View Full Version : Well life sure knows how to deal you the 1-2 punch

23-Oct-2010, 12:10 PM
Well as you know my mom passed away on October 12... well On October 21st I ended up losing my job of the last 6 years... then get home... black out not once, but twice, falling into a full size mirror requiring 22 stitches in my left arm... then after getting an ambulance ride to the hospital... I find out my black out was caused by a Heart Attack... my 2nd in 4 years.

When I thought things couldn't get worse WHAMMO, but then.... I found out Deadlands 2 has won another major award at the 2010 RIFE film fest in Washington, DC... so at least things are looking up.

Funny thing, well not funny, but to me and some others is, I should be in the hospital, but I checked myself out because A. I had two animals, dog and cat, to take care of, and I made a promise to be at the fest for the screening on Friday night... the doc tried talking me out of it, but I said no go... I made a promise to be there and I don't break promises unless it is something truly beyond my control... and since I more or less recovered from the heart attack within 6 hours of having it... I felt good enough to sign myself out and head home.

Mucho thanks to Lou for driving 60 miles out to Rockville to pick me up from the ER. :D :lol:

23-Oct-2010, 12:17 PM
Second attack in four years? Damn dude....you may wanna consider a change in lifestyle...

Glad to hear you're okay now.

23-Oct-2010, 12:47 PM
Could it been the stress of losing your mother and job that caused your heart attack? A lifestyle change would also help, because I know you are a larger person.

23-Oct-2010, 01:27 PM
Glad to hear you're okay but since you checked yourself out early, take it easy man.

Have fun at the screening!

23-Oct-2010, 02:07 PM
Second attack in four years? Damn dude....you may wanna consider a change in lifestyle...

Glad to hear you're okay now.

Dude I have changed my lifestyle, but I was born with a defect in the arteries leading to my heart... the medical term is a long name but basically it is twisting of the arteries, it was discovered in 06 after 1st attack, so 2 Stents were put in to correct issue, but I may need more.

Other than still smoking I heavily changed the way I eat, but the damage is pretty much done.

Could it been the stress of losing your mother and job that caused your heart attack? A lifestyle change would also help, because I know you are a larger person.

The docs said maybe.... but they also found my potassium level in my blood to be at ZERO which is strange because I eat at least 2 Banana's a day, not too mention I down 16-20oz of OJ a day as well. However, one of my medications may be the cause... it is a Blood pressure pill that also doubles as a diuretic and they think it caused the potassium depletion.

Glad to hear you're okay but since you checked yourself out early, take it easy man.

Have fun at the screening!

Well I have a follow up with Cardio doc on Monday... so we will see what he has to say. Screening was last night (Friday) I also found out we won an award... so that made me happy.

23-Oct-2010, 03:02 PM
The docs said maybe.... but they also found my potassium level in my blood to be at ZERO which is strange because I eat at least 2 Banana's a day, not too mention I down 16-20oz of OJ a day as well. However, one of my medications may be the cause... it is a Blood pressure pill that also doubles as a diuretic and they think it caused the potassium depletion.

You should talk to your doctor about an alternate BP medication such as lisinopril, which actually cause your system to store excess Potassium.

23-Oct-2010, 03:03 PM
So sorry to hear about your ongoing issues Deej. :(

Try to pace yourself& take care of yourself. I learned from my Dad's example. He woke up on a Sunday morning not feeling well. Went to church, came home, took a nap, went & ministered at the nursing home, etc, before admitting there might be a problem & going to the ER. Turns out he'd been having a stroke all day. If he'd went right away, they believe they could have helped him. Instead he ended up disabled w/ paralysis of the left arm & leg. The lesson I learned there is not to be stubborn about your health. Get stuff checked out ASAP if you think you have an issue & listen to the Doc's & do what they tell you.

23-Oct-2010, 03:13 PM
Holy shit DJ, that's some month your having.

BTW, eat more banannas. 2 just ain't enough. But, I love 'em!

Gotta watch the old ticker lad and get off the smokes as soon as you can, they'll fucking destroy you.

23-Oct-2010, 03:35 PM
You have my empathy,
I know what it's like to have your body turn on you at the same time life is going to hell around you. Won't presume to say I know how YOU feel, but I know what those things are like, and I wish this kind of Hell on no one. All I can say is what the others have said, be hyper-vigilant about controlling what aspects of your health you can, conserve your strength for unexpected sucker-punches by life, and make sure the people who give a genuine damn about you know how much they mean to you, for there's no telling when life will take them away.

Sorry, know it's no help, but all I can offer aside from my goodwill.

23-Oct-2010, 03:53 PM
damn, DJ. that's terrible man. sounds more like life busted you up with a 4-hit combo rather than a 1-2 punch.

hopefully your cardiologist can give you an idea about what's up and what can be done about it. like axlish said, look into getting your meds changed.

really sorry to hear about all that man. hope things start improving for you. hang in there, bud.

23-Oct-2010, 04:16 PM
Wow... I don't quite know what to say... good luck with the future, I suppose... man, that is just a crap-filled situation there... Yeah, good luck, and best wishes... Don't worry, though. I'm sure that from here on things can only get better!

24-Oct-2010, 01:53 PM
Yeah... it has been a freaky month, but I am not letting it keep me down I will get this handled... I don't give up that easy.

25-Oct-2010, 02:37 PM
Just tuned in.


Deej, buddy,

I'm just gonna repeat what everybody else is saying - take care of yourself.

You're one of the good ones, this tired old world needs as many of those as it can get.

Here, have a pic of a hot redhead:


25-Oct-2010, 02:46 PM
DJ, relieved to hear you're okay for now, just keep that chin up and do whatever needs doing. You're too young to just shrug your shoulders and wait for a predisposition like this to get worse; you have your whole life ahead of you.

Think of all the posts you still have to mock Land in. Feel better and do whatever needs doing to get healthier

25-Oct-2010, 06:52 PM
Here, have a pic of a hot redhead:


Good lord Billy, that's a gift for us all! Way to distract us from Deej's problems! :thumbsup: :lol:

26-Oct-2010, 01:36 AM
Well I had something nice and upper lip stiffening to say. . . .but then I saw Billy's Redhead. . . . . . .mmmm. . . . So instead I will mumble incoherant but encouraging things. .. . . mhhhmmluck grhhhmmmlife mmrrhhhlemonade drrrhhhmmmmmpanties. . . .. .

26-Oct-2010, 09:17 AM
Well as you know my mom passed away on October 12... well On October 21st I ended up losing my job of the last 6 years... then get home... black out not once, but twice, falling into a full size mirror requiring 22 stitches in my left arm... then after getting an ambulance ride to the hospital... I find out my black out was caused by a Heart Attack... my 2nd in 4 years.

When I thought things couldn't get worse WHAMMO, but then.... I found out Deadlands 2 has won another major award at the 2010 RIFE film fest in Washington, DC... so at least things are looking up.

Funny thing, well not funny, but to me and some others is, I should be in the hospital, but I checked myself out because A. I had two animals, dog and cat, to take care of, and I made a promise to be at the fest for the screening on Friday night... the doc tried talking me out of it, but I said no go... I made a promise to be there and I don't break promises unless it is something truly beyond my control... and since I more or less recovered from the heart attack within 6 hours of having it... I felt good enough to sign myself out and head home.

Mucho thanks to Lou for driving 60 miles out to Rockville to pick me up from the ER. :D :lol:Sorry to hear about what is going down with you, brother - and I hope you will forgive the latness but I just saw this post - hope everything is going solid for you right now.

If it's any consolation, I too was prescribed Lisonopril, but don't like it because it makes me cough!

26-Oct-2010, 10:05 AM
Damn dude, the punches come in three don't they?

Well I'm glad you're keeping a positive outlook despite it all and forging ahead. I hope you get yourself healthy and working again soon.

Who's the red head in the picture, Billy?

*edit* Ah it's Karen "Doctor Who" Gilan.

26-Oct-2010, 08:21 PM
Mucho thanks to Lou for driving 60 miles out to Rockville to pick me up from the ER. :D :lol:

Not a problem, dude - that's what friends are for. ;)

Second attack in four years? Damn dude....you may wanna consider a change in lifestyle...

I tried to tell him more bacon would be the way to go, but he just laughed at me. :lol: :lol:

26-Oct-2010, 08:40 PM
Still say you gotta watch out for your health,
Just be careful. Don't wanna crash again while accepting your award.

27-Oct-2010, 08:37 AM
Jesus! Only just spotted this thread! Not so much as a "1-2 punch" as a "2-3 punch with a round house kick too"...

I'm sure you're doing it, but get your self checked out and look after yourself!!

27-Oct-2010, 01:14 PM
He needs a psych evaluation more than anything, but a checkup at the general doctor would probably be a good idea too. :shifty:

:lol: :lol:

27-Oct-2010, 02:48 PM
Thanks guys... the doctor is checking everything but yes I know I have to take better care of myself. Right now I am just spending my days on Monster job hunting. And yes, Lou is right I need a psych eval.. :D

27-Oct-2010, 03:04 PM
And yes, Lou is right I need a psych eval.. :D

and more BACON! :lol:

27-Oct-2010, 03:41 PM
Vegetarian bacon.

27-Oct-2010, 06:28 PM
Vegetarian bacon.

They have Soy Bacon.

Heresy, I know, Lou, but it mostly does the trick.

Better than no bacon at all.

Or a fatal coronary.

27-Oct-2010, 06:53 PM
Vegetarian bacon.

Blasphemy! :lol:

They have Soy Bacon.

Blasphemy, part 2! :lol: :lol:

27-Oct-2010, 07:11 PM
if I eat Bacon, it will be the real thing or NOTHING!

Just got word about a Job lead... Have to go to Philadelphia on Monday

27-Oct-2010, 07:44 PM
if I eat Bacon, it will be the real thing or NOTHING!

*virtual high-bacon-five*

27-Oct-2010, 07:56 PM
Just got word about a Job lead... Have to go to Philadelphia on Monday

Good luck!

28-Oct-2010, 02:29 AM
I second the motion of Kaos!
That sounded kind of cool, I thought.
Hey, bacon boys! I like your style... :)

28-Oct-2010, 02:27 PM
May not have to go to Philly now... Got an offer in Baltimore, MD... details to follow.

28-Oct-2010, 03:08 PM
Is it at a bacon factory? If not, pass on that shit... :lol:

28-Oct-2010, 06:29 PM
Is it at a bacon factory? If not, pass on that shit... :lol:

If it was I would have had them call you... so I know you could die happy in a dream job. Quality Assurance Inspector of BACON! :D

BTW, your above post was #3000 I think.

28-Oct-2010, 06:32 PM
best wishes on the job hunt, dj. you could use some good news coming your way.

oh, and is this lou?

28-Oct-2010, 06:45 PM
If it was I would have had them call you... so I know you could die happy in a dream job. Quality Assurance Inspector of BACON! :D

BTW, your above post was #3000 I think.

DAMN RIGHT! "Lou Cipherr, reporting for BACON INSPECTION, SIR!" :lol:

Awesome! I hit the 3000 mark! Further proving I have no life! :lol:

oh, and is this lou?


Could be, but I'm a bit less annoying than Mr. Mac... well, at least some people might think so. :shifty: :D

28-Oct-2010, 07:44 PM
I feel sorry for the bacon company though... once lou gets done with quality taste testing there won't be any bacon left for any of us, although those who have money in pork bellies will go broke and be homeless.

28-Oct-2010, 07:50 PM
I feel sorry for the bacon company though... once lou gets done with quality taste testing there won't be any bacon left for any of us, although those who have money in pork bellies will go broke and be homeless.

Hey man, someone has to QC the bacon, might as well be me. :lol: :D

29-Oct-2010, 08:21 PM
Well i got the stitches out today... 2 days early. I am a fast healer. Kinda glad they are out They were starting to itch like a MOFO. My back and left elbow will have a nice sized scar, and thankfully chicks dig scars.

I have heard :shifty: bacon is the all powerful healing technique for scars.... Lou is this true?

29-Oct-2010, 08:55 PM
Blasphemy! :lol:

Blasphemy, part 2! :lol: :lol:

Carrot bacon.

29-Oct-2010, 11:21 PM
Zooks, missed this thread. So sorry to hear about your mother, DJ. I hope you recover fully from the heart attack and best wishes on the job search!

29-Oct-2010, 11:54 PM
if I eat Bacon, it will be the real thing or NOTHING!

Just got word about a Job lead... Have to go to Philadelphia on Monday

Damn straight Deej - If it didn't come from a pig, it ain't bacon. :D

Sorry to hear about all the stuff going down for you at the moment...the fact that you are here and still kicking against the pricks says a Hell of a lot about you as a person. You are like the JCVD of the boards! :cool:


Hope you are well on the road to full fitness soon. :)

03-Nov-2010, 10:39 PM
Thanks guys... Yeah i don't give up that easily. I will give up when I die. :D

.... from eating too much BACON!!!!

04-Nov-2010, 01:32 AM
Wowww DJ you have been through so much..sorry I just saw this thread!!
Sorry to hear about your mom!
My prayers are with you!!! I hope you things start turning around for you soonest!!!
Take care of yourself!!!

04-Nov-2010, 12:51 PM
I have heard :shifty: bacon is the all powerful healing technique for scars.... Lou is this true?

Damn right! Bacon heals all wounds, and even eliminates scars. Trust me on this.


Carrot bacon.

Blasphemy #3! We'll have no more of that! :fork:

Damn straight Deej - If it didn't come from a pig, it ain't bacon. :D

Legion is a wise man, adhere to his words of wisdom! :D

04-Nov-2010, 04:46 PM
You all forgot Turkey bacon.... :elol:

04-Nov-2010, 04:48 PM
You all forgot Turkey bacon.... :elol:

For a reason. :barf: :lol:

04-Nov-2010, 05:28 PM
For a reason. :barf: :lol:

What he said. :barf:

04-Nov-2010, 05:32 PM
I ate turkey bacon at a resturant not to long ago and wanted to upchuck the rest of the evening!! If I am gonna eat bacon I want REAL bacon.
BTW: had BLT's for supper last night!! yummo

04-Nov-2010, 05:55 PM
See, everyone? Bacon is at the center of everything! It's the center of our universe!


04-Nov-2010, 06:25 PM
See, everyone? Bacon is at the center of everything! It's the center of our universe!




04-Nov-2010, 07:02 PM
Penis bacon. Straight from the pig's dick.

Btw, I am eating bacon now. Hormel microwave ready bacon.

05-Nov-2010, 01:02 PM
You all forgot Turkey bacon.... :elol:

For a reason. :barf: :lol:

What he said. :barf:

I ate turkey bacon at a resturant not to long ago and wanted to upchuck the rest of the evening!! If I am gonna eat bacon I want REAL bacon.



05-Nov-2010, 01:08 PM
That's right, fuck turkey bacon! :p It shouldn't even be called "bacon" :lol:

Penis bacon. Straight from the pig's dick.

Dick Bacon? Isn't that Kevin Bacon's brother?! I think he was in Hollow Man 3... :lol: :lol: :shifty:

05-Nov-2010, 01:22 PM
Penis bacon. Straight from the pig's dick.

Dick Bacon? Isn't that Kevin Bacon's brother?! I think he was in Hollow Man 3... :lol: :lol: :shifty:


05-Nov-2010, 01:35 PM

Moon, is there anything you can't find a picture for?! :p

05-Nov-2010, 01:46 PM

Moon, is there anything you can't find a picture for?! :p


05-Nov-2010, 02:18 PM
I was going to fix some Bacon this morning but I opted for Honey Nut Cheerios instead.

05-Nov-2010, 02:26 PM
I was going to fix some Bacon this morning but I opted for Honey Nut Cheerios instead.


05-Nov-2010, 02:31 PM
I was going to fix some Bacon this morning but I opted for Honey Nut Cheerios instead.

They're supposedly good for that bum ticker of yours. :p

05-Nov-2010, 02:42 PM
I was going to fix some Bacon this morning but I opted for Honey Nut Cheerios instead.

LOSER! :lol: :lol: :lol:

06-Nov-2010, 12:22 AM
Hey, I had a BLT for lunch

06-Nov-2010, 12:35 AM
ok, well, you've partially redeemed yourself. :lol:

06-Nov-2010, 12:38 AM
Eww....lettuce and tomato? Should've just had a B Sandwhich. :lol:

BTW Lou, did you see that picture put up in the Green Lantern thread?

06-Nov-2010, 12:52 AM
Surprised it stayed down considering the gig I had for the day was a video shoot for an Autospy on a horse... yes you read that right, I filmed in all its HD glory they cutting apart a leg and hoof to further examine a fracture sustained by the animal which was an arabian, as well as a few other breeds.

Best part, other than the close up gore... is the vast array of Sound FX I will get from the audio from this shoot. including a box cutter being used to slice through tendon and muscle.

06-Nov-2010, 01:15 AM
Damn DJ, Call Mike Rowe,
Cuz thats DEFINITELY a Dirty Job.
Yum, yum.

06-Nov-2010, 01:27 AM
Eww....lettuce and tomato? Should've just had a B Sandwhich. :lol:


BTW Lou, did you see that picture put up in the Green Lantern thread?

You mean THIS?


It's good enough to repeat. :)

06-Nov-2010, 01:30 AM
What makes that B sandwich look even better is the choice of beverage. :lol:

06-Nov-2010, 01:36 AM
What makes that B sandwich look even better is the choice of beverage. :lol:

I almost used this one instead:



Poor DJ...the thread in regards to all of the struggles he's going through is turning into the Bacon Thread Pt2 :( :lol:

06-Nov-2010, 11:46 AM
Surprised it stayed down considering the gig I had for the day was a video shoot for an Autospy on a horse... yes you read that right, I filmed in all its HD glory they cutting apart a leg and hoof to further examine a fracture sustained by the animal which was an arabian, as well as a few other breeds.

Best part, other than the close up gore... is the vast array of Sound FX I will get from the audio from this shoot. including a box cutter being used to slice through tendon and muscle.

A horse autopsy video?! Now there's an odd gig to get, eh? Sounds interesting though. Must have been a real eye opener at the same time.

06-Nov-2010, 12:57 PM
A horse autopsy video?! Now there's an odd gig to get, eh? Sounds interesting though. Must have been a real eye opener at the same time.

yeah it was, but the money was nice... $3,000.00 for the shooting and editing. Plus when I got there and set up and started hearing the squishing and tearing of muscle and tendon... I started thinking SOUND FX... Bonus! :D

06-Nov-2010, 01:22 PM
Hey hey, not a bad little payday there for that.

I'd be okay with such a thing myself. :)

06-Nov-2010, 06:43 PM
Not a sickening as I thought it would be... The money made no difference to me.... Puke bucket was standing by in case I needed it. :D

09-Nov-2010, 08:22 AM
Here is something to brighten your day.

Bacon Soda (http://www.myjones.com/store/jones-bacon-soda-holiday-case.html)


Saw this and thought of you. :)

09-Nov-2010, 12:41 PM
You guys are sitting here discussing horse autopsies are completely missing the point here - Ryan Reynolds is going to be the new RED BACON!!! :lol: :lol:

09-Nov-2010, 02:57 PM
Here is something to brighten your day.

Bacon Soda (http://www.myjones.com/store/jones-bacon-soda-holiday-case.html)


Saw this and thought of you. :)

I was about to post this. Here's the article.


09-Nov-2010, 03:40 PM
You guys are sitting here discussing horse autopsies are completely missing the point here - Ryan Reynolds is going to be the new RED BACON!!! :lol: :lol:

I'd rather film another horse autopsy... I like Ryan, but I have ZERO interest in a green Latern/Red Bacon movie.

09-Nov-2010, 03:45 PM
I'd rather film another horse autopsy... I like Ryan, but I have ZERO interest in a green Latern/Red Bacon movie.

Why would you have very much interest at this point if you aren't a fan of the comics? There isn't even a trailer out yet...

09-Nov-2010, 03:50 PM
Why would you have very much interest at this point if you aren't a fan of the comics? There isn't even a trailer out yet...

What he said.

I'd rather film another horse autopsy... I like Ryan, but I have ZERO interest in a green Latern/Red Bacon movie.

BLASPHEMY! I can understand you not caring about Green Lantern, but to ostracize Red Bacon like that?

*screeches like a banshee* OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!


09-Nov-2010, 09:30 PM
What he said.

BLASPHEMY! I can understand you not caring about Green Lantern, but to ostracize Red Bacon like that?

*screeches like a banshee* OFF WITH HIS HEAD!!!!


You and what army are going to try and claim that trophy? :fin:

"I fart in your general direction" (use poor frech accent)

09-Nov-2010, 09:57 PM
"I fart in your general direction" (use poor frech accent)


A Holy Grail referrence?!? You just don't hear those enough.:sneaky:

That's a pet peeve of mine.:o

Seems like all anyone knows is Holy Grail. It's funny, but Python had MUCH better work between both Flying Circus and Life Of Brian(their best film). But somehow Brian always seems to be forgotten.

09-Nov-2010, 11:15 PM

A Holy Grail referrence?!? You just don't hear those enough.:sneaky:

That's a pet peeve of mine.:o

Seems like all anyone knows is Holy Grail. It's funny, but Python had MUCH better work between both Flying Circus and Life Of Brian(their best film). But somehow Brian always seems to be forgotten.

I have seen them all and Holy Grail, to me, is the funniest.

09-Nov-2010, 11:20 PM

A Holy Grail referrence?!? You just don't hear those enough.:sneaky:

That's a pet peeve of mine.:o

Seems like all anyone knows is Holy Grail. It's funny, but Python had MUCH better work between both Flying Circus and Life Of Brian(their best film). But somehow Brian always seems to be forgotten.

Eh...HG might be a little more...accessible? If that makes sense. That + the not-as-touchy-topic as religion.

Besides, could be worse. Could be doing quotes from 80's comedies about guys who fight ghosts or something...:fin: :lol:


I have seen them all and Holy Grail, to me, is the funniest.

Agreed. :)

10-Nov-2010, 08:25 AM
I have seen them all and Holy Grail, to me, is the funniest.

Meaning of life for me.

10-Nov-2010, 09:25 AM
Every time I watch Holy Grail, in the 1st 15 minutes alone I have to pause the film at least twice to catch my breath from laughing so goddamn hard.

10-Nov-2010, 10:22 AM
If you like bacon, you might wanna watch the new Cyanide & Happiness short, for there is one particular moment I think you'll enjoy. :D


10-Nov-2010, 12:06 PM
Besides, could be worse. Could be doing quotes from 80's comedies about guys who fight ghosts or something...:fin: :lol:


10-Nov-2010, 12:58 PM
You and what army are going to try and claim that trophy? :fin:

"I fart in your general direction" (use poor frech accent)

Army?! We don't need no stinkin' army!! :lol:


If you like bacon...

Never has there been such a hilarious phrase posted on HPotD.. :lol: :p

10-Nov-2010, 01:24 PM

*Pats Bassman on the back*

Ssssssssssshhhhhhhhhh, he didn't mean it.

*Gives Moon a cold stare*


10-Nov-2010, 02:11 PM


*Gives Moon a cold stare*

That's how I roll playa. Besides...



10-Nov-2010, 05:25 PM
Lou would Randy Marsh himself if he was here:


10-Nov-2010, 05:46 PM
So how many Bacon threads does this make?

>just askin'<

10-Nov-2010, 06:33 PM
It's every thread, BillyRay - because as I've said before, the entire universe revolves around bacon.. It's a fact.

I think.


10-Nov-2010, 06:50 PM
That Cyanide short was funny....

Are we still talking about Bacon in my life is kicking my ass thread?

10-Nov-2010, 06:54 PM
Are we still talking about Bacon in my life is kicking my ass thread?

Howzabout Life Kicking Your Bacon? :D

But seriously, how you doin?

10-Nov-2010, 07:38 PM
Lou would Randy Marsh himself if he was here:

or here:



Are we still talking about Bacon in my life is kicking my ass thread?

Oh, wait, this thread was about you?!? :lol:

10-Nov-2010, 07:39 PM
That Cyanide short was funny....

Are we still talking about Bacon in my life is kicking my ass thread?

Yup, just like you're talking MONDAY in my FRIDAY thread, bitch! :lol: :p :D

and FYI, I now refer to this website/forum as "Homepage of the Bacon" :p :D

10-Nov-2010, 08:33 PM
Yup, just like you're talking MONDAY in my FRIDAY thread, bitch! :lol: :p :D

and FYI, I now refer to this website/forum as "Homepage of the Bacon" :p :D

I call it my cool zombie hang out place, Homepage (To those familiar with me and the site, or Homepage of the Dead.