View Full Version : Whackjob drives around with dead body sitting shotgun for months.

22-Oct-2010, 11:47 PM

So this homeless woman dies in this Real Estate agent's car and the agent is "too scared" to inform police so she covers the dead body with a pile of clothes and some baking soda and continues to go about her normal driving routine... for at least 3 months. :duh:

23-Oct-2010, 12:05 AM

So this homeless woman dies in this Real Estate agent's car and the agent is "too scared" to inform police so she covers the dead body with a pile of clothes and some baking soda and continues to go about her normal driving routine... for at least 3 months. :duh:

*say out loud in an american southern accent for full effect*

Do fuckin' what??

that is creepy as fook. the strangeness of this world never ceases to amaze me.

23-Oct-2010, 12:21 AM
What some people will do to use the car pool lane...*wah-wah-waaahhhhhh....* :lol:

23-Oct-2010, 01:11 AM
Just goes to show, do somebody a good turn and they throw it back in your face by dying in your car...

Edit: Have to agree with Mike...the sheer baffling choices some people make are astounding, report it to the cops if it's not your fault! Sheesh!

23-Oct-2010, 01:48 AM
Wait....so this ISN'T normal?:confused:

23-Oct-2010, 03:46 AM
That's a shitload of air fresheners. Even then, I'd rather smell the rotting flesh of the not-so-recently-dead than the freshly opened, pine scented fragrance of ass plus freshly cut, uhhh... pine shaped wholesome goodness.
I've kept seriously old lunches way worse than that. Ever smelt a 2 year old tilapia?
Yesh, I'm that unmotivated...
I like everything smelling like my room: freshly smoked budness for about the last, ohhhh...
13 or so years this time around?
John Wayne Gacy slept with rotting corpses, didn't seem to bother his clowny ass...

23-Oct-2010, 04:01 AM
Freaky shit... I feel sad for them, though... must be a really lonely person...

23-Oct-2010, 11:44 AM

So this homeless woman dies in this Real Estate agent's car and the agent is "too scared" to inform police so she covers the dead body with a pile of clothes and some baking soda and continues to go about her normal driving routine... for at least 3 months. :duh:

Am i the only one who imagined two cops opening the car and looking at the body, and saying "Why do these people keep them here?", "Becuase they still beleive there's respect in dying"

23-Oct-2010, 03:16 PM
Ha ha...holy crap. If you saw that in a film, you'd think it far fetched.