View Full Version : Han Solo Adventures (animated short)

18-Oct-2010, 09:24 PM
Voice acting and general production values on this are great!


18-Oct-2010, 10:11 PM
Beat ya to it:



18-Oct-2010, 10:14 PM
How the fuck did I miss that thread??? My SW radar must be broken or something. :(

18-Oct-2010, 10:27 PM
How the fuck did I miss that thread??? My SW radar must be broken or something. :(

It's all good. It didn't get a lot of views when I first posted it, so hopefully between the two of us someone will take a look, 'cuase I thought it was cool as hell & really well done. As I said in my thread, fuck the Clone Wars, I'd totally watch this instead!:D

19-Oct-2010, 02:52 PM
It's all good. It didn't get a lot of views when I first posted it, so hopefully between the two of us someone will take a look, 'cuase I thought it was cool as hell & really well done. As I said in my thread, fuck the Clone Wars, I'd totally watch this instead!:D

Yes, with that kind of quality, I'd be well into watching that - they could adapt some of the better graphic novels and short stories (hard to do any live action SW when all the actors are about 60 or so now). Still can't get over the guy doing Han's voice parts...totally convincing. :)

BTW, I don't watch the Clone Wars, I am a bit fussy about what era I am dipping into (mainly rebellion and post rebellion).

19-Oct-2010, 02:56 PM
huh. where did this come from? is this an official short?

until this moment, i was completely ignorant of this shorts existence.

19-Oct-2010, 04:18 PM
It's fan-made, mike. Which is funny considering it's a billion times better than Lucas' official Clone Wars cartoon....

19-Oct-2010, 06:12 PM
It's fan-made, mike. Which is funny considering it's a billion times better than Lucas' official Clone Wars cartoon....

again, huh. i would have never figured that to be a fan film.

i think that i have to agree with you - it is better than anything i've seen on clone wars.

19-Oct-2010, 11:10 PM
Still can't get over the guy doing Han's voice parts...totally convincing. :)

As do I. I had to see the credits to believe.

Is there more? And WTF do they want with Jar Jar. Leave him carbon frozen...