View Full Version : 2012? hahaha

20-Oct-2010, 01:59 AM

people really fell for it......and its so funny because my boss was even saying he was gonna get a credit card and run up a bill in early december 2 years from now. :duh:

20-Oct-2010, 02:20 AM
Y2K all over again... sometimes I really feel like just pushing that big shiny red button and getting it all over with.... you know, the one that says "Fire all nuclear warheads simultaneously"? Yeah... what, you don't have one of those?

20-Oct-2010, 02:26 AM
yeah, the whole "the moment it changes from 1 second to 2 seconds later on some calendar created by sentient apes to gauge the passage of time will cause 'the world to end' instantly" always bugged me that people believed it. moreso than even bloody rapture or ragnorok or something else like that. For one thing any of the people who "believe it" can't seem to say what this end of the world is. Will the sun go supernova?, the earths magnetic field dissipate?, oxygen spontaneously transmute into gaseous gold? maybe the hadron collider makes a black hole? theres never any better answer than a shrug follow by "ahuhnu?"

To quote Jim Royle: End of the world my arse. :lol:

Rancid Carcass
20-Oct-2010, 11:10 AM
Maybe the hadron collider makes a black hole? End of the world, my arse.

I'm just randomly putting two and two together here but...

:moon: :lol:

20-Oct-2010, 11:16 AM
yeah, the whole "the moment it changes from 1 second to 2 seconds later on some calendar created by sentient apes to gauge the passage of time will cause 'the world to end' instantly" always bugged me that people believed it. moreso than even bloody rapture or ragnorok or something else like that. For one thing any of the people who "believe it" can't seem to say what this end of the world is. Will the sun go supernova?, the earths magnetic field dissipate?, oxygen spontaneously transmute into gaseous gold? maybe the hadron collider makes a black hole? theres never any better answer than a shrug follow by "ahuhnu?"

To quote Jim Royle: End of the world my arse. :lol:

To paraphrase some comedian; If the Mayans were so omniscient, why didn't they foresee the downfall of their own civilization? :lol:

20-Oct-2010, 11:54 AM
Fuck yes, I can't wait to rub this in my nutjob-of-a-friend's face! He's been convinced for years that we're all going down at the end of 2012.

Me - "They had to stop the calender somewhere, dude; they couldn't continue to add on to it..."
Him - "No, they fucking KNEW. They knew all the crop cycles! Of course they know when the world will end!"
Me - :|

yeah, the whole "the moment it changes from 1 second to 2 seconds later on some calendar created by sentient apes to gauge the passage of time will cause 'the world to end' instantly" always bugged me that people believed it.

Not to mention that while it may be Oct 20 here, it could be Oct 21 in other parts of the world...

20-Oct-2010, 12:43 PM
Anybody who thinks we can predict the end of the world is a moron. When it does happen, nobody will see it coming.

This reminds me of the Y2K thing. I had a friend that snuck off during the countdown to 2000 and flipped the breaker at "1". The girls in the house screached and hit the floor. :lol:

20-Oct-2010, 12:48 PM
Anybody who thinks we can predict the end of the world is a moron. When it does happen, nobody will see it coming.

This reminds me of the Y2K thing. I had a friend that snuck off during the countdown to 2000 and flipped the breaker at "1". The girls in the house screached and hit the floor. :lol:

Y2K was a shload more sensible, however. I bought into it. No, I didn't think the world was going to end but that's not what "experts" were saying in the beginning, anyway. Idiots and news outlets took what they were saying and turned it into end-of-the-world crap. Y2K was originally something along the lines of computers reverting themselves to being useless due to the fact that they had not been programmed to count over, past 1999.

I remember unplugging my computer before going out that New Years Eve. I also recall going to an electronic cigarette machine just after midnight, the machine not working and me thinking "So, it's true..."

20-Oct-2010, 01:02 PM
Do people really believe this 2012 bullshit? C'mon, doesn't logic prevail anymore?

*looks towards Washington, DC*

Nevermind. :lol:

20-Oct-2010, 01:03 PM
I remember people thinking all the world's nuclear bombs were going to go off because they couldn't read past 1999 or some shit like that. Power plants were going to melt down, planes crashing on your front lawn, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA! :lol:

20-Oct-2010, 01:54 PM
I remember people thinking all the world's nuclear bombs were going to go off because they couldn't read past 1999 or some shit like that. Power plants were going to melt down, planes crashing on your front lawn, dogs and cats living together, MASS HYSTERIA! :lol:


+1 - deserved whenever a direct connection to GB can be made. :D

20-Oct-2010, 06:16 PM
There is an episode of "My Name is Earl" where they think Y2K has wiped out the human race and they go to live in the mall. Brilliant! :D

As for 2012, you people won't be laughing when we are aligned to the galatic plane (even though that is the natural state of things anyway) and Nibiru comes crashing through your roof and the Anunaki steal your shoes!

20-Oct-2010, 06:30 PM
As for 2012, you people won't be laughing when we are aligned to the galatic plane (even though that is the natural state of things anyway) and Nibiru comes crashing through your roof and the Anunaki steal your shoes!

huh. here i was under the impression that the anunaki were all about gold watches and cadillacs.

20-Oct-2010, 07:31 PM
Yes in 2012 I will be sipping tea in the outhouse reading in the newspaper with the headline: "Everything's fine stay cool - Prime Minister Clegg" and scoffing at news of all the religous types comitting suicide, I will be have long drowned out the sounds of my dog in the garden lying on his side facing west and barking in fear as he is doped in valium.
The radio will be playing music on most channels and I will hear the sounds of thunder in the distance followed by a mild tremor, known of but unfamiliar to the region, it sets off car alarms and dogs start howling, the radio stops, the TV shows static, then I'll see it, a gigantic wave coming - impossibly - from the west to the North East of England. My distraught dad comes out and begs me to come inside, my sister holds my niece tears running down her face, my neighbours are in shock and some begin screaming, then I grab my dog, kiss him on the head and close my eyes....

20-Oct-2010, 07:36 PM
anyone who seriously buys into 2012 should give this article a read. it is about failed doomsday predictions.


many have spread doom and gloom (mostly for their own financial benefit) but somehow, the world (along with the human race) keeps going right on around the sun.

20-Oct-2010, 07:42 PM
anyone who seriously buys into 2012 should give this article a read. it is about failed doomsday predictions.

What, all 7 billion of them that have been concocted and not ONE has come true? :lol: :lol: