View Full Version : The Rent is Too Damn High Party!

21-Oct-2010, 04:20 PM
(It's politics so I put it in here, but it has a video, as well, so feel free to move to media, if you like.)

I was watching the debates a few nights ago in bed and all of a sudden had to start nudging my girlfriend to roll over and put her glasses on to see this guy. I believe my exact words were, "Hon you've gotta see this, guy. He looks like Al Sharpton's pimp."

A day or two later and it was like this guy was all over the place online.


darth los
21-Oct-2010, 04:24 PM
I half expected Nipsey Russell to make an appearance.


21-Oct-2010, 04:29 PM
i didn't realize that santa claus was actually a black community activist in his spare time.

21-Oct-2010, 04:42 PM
I half expected Nipsey Russell to make an appearance.

Or the ghost of Johnny Cochran

"If the Govnah will not lower da rent, he must repent!"
"If the landlords won't stop takin' all yo dough, then they has got to go!"
"If you don't wanna miss da boat, then get up off yo ass & vote!":lol:

21-Oct-2010, 05:53 PM
what a fucking clown..."my main job is to provide a roof over your head, food on your table, and money in your pocket."

well, i guess he's gonna get the votes of plenty of lazy bums who don't wanna get off their asses and be responsible for their own lot in life.

21-Oct-2010, 06:07 PM
what a fucking clown..."my main job is to provide a roof over your head, food on your table, and money in your pocket."

well, i guess he's gonna get the votes of plenty of lazy bums who don't wanna get off their asses and be responsible for their own lot in life.

But...but...but the rent is too damn high! Won't somebody think of the children?!?! :whatever: :lol:

21-Oct-2010, 06:09 PM
But...but...but the rent is too damn high! Won't somebody think of the children?!?! :whatever: :lol:

Watch it! He knows karate!

21-Oct-2010, 06:17 PM
seriously, if the rent is too damn high, better yourself and find a career, not a fucking burger job, or you could you know, give up smoking and save 10 bucks for every pack of smokes you don't buy, learn to live without some of the luxuries most people feel are necessities (hdtv, ps3, 360, high-speed internet, etc), or just move somewhere (outside of one of the most expensive cities in america) where you can afford the rent.

21-Oct-2010, 06:23 PM
Watch it! He knows karate!


seriously, if the rent is too damn high, better yourself and find a career, not a fucking burger job, or you could you know, give up smoking and save 10 bucks for every pack of smokes you don't buy, learn to live without some of the luxuries most people feel are necessities (hdtv, ps3, 360, high-speed internet, etc), or just move somewhere (outside of one of the most expensive cities in america) where you can afford the rent.

Stop making sence! You'll never have a future in politics if you keep taling like that!

21-Oct-2010, 06:31 PM
trust me, i've got too much shit in my past to even consider a career in politics. too many drugs, women, arrests, etc.

and even in spite of all of that, i've got too much integrity to be a politician anyway!:lol::lol::lol:

21-Oct-2010, 06:35 PM

holy shite! moon's a master of the dim mak.

everyone back away slowly...

21-Oct-2010, 06:43 PM
holy shite! moon's a master of the dim mak.

everyone back away slowly...

What if he already touched me (don't ask where) a few months ago? Couldn't I drop dead at anytime?

21-Oct-2010, 06:46 PM
What if he already touched me (don't ask where) a few months ago? Couldn't I drop dead at anytime?

100 steps or 18 years, depending on which comes first.

21-Oct-2010, 06:50 PM
seriously, if the rent is too damn high, better yourself and find a career, not a fucking burger job

Dude, this is far easier said than done. My girlfriend recently had to go back to school because her bachelors degree in teaching couldn't even land her a job; now she's forced to get her masters. The job market is kinda fucked right now...

21-Oct-2010, 07:03 PM
i do realize this, my main gripe was the fact that so many live beyond their means and then bitch about not having enough money (even i'm guilty of this time to time), but his dude is trying to just get these sort or people to vote for him.

and your gf at least has an education and degree, so she's made an effort...i'm referring to the types who would rather sell drugs and draw unemployment, or settle for some menial job that requires little thinking or skill and expect to have everything they want without hard work.

hope this didn't offend you or belittle your lady friend, mike.

21-Oct-2010, 07:03 PM
trust me, i've got too much shit in my past to even consider a career in politics. too many drugs, women, arrests, etc.

That's never stoped any of them before! :lol:

holy shite! moon's a master of the dim mak.

everyone back away slowly...

:lol::lol::lol: :thumbsup:

What if he already touched me (don't ask where) a few months ago? Couldn't I drop dead at anytime?

I was using an anchent chinese secret of a DIFFERENT kind...:kiss::o:lol:

21-Oct-2010, 07:05 PM
I was using an anchent chinese secret of a DIFFERENT kind...:kiss::o:lol:

So there's a happy ending to this story? :D

21-Oct-2010, 07:05 PM
pizz, i replied to your comment from earlier but it got left behind on the last page. please take a second to read over it, as i feel you may have misinterpreted me.

21-Oct-2010, 07:13 PM
pizz, i replied to your comment from earlier but it got left behind on the last page. please take a second to read over it, as i feel you may have misinterpreted me.

I read your reply. No worries, man... now I get what you meant.

I used to feel like a piece of shit, as I'm unemployed with no source of income. But I realized since I'm getting an education it's not like I'm just a waste.

21-Oct-2010, 07:22 PM
ditto, bro. i'm not working right now either, but i'm still getting my GI bill checks and they cover my bills and leave me with a bit left over, so i'm scraping by. education is one thing nobody can take away from you, so stick with it, man.

darth los
21-Oct-2010, 07:54 PM
education is one thing nobody can take away from you, so stick with it, man.

Herpes falls in that catagory as well. :D
