are gonna keep feedin' me straight lines...)

19-Oct-2010, 08:02 PM
I got bored with Oblivion less than halfway through it, Fallout 3 kept me enthralled for it's entirety. Not to say Oblivion is a bad game, but I think Bethesda really nailed that sense of wonder and exploration in that post-apocalyptic DC we all know and love. Not to mention VATS is just about the greatest thing ever.

See i got bored of the world quickly. far too much was copy and pasted from the 4 building pallets and BROWN, BROWN E'RRY'WHERE ALL DAY ERRY'DAY whereas oblivions world was so varied, from swamps to rolling plains the verdant forests or snowy mountaintops and even the realms inside the oblivion gates and how every city had unique architecture and themes and there were stories you could never see like becoming an assassin trapped in a house with 5 people and having to kill them all off without giving yourself away and turning them on each other or going inside an oil painting to find its artist which only serve upon reflection to further pale "kill x or go to x or collect x" there was no variety in fallout and its story fell completely flat even against the so-so fantasy of oblivion.

19-Oct-2010, 08:03 PM
I got out of the office earlier and grabbed it, myself. So, we'll see.

I'm not overly worried with glitches, as long as I can play the game to start and any big stuff gets ironed out, as we go. My biggest issues with tech problems on something like this are the sort that cost me lost mission completions or game play time. I had one of those in FO 3 and it definitely annoyed me, but that was a drop in the bucket for the many hours of gameplay I enjoyed otherwise. I got close to 140 hours out of that game with hardly trying and that's not bad for the investment. I just hope FONV is in the same ballpark.

19-Oct-2010, 08:25 PM
I agree about Oblivian, because I lost interest after 100 hrs into it. I picked it up, again recently and beat Knights of Nine & Shivering Isles. I am at the end of the main quest.

I have not played Fallout, yet. I cleared my cache and installed it as a precaution. I will play it in a few minutes. I will mention that the level cap is already set at 30.

19-Oct-2010, 08:28 PM
I will mention that the level cap is already set at 30.

I didn't expect that! Hopefully that bodes well for the amount of in-game content.

20-Oct-2010, 10:03 AM
I'm not surprised it's buggy from the get-go, and if I ever do get it, it'll be somewhere down the line when several patches have been released and it's working smoothly (just like I did for Fallout 3) - however, the inclusion of goddamned Steam into the mix as the DRM has properly pissed me off. That'd mean me lugging my "black beast" Quad Core (which is fucking heavy too) downstairs, then unplugging all the wires from one computer and then plugging them all into that one, changing the screen resolution (from 4x3 to widescreen, and remembering to change it back before taking it upstairs ... an annoying mistake I made when I originally got the rig), installing it and doing the Steam bullshit - making sure it was actually in offline mode (I got locked out of Half-Life 2 entirely randomly because of Steam and didn't have that rig online either) - and then lugging it all back upstairs again and plugging it all back in again just so I can play the goddamned single player campaign.

I don't know about you, but that's fucking bullshit. There should be a way of installing such a game on a computer that isn't connected to the internet, and instead using some sort of challenge code connected to your email address or something, so you don't have to physically lug the computer it's installed on to where your internet is ... and fuck that wireless shit too.

20-Oct-2010, 11:13 AM
I'm not surprised it's buggy from the get-go, and if I ever do get it, it'll be somewhere down the line when several patches have been released and it's working smoothly (just like I did for Fallout 3) - however, the inclusion of goddamned Steam into the mix as the DRM has properly pissed me off. That'd mean me lugging my "black beast" Quad Core (which is fucking heavy too) downstairs, then unplugging all the wires from one computer and then plugging them all into that one, changing the screen resolution (from 4x3 to widescreen, and remembering to change it back before taking it upstairs ... an annoying mistake I made when I originally got the rig), installing it and doing the Steam bullshit - making sure it was actually in offline mode (I got locked out of Half-Life 2 entirely randomly because of Steam and didn't have that rig online either) - and then lugging it all back upstairs again and plugging it all back in again just so I can play the goddamned single player campaign.

I don't know about you, but that's fucking bullshit. There should be a way of installing such a game on a computer that isn't connected to the internet, and instead using some sort of challenge code connected to your email address or something, so you don't have to physically lug the computer it's installed on to where your internet is ... and fuck that wireless shit too.

I know you say "fuck that wireless shit too" but isn't it easier to spent 10 quid on a cheap wireless key than go through all that every time you play a DRM enabled game?!

---------- Post added at 12:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:10 PM ----------

Jury's out on this one for me - what with all the overhyping in games reviews, I'll wait til some of you guys review it before shelling out.

On the plus side, it's not Halo or COD so buying it on release date isn't necessarily important - with big online games like Halo or whatever it's nice to get in early for some online action and not 2 years down the line when the community has tailed off somewhat - but in this case, as a massive single player game, I'm happy to hold fire until it either gets cheaper or gets massively great reviews.

20-Oct-2010, 11:25 AM
While I'm a big fan of the Fallout universe, going to wait on Fallout: New Vegas.

Felt burned after purchasing Fallout 3 on launch day. Lack of video card support, bugs that took months to fix, and paid DLC content.

This time will wait a year for the Fallout: New Vegas GOTY edition.

20-Oct-2010, 12:02 PM
This time will wait a year for the Fallout: New Vegas GOTY edition.

smart move, sir. same thing i'm planning on doing.

20-Oct-2010, 12:43 PM
This time will wait a year for the Fallout: New Vegas GOTY edition.

smart move, sir. same thing i'm planning on doing.



20-Oct-2010, 02:24 PM
Here's the deal guys. Btw, bitch, whine, moan.

If you loved Fallout 3, then you will enjoy this game. If you hated Fallout 3, then stay away from the game, because it plays the same. If you enjoyed the game, but felt burned because of you paid for dlc, then wait a year.

Personally, I have wittnessed very little glitching. A little bit of a slow down when entering certain areas. Kind in mind, this is after a cleaned cache and install. I am really enjoying the game. There is even a hardcore mode that is more realistic. Thirst, ammo weight, slow health regeneration, and fatigue are all factors in H.C. mode.

20-Oct-2010, 03:21 PM
Hear's the deal guys. Btw, bitch, whine, moan.

If you loved Fallout 3, then you will enjoy this game. If you hated Fallout 3, then stay away from the game, because it plays the same.

All true.

Well, so far--from what I can tell--the changes are small but great. I've not had any glitches thus far and the new little quirks they added seem to allow you to micromanage and optimize by way of some minor crafting elements, without making the micromanagement & crafting a necessity.

I have only one minor reservation, but it's instinctual and not based on enough data or firsthand experience, so I won't even share it at this point.

Additionally, hardcore mode has, so far, added a nice depth to the game, but not been a problem for me yet. If you get in a cycle the eating, hydrating and sleeping and then eating and hydrating when you can in the field it isn't too bad (at least at the early--not heavily equipped--stage of the game). I only slept twice last night (probably 6 hours of game time) and none of that was sleep I felt forced upon me, just grabbing it when I could.

If you really liked Fallout 3, then you would probably have enjoyed the game play experience I had last night. I'm dying to go back into the wastes tonight, but my experience and level (just 3, thus far) still feel very limited, like I've just scratched the surface, and that's just the sort of feeling I wanted after a first evening of gaming.

20-Oct-2010, 03:36 PM
I know you say "fuck that wireless shit too" but isn't it easier to spent 10 quid on a cheap wireless key than go through all that every time you play a DRM enabled game?!

I'm sure it would be, but the real root of the problem is: there should be no DRM to begin with. It doesn't work, and it doesn't stop piracy. It punishes LEGIT users, so what's the point of it all? and why should anyone have to spend more money just to play a game they're already paying too much for to begin with?

That's not directed at your Symphonic, just stating a point about this bullshit DRM garbage. When will these companies realize it's like putting a band-aid on cancer?

I'm this close to never buying a DRM'd game again. This shit is getting out of hand. Actually, I may have already done that in the past, but I'm not admitting nothin'! :shifty:

As far as Fallout New Vegas - I'll get around to it eventually... my son was WAY into Fallout 3, so we'll see how it goes.

20-Oct-2010, 04:05 PM
thanks for the brief impressions, slick and aces.

really looking forward to playing this....next year.:|

20-Oct-2010, 04:07 PM
really looking forward to playing this....next year.:|

I'm doing the same thing with more and more games myself nowadays. I'll mention it in this thread if anything pops up that really irks me about game play on this one.

20-Oct-2010, 04:16 PM
while fallout 3 was probably the most engaging game i played when it came out and i got every single achievement and scoured every bit of the wastelands, i still feel cheated by the fact that i paid so much for the full experience compared to just sitting it out a year and saving 50 bucks.

and fuck the argument (and those who make it) about it being a privilege or a benefit to be able to play the game/DLC earlier than everybody who waits for the GOTY edition. it's the same game/experience, whether you play it a year after it comes out or during the first few weeks/months of release. so why pay more?

20-Oct-2010, 04:35 PM
I'm sure it would be, but the real root of the problem is: there should be no DRM to begin with. It doesn't work, and it doesn't stop piracy. It punishes LEGIT users, so what's the point of it all? and why should anyone have to spend more money just to play a game they're already paying too much for to begin with?

That's not directed at your Symphonic, just stating a point about this bullshit DRM garbage. When will these companies realize it's like putting a band-aid on cancer?

I'm this close to never buying a DRM'd game again. This shit is getting out of hand. Actually, I may have already done that in the past, but I'm not admitting nothin'! :shifty:

As far as Fallout New Vegas - I'll get around to it eventually... my son was WAY into Fallout 3, so we'll see how it goes.

You've said it for me there Lou.

I shouldn't have to buy a wireless set up, nor deal with that wank in the first place anyway, just to play the single player campaign of a game I'd be purchasing legally. I meant WTF?!

DRM has stopped me buying PC games in the past, and well, it's stopping me buying NV right now ... perhaps they'll wise up when the GOTY edition comes out, eh? Fallout 3 didn't need that shit, so why does this one? :rockbrow:

DRM is utterly stupid, and annoying, and there's absolutely no provision made for people whose gaming rigs aren't connected to the internet (let alone in the same room, or even floor of the house, as the internet connection). I shouldn't be forced to go wireless, and all the problems and consumed time that would introduce, or lug my quad core around the house, just to install a goddamned videogame that I purchased legally.

As such, the devs have lost out on my money, and I won't be the only one. :mad:

I'm off to look at my wish list and see if any of the PC games on it are free of DRM bullshit ... if there's one there I'll buy that instead.

I mostly game on 360 these days, but now and then I would like a PC gaming experience, but this DRM stuff flat out IS stopping me from purchasing certain titles. Utterly ludicrous.

20-Oct-2010, 05:29 PM
Wow, new Fallout! Totally got under my radar. Steam or no steam, I'm getting this. F3 was one of theh most absorbing games I've ever played.

It was also one of the most stable too. never had a days problem with it.

20-Oct-2010, 05:35 PM
New game feature.

Town/gang/ etc will either like or dislike you depending on your actions. It is even listed on the map. Liked/Neutral/Vilified

21-Oct-2010, 12:53 PM
I'm sure it would be, but the real root of the problem is: there should be no DRM to begin with. It doesn't work, and it doesn't stop piracy. It punishes LEGIT users, so what's the point of it all? and why should anyone have to spend more money just to play a game they're already paying too much for to begin with?

That's not directed at your Symphonic, just stating a point about this bullshit DRM garbage. When will these companies realize it's like putting a band-aid on cancer?

I'm this close to never buying a DRM'd game again. This shit is getting out of hand. Actually, I may have already done that in the past, but I'm not admitting nothin'! :shifty:

As far as Fallout New Vegas - I'll get around to it eventually... my son was WAY into Fallout 3, so we'll see how it goes.

As a non PC gamer, I can't relate too much - although I heard the DMR for Assassin's Creed 2 was particularly awful with the user needing to be online before it'll work - is this the same idea?

---------- Post added at 01:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:50 PM ----------

You've said it for me there Lou.

I shouldn't have to buy a wireless set up, nor deal with that wank in the first place anyway, just to play the single player campaign of a game I'd be purchasing legally. I meant WTF?!

DRM has stopped me buying PC games in the past, and well, it's stopping me buying NV right now ... perhaps they'll wise up when the GOTY edition comes out, eh? Fallout 3 didn't need that shit, so why does this one? :rockbrow:

DRM is utterly stupid, and annoying, and there's absolutely no provision made for people whose gaming rigs aren't connected to the internet (let alone in the same room, or even floor of the house, as the internet connection). I shouldn't be forced to go wireless, and all the problems and consumed time that would introduce, or lug my quad core around the house, just to install a goddamned videogame that I purchased legally.

As such, the devs have lost out on my money, and I won't be the only one. :mad:

I'm off to look at my wish list and see if any of the PC games on it are free of DRM bullshit ... if there's one there I'll buy that instead.

I mostly game on 360 these days, but now and then I would like a PC gaming experience, but this DRM stuff flat out IS stopping me from purchasing certain titles. Utterly ludicrous.

I garner from this that you need to be connected to the net 100% of the time you're playing the game? I agree this makes no provisions for offline gamers...what an absolute nightmare...! Personally I couldn't see myself having a HUGE problem for it, as my set up would let me play those kind of games easily and would jump through the hoops they are asking for - however, your situation doesn't seem like much fun just for the right to play a game you've blatantly just purchased from a shop...I felt the same when I had to upgrade my win98 to winxp just to get my ipod working, ugh.

21-Oct-2010, 01:13 PM
Symph - yeah, there's that ridiculous Ubisoft 'always online' nonsense DRM, but even Steam (which seems to be the most common), you have to "activate online" ... they boast about it being "one time only online activation" but that's bullshit cos Steam is rubbish anyway and will probably screw up your settings and forget you've set it to "offline mode" (which happened to me on HL2), but you also have to connect that one time to install the ruddy game - and being that my rig isn't in the same room or floor of the house as the non-wireless internet, then that would require dragging the thing and plugging it all in in another room just for the ruddy game ... and what's more, if you wanted to update the game you'd have to connect to Steam to get the downloads (no more .exe files for the updates with the likes of Steam :mad:), so you're screwed again.

They should sort this shit out and make a proper way for offline PC gamers to install their LEGALLY PURCHASED games onto their rig to play single player as they wish to, same goes for update files. I'm stunned they haven't bothered, because it's forcing people like me to either pirate the games (the total opposite effect DRM is supposed to have) or flat out NOT GET THE GAME AT ALL.

Looking at my back catalogue wish list for PC games, the only two titles without DRM needing you to be online in some form or another, is the most recent STALKER game (Call of Pripyat) and Bad Company 2 (which lets you choose online or offline install methods apparently).

21-Oct-2010, 02:44 PM
They should sort this shit out and make a proper way for offline PC gamers to install their LEGALLY PURCHASED games onto their rig to play single player as they wish to, same goes for update files. I'm stunned they haven't bothered, because it's forcing people like me to either pirate the games (the total opposite effect DRM is supposed to have) or flat out NOT GET THE GAME AT ALL.

Exactly - I bet you 50% of the people pirate these games simply because of the DRM.

It's sure doing it's job, that DRM crap, eh? :rolleyes:

21-Oct-2010, 02:53 PM
The glitches I have found so far. A little bit of slow down when you move to certain areas. The gun jerks a bit when examining something. A few minor freeze ups. One freeze up that caused me to restart.

21-Oct-2010, 03:08 PM
The glitches I have found so far....
For the 360 I have had some of the same as follows:

A little bit of slow down when you move to certain areas.
I have noticed a slight slow down in some instances, as well. Slight for me, but sometimes I would get that in FO3, as well.

The gun jerks a bit when examining something.
I noticed that this will happen on occasion, too. A little annoying, especially at first, then I got used to zooming for a split second and releasing, which tends to pop the rifle back out of the way when I shift back in to normal view.

A few minor freeze ups. One freeze up that caused me to restart.
None for me yet.

I didn't get FO3 anywhere near release, so I don't know if these sorts of issues were present pre-patch for that game, as well. Nothing too bad for me, so far.

I only have one real concern and it's still all based on anecdotal experiences so far and taste oriented, so I'll chime in with that if it seems founded after more than the little game play I've put in to date.

21-Oct-2010, 04:08 PM
Exactly - I bet you 50% of the people pirate these games simply because of the DRM.

It's sure doing it's job, that DRM crap, eh? :rolleyes:

In fact it's made me entirely fed up with the PC gaming market almost entirely now. I've had enough of this DRM bullshit, this insistence on using Steam bullshit, on the sheer difficulty in finding patches (Call of Pripyat for example is impossible to find patches for, unless you want it in German or Russian), and Bad Company 2 on the PC has a patch which only a few places have, and takes forever to download (because it's like 835mb in size!) ... so as a result of this sheer amount of faffing involved even in games without DRM, I've said FUCK YOU to the PC gaming world until they can sort themselves out.

Seriously. FUCK IT.

And I was quite looking forward to playing New Vegas on the PC as well ... and same for a whole host of other games, but the DRM/Steam issue poked it's clodhopper bully boots into everything and forced me away. *does a very sarcastic slow clap* Well done PC gaming industry, really, bravo... :whatever::fin::fork::mad:

21-Oct-2010, 04:46 PM
i'm not into PC gaming at all, never have been. this DRM thing is really raising a red flag. can someone break it down barney-style for a total PC-gaming virgin like myself?

i'm looking at getting that "dead state" game when it drops, and am thinking maybe new vegas on PC may be a better choice than giving any more money to MS.

on related note, i really am about to come to a head with MS over their bullshit antics. been looking into upgrading my tv set and getting on the blu-ray bandwagon, so i'm being tempted by the ps3....i'll still keep the xbox, but i'm really starting to hate MS and their "ONLY ON XBOX LIVE" bullshit and honestly feel they are fucking up the gaming industry these days.

21-Oct-2010, 05:21 PM
i'm not into PC gaming at all, never have been. this DRM thing is really raising a red flag. can someone break it down barney-style for a total PC-gaming virgin like myself?

My basic take on it...

It's the company you bought the game from forcing you to connect to a site/set of servers for verification that you've bought an actual, legal copy of the game. This is done either during a phase of accessing the game (every time you boot the game up, for example) or continuously, the whole duration throughout the game play, basically forcing clients to rely on a third party program and set of servers (which can go down or have their own problems which mean you can't play the game while their having the tech issue on their side). You also have a problem playing the game if you don't have an internet connection, either because you can't do the one-time authentication DRM or you can't get regular updates/authentication from the servers for the games that require frequent or constant authentication.

All of this is done to help ensure pirates don't access the server, but it doesn't really help the problem and only really inconveniences honest paying customers.

Someone will come along and explain more eloquently than I just did. I only do a little PC gaming right now.

Please note that not all games have stringent DRM authentication, so check up on the game you're interested in as it progresses, or see if the company putting it out has a history of pain in the ass digital rights management policies/platforms.

21-Oct-2010, 05:24 PM
that does clear it up a bit, doug. thanks for the info.

maybe i'll get the ps3 version of new vegas then, that sounds like a big hassle, unless it's a one-time verification.

21-Oct-2010, 05:30 PM
that does clear it up a bit, doug. thanks for the info.

maybe i'll get the ps3 version of new vegas then, that sounds like a big hassle, unless it's a one-time verification.

I think Slick Willy got the game for PC, so he should be able to say for certain what they're using. I tuned out some of the above DRM debate, because I wasn't going to buy it for PC and it didn't pertain to me, so it might also be mentioned by people who researched it earlier in the thread.

Now I'm curious about it too, so I'll go take a look.

21-Oct-2010, 05:32 PM
The trouble is, almost every single PC gaming coming out or out now either uses Steam or an even worse form of DRM. It's a total inconvenience for paying customers, and it's a full-on roadblock to anyone who doesn't have their gaming rig online. In short - utter bullshit.

Well summed up Aces.

21-Oct-2010, 06:36 PM
Someone will come along and explain more eloquently than I just did. I only do a little PC gaming right now.

No Aces, I think you hit the nail square on the head. Great summary of the DRM bullshit, and it saved me from typing it as mine probably would've contained a lot more four-letter words. :thumbsup:

22-Oct-2010, 01:06 AM
on the sheer difficulty in finding patches (Call of Pripyat for example is impossible to find patches for, unless you want it in German or Russian), and Bad Company 2 on the PC has a patch which only a few places have, and takes forever to download (because it's like 835mb in size!)

All you'll ever need for patches.


22-Oct-2010, 02:04 AM
My copy is for the 360.

22-Oct-2010, 02:11 AM
Regarding the patch:


As you may have seen, we released a patch over Steam for PC users last night. While we didn’t release a full changelist, the patch contains quest and scripting fixes. It’s not a minor hotfix, it contains over 200 fixes in all. We are in the final stages of testing this update on both 360 and PS3 and we hope to have them out to users very soon.

We are also pleased to say that we have just released a second fix for PC users to address the autosave and quicksave issues that some people were encountering. That particular issue was never seen prior to release and it was extremely difficult to reproduce reliably, even after the game had launched. In order to fix this problem we have had to disable Steam Cloud functionality. It has been turned off, and we won't turn it back on until we're absolutely sure it will not cause any more problems. Please restart your Steam client to make sure you get the update.

We are also working directly with hardware manufacturers to improve performance for certain video cards. This is a driver issue, and not directly related to the game.

On consoles, we are aware that a small group of 360 users are seeing a DLC warning which is preventing you from loading save games. We are absolutely looking into this bug now, along with other reports of save game corruption. It is our highest priority right now that we find out what is causing it. In the meantime, we recommend you save often, and revert to an older save if this occurs.

As far as general memory and instability, you should see an improvement once the patch goes live, but we are continuing to work on this based on user feedback.

We want everyone to know that we are monitoring the forums and cataloging every single issue we see reported. We’re reading forum posts, we’re checking Twitter, and we’re reading Facebook comments. We aren’t able to reply to most threads, but we’re listening. If we see an issue, we have people here trying to reproduce it so we can fix it.

While there are definitely legitimate issues out there, we wanted to take a moment to address a couple of things that have been reported as “bugs.”

The now infamous Doc Mitchell video, while very funny (and horrifying) was not a bug. Unfortunately during our launch day, there was a brief window where Steam was pushing out corrupt or incorrect files. In the event that a user wound up with a corrupt meshes.bsa file, they would get that error. It was easily (and instantly) corrected by simply re-validating your files with Steam. At most, a handful of people ever saw that issue, and even then, only for a moment before fixing it.

We have seen forum posts where people are claiming they are not getting all of their perks. Again, this is not a bug. In Fallout: New Vegas, you receive perks every other level, not every level as you do in Fallout 3.

And finally, a quick tip: Be aware of your faction status before assuming the game is broken. Factions will react very strongly to you based on your current armor. If you’re wearing Powder Ganger or Caesar’s Legion armor, you will be shot on sight by the NCR (and vice versa). Also note that there are groups of renegade Powder Gangers (known simply as “Escaped Convicts”) who will shoot you regardless of your faction status.

Please post any issues you are having to our forums and we’ll do our best to fix them as quickly as possible.


The Fallout: New Vegas Teams at Obsidian and Bethesda

Hopefully it gets released asap, I'll probably pick up the game once it's out.

22-Oct-2010, 10:28 AM
All you'll ever need for patches.


No patches for Call of Pripyat on there, and the entries for Bad Company 2 are the ones I already knew of. Doesn't matter anyway, I've given up on PC gaming (new games, not existing ones I have) until this DRM and Steam bullshit has all the wankery removed.

22-Oct-2010, 11:33 AM
Ah sorry. Yes there's only German, Polish, Czech and Russian patches for that Call of Pripyat yoke (whatever it is). Are you sure that an English patch is out? That site is usually excellent.

Also, I wouldn't hold your breath on DRM wankery being disposed of anytime soon MZ. The "suits" seem to have convinced software house that it's "essential".

I actually don't mind Steam (but it really pissed me off 5 years ago, when I had no home web connection. But, Ubisoft's "always connected" bollocks really is taking the piss big time. How anybody managed to convince them that that was a good idea, I'll never know. Absolutely remarkable.

22-Oct-2010, 11:37 AM
New game feature.

Town/gang/ etc will either like or dislike you depending on your actions. It is even listed on the map. Liked/Neutral/Vilified

This would happen in Fallout 3, as well.

22-Oct-2010, 12:35 PM
This would happen in Fallout 3, as well.

They expanded on the feature.

22-Oct-2010, 12:40 PM
It wouldn't be so bad if Steam had a way for people - who don't have their gaming rigs online - to install the game purely in an offline capacity without having to go online, and also be able to download the updates in the form of a .exe file that you can transfer from your internet rig to your gaming rig.

But noooooooooooooooooo - everybody in my position is forgotten about, and so they lose sales. It makes no sense at all ... and yes, Ubisoft's "always on" bullshit is the epitome of how not to do DRM, but even Steam is full of problems and flaws, especially for folk like me.

22-Oct-2010, 05:32 PM
Received an update. Most likely a patch.

22-Oct-2010, 09:48 PM
Couldn't wait any longer, just got home with my copy :hyper:

Can't wait to wander the wasteland.

23-Oct-2010, 12:50 AM
as for the western wastelands, for those of you who've played, what are your impressions of that?

see, i enjoyed fallout 3's wasteland cuz there were small towns, the dc area itself, a large river, hills, etc.

seems like new vegas would basically just be a large city in the middle of a big empty desert. is this the case?

23-Oct-2010, 03:20 PM
Hmmm...isn't Las Vegas actually in a large desert?

I was going to go get mine today, but it's been pissing down all day.

Fecking Ireland :rant:

25-Oct-2010, 12:28 AM
It pretty much looks like Fallout 3 outsite of the city. I have not reached the big city, yet. Also, beware of Vault 34.

25-Oct-2010, 12:35 AM
The "Wild Wasteland" perk is pretty great, I've run into a few goofy/awesome things already :D

The charred remains of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, for one. Also, near the beginning of the the on the side of the highway, there's a refrigerator with the skeleton of Indiana Jones inside. Yes, you can take his hat.

25-Oct-2010, 03:51 AM
The charred remains of Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru, for one. Also, near the beginning of the the on the side of the highway, there's a refrigerator with the skeleton of Indiana Jones inside. Yes, you can take his hat.

Oh now THAT is funny!!!

26-Oct-2010, 10:13 AM
WOOHOO! A buddy of mine bought this game not knowing that it was an RPG (I guess he games under a rock) and completely hates it. So, he told me if I get him a new copy of GTA IV ($19.99) he'll give me his barely-played copy of New Vegas ($59.99).

30-Oct-2010, 12:06 PM
Yeah, I decided to give this one a rent as well. I was shafted on the "Special Edition" last time, yeah, I have a bobble head and lunch box, but the game is buggy as all hell and I'll be damned if I'm buying any DLC or GOTY edition. I've already spent 80 bucks on the thing already, ya know?

As for New Vegas, yeah, it's a bit of an improvement over Fallout 3. I played through the campaign, siding with the NCR and doing some sidequests before it had to be returned. It did hold my attention, which is something that F3 always had trouble doing, because of the shoddy controls and lack of iron sights. And while New Vegas does have iron sights, it can be hard to use them when the action gets hectic and the framerate drops.

If you liked F3, you'll probably dig this one and there could be alot more under the surface that I didn't get to see, but honestly, it almost feels like an expansion pack for F3..which felt like an expansion/mod/re-skin of Oblivion.


Take it for what it is I reckon.

30-Oct-2010, 04:39 PM
Add me to the growing list of people on 360 who have had their save games corrupted by the DLC bug. Had I known it was triggered by the "Come Fly With Me" quest, I would've never done it. Now all but one of my save files are borked, so I'm not playing it until Bethesda/Obsidian patches it.

Technical issues aside, the game is fantastic. I just wish their quality assurance department actually played the game before shipping it. :(

30-Oct-2010, 11:57 PM
Same thing happened to me with the Thorn quest. Luckily, I made multiple saves. The game froze during an auto-save. If I try to reload the game, then it would lock up as soon as the loading was finished.

01-Nov-2010, 03:31 PM
I didn't know "Come Fly With Me" could trigger a corruption? Thankfully it didn't happen to me. Also, I've got 4 save spots on top of the auto-save that I am constantly rotating saving with. Like once every 30-45 minutes. This is also perfect if you make a decision in a quest that you find to be pretty terrible, you can revert and do the opposite.

darth los
01-Nov-2010, 03:34 PM
Un fortunately most of the side quests are terrible.

This is a bad, glitchy game nothing like it's predecesor or oblivion, imo.

I sent it back to gamefly after 2 days if trying to give it a go. Just couldn't get into it.

That is all.


01-Nov-2010, 04:34 PM
Huh. I've been loving this game.

Then again, I haven't had to deal with the ant nectar addiction bug or the two mission lines with the known (confirmed?) save file corruption issues.

01-Nov-2010, 04:46 PM
Un fortunately most of the side quests are terrible.

This is a bad, glitchy game nothing like it's predecesor or oblivion, imo.

While the game is very glitchy, I couldn't disagree more. The writing and voice acting are a big step up from Fallout 3. As far as it being "nothing like it's predecessor", what are you smoking? It's basically Fallout 3 with small improvements all over the place (more guns, iron sights, new companions, etc.). If anything I'd be disappointed that they're so similiar; thankfully I love the worlds they've created. The game engine definitely needs an update, though.

01-Nov-2010, 05:44 PM
Being able to have multiple companions follow you around has been awesome and saved my ass on more than one occasion.

I feel like the story and side-quests are far more engrossing than Fallout 3, which I loved, so this game is absolutely incredible to me.

01-Nov-2010, 05:51 PM
Seeing as Steam has stopped me from getting this game for the PC (fuck you DRM bullshit), I've gone back to Fallout 3 for a quick bash-through replay - this time though I'm playing as a complete bastard. After getting my plot lead in Megaton I went on a spree and then blew it up. :elol:

02-Nov-2010, 12:26 PM
I snagged this on Saturday and plan to ruin a few weekends with it. I absolutely loved F3, but didn't care for Oblivion. I'm frankly kinda scared of the glitches Im hearing about though. I had a lot of heartache due to freezing up while in vats with F3 so I'm understandably scared. Buuuuut... I loved the last one too much not to try New Vegas.

darth los
02-Nov-2010, 03:46 PM
Well, I wasn't a big fan of the first one either, so maybe that's it.

Just can't get into it. As you can see from my gamercard I'd rather play a 4 year old oblivion. :rolleyes:


03-Nov-2010, 06:56 AM
Been having a blast with New Vegas. Although, I'm really upset that in order to get all of the achievements you have to play through the game 4 times. Either that or keep a very strategic set-up of save files, which you would only know how to keep if you were reading spoilers.

03-Nov-2010, 08:56 AM
Also been having a blast with this one. Got bored of Reach and wanted to mill around quietly in a game building up a character...NV has certainly helped with that craving. It takes about an hour or so to get over the fact that this game is NO DIFFERENT from it's predecessor in so many areas - I know people have been talking about the re-use of the colour palette but the argument seems to have forgotten to mention that its not just the palette but the SPRITES too! The lockers, desks, doors, etc are all exactly copy and pasted from Fallout 3 - a little variation or modification would have been nice!

I'm already on level 10 and the system is capped at 30 - which I have always found to be the biggest pain in these type of games - I'd like to be able to level up way past normal when I've completed the main campaign.

Still very much enjoying it though - trying to earn my way onto the strip without paying that damn robot 2000 caps!

And that's the other issue I remember having with these games - avoiding the main campaign! the game isn't playable when the main campaign has ended so it can be quite challenging to explore the game without actually having unlocked the areas for exploration to begin with - side stepping as much as possible to ensure I dont end up completing the game like I did with my first playthrough of F3 - and on my second play through I was so good at avoiing the main campaign that I leveled up to maximum having only done about 20% of the main storyline - leaving me no incentive to complete the game because I'd reached the most powerful I could be!

Still, very enjoyable and a nice nice break from Halo so I'm happy :)

03-Nov-2010, 06:10 PM
Still very much enjoying it though - trying to earn my way onto the strip without paying that damn robot 2000 caps!

This is how I did it:

Do some work for The Kings (located right by the entrance to the strip). If you do good, THE King will offer you one favor. Of the choices of favors to pick, you can choose for him to get you a passport for the strip.

03-Nov-2010, 06:39 PM
This is how I did it:

Do some work for The Kings (located right by the entrance to the strip). If you do good, THE King will offer you one favor. Of the choices of favors to pick, you can choose for him to get you a passport for the strip.

yep, I'm on that mission now actually - I spoke with the female owner of the nearby strip club and after collecting various debts she put me onto our Elvis friend - wasn't happy about paying 500 caps to get to see him but was happy I got them back! I've just done the mission to find the bodyguard who's conning people, and am now onto finding out what happened to his buddies

as for bugs:
I got the update downloaded as soon as I bought the game and haven't experienced much dodgy stuff at all really - the game booted up, updated, then crashed, then on a reboot my dashboard software changed and all was well - so far no crashes (fingers crossed) but I wasn't able to initiate conversations with a lady who owed another character some money in the Freeside area - the dialogue wouldn't open so I tried pickpocketing her but she caught me, so I blew her head off and took the coins back to the boss-lady. All is good.

more spoilers - this time about allegiances and my thoughts on potential factions
I think that the NCR and the Legonaries have much more than meets the eye - alarm bells have gone off with the NCR saying about taxing civvies and of course any of you who have gone past the third mission of the main story will know that one of the towns seems to have been completely raped by the Legion - with one of their members promoting his barbarous ways to our main hero - I think this is potentially a bit of a fallacy and we might find out that the people who destroyed Novac (think it was that place) were actually NCR dressed as legionaries - or even more so I think they might turn out to be the same faction under different guises making this big deception - of course I have no idea! this is just speculation!!

What I really love is that it doesn't force you into clear cut moral choices and lets you decide for yourself. For instance I'm a bit of an antiestablishment type so the idea of the NCR and the way they treat people is abhorrent to me - my ideal post apocalytpic world has no tax system like theirs! of course the legion hardly seem the lesser of the evils but I'm not being forced to take sides, and with each dialogue option I can better allow my character to express MY distaste for that part of the game and work against all the evil that I personally find in the factions....fallout 3 was more like "choose good (brotherhood of steel)" or "choose bad" - this is definitely more open.

darth los
03-Nov-2010, 06:59 PM
Here's a link to a gameguide and some cheatcodes:



08-Nov-2010, 02:40 PM
Annoyingly I am levelling up way too quickly. It seems whenever I do a side quest I get to level up. This is cool and everything but with a 30 level cap I'm pretty pissed that I'm going to essentially demotivate myself from completing any missions or whatever because it essentially means my character will stay the same as ever and has no real tangiable way of progressing unless I find all the skill books in the game.

I'm already level 20 or something and this is ridiculous.

WHY can't they design these games with a cap-removal thing whereby as soon as the main campaign is finished the levels open up for you and you can essentially get all the perks and abilities up to the maximum? It's not like they are losing money from putting this in. This really gets on my nerves. Exactly the same thing happened to me in Oblivion and Fallout 3...

Level up too quickly and there's no incentive to complete the main story
do the main story too quickly and the game's over and no possible way of levelling up.

even more annoyingly is trying to avoid the main campaign to begin with - it seems every fucking mission is part of the main campaign until you get to the Strip.

Despite what I said up there though, this game is way better than fallout 3 and I am enjoying it very much - I just want to have a big, strong and powerful character with a lot of skills and attributes but I can't because they insist on capping it all the time - I bet the PC version has an unlock cheat.

08-Nov-2010, 03:58 PM
so is this like fallout 3 (prior to the patch, that is) where the game ends once the main story is complete, or are you allowed to continue with side quests after the main story is over?

08-Nov-2010, 05:14 PM
I'm getting kind of worried. Ya know how when you level up, you get to pick a perk? Well for the past 3 times I've leveled up, I haven't received any chance to pick new perks! Is this supposed to happen or did my game glitch terribly? (I think I'm like a level 17? Not sure).

08-Nov-2010, 05:20 PM
I'm getting kind of worried. Ya know how when you level up, you get to pick a perk? Well for the past 3 times I've leveled up, I haven't received any chance to pick new perks! Is this supposed to happen or did my game glitch terribly? (I think I'm like a level 17? Not sure).

You're sure it's the last 3 times, Mike? You are only able to pick a new perk every other level in FO: NV.

09-Nov-2010, 07:57 PM
You're sure it's the last 3 times, Mike? You are only able to pick a new perk every other level in FO: NV.

I just leveled up again and got to pick a perk. I think what it was, was I leveled up then died, then had to re-load before the level up, so I immediately leveled up again (same thing twice) and my brain just registered that as happening multiple times without re-loading.

09-Nov-2010, 08:09 PM
I just leveled up again and got to pick a perk. I think what it was, was I leveled up then died, then had to re-load before the level up, so I immediately leveled up again (same thing twice) and my brain just registered that as happening multiple times without re-loading.

I will say the only somewhat annoying bug that has caused me a problem (really only an inconvenience) are the surface textures and detection bugs I run into. I see scorpions halfway in the ground on occasion and other mobs sticking out of walls, not such a big deal, but a noticeable lag of quality. What gets me is that I found a hole the other day that I could not get past into a room. The hole you would fall through would just port you to the other end of the tunnel you had entered. Again, big deal? Maybe, maybe not...is there a unique weapon or a quest related NPC/object on the other side of that hole?

Again, I love the game and think the additions, though small, add to the game immensely for me.

12-Nov-2010, 11:14 AM
I will say the only somewhat annoying bug that has caused me a problem (really only an inconvenience) are the surface textures and detection bugs I run into. I see scorpions halfway in the ground on occasion and other mobs sticking out of walls, not such a big deal, but a noticeable lag of quality. What gets me is that I found a hole the other day that I could not get past into a room. The hole you would fall through would just port you to the other end of the tunnel you had entered. Again, big deal? Maybe, maybe not...is there a unique weapon or a quest related NPC/object on the other side of that hole?

Again, I love the game and think the additions, though small, add to the game immensely for me.

Was that the train tunnel near the Boomer gang?? That happened to me yesterday. There's some steps that you can't go up without falling through the map and getting put back to the door.

Very frustrating - that seems to be the alternative way to the hideout but you can't take it??

I've not had many bugs at all, tbh - I was in The Thorn (the arena) and my two accomplicies were stuck on the main battle floor and wouldn't follow me out - so I had to tell them to "wait" then physically push them onto the staircase - after that they were OK.

Couple of times my companion's gotten lost but always found me again in a timely fashion.

I've caned through SO much of this game right now, having discovered nearly all the locations without the use of Explorer perk - I've not done much of the main campaign but when my character is maxed out I'll just blitz through it. The way it's working out is that my character has gotten so strong now (level 27) that doing any of the missions means I can end most peacefully without conflict, or if I do get into a scrap, one shotgun shell in the face is more than enough to kill most enemies.

Current companions are:

Lily (Super Mutant)
Rex (dog) - Rex is STRONG!!

waiting at the Lucky 38 is a girl I picked up from 188 Trading Post - Alex? Alice? Something like that.

12-Nov-2010, 02:14 PM
i almost broke down and bought this the other day, but they only had the rip-off deluxe edition, where you get a deck of playing cards and a handful of useless poker chips. no copies of the regular rip-off edition, so i decided it was a sign that i should stick to my guns and get the proper GOTY edition with bugs fixed and all DLCs included.

the dork at best buy was like "oh man, you'll have to wait almost a whole year for that!" to which i replied, "i've got other games to keep me busy, and i'll save probably 50 bucks on the complete experience by holding off till then. it'll still be the same game, man."...and the asshole looked at me like i had just walked off a space ship. fucking hardcore gamer-nerds, man....*picks nose*....they creep me out.

17-Nov-2010, 08:07 AM
I'd highly recommend buying it - can I just reiterate that since installing the update I have had very little to no bugs whatsoever! Nothing that wasn't present in Fallout 3 or Oblivion - just small things which haven't hurt the game at all.

Maxed out at level 30 now - now onto the main camaign and finding skill books...

17-Nov-2010, 04:37 PM
I couldn't resist waiting for the patch, so I cautiously started a new game and have made it to level 12 with no problems so far. I gutted the Silver Rush of it's occupants and stole every energy weapon I could carry, that "strong back" perk really came in handy.

---------- Post added at 12:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 AM ----------

‘Dead Money’ Available December 21st Exclusively on Xbox LIVE

November 17, 2010 (London, UK) – Bethesda Softworks®, a ZeniMax® Media company, today announced that Dead Money, the first downloadable content for Fallout®: New Vegas™, will be available exclusively on Xbox LIVE® for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft beginning December 21st, 2010.

“We’re pleased to give fans a chance to expand their experience in Fallout: New Vegas this December with Dead Money,” said Pete Hines, VP of PR and Marketing for Bethesda Softworks. “The release of Dead Money illustrates our commitment to creating entertaining add-on content for players to enjoy in already massive games like Fallout: New Vegas.”

As the victim of a raw deal you must work alongside three other captured wastelanders to recover the legendary treasure of the Sierra Madre Casino. In Dead Money, your life hangs in the balance as you face new terrain, foes, and choices. It is up to you how you play your cards in the quest to survive.

Fallout: New Vegas, the follow-up to Fallout 3 – the 2008 Game of the Year – brings this beloved franchise to a location only Fallout could do justice: Vegas. Fallout: New Vegas takes all the action, humour and post-apocalyptic grime and grit of this legendary series, and raises the stakes.

Reviews of Fallout: New Vegas have called the game as “an utterly essential purchase” (MSN UK) and as “addictively, rambunctiously fun” (Entertainment Weekly). The Associated Press awarded it a 4 out of 4 stars and said “Bottom Line: It’s a Blast”, while GameSpy gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars and called Fallout: New Vegas “one of the best games of the year.”

Published by Bethesda Softworks and developed at Obsidian Entertainment, Dead Money will be available for 800 Microsoft points.

For more information on Fallout: New Vegas, including the game’s downloadable content, please visit http://fallout.bethsoft.com.


17-Nov-2010, 05:56 PM
Thanks for the info, Coin! Definitely going to take my time and enjoy the New Vegas experience :)

17-Nov-2010, 07:37 PM
me too, once they get done raping the rest of you guys' wallets and put the GOTY edition out... :)

17-Nov-2010, 07:43 PM
me too, once they get done raping the rest of you guys' wallets and put the GOTY edition out... :)

I'm older than you are Prof, I might not live to see the GOTY edition.

darth los
17-Nov-2010, 07:46 PM


17-Nov-2010, 08:43 PM
top of the page, darth.....coin beat ya to it.

18-Nov-2010, 07:29 AM
question is, is the level cap still on or will they expand it?

21-Nov-2010, 02:52 AM
damn, best buy has new vegas for 40 bones the day after thanksgiving....but you still gotta bend over and take it if you want the DLC....and deal with all the "OMG LETS GO XMAS SHAWPING!!!!!!!!!!1!" dolts.

*fights off temptation again

22-Nov-2010, 03:19 PM
I do not see any Fable 3 threads, so I am going to add it to this. Fable 3 is more glitchy than this game. I rented it from Gamefly and I am glad that to have purchased Fallout: NV over Fable 3. Fable 1 & 2 are better.

Problems with Fable 3
1. Unresponsive controls- ex. standing next to a treasure chest and it will not open, until after I button mashed for almost 30 seconds.

2. Characters not following all the time. I spent around an hour trying to get this guy to follow me, so the quest would end. Pissed me off.

3. They screwed up the inventory system. Too simplified.

4. Like/Dislike options for talking to people are now random. ex. belching, hugging, kissing,etc.

5. Upkeep on personal residental property purchased. Pain in the ass. Bad enough I have to do it in real-life, but a game?

6. slow downs

7. John Cleese's character, Jasper, who constantly reminds you to purchase new DLC for the game. Yeah, right, assholes.

7/10 score

25-Nov-2010, 01:22 PM

FFS, I'm about 10+ hours into this bloody thing and now the game crashes when I try to start it. Fuckin hell.

If I load a save game or try a new start, the game will turn blocky upon loading and crash and I can't seem to get it going again.

Anybody else had this issue?


---------- Post added at 02:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:13 AM ----------


This game has fucked up my PC.

25-Nov-2010, 02:16 PM
There have been issues with loading save games, but if the game is blocky and you're having PC issues even after you exit the game, your GPU might be dead/dying.

25-Nov-2010, 04:18 PM
I think it's the Graphics card.

I might have blown something when I had to constantly restart the game. There wasn't a hint of a problem before.

Trying to backup important stuff now in Safe Mode, before I try an OS install.

What a pain in the arse.

29-Nov-2010, 07:35 PM


because i had the audacity to enter vault 11 before the strip mr house is now dead and so is victor and every robot is forever hostile to me. fucking glorious.

I will be at my game store asking for a refund tomorrow morning because this is extremely fucking not okay. You do not ship a game when, according to the sites ive read having to look up what was wrong, there are 100's of possible game breaking glitches. Thats absolutely obscene. More so is the fact that so many people are okay with it thinking "oh well, they will patch it". sorry but thats not good enough. it shouldn't have been sold WITH this problems to begin with.

When the hell did our standards become so bloody low that we are willing to put up with the shit on the hopes that it might get fixed later? We are just as much at fault for this kind of shit as the developer.

-insert umad?.jpg here. and yes. yes i am bloody mad.

30-Nov-2010, 04:41 AM
Fallout 3 and Oblivion were just as glitchy at release as new vegas currently is. Shit, I'd be disappointed if a fallout or oblivion game using the current engine wasn't released without glitches..it has simply become part pf the game.

30-Nov-2010, 10:16 AM
I never had a days problem with either F3 or Oblivion.

But New Vegas is as dodgy as hell.

That and it fried my fecking graphics card...GRRRRRRRRR.

30-Nov-2010, 02:15 PM
Yeah ive never had a problem with fallout 3 or oblivion.

16-Dec-2010, 08:45 PM

We’ve wrapped up work on the Fallout: New Vegas patch and submitted it. We’ll let you know when it’s up on PS3, 360, and Steam.

Not much longer and I'll be able to keep playing. Yay, I guess.

-- -------- Post added 11-Dec-2010 at 02:56 PM ---------- Previous post was 06-Dec-2010 at 06:26 PM ----------

The patch is up for the PS3 version. The PC and 360 release will be on "Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday" according to this (http://forums.bethsoft.com/index.php?/topic/1123613-game-updates/page__view__findpost__p__16769734)post.

List of fixes:

Top Fixes

- Companions now show up as waypoints on the map
- Companions will always fast travel with you, unless told to wait or sent away
- Fix: DLC error/save corruption
- Fix: Entering the strip after Debt Collector causes crash and autosave corruption
- Fix: Using Mojave Express dropbox can cause DLC warnings
- Crafting menu now filters valid (bright) recipes to the top of the list
- Weathered pistol no longer glitches when applying mods

In addition, this patch addresses issues with the following areas:

- Pip-Boy Interface
- Repair Menu
- Caravan
- Weapons and Weapon Mods
- Hardcore Mode
- Perks
- Skills
- Crafting Recipes
- Crafting Menu
- Mojave Express
- Chems/Addiction
- Doctors
- Vendors
- PreOrder DLC Items
- Reputation System
- Radio Stations
- Companion fixes
- Companion Quests

And fixes for the following quests:

- Ain’t That a Kick in the Head
- By a Campfire on The Trail
- They Went That-a-Way
- My Kind of Town
- Boulder City Showdown
- Ring a Ding Ding!
- King’s Gambit
- For The Republic, Part 2
- Render Unto Caesar
- Et Tumor, Brute?
- The House Always Wins
- Wild Card
- Beyond the Beef
- GI Blues
- How Little We Know
- Oh My Papa
- Still In The Dark
- You’ll Know It When It Happens
- Arizona Killer
- Eureka!
- Veni, Vidi, Vici
- All or Nothing
- No Gods, No Masters
- Birds of a Feather
- I Put A Spell On you
- Come Fly With Me
- That Lucky Old Sun
- Don’t Make a Beggar of Me
- The White Wash
- Ghost Town Gunfight
- Restoring Hope
- Bleed Me Dry
- Aba Daba Honeymoon
- Tend To Your Business
- Wang Dang Atomic Tango
- Flags of Our Foul-Ups
- Debt Collector
- Talent Pool
- Left My Heart
- Someone To Watch Over Me
- Hard Luck Blues

---------- Post added 16-Dec-2010 at 04:45 PM ---------- Previous post was 11-Dec-2010 at 02:56 PM ----------

The patch is finally up for the 360 version.

Also, a trailer for the Dead Money DLC:


16-Dec-2010, 09:11 PM
My game keeps crashing after I downloaded the patch. Looks like I am going to have to start over.

22-Dec-2010, 01:36 PM
Anyone else download Dead Money? I'm only about 20 minutes in, and the atmosphere is already very different than the main game. It's got a Bioshock/House on Haunted Hill vibe going on, pretty cool.

Will report back when I've finished it, apparently it takes 4-6 hours.

22-Dec-2010, 03:26 PM
My game keeps crashing after I downloaded the patch. Looks like I am going to have to start over.

Slick, that sucks! You're definitely giving me second thoughts about booting up the game when I get home tonight.

Anyone else download Dead Money? I'm only about 20 minutes in, and the atmosphere is already very different than the main game. It's got a Bioshock/House on Haunted Hill vibe going on, pretty cool.

Will report back when I've finished it, apparently it takes 4-6 hours.

I've yet to download it, but will do so soon. I want to double check and make sure it's not causing any widespread trouble. Definitely liking your initial impressions of it, Coin. Hope it finishes out as well as it started out for you.

By the way, did you kill the main questline yet? Just wondering. I'm not rushing it, as I don't know if I'll do more than 1 playthrough or not and want this one to be a game I play for a long time to come.

22-Dec-2010, 11:40 PM
By the way, did you kill the main questline yet? Just wondering. I'm not rushing it, as I don't know if I'll do more than 1 playthrough or not and want this one to be a game I play for a long time to come.

Nope, not even close to finishing the main questline. I've been labeled a terrorist by the NCR though, so that might take a good chunk of the quests away from me. It seems impossible to do a 100% playthrough on your first run because of all the warring factions.

I'm a good bit into the DLC now, although I haven't even been into the Sierra Madre yet. Keeping in line with the main game, the writing continues to be some of the best I've run across in gaming. I'd suggest making sure your speech is maxed out and you're at least level 20 before starting Dead Money. Same with lockpicking.

23-Dec-2010, 01:24 PM
Nope, not even close to finishing the main questline. I've been labeled a terrorist by the NCR though, so that might take a good chunk of the quests away from me.

Well, all I'll say from what I've done in game is that you hit the nail on the head with the different factions making it difficult to do a 100% close out of the game, at least from what I've seen so far. But as the old saying goes: when one door closes another opens...or something like that.

26-Dec-2010, 04:12 PM
I was just attacked by a gang of grannies. No joke. Irate Ida, Malefic Maud, and Rancorous Ruth

26-Dec-2010, 04:18 PM
Just joined the Brotherhood, they've always been my favourite ever since the very first Fallout. Bad ass techno-paladins who kick ass and take names. The sweet stuff. Plus Power Armor rocks.

This is definetly a game I'm gonna play through twice. There's just too much to do for just one playthrough, and a lot of roads get blocked depending on which side you pick. But after I beat it the first time I'm gonna go back to Fallout 3 to get a better perspective on that game.

28-Dec-2010, 05:15 PM
I am playing Dead Money after reaching level 27. The Evil Dead is also an influence. Body dismemberment or they will get back up.

29-Dec-2010, 01:33 AM
Still having a blast, by the way. Just can't wait for the battle at Hoover Dam.

01-Jan-2011, 11:56 PM
Finished this yesterday.

I sided with Yes Man.

The whole game seemed to end somewhat abruptly though.

Hope there's more addon's like there were for Fallout 3.

02-Jan-2011, 10:46 PM
I never had a days problem with either F3 or Oblivion.

But New Vegas is as dodgy as hell.

That and it fried my fecking graphics card...GRRRRRRRRR.

In fairness, it probably didn't fry your graphics card. That's like blaming Windows Media Player for breaking your speakers. It's virtually impossible for any software to damage properly working hardware. Think about it - if it was possible, you'd have all kinds of viruses designed to fry your processors and memory chips or whatever. But you don't.

Seems like your card died or is glitching out maybe because the fan is failing and the unit's overheating.

03-Jan-2011, 03:16 AM
A word of advice for Dead Money. You will team up with 3 others: a bald and scarred woman, a Nightskin, and a ghoul named Dean Domino. They can be either saved or killed towards the end.

Dean is the trickiest one to save. Despite the fact he is a prick, you must be nice and whatever you do. Do not insult him in any way, because he will try to kill you late in the game. There is no speech check or evidence that will change the outcome if you insult him in any way during your first meeting with him. I had to kill him, unfortunately.

04-Jan-2011, 12:30 AM
In fairness, it probably didn't fry your graphics card. That's like blaming Windows Media Player for breaking your speakers. It's virtually impossible for any software to damage properly working hardware. Think about it - if it was possible, you'd have all kinds of viruses designed to fry your processors and memory chips or whatever. But you don't.

Seems like your card died or is glitching out maybe because the fan is failing and the unit's overheating.

Yeh, but I'm blaming Fallout anyway. :)

The VRam chip got burned out on the Geforce 8800GTS, probably due to a combination of overheating and the stress of trying to push the textures in New Vegas, which can be a bit of a monster to run.

Anyway, got a GTX 460 now, cos Komplett fluffed the delivery of my original choice. The Sapphire HD5780.

04-Jan-2011, 08:19 PM
I found a youtube video that shows you how to get the special achievement for locking Elijah in the vault.


I want to add a tip for both achievements: Cash Out and Safety Deposit Box. It is possible to get both, instead of choosing one. When you activate the terminal it autosaves. Sneak out and trap him, then leave before your collar explodes. This gives you the Safety Deposit Box. Save when you get outside. Reload the game back to the vault and redo it, but this time do not sneak out. Instead, reprogram the turrets to attack Elijah, so he will be distracted. Walk up behind him and blow his head off. This will give you the other achievement, Cash Out. Then reload to the other save file with you outside the casino. This gives you both achievements, instead of one. 70 pts total

06-Jan-2011, 10:00 AM
I beat the NCR storyline about a week back now. Nice battle at the end (doesn't count as a spoiler, right? I think most people saw that coming!) and I'm looking forward to any alternative ending.

Probably give Dead Money a go soon as well. Slickwilly's run through seems interesting!

19-Mar-2011, 08:01 PM
so, what's the verdict on this game these days, gents?

i've been fighting temptation to pick this up since it dropped to 40 bucks in price, and just got an email saying i have 10 bucks off any purchase at best buy...so that means i can get it for 30 bones right now.

i just don't wanna get raped on the DLC. so far, to my knowledge, only one expansion has been released, but i'm pretty sure i read that 3 more are scheduled....anyone have any idea about this?

i played fallout 3 so freaking much, and loved almost every minute of it, except for mothership zeta. no joke, that game didn't come out of my disc drive for nearly half a year, i was that into it. is this one still getting lots of playtime for you guys? do you feel it's better, worse, or the same, as the last one?

(sorry, just don't really feel like reading back over 9 pages of posts, plus i want to get your impression now that the game's been out a while..)

19-Mar-2011, 08:29 PM
If you loved Fallout 3 that much, you'll probably love New Vegas the same. Way more quests, multiple branching stories for the main path of the game, more diverse locations, better writing and characters, companions...it all makes for memorable experience.

This wasn't always the case before the patch. My game saves were all corrupted, not to mention random freezups happening frequently. I was able to play through to completion with no problems once I downloaded it, though.

As far as DLC, I thought Dead Money was pretty good:

+ Interesting premise
+ Great atmosphere
+ Raises the level cap to 35

- Repetitive environments
- Very few new armor/weapons

A few sites posted rumors about 2 new DLC packs, but it turned out to be bullshit:


Bethesda responds to the leaked DLC rumors!

"The info in that story is not correct. We will be letting people know the plan for upcoming Fallout: New Vegas DLCs in the next couple of weeks," says a Bethesda rep.

Well, at least we'll get the real details about New Vegas' DLC very soon.

The amount of playtime you'll get out of it makes it easily worth forty bucks.

19-Mar-2011, 09:31 PM
cool, thanks for the insight, CR.

my mind was pretty much made up, but now i'm convinced. leaving shortly to go pick it up.

still need to finish castlevania:LoS before i start it up. was meaning to do that a couple of weekends ago but the CoD double xp weekend kinda took over, and i've been busy w school and work latley.

should be starting new vegas by next week, pretty pumped about it...should keep me plenty occupied till l.a. noire drops in a couple of months.

19-Mar-2011, 09:44 PM
one thing it does worse than 3, BUGS, BUGS EVERYWHERE.

and not just the intended cazadores flies that show up in a dozen strong gangs and one shot you, the game is so glitchy its lucky its fun enough to warrant being legally called a retail game.

You will have fun but remember to make multiple saves.

20-Mar-2011, 10:04 AM
got the game, and a ms points card for the DLC packs....figured that since i waited till it was half-priced, i'll only get half-raped on the DLC pricing.

also got a "mercenary pack" or something along those lines, one of those retailer exclusive bonuses bs things.

gotta beat the last chapter in castlevania: LoS, been trudging through that one this evening, but i'm quite excited about a starting a new fallout adventure....

04-May-2011, 05:59 AM
Honest Hearts will be released May 17.

Mr. Clean
04-May-2011, 06:53 AM
When does the game of the year edition come out? damn it :P

04-May-2011, 07:11 AM
with the amount of bug fixes it will need? bout 200 years.

04-May-2011, 01:46 PM
Honest Hearts will be released May 17.

Nice, good to hear their continuing the DLC as planned. Loved the last bit.

15-May-2011, 12:15 AM
three more days till honest hearts! looks good in my opinion.

I still don't know why they haven't released a zombie dlc for either of the Fallouts yet...

30-Jul-2011, 09:39 PM
I am playing Old World Blues. I leveled up to level 41 already. I have not progressed far in it, yet. A lot of humor so far. It looks like an entertaining one. The level cap was raised to level 45, new perks, achievements, and enemies. One more dlc after this.

Mr. Clean
31-Jul-2011, 01:25 AM
and then the GOTY Edition....which is when I'll jump on the Fallout New Vegas wagon....I learned my lesson last go around.

02-Aug-2011, 10:07 PM
I have not completed OWB, yet, but I will mention that it is my favorite of the dlcs. I maxed out at level 45. Make sure your science, energy weapons, regular weapons, and medicine are past 80 for speech options. Also, I advise earning or unlocking any robot perks, because you will need it.

03-Aug-2011, 04:00 PM
Well, I beat homefront in a single sitting with a friend of mine, so decided to make a new new vegas char.

Her name is La-Ah (pronounced la dash ah, because the dash don't be silent)

Right now I'm level 23 and haven't even started the main quest yet.

I downloaded 2/3 expansions so far. I did hearts first at around level 11. I enjoyed it, very different atmosphere and feeling then the mojave.

I really didn't like dead money very much, maybe it's because I finished hearts and went straight to it at level 16 (It recommends you start at 20) So everything was insanely hard for me at the start. Thank god my sneak was really high or I wouldn't have been able to make it.

However...Thanks to slamming some buffout and dropping everything I don't need, I managed to get 4 gold bars out of the vault. So that, combined with my moderately high luck skill of 7 means I'm bringing all the doe in from blackjack.

Honestly before the expansions I only beat the game once as a mild mannered Caucasian girl named Sarah Conner, and this was all before the bug fixes came out. I wasn't to impressed, but with the added content and a lot of the bugs and issues fixed...I can say I like it nearly as much as fall out 3. If only there was a 3 dog and the ink spots

...Because one dog ain't enough...ant two is too few.

03-Aug-2011, 04:17 PM
I really didn't like dead money very much, maybe it's because I finished hearts and went straight to it at level 16 (It recommends you start at 20) So everything was insanely hard for me at the start. Thank god my sneak was really high or I wouldn't have been able to make it.

I actually have really enjoyed all the DLC for New Vegas so far, though I haven't gotten very far into Old World Blues yet. One thing that is clear to me from a lot of the DLC, is that some of the devs have a transhumanism/surgery fetish :p

However...Thanks to slamming some buffout and dropping everything I don't need, I managed to get 4 gold bars out of the vault.
I got all of 'em! Got out and finished the DLC, leveld and took the ability to fast travel while encumbered. I have turned the Doc's house in Goodsprings, where I stash my excess equipment and swag into a veritable Ft. Knox :p

Mr. Clean
04-Aug-2011, 01:30 AM
Interesting....what else besides gambling can you do in New Vegas?

04-Aug-2011, 01:54 AM
Interesting....what else besides gambling can you do in New Vegas?

Fisto? :shifty:


20-Sep-2011, 08:55 PM
Lonesome Road is out today. I am playing it now.

21-Sep-2011, 06:33 PM
I saw it was out just last night as I logged on to smash Locusts with my buddies. I just recently got back into the game and am still in the old world blues DLC.

Apparently there is a weapon enhancement DLC coming next week (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Gun_Runners%27_Arsenal)...